Recap of the GA Summer Camp (7/1/18)

Rubio Long Snapping traveled to GA on July 1st, 2018 for their summer camp. Rubio Long Snapping will be traveling around the country this spring with stops in CA, NC, GA, IL, SC (Top Gun Camp), CA (College, TOP 12, Underclassmen Invitational) and TX!

Long Snappers from AL, CA, DE, FL GA, IN, KY, MO, LA, MS, NJ, OH, SC & TN all traveled to this camp to get the best instruction and exposure in the world of Long Snapping. The camp was a great time had by all with an excellent group of Long Snappers and parents.

The champion of the camp was Zane McCracken (2020, GA). Zane is a very fluid and long time Rubio Long Snapper. Snaps with good power and got hot at the right time. This TOP 12 Camp invitee left no doubt he is one of the top Long Snappers in his class. Really impressed with his victory in GA.

The finals round matchups were Drew McCracken (34.67), William Wagner (34.21), Hayes Hammond (29.45), William Long (29.11), Jake Sayer (29.11) and JC Vega (26.67) You can see the full finals video below….



Quentin Skinner was a smooth as I have seen him and ripped the ball back to the punter. He is a massive human being that is as strong, yet still very athletic, as anyone in the country. The kid is a machine with his body, form and power. LSU got a great one.

Christian Johnstone looks like a college Long Snapper right now and he can snap like one as well. Ball is powerful, smooth and easy to catch. Excellent Long Snapper.

JC Vega won the speed competition, is a tremendous athlete and can pass an eyeball test a 1/4 mile away. Kid looks good and is just getting better and better by the second.

William Wagner is a big and strong Long Snapper that gets hot and can dominate his competition. Love the upside and attitude on Wagner.

Carson Knight was snapping bullets all day and can put a hole in the punter. Love when he is snapping with full confidence.

Justin Keijers had a great day, can pass an eyeball test quickly and snapped the ball with good power. Great upside.

Notables: Graham Finklea, Jack Harrison, Graham Leslie, Tyler Martin, CJ Otwell, Ben Hendrix, Michael Hunt, Ryan Cameron



Zane McCracken was great all day and ended up winning the whole camp. Handled pressure well in the finals and his point scoring snaps were beyond crisp and clean. Ball is strong and very tight.

Hayes Hammond had some of the fastest snaps in the entire camp. He was absolutely ripping the ball back to the punter and made it deep into the finals.

William Long has a nice frame and snaps a very smooth ball. Made it to the finals and shows excellent upside.

Cooper Frazier is a massive Long Snapper with good power. Love it when Cooper uses his whole body and just rips the ball back to the punter. Tons of potential.

Colby Cox has a good frame, smooth snapping motion and can already get the ball under .75 when he is on. Watch this kid.

Cody White is smooth, has tremendous form and can rip the ball back using every ounce of his body.

Jake Foggia is smooth and very consistent. Hard working Long Snapper that never stops improving.

Alex Applefield has excellent pop and his snapping form is excellent. Smooth Long Snapper that is very accurate.

Jake Sayer made it deep into the finals and will dominate once his spiral is locked down.

Bailey Parson has massive upside and snaps with great power. Keep an eye on Parsons.

Michael Wright was snapping a smooth ball all day long and showed good athleticism.

Notables: Cal Archdeacon, Josh Curray, Matt Drews, Peter Haynes, Jonathan Miller, Clay Perry



Jonathan Washburn was smooth and powerful all day with times in the mid .7s. Really long frame and he has room to put on some good weight over the next couple of years. Big fan of his attitude and upside.

Xander Echols is smooth and has great form. Uses all of his body well and never stops improving. Ball gets out of the gate very well.

Max Parker is a large Long Snapper with good power that is right on the cusp of greatness.

Carter Short showed great promise all day and can already get the ball back under .80

Notables: Carson Garrison, Jackson Knotts, Jake Putnam, Bridger Tomberlin

TOP 2022 and Beyond LONG SNAPPERS

Joe Miller looked great for his age. Ball is already pretty quick and his form is beyond his years. Love his attitude.

Drew Prieto is just heading into 8th grade and can already snap with outstanding form and pop!

Notables: Hayden Rigsby, Chip Olquist

Here are the RSI Scores from the GA Camp…..

Applefield, Alex 20 7.89
Archdeacon, Cal 20 3.3
Bader, Reece 19 6.32
Bozeman, Tanner 19 0
Butler, Brody 20 0
Cameron, Ryan 19 3.85
Charlton, Cooper 20 10.47
Comer, Daniel 19 9.78
Cousins, Anton 19 0
Cox, Colby 20 7.59
Curray, Josh 20 20.45
Drews, Matt 20 6.06
Echols, Xander 21 6.98
Finklea, Graham 19 3.57
Foggia, Jake 20 22.08
Frazier, Cooper 20 25.68
Garrison, Carson 21 3.95
Hahn, Caiden 19 0
Hammond, Hayes 20 29.49
Harrison, Jack 19 3.66
Haynes, Peter 20 0
Hendrix, Ron 19 3.8
Hunt, Michael 19 7.32
Johnstone, Christian 19 21.95
Keijers, Justin 19 10.39
Knight, Carson 19 21.92
Knotts, Jackson 21 16.85
Leslie, Graham 19 0
Long, William 20 29.11
Martin, Tyler 19 22.5
McCammon, Caid 20 19.35
McCracken, Zane 20 34.67
Miller, Joe 22 3.26
Miller, Johnathon 20 6.32
Oquist, Chip 22 3
Otwell, CJ 19 22.22
Parker, Max 21 0
Parsons, Bailey 20 11.84
Perry, Clay 20 17.24
Prieto, Drew 23 0
Putnam, Jake 21 6
Rigsby, Hayden 22 3.3
Sayer, Jake 20 29.11
Shimko, Joseph 19 0
Short, Carter 21 10.39
Skinner, Quentin 19 12.16
Spradley, Kaleb 19 13.48
Strayer, Jackson 21 3
Thompson, Kevin 19 0
Tomberlin, Bridger 21 0
Vega, JC 19 26.67
Wagner, William 19 34.21
Washburn, Jonathan 21 13.64
Whatley, Sims 21 0
White, Cody 20 11.11
Worthen, Jackson 20 0
Wright, Michael 20 3.66

Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.