TEN Years Later and TONS to be Thankful For….

I have never been a really big Thanksgiving fan, but for the tenth year in a row, and every year from this point on, this holiday will always remind me just how thankful I need to be. Here is why….

Anyone that has been with Rubio Long Snapping for over nine years knows about Damon Dale and his story. Damon is my 12 year old son who has had quite the journey in the past nine years. My wife, Jolie and I, are extra thankful during this time of the year because nine years ago we had to go through so much with the little guy.

I’ll recap for those that don’t know his story….

Ten years ago, Damon had not been feeling well, off and on, for a couple weeks. Jolie took Damon took to the doctor on the Monday of Thanksgiving week and found out he had jaundice. We were told it was not that uncommon and to just ride it out and come back the following Monday to see Damon’s doctor.

Like always, we went up to my in-laws for Thanksgiving. Damon is not 100% at all but we just figured it was the jaundice and he would be fine. Our local doctors didn’t seem to be nervous, so we weren’t either.

On the Saturday after Thanksgiving, my family was still up at my in-laws in Harrison, ID. To put it nicely, Damon acted and looked like crap. Everyone agreed, we needed to take Damon to the hospital. We hopped in the car, went to the nearest big urgent care (about an hour away from Harrison in Coeur d’Alene, ID.) and the doctor ran some tests then said, “Something is just not right with Damon. You guys need to go to Spokane, WA. to see their Children’s Hospital.” Jolie and I both began to get a little nervous here. I mean we are just in sweats and thought we were going to the urgent care to hear “He’s fine, get him some fluids, some aspirin and wait until Monday.” We were going just to be pre-cautious.

We arrived in Spokane, WA (about another 50 minutes away from Coeur d’Alene, ID.) and they had a room set up for us to stay the night. We both started to lose it a bit more as we had no idea we would have to stay the night. They ran more tests on Damon. It is now about 10:00 pm and Damon is done with the whole process. They told us the major doctor would be in on the AM shift and she would be able to tell us a lot more.

Jolie began to come unglued. I assured her that that is just them covering their butts, all will be fine and, if all hell really was breaking loose, they would send us to Seattle, WA. (everyone in the northwest knows, it is truly a CODE RED if they say you have to go to Seattle…the big city)

Well, the morning came, the doctor arrived and said something is really not right with Damon and we were going to be flown to Seattle Children’s Hospital in the next twenty minutes.

Time stopped. Jolie and I lose it. Damon loses it. He has no idea what the heck is happening, but he is just done with all the poking and prodding.

In the plane to Seattle Children's Hospital

In the plane to Seattle Children’s Hospital

I got on the plane with Damon, the pilot and two nurses. Jolie, not in the condition to go, gets on the next flight with the help of the staff in Spokane (they were awesome). I actually only beat her by like 30 minutes.

First of all, let me tell you, Seattle Children’s Hospital knows what they are doing. There is a reason they are one of the top children’s hospitals in the world. Anyway, they run MORE and MORE tests on Damon. Blood test after blood test. If I remember correctly, Damon was getting “poked” every two to three hours for tests (yes, all day long).

We get fully admitted and they sit us down to talk to us. They proceed to tell Jolie and I that Damon had Acute Liver Disease and explain all that is going to happen to him. They told us how he got it was a mystery, and it is was caused by a virus that anyone could have gotten as well. We would have to wait and see how his “numbers” progressed. Getting out of the hospital quickly is becoming a luxury we won’t be seeing in the near future.

After a couple of days, maybe four, (it gets blurry here since so much was happening) we have to meet with the MAIN, MAIN doctor for Seattle Children’s Hospital in a meeting room. He tells us that we won’t be leaving Seattle anytime soon, Damon’s liver is not getting better at all, he will need to have a liver transplant, he will be #1 on the list for said transplant and this will all begin to take place within the next four hours. Jolie and I absolutely lose it. I mean lose it. He left us with “We need to do one more blood test in four hours. If those numbers keep going down like they have been, it’s a go and the surgery is happening fast. Be ready.

Not wanting to grasp how severe the whole situation was and not being able to talk from crying so hard, I remember specifically looking at him and saying “Um, I can’t stay here even this weekend, I have a camp in NC and GA that I need to be at.” His response, “You aren’t going anywhere until March.” Time stopped. (First camps I missed but I can’t tell you how great my instructors were that stepped up for Rubio Long Snapping. Thank you again Jeff Abraham and Corey Adams).

The next four hours are a blur. We met with countless people that were beginning the process of telling us how Damon’s life would be different for the rest of his life. How our life would be different. Where we would need to stay for the next couple of months (FYI: If you don’t know about the Ronald McDonald House, you really need to check out this amazing organization and what they do).

Well, fours had passed and Damon gets “poked” again for the final test. The blood test comes back and Damon’s numbers didn’t move. They didn’t go up and they didn’t go down. The doctor and the entire staff were confused. He said, this isn’t necessarily good, but it isn’t bad either. We would need another blood test in another four hours.

Another four hours go by and the next test stayed the same again. And the next. And the next. Hope?

Our room where Damon, Jolie and I stayed for about two weeks.

Our room where Damon, Jolie and I stayed for about two weeks.

Then, a blood test came back with numbers that rose. Then, again, another blood test came back with better numbers. Then, again.

The staff (and I mean staff, they had about ten doctors alone working on Damon’s case since it was so unique for his age) didn’t want us to get anxious but you could even see they sensed something was happening.

They told us that we would have to stay in the hospital for at least another week to see how the numbers progressed but, very cautiously, said this was a good sign.

After two weeks of more tests and nonstop monitoring , we were allowed to leave the hospital but had to stay very close as tests needed to be done every couple of hours.

Then, on December 17th,  after countless days in a hotel, Damon had a doctor visit and they told us we were allowed to go home!

It was a MIRACLE. An absolute MIRACLE!

I re-tell this story since this is the time of the year when it all happened and I want everyone to know just how thankful Jolie and I are for Damon’s health and for all members of the Rubio Long Snapping family. That was a ROUGH month and I wish it on no one…ever. Seeing your child in the hospital is terrible. Absolutely terrible.

Bottom line….

  • Damon Dale is perfectly healthy now. The doctors call it a miracle. The doctors told me they call this type of cure a “OGK” (Only God Knows)
  • Damon was part of a study through Seattle Children’s Hospital since his care was so unique (the study actually concluded three years ago). For a child his age, to get liver disease that quickly absolutely baffled them. They simply don’t get how he got it or how it stopped. His liver went from killing itself to fixing itself within hours. 
  • We can’t thank our neighbors back in Lewiston, ID enough. I call them “The Triangle” since our houses form one. They are the best neighbors you can ever imagine. By the time we drove home (how did we get a car to Seattle? Oh, they drove one out to us….like I said, the best) we walked into our house and they had our Christmas tree up and our house decorated. We lost it again. They are the best.
  • I wrote a blog when this all happened explaining the situation and that I wouldn’t be at the NC and GA camps (I would link to the blog, but due to our old blog company, that blog got “lost”…yes, they have been fired) and on that blog, I wrote how Damon (cough, cough, I) would be updating everyone on his situation through his Twitter account (@DamonDaleRubio). The outpouring of love from everyone (we had random people stopping into see us that were friends of friends of friends) around the country was amazing for the little guy. I highly recommend going to his Twitter account, searching back to November and December, nine years back, and reading his account of what happened.

Please, remember this time of the year to be extra thankful for what you have and tell someone what they mean to you. Have a great Thanksgiving weekend….I know I will.

Damon's first walk in the hospital

Damon’s first walk in the hospital

Damon Hospital 4

Long Snappers at the GA Camp giving Damon a shout out.

Damon Hospital 3

Damon in the hospital

Damon Hospital 5

Damon in the hotel

Damon Hospital 6

Minutes after we found out we could go home!


Review of the CA Fall Camp (10/22/23)

Rubio Long Snapping’s 4th stop of the fall tour was in Southern California with a great camp overflowing with talent.

Next stop for Rubio Long Snapping is Dallas, TX on October 29th.

The HS finalists with the top RSIs were: Nehemiah Cha, Iker Sarabia, Jayden Fernandez, Stanley Avila, Jason Arredondo and Justin Roetman.

The overall champion was Jason Arredondo (NV, 2025).

As you know, at every Rubio Long Snapping camp, the Long Snappers are tested to receive an RSI score. This is the most accurate and fair way to test a Long Snapper. Here are the RSI Scores from the CA FALL Camp….

Anderson Chase 2025 3.03
Arredondo Jason 2025 40.00
Auzat Miles 2024
Avila Stanley 2025 41.38
Baldi Jack 2025 29.87
Banducci AJ 2024 21.43
Bandy Mark 2025 30.14
Bernard Wyatt 2023 30.26
Burt Cooper 2027 15.00
Cha Nehemiah 2024 53.95
Collins Maximus 2027
Cox Matthew 2025 23.86
Duenas Roman 2026
Fernandez Jayden 2025 45.45
Francis Tyler 2025 6.19
Goldberg Adin 2025 13.48
Gremel Cade 2027 9.00
Guerrero Noah 2025 6.25
Hamilton Liam 2024 18.75
Hanson Dylan 2026
Hawkins Konner 2026 30.14
Irwin Lincoln 2026 24.71
Keener Ridley 2026 6.74
King Hunter 2025 18.29
Knopp Jacob 2025 6.67
Lindenmayer Grady 2026 3.53
Lineberger Luke 2028 2.59
Lineberger Jake 2029
Maskrey Jack 2025 19.15
Mbagwu Ifeanyichukwu 2022 10.84
McClelland Mason 2025 6.45
McDougall David 2024 21.92
Meairs Jake 2026 10.26
Medrano David 2019 14.67
Muller Trevor 2026 2.48
Myers Chase 2026
Nolan Beckham 2027 12.90
Novikov Matthew 2024 17.86
Ortiz Dane 2026 19.57
Perdue Matthew 2025
Ploog Hudson 2027 12.82
Poff Jacob 2025 20.69
Quintana Gavin 2026 6.82
Rabizadeh Vincenzo 2025
Robbins Robbins 2024 34.72
Roetman Justin 2026 36.71
Rovegno Sawyer 2024 10.47
Sage Braydyn 2025 29.87
Sandoval Donovan 2025
Sarabia Iker 2025 45.88
Schirmer Matthew 2026 17.05
Shroyer Oliver 2026
Shupper Carter 2024 17.86
Sutton Kellan 2024 56.34
Thomas Colton 2025 9.78
Thomas Zachary 2026 3.37
Tingey Henry 2026 3.13
Willmer Titus 2026 3.03
Young Tyler 2025
Young Trey 2025 7.59
Felton Jacob 2025 3.19
Eggers Ayden 2025 33.00
Wright Gage 2025 6.98
Herrera Jacob 2024 3.30
Terry Xavier 2024 10.00


Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin, Sports Illustrated and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 17 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,700 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


Hotel Options for Rising Seniors and Underclassmen Invitational on July 15-16 in Los Angeles

As you know, the Rising Seniors Camp and Underclassmen Invitational are on July 15-16 at Village Christian School.

Invitations have started to go out and if you feel you should have received one but didn’t, simply email Rubio@RubioLongSnapping.com

For airports, here are your options…

  • Burbank is by far the closest, but could be more expensive since it is smaller.
  • LAX will be cheapest but it is about twenty miles away.
  • Orange County is about forty miles away
  • Ontario is about forty miles away

There are TONS of hotel options for you to choose from you…

Suggested Hotel Options

Hotel Burbank
150 E. Angeleno Ave.
Burbank, CA
*This hotel is in Downtown Burbank. It is .3 miles from the location where we will be holding our educational meeting on Saturday (July 15th) afternoon.  There are tons of eating and shopping options within walking distance.  There is also an AMC movie theatre within walking distance.

Safari Inn
1911 W. Olive Ave.
Burbank, CA 91506
It is 1.6 miles from the location we will be holding our educational meetings on Saturday (July 15th) afternoon.  There are some eating options within walking distance.

Coast Anabelle Hotel
2011 W. Olive Ave.
Burbank, CA 91506
It is 1.7 miles from the location we will be holding our educational meetings on Saturday (July 15th) afternoon.  There are some eating options within walking distance.

Hilton Garden Inn
401 S. San Fernando Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91502
*This hotel is in Downtown Burbank. It is .4 miles from the location where we will be holding our educational meeting on Saturday (July 15th) afternoon.  There are tons of eating and shopping options within walking distance.  There is also an AMC movie theatre within walking distance.

Residence Inn by Marriott
321 Ikea Way
Burbank, CA 91502
*This hotel is in Downtown Burbank. It is .4 miles from the location where we will be holding our educational meeting on Saturday (July 15th) afternoon.  There are tons of eating and shopping options within walking distance.  There is also an AMC movie theatre within walking distance.

Spring Hill Suites by Marriott
549 S. San Fernando Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91502
*This hotel is in Downtown Burbank. It is .5 miles from the location where we will be holding our educational meeting on Saturday (July 15th) afternoon.  There are tons of eating and shopping options within walking distance.  There is also an AMC movie theatre within walking distance.

Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin, Sports Illustrated and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 17 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


VEGAS XLII on May 6-7th (Snap Speeds)

Rubio Long Snapping’s final stop of the spring was the incredible VEGAS XLII Event on May 6-7th.

The finalists with the top 12 overall RSIs were: Bradford Leonard, Zach Zinger, Wyatt Rubinoff, Gunnar Yocum, Jacob Poff, Landon Molen, Luke Granzow, Hayden Ross, Darry Mayo, Grant Mills, Morrow Evans and Jack Florentine. The final RSI scores were a combo of Target scores, 4o’s, 5-10-5 Drill, L Drill, Speed with bonus points for being in the tops of each category.

The overall champion was Wyatt Rubinoff (GA, 2024).

Here are the snap times for each Long Snapper. Each Long Snapper was timed personally by Rubio.

Amorelli, Anthony 0.70
Anderson, Chase 1.10
Auzat , Miles 0.78
Avila, Stanley 0.86
Baker , Kellan 0.78
Baldi, Jack 0.82
Banducci, AJ 0.78
Beal , Landon 0.74
Belmarez , Robby 0.77
Benjamin, Ryan 0.83
Bernard , Wyatt 0.84
Boerum, Kenneth 1.27
Box , Marshall 0.84
Boylan, Nathan 0.71
Browne, Thomas 0.71
Burau, T. Max 0.95
Cha, Nehemiah 0.74
Christensen, Garrett 0.86
Chynoweth, Caleb 1.05
Cooper , William 0.85
Cox , Matthew 0.88
Crane , Ryker 0.92
Crane , Jace 0.81
Curry, Nick 0.69
Devens , Jack 0.82
Diepenbrock, Vance 0.79
Diepenbrock, Rylan
Dietz , Tate 0.76
Duenas , Roman 1.08
Eastlick, Jace 0.69
Engstrand , Jaxon 0.75
Evans , Gray 0.67
Evans , Morrow 0.64
Fernandez , Jayden 0.76
Florentine , Jack 0.64
Ford, Gamble 0.74
Gabriel, George 0.78
Gerena , Joshua 0.80
Gerena , Adam 0.82
Glasman, Easton 0.83
Granzow , Luke 0.70
Hagood , Luke 0.84
Hamilton, Liam 0.81
Harper , Daniel 0.85
Harris , Mason 0.80
Hawkins, Konner 0.82
Hay , Rio 0.79
Japour , Jack 0.84
Johnson, Josiah 0.89
Karby , Ryan 0.84
Keough, Dillon 0.81
Kline , Samuel 0.86
Krueger , Jonah 0.80
Kuhn, Nathan 0.99
Kurpis , Gavin
La Flair , Carlo 0.76
Landes, Bryce 0.74
Lawless, Seamus 0.75
Leonard, Bradford 0.74
Martinez , Jared 0.76
Massingill, Mace 0.83
Mayo, Darryl 0.57
McBride , Will 0.75
McEldowney, Braden 0.74
McGrath, Jack 0.74
Merchant , Griffin 0.99
Mills, Grant 0.69
Mohr , Jacob
Molen, Roman 0.93
Molen, Landon 0.67
Molen , Broden 0.70
Morris , Jaxon 0.94
Morse , Hayden
Myers, Dawson 0.77
Nollette, Kadyn 0.82
Norris, Alec 0.79
O’Reilly , Andrew 0.82
Owen , Carter 0.75
Peters, Logan 0.73
Poff, Jacob 0.76
Polcari, Quinn 0.83
Power, Rylan 0.86
Rambo, Ross 0.82
Randall, Michael 0.82
Ray , Jakob 0.81
Reed , Braden 0.77
Robbins, Ryan 0.72
Ross, Hayden 0.73
Rubinoff, Wyatt 0.71
Ryan , Hunter
Sage , Braydyn 0.72
Scherer, Jonathan 0.76
Sisso, Edden 0.81
Stewart , Chase 0.77
Sutton, John 0.92
Sutton, Kellan 0.69
Swigger, Jason 0.87
Trim, Tyson 0.83
Vance , Andrew 0.78
Waite , Briggs 0.73
Warlitner , Charles 0.73
Watanabe, Anderson 0.81
Weed , Carson 0.78
Weeks , Tyler 1.21
Weeks , Conor 0.78
Williams , Jay 0.72
Wilson, Drew 0.70
Woods , Jason 0.71
Yocum, Gunnar 0.65
Young , Trey 0.78
Zinger , Zachary 0.67

Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin, Sports Illustrated and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 17 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


VEGAS XLII on May 6-7th (40 Yard Dash)

Rubio Long Snapping’s final stop of the spring was the incredible VEGAS XLII Event on May 6-7th.

The finalists with the top 12 overall RSIs were: Bradford Leonard, Zach Zinger, Wyatt Rubinoff, Gunnar Yocum, Jacob Poff, Landon Molen, Luke Granzow, Hayden Ross, Darry Mayo, Grant Mills, Morrow Evans and Jack Florentine. The final RSI scores were a combo of Target scores, 4o’s, 5-10-5 Drill, L Drill, Speed with bonus points for being in the tops of each category.

The overall champion was Wyatt Rubinoff (GA, 2024).

Here are the 40 times for each Long Snapper.

Amorelli, Anthony 5.57
Anderson, Chase 6.10
Auzat , Miles 5.40
Avila, Stanley 5.50
Baker , Kellan 6.45
Baldi, Jack 5.36
Banducci, AJ 5.00
Beal , Landon 5.10
Belmarez , Robby 4.83
Benjamin, Ryan
Bernard , Wyatt 5.30
Boerum, Kenneth
Box , Marshall 4.90
Boylan, Nathan 5.53
Browne, Thomas 4.95
Burau, T. Max 5.70
Cha, Nehemiah 5.13
Christensen, Garrett 5.30
Chynoweth, Caleb
Cooper , William
Cox , Matthew
Crane , Ryker
Crane , Jace 5.23
Curry, Nick 5.10
Devens , Jack 5.75
Diepenbrock, Vance 5.60
Diepenbrock, Rylan
Dietz , Tate 5.10
Duenas , Roman 8.76
Eastlick, Jace 5.10
Engstrand , Jaxon 5.20
Evans , Gray 5.37
Evans , Morrow 5.10
Fernandez , Jayden 6.25
Florentine , Jack 4.87
Ford, Gamble 5.43
Gabriel, George 5.40
Gerena , Joshua 5.10
Gerena , Adam 5.40
Glasman, Easton 5.65
Granzow , Luke 5.10
Hagood , Luke
Hamilton, Liam 5.87
Harper , Daniel 5.65
Harris , Mason 5.10
Hawkins, Konner 5.40
Hay , Rio 5.10
Japour , Jack 5.00
Johnson, Josiah 5.00
Karby , Ryan 5.13
Keough, Dillon 5.20
Kline , Samuel 5.63
Krueger , Jonah 4.90
Kuhn, Nathan 5.95
Kurpis , Gavin
La Flair , Carlo 5.97
Landes, Bryce 5.13
Lawless, Seamus
Leonard, Bradford 5.40
Martinez , Jared 5.30
Massingill, Mace 5.60
Mayo, Darryl 7.47
McBride , Will 5.07
McEldowney, Braden 5.03
McGrath, Jack 4.97
Merchant , Griffin 5.80
Mills, Grant 5.33
Mohr , Jacob 5.10
Molen, Roman 6.10
Molen, Landon 5.15
Molen , Broden 5.00
Morris , Jaxon 5.17
Morse , Hayden 5.70
Myers, Dawson 5.27
Nollette, Kadyn 5.34
Norris, Alec 5.50
O’Reilly , Andrew 5.40
Owen , Carter 5.40
Peters, Logan 7.66
Poff, Jacob 5.00
Polcari, Quinn 5.40
Power, Rylan 5.20
Rambo, Ross 5.50
Randall, Michael 5.97
Ray , Jakob 5.13
Reed , Braden 5.27
Robbins, Ryan 5.10
Ross, Hayden 4.90
Rubinoff, Wyatt 5.83
Ryan , Hunter
Sage , Braydyn 5.87
Scherer, Jonathan 4.80
Sisso, Edden 5.13
Stewart , Chase 5.40
Sutton, John 6.87
Sutton, Kellan 5.40
Swigger, Jason 5.00
Trim, Tyson 5.00
Vance , Andrew 5.95
Waite , Briggs 5.30
Warlitner , Charles 5.60
Watanabe, Anderson 5.20
Weed , Carson 5.43
Weeks , Tyler 7.00
Weeks , Conor 5.75
Williams , Jay 5.03
Wilson, Drew 5.00
Woods , Jason 5.90
Yocum, Gunnar 5.03
Young , Trey 4.85
Zinger , Zachary 4.97

Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin, Sports Illustrated and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 17 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


VEGAS XLII on May 6-7th (Three Cone Drill)

Rubio Long Snapping’s final stop of the spring was the incredible VEGAS XLII Event on May 6-7th.

The finalists with the top 12 overall RSIs were: Bradford Leonard, Zach Zinger, Wyatt Rubinoff, Gunnar Yocum, Jacob Poff, Landon Molen, Luke Granzow, Hayden Ross, Darry Mayo, Grant Mills, Morrow Evans and Jack Florentine. The final RSI scores were a combo of Target scores, 4o’s, 5-10-5 Drill, L Drill, Speed with bonus points for being in the tops of each category.

The overall champion was Wyatt Rubinoff (GA, 2024).

Here are the Three Cone Drill times for each Long Snapper.

Amorelli, Anthony 8.64
Anderson, Chase 9.56
Auzat , Miles 7.98
Avila, Stanley 8.18
Baker , Kellan 8.56
Baldi, Jack 7.79
Banducci, AJ 7.12
Beal , Landon 7.91
Belmarez , Robby 7.84
Benjamin, Ryan 8.15
Bernard , Wyatt 7.96
Boerum, Kenneth 11.61
Box , Marshall 7.30
Boylan, Nathan 8.06
Browne, Thomas
Burau, T. Max 8.65
Cha, Nehemiah 7.97
Christensen, Garrett 7.18
Chynoweth, Caleb 8.24
Cooper , William 8.31
Cox , Matthew 7.87
Crane , Ryker 7.57
Crane , Jace 7.70
Curry, Nick 7.84
Devens , Jack 8.43
Diepenbrock, Vance 8.29
Diepenbrock, Rylan
Dietz , Tate 7.84
Duenas , Roman 8.76
Eastlick, Jace 7.51
Engstrand , Jaxon 5.03
Evans , Gray 8.38
Evans , Morrow 7.73
Fernandez , Jayden 8.63
Florentine , Jack 7.17
Ford, Gamble 8.00
Gabriel, George 8.31
Gerena , Joshua 7.77
Gerena , Adam 7.96
Glasman, Easton 8.52
Granzow , Luke 7.72
Hagood , Luke 9.54
Hamilton, Liam 8.64
Harper , Daniel 8.09
Harris , Mason 7.39
Hawkins, Konner 8.10
Hay , Rio 7.79
Japour , Jack 7.74
Johnson, Josiah 7.90
Karby , Ryan 7.65
Keough, Dillon 7.75
Kline , Samuel 8.02
Krueger , Jonah 7.28
Kuhn, Nathan 8.65
Kurpis , Gavin
La Flair , Carlo 8.35
Landes, Bryce 7.68
Lawless, Seamus 9.09
Leonard, Bradford 8.10
Martinez , Jared 7.92
Massingill, Mace 8.04
Mayo, Darryl
McBride , Will 8.23
McEldowney, Braden 7.25
McGrath, Jack 7.40
Merchant , Griffin 8.54
Mills, Grant 7.69
Mohr , Jacob 7.81
Molen, Roman 8.80
Molen, Landon 7.61
Molen , Broden 7.82
Morris , Jaxon 7.10
Morse , Hayden
Myers, Dawson 8.09
Nollette, Kadyn 7.86
Norris, Alec 8.35
O’Reilly , Andrew 8.12
Owen , Carter 8.04
Peters, Logan 5.47
Poff, Jacob 7.06
Polcari, Quinn 8.32
Power, Rylan 7.72
Rambo, Ross 8.53
Randall, Michael 8.47
Ray , Jakob 7.47
Reed , Braden 8.63
Robbins, Ryan 7.93
Ross, Hayden 7.64
Rubinoff, Wyatt 7.98
Ryan , Hunter
Sage , Braydyn
Scherer, Jonathan 7.26
Sisso, Edden 8.18
Stewart , Chase 7.90
Sutton, John 10.43
Sutton, Kellan 8.25
Swigger, Jason 8.00
Trim, Tyson 7.38
Vance , Andrew 8.80
Waite , Briggs 8.03
Warlitner , Charles 8.54
Watanabe, Anderson 7.68
Weed , Carson 7.37
Weeks , Tyler 9.48
Weeks , Conor 8.28
Williams , Jay 7.34
Wilson, Drew 7.24
Woods , Jason 8.03
Yocum, Gunnar 7.50
Young , Trey 7.96
Zinger , Zachary 7.73

Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin, Sports Illustrated and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 17 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


VEGAS XLII on May 6-7th (5-10-5 Dril)

Rubio Long Snapping’s final stop of the spring was the incredible VEGAS XLII Event on May 6-7th.

The finalists with the top 12 overall RSIs were: Bradford Leonard, Zach Zinger, Wyatt Rubinoff, Gunnar Yocum, Jacob Poff, Landon Molen, Luke Granzow, Hayden Ross, Darry Mayo, Grant Mills, Morrow Evans and Jack Florentine. The final RSI scores were a combo of Target scores, 4o’s, 5-10-5 Drill, L Drill, Speed with bonus points for being in the tops of each category.

The overall champion was Wyatt Rubinoff (GA, 2024).

Here are the 5-10-5 times for each Long Snapper.

Amorelli, Anthony 5.00
Anderson, Chase 5.85
Auzat , Miles 5.20
Avila, Stanley 4.91
Baker , Kellan 5.32
Baldi, Jack 4.68
Banducci, AJ 4.51
Beal , Landon 4.85
Belmarez , Robby 4.63
Benjamin, Ryan 5.19
Bernard , Wyatt 4.91
Boerum, Kenneth 6.98
Box , Marshall 4.41
Boylan, Nathan 4.93
Browne, Thomas
Burau, T. Max 5.16
Cha, Nehemiah 4.59
Christensen, Garrett 4.81
Chynoweth, Caleb 5.74
Cooper , William 5.05
Cox , Matthew 5.07
Crane , Ryker 5.05
Crane , Jace 4.95
Curry, Nick 4.87
Devens , Jack 4.98
Diepenbrock, Vance 5.00
Diepenbrock, Rylan
Dietz , Tate 4.91
Duenas , Roman 5.43
Eastlick, Jace 4.61
Engstrand , Jaxon 4.64
Evans , Gray 5.11
Evans , Morrow 3.24
Fernandez , Jayden 5.44
Florentine , Jack 4.44
Ford, Gamble 4.83
Gabriel, George 5.03
Gerena , Joshua 4.51
Gerena , Adam 4.92
Glasman, Easton 5.12
Granzow , Luke 4.84
Hagood , Luke 5.75
Hamilton, Liam 5.64
Harper , Daniel 4.95
Harris , Mason 5.10
Hawkins, Konner 4.93
Hay , Rio 4.74
Japour , Jack 4.98
Johnson, Josiah 5.15
Karby , Ryan 4.65
Keough, Dillon 4.79
Kline , Samuel 4.98
Krueger , Jonah 4.48
Kuhn, Nathan 5.15
Kurpis , Gavin
La Flair , Carlo 4.83
Landes, Bryce 4.62
Lawless, Seamus 5.55
Leonard, Bradford 4.93
Martinez , Jared 5.05
Massingill, Mace 4.99
Mayo, Darryl 4.47
McBride , Will 4.99
McEldowney, Braden 4.64
McGrath, Jack 4.56
Merchant , Griffin 5.37
Mills, Grant 4.82
Mohr , Jacob 4.77
Molen, Roman 5.35
Molen, Landon 5.00
Molen , Broden 4.88
Morris , Jaxon 4.86
Morse , Hayden
Myers, Dawson 4.99
Nollette, Kadyn 4.75
Norris, Alec 5.35
O’Reilly , Andrew 5.02
Owen , Carter 5.02
Peters, Logan 5.07
Poff, Jacob 4.55
Polcari, Quinn 5.49
Power, Rylan 4.71
Rambo, Ross 5.38
Randall, Michael 4.99
Ray , Jakob 4.68
Reed , Braden 5.28
Robbins, Ryan 5.02
Ross, Hayden 4.88
Rubinoff, Wyatt 4.93
Ryan , Hunter
Sage , Braydyn 5.24
Scherer, Jonathan 4.59
Sisso, Edden 4.67
Stewart , Chase 5.00
Sutton, John 6.59
Sutton, Kellan 5.07
Swigger, Jason 5.02
Trim, Tyson 4.66
Vance , Andrew 5.68
Waite , Briggs 5.19
Warlitner , Charles 5.03
Watanabe, Anderson 4.90
Weed , Carson 4.56
Weeks , Tyler 5.99
Weeks , Conor 5.13
Williams , Jay 4.76
Wilson, Drew 4.69
Woods , Jason 4.91
Yocum, Gunnar 4.75
Young , Trey 4.87
Zinger , Zachary 4.53

Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin, Sports Illustrated and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 17 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


VEGAS XLII on May 6-7th (RSI Scores)

Rubio Long Snapping’s final stop of the spring was the incredible VEGAS XLII Event on May 6-7th.

The finalists with the top 12 overall RSIs were: Bradford Leonard, Zach Zinger, Wyatt Rubinoff, Gunnar Yocum, Jacob Poff, Landon Molen, Luke Granzow, Hayden Ross, Darry Mayo, Grant Mills, Morrow Evans and Jack Florentine. The final RSI scores were a combo of Target scores, 4o’s, 5-10-5 Drill, L Drill, Speed with bonus points for being in the tops of each category.

The overall champion was Wyatt Rubinoff (GA, 2024).

As you know, at every Rubio Long Snapping camp, the Long Snappers are tested to receive an RSI score. This is the most accurate and fair way to test a Long Snapper. Here are the RSI Scores from the VEGAS XLII on May 6-7th.….

Amorelli, Anthony 34.45
Anderson, Chase 2.73
Auzat , Miles 10.31
Avila, Stanley 11.66
Baker , Kellan 11.50
Baldi, Jack 9.73
Banducci, AJ 34.85
Beal , Landon 20.18
Belmarez , Robby 23.29
Benjamin, Ryan 24.14
Bernard , Wyatt 23.95
Boerum, Kenneth 1.57
Box , Marshall 32.67
Boylan, Nathan 25.47
Browne, Thomas 12.68
Burau, T. Max 9.52
Cha, Nehemiah 32.32
Christensen, Garrett 20.33
Chynoweth, Caleb 1.90
Cooper , William 8.22
Cox , Matthew 4.57
Crane , Ryker 11.92
Crane , Jace 16.05
Curry, Nick 20.24
Devens , Jack 15.89
Diepenbrock, Vance 6.36
Diepenbrock, Rylan 0.00
Dietz , Tate 26.20
Duenas , Roman 7.39
Eastlick, Jace 28.99
Engstrand , Jaxon 27.45
Evans , Gray 28.44
Evans , Morrow 53.48
Fernandez , Jayden 27.63
Florentine , Jack 82.75
Ford, Gamble 29.73
Gabriel, George 19.23
Gerena , Joshua 17.46
Gerena , Adam 13.38
Glasman, Easton 10.82
Granzow , Luke 44.39
Hagood , Luke 14.25
Hamilton, Liam 19.75
Harper , Daniel 10.63
Harris , Mason 18.84
Hawkins, Konner 20.63
Hay , Rio 17.68
Japour , Jack 19.75
Johnson, Josiah 17.54
Karby , Ryan 16.73
Keough, Dillon 19.75
Kline , Samuel 13.95
Krueger , Jonah 20.52
Kuhn, Nathan 2.03
Kurpis , Gavin 0.00
La Flair , Carlo 18.34
Landes, Bryce 20.18
Lawless, Seamus 18.57
Leonard, Bradford 36.73
Martinez , Jared 23.63
Massingill, Mace 19.32
Mayo, Darryl 49.48
McBride , Will 21.33
McEldowney, Braden 23.62
McGrath, Jack 27.22
Merchant , Griffin 5.06
Mills, Grant 52.36
Mohr , Jacob 0.00
Molen, Roman 12.90
Molen, Landon 43.12
Molen , Broden 29.57
Morris , Jaxon 14.45
Morse , Hayden 0.00
Myers, Dawson 19.61
Nollette, Kadyn 23.22
Norris, Alec 18.95
O’Reilly , Andrew 15.82
Owen , Carter 17.43
Peters, Logan 18.57
Poff, Jacob 43.01
Polcari, Quinn 9.66
Power, Rylan 11.58
Rambo, Ross 24.39
Randall, Michael 12.20
Ray , Jakob 16.02
Reed , Braden 16.81
Robbins, Ryan 15.38
Ross, Hayden 46.53
Rubinoff, Wyatt 39.72
Ryan , Hunter 0.00
Sage , Braydyn 29.30
Scherer, Jonathan 25.41
Sisso, Edden 11.15
Stewart , Chase 24.68
Sutton, John 6.52
Sutton, Kellan 34.68
Swigger, Jason 16.79
Trim, Tyson 17.41
Vance , Andrew 14.10
Waite , Briggs 17.91
Warlitner , Charles 13.75
Watanabe, Anderson 9.84
Weed , Carson 21.43
Weeks , Tyler 3.30
Weeks , Conor 20.65
Williams , Jay 33.15
Wilson, Drew 24.57
Woods , Jason 21.19
Yocum, Gunnar 40.00
Young , Trey 17.86
Zinger , Zachary 37.13

Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin, Sports Illustrated and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 17 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


Virtual Online Rankings

After countless requests, Rubio Long Snapping will be now be offering virtual rankings. Due to the lockdowns, camps and travel have been limited, so this will provide the perfect opportunity for any Long Snapper (you do not have to have attended a Rubio Long Snapping Camp) to get ranked from their own home.

Each time a Long Snapper completes a virtual ranking, they will be ranked (you can get ranked virtually once or fifteen times, it all depends on how many times you register for this service).  If a Long Snapper is being reranked, their ranking will either stay the same or improve. A Long Snapper’s star ranking will NEVER go down. For example, if a Long Snapper is a 4 Star, he/she will never drop to a 3.5 Star. On that note, a Long Snapper can be jumped by another Long Snapper in the rankings. As more Long Snappers take advantage of this new virtual ranking option, the more difficult it will be to maintain your ranking.


Here is how it will work:

  • First off, NEVER cut the tape…..EVER.
  • You will provide Rubio Long Snapping with two video links on your own time. You want to do it asap or in ten weeks, that is on you.
  • The first will be strictly Long Snapping, and the second will be athleticism.
  • You will upload your video to YouTube and send me the links. If you are “tech-y” enough to combine the Long Snapping Section and the Athleticism Section videos, that is beyond acceptable. Yes, I know there will be a cut in the video, but it will be the only one.
  • At the very beginning of the video, you will need to introduce yourself by saying the following “Your Name, State, Grad Year, Height, Weight, GPA.” Speak loud and be clear. Do NOT cut the tape if you mess up.
  • Right after your intro, please have whomever is assisting in your video get a tape measure out and measure you from the ground to the top of your head. Make sure the person is a good distance from you to see all of you when you are speaking and then zooms into the tape measure to see the numbers. After this is complete, you will go immediately into Snapping.
  • The video link can be private or public, that is completely up to you.
  • All videos will be uncut and unedited. All video needs to be continuous. Take your time, do not rush, and do NOT stop the video! If it takes some time to get the Long Snapper back and rested, that is perfectly fine. Take your time, do not rush and do NOT stop the film.
  • Do NOT worry about the length of the video. If there is down time on the video, I can simply fast-forward it.
  • These videos can be shot simply with a smartphone and, if you have one, I would highly recommend a tripod so the footage is not unstable.

PART #1 – Long Snapping Section
*You need to be on a lined football field.

SHORT SNAPS (15 Total Snaps):

    1. The person catching the ball (the holder) will need to be seated exactly 7 ½ yards from the ball. The holder will spread their legs out, lift their knees, place their elbows inside their knees and reach out to where the ball will be snapped. This will ensure the holder can’t reach out for the ball and will allow the ball to come to them. This also allows me to be able to see the position of the laces.
    2. The Long Snapper will snap eight consecutive balls. Please position the camera angle to show 8 yards from the front (4 from the left “A gap” and 4 from the right “A gap”). Take your time, do not rush, and do NOT stop the video.

      3. The Long Snapper will snap seven consecutive balls. Please position the camera angle directly above the holder’s head so that I can see the trajectory of the ball and see the laces when the ball hits the holder’s hands. Please make sure the Long Snapper is in the frame as well. Take your time, do not rush and do NOT stop the film.

PUNTS (26 total snaps):

  1. The Long Snapper will snap ten consecutive balls for 15 yards. For this, the holder will back up to the punter’s position (15 yards from the Long Snapper). The holder will put their heels on the yard line that is 15 yards from the Long Snapper. Please position the camera angle from the front and a bit off the one side or the other. The sun should be BEHIND the camera in order to avoid glare. Basically, THIS is the angle I would like to see for the Long Snapper. Take your time, do not rush and do NOT stop the film.
  2. After the original ten snaps, the Long Snapper will then snap three balls at 15 yards and block left, then snap three balls at 15 yards and block right.
  3. When the Long Snapper is blocking, I would like the camera angle to be from the opposite side of his/her block so that I can see the ball hit the punter AND see the block. (i.e. if you’re blocking right, have the camera on the left.  If you’re blocking left, have the camera on the right.) Remember, do NOT stop the film. If it takes some time to get the ball back, that is perfectly fine. Take your time, do not rush and do NOT stop the film.


  1. The Long Snapper will snap a total of ten balls. The first eight snaps will be snapping to the punter/holder from 15 yards (remember, heels of the holder should be on the 15 yard marker). For the first 8 snaps, the Long Snapper will snap and release as quickly as possible. The release only needs to be approximately five yards. The camera can be on the either side in the front as long as the sun is behind the camera, and I can see the snap, the ball, the holder, and the release. The camera person will have to back up a bit in order to cover the full area. Moving the camera with the Long Snapper is fine AS LONG AS I can see the ball hitting the holder as well. Bottom line, I don’t want to see the Long Snapper releasing without actually seeing the snap. I need to see both. Remember, do NOT stop the film. If it takes some time to get the ball back, that is perfectly fine. Take your time, do not rush and do NOT stop the film.
  2. The last two snaps will be full 15 yard snaps and then a full release of 40 yards. The camera should be in front of the Long Snapper on the same angle as above with the sun behind the camera. The camera should back up slightly to see the Long Snapper, the flight of the ball, the holder, and then follow the Long Snapper (just turn the camera, no need to run after them) all the way through the 40 yard marker. Remember, do NOT stop the film. If it takes some time to get the Long Snapper back, that is perfectly fine. Take your time, do not rush and do NOT stop the film.

PART #3 Athleticism Section
*You need to be on a lined football field.

The Long Snapper will have to be on a football field so that I can see the actual yardage. Once the camera starts, do NOT stop it for any reason. Do NOT worry about the length of the video. If there is down time on the video, I can simply fast-forward it.

  1. The first part of the athleticism section will have the Long Snapper run three consecutive 40 yard sprints. The camera will have to be to the left or to the right of the Long Snapper. The camera will have to be far enough away that I can see the full length of the 40 yard sprint without moving the camera. The camera should be at the 20 yard marker but off to the side. For example, imagine the Long Snapper running down the middle of the field while the camera is on the sideline or even in the bleachers. Remember, do NOT stop the film. If it takes some time to get the Long Snapper back and rested, that is perfectly fine. Take your time, do not rush and do NOT stop the film.
  2. The second part of the athleticism section will consist of the Long Snapper doing a defensive back drill called the Speed Turn Drill.  The Long Snapper will have to do it three times to the left and three times to the right. The camera should be directly in front of the Long Snapper about two yards in front of them. The sun should be behind the camera person. Remember, do NOT stop the film. If it takes some time to get the Long Snapper back and rested, that is perfectly fine. Take your time, do not rush and do NOT stop the film.
  3. The final part of the athleticism section will consist the NFL L Drill. The Long Snapper will have to do it three times. The camera should be towards the start of the drill so that I can see the beginning and the end from the same angle. Please keep the sun behind the camera. Remember, do NOT stop the film. If it takes some time to get the Long Snapper back and rested, that is perfectly fine. Take your time, do not rush and do NOT stop the film.


You will upload this film to YouTube and send me the link. If you are “tech-y” enough to combine the Long Snapping Section and the Athleticism Section videos, that is beyond acceptable. Yes, I know there will be a cut in the video, but it will be the only one.  The video link can be private or public, that is completely up to you. 


*Please note: this service may or may not be continued once the lockdowns are lifted….
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Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 14 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


Recap of the AZ Fall Camp (12/9/18)

Cole McCutcheon

Rubio Long Snapping traveled to AZ on December 9th, 2018 for their fall camp. Rubio Long Snapping will be traveling around the country this fall with stops in NC, NJ, WA, CA, TX, GA, AZ, IL with everything leading into the biggest and best Long Snapping event in the world, VEGAS XXXIII in January!

Long Snappers from CA, MT & AZ all traveled to this camp to get the best instruction and exposure in the world of Long Snapping. The camp was a great time had by all with an excellent group of Long Snappers and parents.

Ethan Hudak

To see all of the YouTube videos from the Arizona Camp, please go HERE

The champion of the camp was Cole McCutcheon! Cole was on fire all day and has proven to be one of the most accurate and consistent Long Snappers in his class. Just a couple of weeks ago, Cole made it to the finals in WA and darn near won that one as well! Keep an on Cole at VEGAS XXXIII. The speed champion was Ethan Hudak with consistent times well under .75. He has the size and power to play in college right now!

The finals round matchups were Cole McCutcheon, Patrick Grimes, Ethan Hudak, Beau Gardner, Joe Wiysel and Ethan King




As you know, at every Rubio Long Snapping camp, the Long Snappers are tested to receive an RSI score. This is the most accurate and fair way to test a Long Snapper. Here are the RSI Scores from the AZ Camp…..

Borak, James 20 16.13
Duggan, Dominic 20
Gardner, Beau 20 33.78
Grimes, Patrick 18 37.66
Hedberg, Nathan 19 23.60
Hogan, Peyton 20 3.90
Hudak, Ethan 19 35.71
King, Ethan 20 23.86
Louis, Stephen 21
MacGregor, Logan 20 7.69
McCutcheon, Cole 20 48.72
Naughton, Trey 22 9.89
Sands, Grant 21 18.07
Singleton, Tate 21 10.23
Wigglesworth, Tyler 22 13.92
Wiysel, Joseph 19 29.63

Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 14 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


Recap of the Midwest Fall Camp (12/9/18)

Rubio Long Snapping traveled to the Midwest on December 9th, 2018 for their fall camp. Rubio Long Snapping will be traveling around the country this fall with stops in NC, NJ, WA, CA, TX, GA, AZ, IL with everything leading into the biggest and best Long Snapping event in the world, VEGAS XXXIII in January!

Zach Scheffler, Rubio and Thomas Petersen

Long Snappers from OH, LA, IA, MO, CA, IN, KY, WI, NC all traveled to this camp to get the best instruction and exposure in the world of Long Snapping. The camp was a great time had by all with an excellent group of Long Snappers and parents.

The champion of the camp was Zach Scheffler! Zach got hot at the right time and rode the heat into the champions circle. Strong bodied Long Snapper with good power and solid starting form. Handles pressure well and was very accurate all day long!

The overall speed champion was Thomas Petersen. He is a large Long Snapper with great power that was absolutely ripping the ball back to the punter. Snaps were consistently sub .75 and all in the Rubio Zone. Large enough player to play two spots in college!

To see all of the YouTube videos from the Midwest Camp, please go HERE

The finals round matchups were Zach Scheffler, Andrew Gorman, Byron Floyd, Caden Bolz, WIll Halkyard, and Ben Wheless.  You can see the full finals video below….





As you know, at every Rubio Long Snapping camp, the Long Snappers are tested to receive an RSI score. This is the most accurate and fair way to test a Long Snapper. Here are the RSI Scores from the Midwest Camp…..

Akers, Kyle 21  18.07
Anderson, Jacob 21  21.18
Bader, Reece 19  21.95
Bastuga, Mick 20  14.29
Beattie, Brendan 19  34.21
Bennett, Alex 22    6.25
Bergeron, John 20    3.30
Bergfeld, Ben 21        –
Bolach, Spencer 20  16.13
Bolz, Caden 19    38.36
Cramer, Payton 20  21.92
Cronin, Michael 19    3.70
Davidson, Toby 20  10.59
Del Alcazar, Tony 22        –
Donati, Brock 21        –
Duff, Jonathan 20        –
Felt, Bryce 20  29.73
Finke, Kenny 21    9.68
Florentine, Michael 21  14.29
Floyd, Byron 20    38.36
Gaines, Cameron 22    7.32
George, Brad 19  33.78
Gorman, Andrew 20    40.51
Halkyard, Will 20    35.71
Hall, Aidan 19  12.00
Hatfield, Isaac 21        –
Hayse, Isaiah 21  21.52
Hosford, Luke 19  18.42
Imrem, Kuper 19  21.92
Johnson, Kye 20  14.10
Kerns, Brennen 21  14.29
Kuczynski, Brett 21  17.86
Lantz, Kyle 19    6.25
Lapean, Connor 22    9.68
Larson, Alistair 22    3.45
Magee, Brigss 22        –
Marx, Jackson 21        –
Mayer, Jackson 25        –
Mcguire, Tim 20        –
Michos, Niko 23        –
Mueller, Jaden 20  21.52
Mutchler, Jakob 20  12.63
O’Brien, Triston 21        –
O’Connor, Kyle 20  10.59
O’Keefe, Tom 20    9.89
Perry, Clay 20  18.52
Peterson, Thomas 19        –
Porter, Christian 20    6.59
Pratt, Ben 21    3.30
Richards, Brandon 20  10.71
Saar, Kevin 20        –
Scheffler, Zachary 20    41.25
Schmelter, Jackson 21    7.06
Sink, KC 21    3.26
Smith, Jesse 20  21.79
Stein, Elijah 22    3.37
Swartout, Griffin 21        –
Tarr, Gregory 20  21.79
Vaccarella, Kyle 21  15.00
Walker, Nick 21  17.72
Webb, Hank 20  13.64
Wheless, Ben 21    34.88
Wiesbrook, Samuel 19  26.39

Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 14 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


Recap of the GA Fall Camp (12/2/18)

Rubio Long Snapping traveled to GA on December 2nd, 2018 for their fall camp. Rubio Long Snapping will be traveling around the country this fall with stops in NC, NJ, WA, CA, TX, GA, AZ, IL with everything leading into the biggest and best Long Snapping event in the world, VEGAS XXXIII in January!

Long Snappers from TX, AL, GA, FL, LA, MS, TN & NJ all traveled to this camp to get the best instruction and exposure in the world of Long Snapping. The camp was a great time had by all with an excellent group of Long Snappers and parents.

Skinner, Rubio, Shimko

The champion of the camp was Quentin “Mad Dog” Skinner. Mad Dog was simply amazing all day long. He has always had good consistency, but this time, he was great. It was like watching a machine snap the ball back to the punter and/or holder. Every single snap was the same. His body is tremendous, he moves well on his feet and he even helps out the younger kids. LSU got a great one.

The overall speed champion was Joe Shimko. Shimko, an NC State commit, left no doubt he snaps one of the most powerful balls in the country. It is almost shocking when you see just how fast his ball gets back to the punter. In true Shimko fashion, he got better as the day went on. Others get tired, Shimko gets better. Kid is a flat out stud.

To see all of the YouTube videos from the GA Camp, please go HERE

The finals round matchups were Quentin Skinner, Joe Shimko, Jacob Zuhr, Will Benton, Cooper Charlton, Shai Kochov. You can see the full finals video below….





As you know, at every Rubio Long Snapping camp, the Long Snappers are tested to receive an RSI score. This is the most accurate and fair way to test a Long Snapper. Here are the RSI Scores from the GA Camp…..

Name RSI Year
Albright, Will 8 20
Applefield, Alex 14.1 20
Arias, Aiden 18.29 23
Barton, Will 0.16 20
Benton, Will 34.21 20
Bergeron, John 14.81 20
Blalock, Drew 3.19 23
Bond, Kennith 12.5 19
Bowles, Michael 14.81 20
Bowman, Jake 3 20
Brass, Reid 3.95 21
Brown, Wesley 6.82 21
Bunch, Payton 15 19
Butler, Brody 17.81 20
Caspersen, Holden 7.23 21
Chambers, Keaton 30.26 19
Charlton, Cooper 33.33 20
Cornett, JT 19.78 21
Cox, Colby 26.32 20
Debarry, Beau 9.28 20
DuBois, Beau 25 21
DuBois, Zeb 0 23
Elsen, Lance 10.84 20
Fallstrom, Jimmy 0 22
Favors, Jackson 0 22
Finklea, Graham 18.18 19
Franklin, AJ 25.3 21
Garfield, Colby 13.33 20
Garren, Temple 9.28 21
Garrison, Carson 10.53 21
Gragg, Jake 0 20
Gresham, Mack 28.57 21
Haynes, Peter 3.49 20
Hibbett, Kneeland 30.26 21
Hogan, Peyton 3.49 20
Hughes, Scout 3.41 19
Hydrick, Mark 22.22 19
Johnstone, Christian 30.14 19
Jones, Carson 9.47 22
Jones, Harrison 3.45 21
Keaton, Carson 0 21
Keaton, Wells 29.73 20
Kingston, Avery 3.09 19
Knight, Carson 30.26 19
Knotts, Jackson 29.87 21
Kochav, Shai 32.53 21
Landers, Gabe 10 22
Lawrence, Jared 30.26 20
Ledford, Ryan 14.46 21
Legere, Ryan 10.23 21
Long, William 30.67 20
Lopez, Joseph 13.92 19
Lovett, Edward 22.08 19
Lucas, Andrew 0 21
Martin, Tyler 3.23 19
Martin, Zach 3.06 21
McCracken, Zane 30.67 20
Meddings, Carson 0 22
Merchant, Nathan 0 22
Miller, Joe 17.86 22
Miller, Will 0 20
Milliron, Carter 14.63 22
Monteforte, Rino 7.23 22
Moser, Caleb 6.9 23
Musgrove, Dixon 0 23
Napper, Mason 17.81 19
Oquist, Chip 0 22
Parker, Max 3.33 21
Prieto, Drew 30 23
Putnam, Jake 20.45 21
Rager, Logan 18.29 22
Reagin, Reed 22.37 20
Reid, Grant 10.71 20
Ridderhoff, Connor 20.45 22
Rigsby, Hayden 11.11 22
Roberson, Seth 17.44 19
Roman, Nicholas 17.44 23
Sayer, Jake 20.45 20
Shimko, Joe 44.12 19
Skinner, Quentin 50 19
Smallhorn, Charles 3.16 22
Stanphill, David 13.04 23
Stephens, Alton 0 19
Tinnin, Kyle 13.19 18
Tomberlin, Bridger 15 21
Travelstead, Hayden 0.54 23
Triplett, Spencer 3.7 20
Troutman, Will 17.81 20
Wagner, William 34.67 19
Waldrop, Hunter 9.09 21
Washburn, Jonathan 21.69 21
Wells, Keaton 29.73 20
Welsh, Riley 13.33 20
Westfelt, Collin 13.92 20
Whatley, Sims 0 21
Williams, Jay 12 24
Wright, Michael 27.91 20
Zarut, Jonathan 4.02 23
Zuhr, Jacob 35.21 20

Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 14 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


Recap of the TX Fall Camp (11/18/18)

Rubio Long Snapping traveled to TX on November 18th, 2018 for their fall camp. Rubio Long Snapping will be traveling around the country this fall with stops in NC, NJ, WA, CA, TX, GA, AZ, IL with everything leading into the biggest and best Long Snapping event in the world, VEGAS XXXIII in January!

Luke Rizzo, Rubio and John Luke Roberts

Long Snappers from CO, LA, TX, KS, CA, MS, OK, TN, GA, all traveled to this camp to get the best instruction and exposure in the world of Long Snapping. The camp was a great time had by all with an excellent group of Long Snappers and parents.

The champions of the camp were Luke Rizzo (speed) and John Luke Roberts (overall).

The finals round matchups were Eli Chism, Luke Rizzo, Blake Hooker, John Farris, John Luke Roberts, David Medrano. You can see the full finals video below….


Luke Rizzo

Luke Rizzo was absolutely phenomenal all day long. There is no doubt he is ready for the next level right now. Built very well with a great physique and absolutely rips the ball back to the punter. His snaps are at college speeds right now and as good as anyone in the country.

Braedy Wilson is very long and was excellent all day. I absolutely love when he snaps the ball hard. Going to be a great college Long Snapper.

Brandon Oldham is smooth, consistent, thick and has all the tools to do very well at the next level.

David Medrano has good size and was hot all day. Improved a ton in the last year and looks to keep heading in the right direction.

Cruz Heath was snapping fire all day and runs like the wind.

Zac Bland was smooth and consistent all day long. Great attitude.

Brayden Chandler has a great physique and continues to improve. When his ball is tight, he is tremendous.

John Farris showed excellent accuracy and consistency all day. Love his overall attitude.

Joshua Smetzer might have been the smoothest Long Snapper in the camp.

Notables: Garrett Townsend, William Parsons, Cayden Sparks, Chase Thompson, Jacob Trim.


Grant Reid

Grant Reid was impressive all day with extremely consistent snaps. He hovered right at .75 throughout the whole day. Great attitude and is always improving. When he is on, he is very on and he is starting to fully lock into his greatness.

John Luke Roberts was on fire all day. Love his frame and his upside. Long frame that will be able to put on some great weight over the next couple of years. Keep a very close eye on this kid.

Dylan Wiltcher was throwing heat in TX and left no doubt he has the ability to snap for a long time. Attitude is great and he can easily hit sub .78

Eli Chism is built well and snaps a very powerful ball.

Bryce Felt is smooth, consistent and always in the mix. Felt is just a flat out good Long Snapper that snaps a great, catchable ball.

Valen Penn has good upside and is always improving. Smooth and accurate Long Snapper.

Blake Hooker was a little banged up from a car accident and still made it to the finals. That is amazing and shows just how good Hooker is.

John Bergeron is a good and accurate Long Snapper that can dominate when he leads with his elbows and drive his elbows.

Ethan Lane is a big and powerful Long Snapper that is going to crush everyone with some slight tweaks. Watch this kid!

Notables: Jarrett Callier, Phillip Bourque, Beau Branch, Jackson McFarland


Garrett Wilson

Garrett Wilson was snapping with good confidence and lots of power. He was hitting well below .80 all day long and was impressive from start to finish.

Oden Pierce is one of the top Long Snappers in his class and might have the most potential of anyone in his class. Great frame.

Eliot Gottsegen was snapping with good poise and speed. Good improvement.

Ben Wheless snaps with good power and I like his attitude.

Notables: Ben Pipes

Briggs Magee

Briggs Magee is smooth and a very efficient Long Snapper. When he gets his whole body moving in the right direction, he can easily hit sub .80. Briggs has all of the tools to flat out dominate his class for a long time. Great upside.

Joe Miller looked great yet again. This GA Long Snapper came out to TX and left no doubt he is one of the best in his class. Great pop for his age and can snap with nice power.

Cory Reddell is a big and smooth Long Snapper with a lot of power.

As you know, at every Rubio Long Snapping camp, the Long Snappers are tested to receive an RSI score. This is the most accurate and fair way to test a Long Snapper. Here are the RSI Scores from the TX Camp…..

Arnett, Kyle 22     15.31
Barron, Preston 20               –
Bergeron, John 20        7.14
Bland, Zac 19     25.64
Bourque, Phillip 20     16.85
Bramlett, Jordan 23               –
Burdette, Batton 22        6.38
Caillier, Jarett 20     10.34
Chandler, Brayden 19     39.44
Chism, Eli 20     64.79
Cortez, Connor 23        6.90
Ehrlich, Osker 22     10.71
Eldridge, Jake 23     16.30
Erwin, Dylan 22     12.77
Espinoza, Joaquin 22        3.00
Farris, John 19     46.05
Felt, Bryce 20     29.73
Gottsegen, Eliot 21     29.87
Heath, Cruz 19     21.74
Hooker, Blake 20     48.57
Keith, Blake 22        9.89
Landers, Gabe 22        3.16
Lane, Ethan 20     10.84
Long, Chaz 22               –
MaGee, Briggs 22        6.98
McFarland, Jackson 20        6.67
Medrano, David 19     44.44
Miller, Joe 22               –
Moses, Matthew 23        9.38
Nolan, Kyle J 22        3.09
Oldham, Brandon 19               –
Parson, Will 19               –
Pavliska, Peyton 23        3.00
Penn, Valen 20        7.59
Pierce, Oden 21     14.29
Pipes, Ben 21        3.23
Reddell, Cory 22               –
Reid, Grant 20     33.77
Rizzo, Luke 19     61.43
Roberts, John Luke 20     45.95
Sarlls, Preston 21     27.91
Smetzer, Joshua 19     42.67
Sparks, Cayden 19        7.59
Steffen, Grant 21     32.53
Thompson, Chase 19     11.25
Townsend, Garrett 19     29.11
Trim, Jacob 19        3.61
Wheless, Ben 21     42.11
Wilson, Braedy 19               –
Wilson, Garret 21     28.86
Wiltcher, Dylan 20     41.03

Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 14 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


Form Letter to get Long Snappers on Post-Season Lists

End of the football season is upon many of us and with that, comes local papers, websites, leagues and states awards presented to all of the top athletes that played this season. I will highlight all because, as you know, the Long Snapper is not always on these lists. This, of course, is simply absurd to me since there is no way you can have a kicker and/or punter earn an award without having a Long Snapper also earn one. As we all know, the ball doesn’t magically appear to the punter and/or holder.

To clear this up and really push it this year, I am creating a template for you to send to your local TV station, newspaper, league, city, district, state officials, etc.


To Whom It May Concern:

This letter is to request that a Long Snapper be added to the ___________________ (All-League, All-City, All-District, All-County, All-State, etc) List. I know the Long Snapper has been left off in the past, but that really shouldn’t be the case any longer. You see, if you are choosing a kicker and punter for this list, you definitely should have a Long Snapper on it as they start the play that the kicker and/or punter finish. It’s simple, without a Long Snapper, the kicker and/or punter simply can’t do their job. 

Not having a Long Snapper on your list would be just as bad as not having lineman. Think about it, no doubt you would have a QB or RB on your list but imagine how great they would be if they didn’t have a great line? They would have some major issues throwing and/or running the ball. The lineman do a great deal for the QB and/or the RB. They should get noticed on your list, and they do. Now, it is time to notice the Long Snapper, the person that starts the game winning kick or game changing punt. It is time.

I know an argument can be “Oh, but we really don’t know what to look for in a Long Snapper to actually judge them for our lists.” Good point but I am sure you get many points of views from high school coaches that can help mold your decision. Also, there is a company that travels the country that works just with Long Snappers that would be more than happy to help in order to get the Long Snappers the recognition they deserve. Rubio Long Snapping is this company. They see more Long Snappers than anyone in the country and have had over 1,000 of their Long Snappers go to college/NFL.

I really hope this email sticks with you and is able to get Long Snappers on your list. They deserve it and it is time.

Sincerely, _____________________

Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 14 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


Recap of the WA Fall Camp (10/21/18)

Gately, Rubio and Lindsay

Rubio Long Snapping traveled to WA on October 21st, 2018 for their fall camp. Rubio Long Snapping will be traveling around the country this fall with stops in NC, NJ, WA, CA, TX, GA, AZ, IL with everything leading into the biggest and best Long Snapping event in the world, VEGAS XXXIII in January!

Long Snappers from OR, WA, CA, AZ, ID & Canada all traveled to this camp to get the best instruction and exposure in the world of Long Snapping. The camp was a great time had by all with an excellent group of Long Snappers and parents.

The champions of the camp were Gavin Gately (speed) and JJ Lindsay (overall). Gately came on very strong in the competition and was really consistent. Lindsay was hot all day and absolutely dominate during the finals. He has trimmed up his frame and looked athletic. Smooth Long Snapper with a tight spiral that handles pressure really well. Great camp for Lindsay!

The finals round matchups were Walker Hardan, Alex Sheehan, JJ Lindsay, Gavin Gately, Cole McCutcheon and Jackson Plieth.

You can see the full finals video below….


JJ Lindsay

JJ Lindsay was obviously great all day with consistent snaps that took him all the way to the championship! Smooth Long Snapper that has done a great job trimming up his body and increasing his overall athleticism.

James Durr was snapping a smooth and accurate ball all day long. Good attitude and always moving in the right direction.

Josiah Hirsch is a big and strong Long Snapper that can be leader on and off the field. Form is excellent and he has done a great job of improving his power with his punt snapping.

Gavin Gately has a great frame and was snapping a really quick ball. He ended up winning the speed competition with snaps consistently in the .7s. Upside is off the charts.

Walker Hardan is big, powerful and scored the highest RSI of the whole camp. I absolutely love when Walker snaps with full power and follows all the way through.

Alex Sheehan is an accurate and consistent Long Snapper that has all of the tools to be one of the best in his class.

Shaydon Farmer is a raw Long Snapper that is a tremendous athlete. He puts it all together and he can dominate as a Long Snapper in college.


Tommy Sullivan

Tommy Sullivan showed great improvement in WA. He looked like a completely different Long Snapper and I just saw him in July. Ball was moving quick and he is snapping with great power.

Bryce Felt has a great form and is snapping with all of his body. Excellent attitude and he is moving well on his feet.

Cameron Landes is a super long and moves well on his feet. Absolutely love when he snaps with full power and just lets the ball loose.

Jack Laurin has a great attitude and a very accurate snap. Big fan of his overall snapping ability.

Ben Shumock might have the most upside of anyone in the 2020 class. When he is on, he is VERY on. Athletic Long Snapper that could easily do this in college if he puts it all together.

Dakota Lepine showed me some very quick hands and solid athleticism. Always improving.

Cole McCutcheon made it all the way to the finals and was inches from winning the whole thing. He shows good pop and can handle pressure well.

Grayson Pibal is very long and has a great frame to put some good weight on. Easily the smoothest Long Snapper in his class. Massive upside.

Davis Salom is massive, strong and powerful. When he drives his head through and reaches all the way back, he easily dominate his class.

NOTABLE: Bryce Smithson


Luke Basso

Luke Basso was a smooth Long Snapper with one of the best attitudes of anyone at the class. Upside is off the charts. Great kid.

Carson Jensen was an athletic Long Snapper with good upside.

Silas Moreau has some very quick hands and a good attitude.

Jackson Plieth

Jackson Plieth made it to the finals which is very impressive for a freshman (or any class for that matter). Form is excellent and he can already snap the ball in the .8s. Excellent attitude.

Blake Gorski is a good Long Snapper with a great frame and has improved a ton over the past year. Smooth Long Snapper with excellent form.

Anna DeCaprio is strong, powerful and has quick hands. When she gets fully set and gets her back flat, she can really get the ball back to the punter with some good quickness.


As you know, at every Rubio Long Snapping camp, the Long Snappers are tested to receive an RSI score. This is the most accurate and fair way to test a Long Snapper. Here are the RSI Scores from the WA Camp…..

Antush, Joel 20                      – 2020
Basso, Luke 21                      – 2021
DeCaprio, Anna 22                      – 2022
Durr, James 19            10.00 2019 – JC
Farmer, Shaydon 19               6.38 2019 – JC
Felt, Bryce 20            12.50 2020
Ford, Tyee 22               2.50 2022
Gately, Gavin 19            22.22 2019 – JC
Geiger, Gage 21               8.33 2021
Gibson, Nathan 23                      – 2023 – 2025
Gorski, Blake 22               5.83 2022
Hardan, Walker 19            41.25 2019 – JC
Hirsch, Joisah 19               9.57 2019 – JC
Jensen, Carson 21               9.57 2021
Johnston, Jack 21            14.88 2021
Landes, Cameron 20            13.95 2020
Laurin, Jack 20            13.19 2020
Lepine, Dakota 20            13.33 2020
Lindsay, JJ 19            24.42 2019 – JC
Marshall, Chaz 19               3.13 2019 – JC
McCutcheon, Cole 20            21.18 2020
Moreau, Silas 21               3.19 2021
Pibal, Grayson 20            12.90 2020
Plieth, Jackson 22            20.93 2022
Salom, Davis 20            13.64 2020
Schumock, Ben 20            19.15 2020
Sheehan, Alex 19            30.34 2019 – JC
Smithson, Bryce 20               3.13 2020
Sullivan, Tommy 20            18.52 2020
Watkins, Lane 22               3.13 2022
Witter, Soren 19               5.61 2019 – JC

Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 14 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


George Steward Award

To honor Rubio Long Snapper George Steward, let’s do this again!

If you have been following me on social media over the past couple of years, you know that the Rubio Long Snapping family suffered a terrible loss with the tragic death of Rubio Long Snapper George Steward several years ago.

George was simply waiting at an intersection, with his long time girlfriend, when an out of control car crushed his car and ended his, and his girlfriend’s lives. They were 18 years old.

If you knew George, even for a second, you knew he was always smiling and having a good time. His smile was infectious. He was a big man with a big heart and an even bigger smile.

George was the perfect reflection of a Rubio Long Snapper.

I have spoken to his mom (and I know many Rubio Long Snapping family members have as well) several times over the past couple of years. She is obviously extremely distraught over what has occurred but wants George to live on with Rubio Long Snapping. She told me he was extremely proud to be a Rubio Long Snapper (look at his graduation announcement) and was always in a Rubio shirt.

George’s mom, Adrienne De La Fuente, wants to create a VEGAS scholarship in George’s name. She wants to sponsor a deserving Long Snapper that wants to go to VEGAS but possibly doesn’t have the means. She asked me to create the criteria, so here we go….

WHO: Any Long Snapper from 7th grade to 2nd year of JC. If you have won this award before, you cannot win it again. Sorry Jaden Sanchez

WHAT: This award will go simply to a happy Long Snapper. In honor of George, who was ALWAYS smiling and happy, this award will go to someone on that same page. To enter, you need to include at least three pictures of you with a genuine smile. Three more with you around others smiling and two letters of recommendation (yup, you guessed it, just stating you are happy person) from a someone at your school (preferably a teacher and/or administrator) .

WHEN: All entries must be in my hand by November 14th. Now, to make things easier this year, they can be mailed OR scanned and emailed to me at Rubio@RubioLongSnapping.com

WHERE: All entries must be mailed to me at the following address:
Rubio Long Snapping
1104 Richardson Ave.
Lewiston, ID. 83501

If you win this award but have already signed up for VEGAS XXXIII, I will push your win to VEGAS XXXIV!

Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 14 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


Recap of the NC Fall Camp (10/7/18)

There was an excellent group of instructors in NC led by Casey Hales and Jeff Abraham!

Rubio Long Snapping traveled to NC on October 7th, 2018 for their fall camp. Rubio Long Snapping will be traveling around the country this fall with stops in NC, NJ, WA, CA, TX, GA, AZ, IL with everything leading into the biggest and best Long Snapping event in the world, VEGAS XXXIII in January!

Long Snappers from NC, SC, GA, MS, VA, IL, NJ, FL & TN all traveled to this camp to get the best instruction and exposure in the world of Long Snapping. The camp was a great time had by all with an excellent group of Long Snappers and parents.

The champion of the camp was Drew Little! Drew was simply tremendous with smooth and powerful snaps non-stop from start to finish. The North Carolina Tar Heel commit was the overall and speed champion, which doesn’t happen often at all. Form is excellent and he just keeps getting better! The Tar Heels got a great one in Drew!

The finals round matchups were between Matt Parrino (49.35), Drew Little (43.06), Joe Shimko (30.43), Justin Pollack (30.26), Rhys Suter (29.11) and Will Cobb (28.92).  You can see the full finals video below….


Joe Shimko

Drew Little was off the charts and dominated from the start. Great to see him always improving and leaving no doubt that North Carolina got a great Long Snapper coming in for the 2019 season!

Joe Shimko continues to roll along and be one of the top Long Snappers in the country. Yet again, he made it deep into the finals and could have easily won the whole thing. This NC State commit snaps one of the hardest balls in the country.

Rhys Suter

Rhys Suter was smooth and knocking it out of the park all day in NC. Snapping with excellent power and one of the most accurate Long Snappers around. He has a 33 ACT and is snapping with excellent speed.

John Morton is thick and powerful with a very smooth snap. Ball is very quick out of the gate.

Justin Pollock looks like a college tight-end and moves like one as well. The upside is off the charts for Justin.

Matt Parrino almost won the whole camp and was snapping with excellent power all day long. Great attitude.

Kuper Imrem has some of the quickest hands around and is always improving.

Notables: Keaton Chambers, Brandon Hurst, Christian Mitchell, CJ Patterson,


William Long

William Long is a long athlete that moves well on his feet and was snapping a great ball all day long. Kid was ripping the ball back to the punter well under .80 and doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon!

Will Cobb

Will Cobb is one of the most athletic Long Snappers in the country and was snapping a very consistent ball back to the punter. Easy to catch and has good accuracy.

Cooper Frazier is a massive Long Snapper that could easily snap at the next level. Following through is going to be the key to his greatness.

Will Benton has a good size and showed tons of potential. Smooth Long Snapper and there is no doubt he can do this at the next level.

Will Mitchell is a big Long Snapper with great upside. Smooth snapping motion and has all of the tools to be one of the greats.

JT Tyson might have the most potential of anyone in his class.

Mason Williams was using his body very well and snapping a great ball all day long.

Spencer Triplett has all of the tools to be one of the best in his class.

Notables: Reves Russell, Garrett Mason, Colby Garfield, Griff Barlow, Will McCoy


Austin Turner

Austin Turner was solid from start to finish. Big and strong Long Snapper that snaps one of the tightest balls in the country. When he gets his upper body through, there is no one better.

Rocco Underwood

Rocco Underwood could pass for a college Long Snapper right now. When he is on, he is VERY on. All the tools to dominate his class for a long, long time.

Alex McLaughlin is strong and dominant in his class. When he gets his eyes through, there is no one better. Kid rips the ball back and has a great attitude.

Aaron Brannock continues to impress me with great form, an excellent attitude and one of the smoothest snaps in the country.

Ty Nicholas looks like a college Long Snapper and is as smooth as one as well. Great upside. Kid is massive

Notables: Ben Wheless, Samuel Watkins,  Andrew Lucas




Joe Miller

Joe Miller was great out in NC. Excellent Long Snapper and he is already snapping under .85 with a great ball.

Joshua Giambrone is a long athlete with a great attitude and listens well.

James Gleason was solid all day long in NC.

Caleb Royston was impressive with snap speeds under .90!

Avery Salerno was solid and left no doubt he can be one of the best in his class.

As you know, at every Rubio Long Snapping camp, the Long Snappers are tested to receive an RSI score. This is the most accurate and fair way to test a Long Snapper. Here are the RSI Scores from the NC Camp…..

Barlow, Griff 20            20.22 2020
Benton, Will 20               3.53 2020
Bowling, Ethan 20                      – 2020
Brannock, Aaron 21            14.46 2021
Bunch, Payton 19                      – 2019 – JC
Chambers, Keaton 19                      – 2019 – JC
Cobb JR, Jeffrey 20                      – 2020
Cobb, Will 20            28.92 2020
Cornett, JT 21               3.26 2021
Cowan, Zachary 20            16.13 2020
Frazier, Cooper 20               1.32 2020
Gannon, Burt 23                      – 2023 – 2025
Garfield, Colby 20               7.23 2020
Giambrone, Joshua 22               6.06 2022
Gleeson, James 22            12.50 2022
Hurst, Brandon 19                      – 2019 – JC
Imrem, Kuper 19               3.61 2019 – JC
Jordan, Grayson 20               6.45 2020
Little, Drew 19            43.06 2019 – JC
Long, William 20                      – 2020
Lucas, Andrew 21                      – 2021
Mahaffey, Andrew 22                      – 2022
Manis, Ryan 22            23.60 2022
Mason, Garrett 20                      – 2020
McCoy, Will 20            17.44 2020
McLaughlin, Alex 21            17.24 2021
Meddings, Carson 22               6.06 2022
Merchant, Nathan 22               9.28 2022
Miller, Joe 22            13.64 2022
Mitchell, Christian 19            17.24 2019 – JC
Mitchell, Will 20               3.53 2020
Moore, Sterling 20               3.00 2020
Morton, John 19            25.64 2019 – JC
Moser, Caleb 23            10.53 2023 – 2025
Nichols, Ty 21            16.48 2021
O’Brien, Dominic 21                      – 2021
Parrino, Matt 19            49.35 2019 – JC
Patterson, CJ 19            10.34 2019 – JC
Pollock, Justin 19            30.26 2019 – JC
Purcell, Ryan 20            10.11 2020
Rasmussen, Cole 20            17.95 2020
Richards, Brandon 20            24.71 2020
Royston, Caleb 22                      – 2022
Ruddy, Bryson 22               6.00 2022
Russell, Reves 20               6.98 2020
Salerno, Avery 22               6.00 2022
Seets, Colin 22               9.28 2022
Shimko, Joe 19            30.43 2019 – JC
Suter, Rhys 19            29.11 2019 – JC
Thompson, Kevin 19                      – 2019 – JC
Tinnin, Kyle 18            10.98 2019 – JC
Tripplet, Spencer 20            17.86 2020
Tuders, Joseph 20            14.63 2020
Turner, Austin 21            20.45 2021
Tyson, Joshua 20               3.41 2020
Underwood, Rocco 21            27.27 2021
Watkins, Samuel 21                      – 2021
Whatley, Sims 21                      – 2021
Wheless, Ben 21            15.63 2021
Williams, Mason 20               3.23 2020


Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 14 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


From a Rubio Long Snapping Parent…..

A long time Rubio Long Snapping parent asked me if they could write a blog for everyone to read. Here it is….

I have wanted to write about our experience with Rubio Long Snapping for years because there are things that I wish someone had pointed out/told me when we were first getting started.

Our son is a Rubio Long Snapper. He isn’t just a long snapper he is a Rubio Long Snapper and he is now playing Divison 1 college football on full scholarship.

From the time our son was in 1st grade he had 3 goals:

  1. He wanted to make the Varsity Football Team at his high school as a sophomore – we are a 6A school so making Varsity as a sophomore is a big deal. (He achieved this goal)
  2. He wanted to play Division 1 college football (He achieved this goal)
  3. He wanted a full scholarship (He achieved this goal)
  4. He wanted to play in the NFL (He is working toward this goal)

We have always encouraged his passion for the game and sent him to all different types of camps – full contact as well as skills and we have had him in sports performance training since 4th grade.

He started long snapping in 7th grade. His head football coach asked anyone who thought they could snap a ball to try out for the position and he won it. While we “knew” that he snapped the ball for punts, extra points and field goals, we really didn’t have any idea it was an actual “position” so to speak. We thought it was just “something extra” he did in addition to playing Linebacker and Fullback.

The summer before his freshman year in high school he came and asked us to go to a long snapping camp and my husband and I were like – a what??? What in the heck is that? We were in the process of signing him up with a college recruiting service and I asked the representative if he knew of any long snapping camps and he recommended Rubio. The college recruiting service cost us a lot of money and didn’t end up doing anything for us in terms of recruiting BUT it will forever be worth the money because of their recommendation of Rubio Long Snapping.

I got on the computer and found out that Rubio was doing fall camps in various locations but the one closest to us was already set up. I emailed Rubio and was able to get our son on the waiting list and – eventually – into the camp.

This camp was our first exposure to the ins and outs of long snapping and to Rubio. While at the camp, my husband saw another father there that he knew. The father

wanted to share all of his knowledge with us and informed us that we shouldn’t limit ourselves to doing only Rubio camps – we should do ALL of the different ranking camps and get our son out there so he could have as much exposure as possible. Basically he was saying not to put all of our eggs in one basket. We listened politely to everything he said but at the end of the camp I told my husband that I didn’t agree – that I really liked this Rubio guy and how he ran his camp and our son seemed to respond to him and that was that. We never looked back and never put him anywhere else and have never been sorry about that. Interestingly enough, this other long snapper never ended up playing college ball and his father approached my husband here in town after our son received his scholarship to tell us how wrong he had been and if he had it to do over again, he would’ve stuck with Rubio like we did. He spent so much time running from one camp to the other that his son never had any consistency in terms of critique or what he needed to do to be the best that he could be.


Well, there are several reasons for this in my opinion. First, they are extensions of Kicking Camps – not really long snapping camps per se and it is not always the same person doing the evaluations and/or rankings so there is no consistency in what your son is being told to do and/or work on to improve.

Over the years, I can’t even count how many times our son has been approached to train with these other companies or attend their “invite only” camps. They have stalked him on social media, private messages and at different college camps he was attending that they happened to be running. The invited him to their regional camps and their “invitation only” camps (which is pretty much anyone that will pay for it). What they REALLY wanted to do was recruit a Rubio Long Snapper. They will pretty much tell you anything/everything you want to hear to get you to go to their camps but they really don’t do anything for you and your son in the long run – oh yeah – big talk and all but very little contacts and actions. If you look across the board in college football – the vast majority of long snappers come out of Rubio Long Snapping. I’m not telling you that there aren’t some from other companies but – overall – the college coaches trust and rely on Rubio and his evaluations. It doesn’t really matter if you are the #4 ranked long snapper in your class on their site if they are only ranking 30 kids. What, exactly, does that tell a college coach? That you invested your time and money with a company that doesn’t see enough long snappers to truly be an expert in the art form that really is long snapping.

I’ve seen kids go with other companies in addition to Rubio and think that they are somehow going to be chosen for a bowl game that way. That.Isn’t.Going.To.Happen. Let me repeat that – That.Isn’t.Going.To.Happen. Look back through their choices over the years and you can bet that their choices are never kids that train elsewhere. They TELL you that your kid is amazing and has a shot at it just to get your money and have your kid at that camp. Rubio now chooses snappers for 2 different bowl games and that isn’t an accident – he really is the foremost authority on long snappers.

If a “coach” from another long snapping company only tells you and your son how amazing he is and how much this company could do with/for them, they are likely blowing smoke up his (and your) butt. The truth is that every long snapper has things that can be improved. Our son continues to train with Rubio privately once a year and with Finch as many times as we can manage it when he is home for any period of time and he attends the college camp. And guess what? There are still things Rubio has him working on in order to go to the next level – the NFL.

Regardless of which college team is your favorite I don’t think that there is any doubt in anyones mind that Nick Saban is one of the best coaches in college football history. There is a reason that he only uses Rubio Long Snappers – think about that!


This is a tricky one and I will be the first to admit that I didn’t (and still don’t) always agree with Rubio in whoever was ranked above my kid. Now, I didn’t question the STAR rankings of the kids involved, but if there were several kids with the same number of stars – I didn’t always think that the person/people he ranked above my son were better than him. Sometimes I did agree and sometimes I didn’t but what I always DID agree with is whatever he critiqued our son on needing to work on so that is where we put our focus. Concentrating on that is what made our son the long snapper he is today.

If you and your kid don’t like where he is ranked, work on what Rubio says he needs to work on and improve that and then the next time Rubio sees him he will likely move up in the rankings because he fixed, or at the very least improved, that situation.

Or you can go coach shopping and find another company to tell you what you want to hear because they want your money. If they are telling you how awesome you are when Rubio is telling you what you need to work on then I would question their knowledge level. The way I look at it is this – wouldn’t it be “easier” for Rubio to just tell every kid how amazing he is and then write that up after every camp? He doesn’t do

that – he actually pays attention to the kid AT the camp and then goes back and watches their film and gives you detailed information – and he balances that – giving positive affirmations as well as things that need to improve. Ask yourself which “review” a college coach is going to trust – one that only tells you how amazing this kid is or one that is honest and straightforward? I personally prefer to hear the bottom line truth and so does our son. What about you?


I’ve heard a lot of people complain that their kid should be ranked higher or have more stars when their kid hasn’t been at camps. They complain that Rubio only wants them at the camps so that he can make more money. Two things here:

  1. Rubio can only rank the kid if he SEES the kid. So even if you think your kid is better than John X right now, if your kid isn’t at the camp and John X is and John X is better NOW than the last time Rubio saw your kid then John X is going to jump your kid in the rankings because he can only compare John X NOW to your kid the last time he saw him. This isn’t Rubio moving your kid down in the rankings at all – it is about another kids improvement since the last time he saw him and since he hasn’t seen your kid since then…..well you see how that is?
  2. This is Rubio’s business – his livelihood, his way to support his family so absolutely there is a financial aspect to him doing this. But – I have never been involved with an organization where the owner gives so much back to the kids. If you or your kid texts Rubio, he answers, if you comment on one of his posts on social media – he answers. He is encouraging and funny and supportive of everyone that is part of the Rubio Family – parents and kids and he doesn’t charge a dime for any of that “extra” support. My son started as a true college freshman and his first game was an away game and it was supposed to rain. Although my son was confident in his abilities he was a bit nervous and got in touch with Rubio and guess what Rubio did? He answered him right away and took the time to talk him through everything that needed to happen for our son to be successful. He set him at ease and helped him get out of his head in that minute when it truly mattered. I don’t know any other “long snapping” companies that are that accessible in that way and would’ve taken that time – after business hours – to do that. Do you?


Our particular high school class of long snappers was an exceptionally close class and I have heard people from other classes complain that they don’t have that bond that we

had – parents and kids. ANY class can have that bond but you have to have one or more families who are invested in making things happen – lunch together during camps, dinners together after camps staying the same hotel in Vegas and regional camps, etc. Guess what that means? Someone has to step up to the plate and coordinate it all – meaning do the research and keep in contact with everyone. If no one does that then it doesn’t happen.

The other thing I noticed is that all the families in our class were supportive of ALL the boys. There wasn’t any competition EXCEPT on the field. These kids have had a group chat going since they were Event Elite together summer before their Junior Year in high school and Top 12 the summer before their Senior Year and they are going into their (academic) Junior Year in college now and still chatting via group text. If someone was going to turn down an offer, they told the others in their group chat so that the rest of them could reach out to the coach if they were interested in playing for that college. No one “hoarded” that information – they shared contact information for coaches so that they could all achieve their dreams. They were all doing exactly what Rubio taught them to do – building each other up rather than tearing each other down.

Whenever I’ve seen issues between kids in the same class (not friendly competition), you can bet that some adults is egging that on and so if you stop any of that, then you can all have the same closeness up and down the rankings that we had. I can honestly tell you that out of the 5 Start Snappers in our class any one of them could’ve been #1 in the class on any given day. And, out of the parents in our class – we are still close to many of them and keep in touch and keep rooting for each others kids.

Rubio actively encourages these kids to not only be great long snappers but also to be great human beings.


If your son genuinely wants to play college football don’t be laser focused on whether it is a scholarship or a PWO. I mean, I get it – they all want a full ride but there are still some schools that simply will not bring in a long snapper on scholarship as a true freshman. Don’t make your son feel like a failure that he “only” received PWOs. Long Snapping isn’t like playing QB or RB where the school is going to take at least one player in that position every single year. If they don’t need a long snapper, it doesn’t matter how good your kid is – they aren’t going to take them.

We constantly told our son that he could play where HE wanted to play whether it was a PWO or scholly (and he multiple offers of each type). Ultimately he chose a school

that offered him a full ride but – for him – it was more about the actual University then it was about anything else.


This is a mistake I’ve seen families make. Our son got the offer so we are done with training. The difference between high school football and college football is the difference between driving on the Interstates here in the US and driving on the autobahn in Germany and you want your son to keep honing his skills for his entire college – and NFL – career.

We highly recommend starting private lessons with Rubio in high school and continuing these at least yearly – through college and beyond. Also, be sure you have your kid training at least sometimes during the year with a RUBIO instructor (Samantha can tell you where the closest RUBIO instructor is to you) and if you aren’t near one then go with Virtual Lessons. We started private lessons with Finch as soon as we started with Rubio and that made a huge difference. We didn’t have the option of virtual lessons at that time so we drove quite a distance on a regular basis so that our son could improve. With the option of virtual lessons, the sky is truly the limit in terms of improvement.

The one “regret” that I have is that we didn’t start private lessons with Rubio in Idaho sooner than we did. It is definitely an investment but having Rubio completely and utterly focused on your son for a period of time truly is priceless and every time we have gone up there it has taken our son to the next level. So, as soon as you can afford that – do it – you won’t regret it.

We also recommend attending January and May Vegas if at all possible. It gives your son invaluable experience.


To sum all of this up, our son worked very hard and daily to achieve his goal of playing college football and continues to work his butt off to be the best that he can be but none of this would’ve been possible without Rubio.

Rubio wasn’t easy on him. He set goals for him that were sometimes difficult for our son to achieve but he worked as hard as he did because Rubio expected it of him and challenged him to never settle for less. People rise to the level of expectation that are

placed upon them and we believe that Rubio set him up for success by expecting these things from him.

So I will end this the way I started it…..Our son is a Rubio Long Snapper. He isn’t just a long snapper, he is a Rubio Long Snapper and we are very proud of that distinction.

Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 14 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


Watch List for The Chris Rubio Award 2018

Here is the Pre-Season Watch List for The Chris Rubio Award!

Please note: you do NOT have to be on this list to win the award in January!!!


Last year’s winner, Oscar Shadley (Va. Tech)

What is the Award?
The Award will be presented on an annual basis to the best national high school Long Snapper for that given season.

Who Is Eligible?
Every athlete that plays high school football at the varsity level, regardless of state division, or age. You DO NOT have to attend a Rubio Long Snapping / Chris Sailer Kicking camp to win this award.

How Do You Win? 

  • You will have to be the starter for your high school varsity team.
  • You must not have more than one bad snap all season (snap that gets by the punter or the holder).
  • You must have 85% of your punt snaps in The Rubio Zone.
  • If you have to snap and block for your team, that is looked at in higher regard.
  • The amount of tackles is taken into consideration with the voting.
  • You must have started in 80% of the current year’s games for your varsity team.

    Thomas Fletcher of Alabama!

  • A Long Snapper’s physical size is NOT taken into consideration in the voting.
  • Other positions played are NOT taken into consideration for voting.
  • You may be viewed by Chris Rubio in person, send in film, have a high school head coach’s recommendation, college special team’s coach recommendation or sports writer’s recommendation to be considered eligible.
  • A panel of voters assembled by the Chris Rubio selection committee will vote for the winner.
Blake Ferguson of LSU is a two time winner of The Chris Rubio Award

Blake Ferguson of LSU is a two time winner of The Chris Rubio Award

How Does the Voting Take Place? 
A panel of voters assembled by the Chris Rubio selection committee will be voting. The panel will include: Chris Rubio, past and current NFL Long Snappers, past and current NCAA Long Snappers, past finalists for the Chris Rubio Award (once they graduate from college), and Sports writers and columnists.

August: A Watch List of Long Snappers will be announced each year before the high school football season begins. The players on the Watch List were selected based on statistics from the previous season and upcoming season expectations.  The eventual winner does NOT have to be on the Watch List to win the awards.

Scott Daly of Notre Dame was the inagural winner of The Chris Rubio Award

Scott Daly of Notre Dame was the inaugural winner of The Chris Rubio Award

November:  Ten Semi-Finalists are announced.  The Semi-Finalists will be determined by committee selection.

December: The Three Finalists are announced. The Finalists will be determined by total votes. 3 points (1st Place Vote), 2 points (2nd Place Vote), 1 Point (3rd Place Vote). In the case of a tie, Chris Rubio will break the tie with his vote.

January : The winner will be announced in Las Vegas on Friday, January 13, 2017. The winner will be determined by total votes. 3 points (1st Place Vote), 2 points (2nd Place Vote), 1 Point (3rd Place Vote).

In the case of a tie, Chris Rubio will break the tie with his vote.

Cole Mazza of Alabama holds his Chris Rubio Award trophy in Los Angeles

Cole Mazza of Alabama holds his Chris Rubio Award trophy in Los Angeles

Submit your season total stats (total snaps) each week to Chris Rubio by emailing them to Rubio@RubioLongSnapping.com. Each week, you will email me a new TOTAL number that you have added up each week.

Please submit the following:
Total Number of Punts:
Total Number of Punts in The Rubio Zone:
Total Number of P.A.T’s:
Total Number of tackles:
Misc (fumble recovery, etc):

Please note: You may create a highlight tape for the judges but it cannot exceed one minute in length. It must be emailed to Rubio@RubioLongSnapping.com with a YouTube link.

*All statistics will have to be verified by your high school head coach before you can be announced as a Finalist.


Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 14 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



After over 22,000 votes came in, the winner of the FREE admission to VEGAS XXXIII with almost 14,000 votes is Dylan Wiltcher! Great job Dylan and you truly showed the power of social media to win the contest! Excellent work. Please contact Samantha@RubioLongSnapping.com to see how to retrieve your prize.

Dylan Wiltcher

UPDATE!!! After receiving tons of great entries and seeing which ones followed the directions below (yes, there were some major issues with that part), your three finalists, in alphabetical order, are…..

Blake Hooker

Dylan Wiltcher

Jacob Zuhr

You can vote on the poll featured below in this very blog. Voting will be open until Monday night at 9 pm pst.  Feel free to share this page on social media and vote as often as you like. Let’s see which Rubio Long Snapper has the strongest social media pull and will win the FREE admission to VEGAS XXXIII!!!


Another Vegas means another Vegas Contest! Let’s see which Long Snapper will win a FREE admission to VEGAS XXXIII in January!

WHO: Any Long Snapper from the 8th grade to 2nd year of Junior College that would like a FREE admission to VEGAS XXXIII in January!

WHAT: A Long Snapper must create a YouTube video showing one to five incredible snaps. Make it as creative as you want. Involve a car (be safe), snapping with a crowd of lady friends around, a llama, snapping at a mall that is packed, etc. The snap(s) must be creative, 15 yards and solid. Rubio Long Snapper Zach Smith of USC made a full on trick shot video (see here) that went viral several years back with several snaps. I am asking you for ONE glorious snap that is super creative and on target. Yes, you can only enter one to five snaps. You don’t follow directions and you are immediately eliminated from the contest.

WHEN: All entries must be uploaded to YouTube with the title: Your Name, Rubio Long Snapping VEGAS XXXIIII Contest. Once they are uploaded you must email them to me at Rubio@RubioLongSnapping.com. All entries must be submitted to me by no later than September 14th, 2018 at MIDNIGHT EASTERN TIME.

WHERE: Wherever you want, just be safe.

WHY: To earn a FREE admission to VEGAS XXXIIII on January 18-20, 2019! (travel and accommodations will not be provided)

The winner will be voted on by people around the world after the contest is narrowed done by yours truly!

The winner of the past contest was Brock Assel (now at Air Force) and can be seen below!


Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 14 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.