Combo Deals are UP and offering a BIG discount!!!
Any questions, please contact [email protected]
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Atlanta: Click HERE
San Francisco: Click HERE
New Jersey: Click HERE
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Seattle: Click HERE

Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin, Sports Illustrated and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 20 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,850 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



After over 22,000 votes came in, the winner of the FREE admission to VEGAS XXXIII with almost 14,000 votes is Dylan Wiltcher! Great job Dylan and you truly showed the power of social media to win the contest! Excellent work. Please contact [email protected] to see how to retrieve your prize.

Dylan Wiltcher

UPDATE!!! After receiving tons of great entries and seeing which ones followed the directions below (yes, there were some major issues with that part), your three finalists, in alphabetical order, are…..

Blake Hooker

Dylan Wiltcher

Jacob Zuhr

You can vote on the poll featured below in this very blog. Voting will be open until Monday night at 9 pm pst.  Feel free to share this page on social media and vote as often as you like. Let’s see which Rubio Long Snapper has the strongest social media pull and will win the FREE admission to VEGAS XXXIII!!!


Another Vegas means another Vegas Contest! Let’s see which Long Snapper will win a FREE admission to VEGAS XXXIII in January!

WHO: Any Long Snapper from the 8th grade to 2nd year of Junior College that would like a FREE admission to VEGAS XXXIII in January!

WHAT: A Long Snapper must create a YouTube video showing one to five incredible snaps. Make it as creative as you want. Involve a car (be safe), snapping with a crowd of lady friends around, a llama, snapping at a mall that is packed, etc. The snap(s) must be creative, 15 yards and solid. Rubio Long Snapper Zach Smith of USC made a full on trick shot video (see here) that went viral several years back with several snaps. I am asking you for ONE glorious snap that is super creative and on target. Yes, you can only enter one to five snaps. You don’t follow directions and you are immediately eliminated from the contest.

WHEN: All entries must be uploaded to YouTube with the title: Your Name, Rubio Long Snapping VEGAS XXXIIII Contest. Once they are uploaded you must email them to me at [email protected]. All entries must be submitted to me by no later than September 14th, 2018 at MIDNIGHT EASTERN TIME.

WHERE: Wherever you want, just be safe.

WHY: To earn a FREE admission to VEGAS XXXIIII on January 18-20, 2019! (travel and accommodations will not be provided)

The winner will be voted on by people around the world after the contest is narrowed done by yours truly!

The winner of the past contest was Brock Assel (now at Air Force) and can be seen below!


Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 14 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


Free Fall Camp Contest!

As always, Rubio Long Snapping is offering up a way to attend a Rubio Long Snapping camp in the fall for free! I usually end up having one winner but this time I am going to do something different….I am going to have one possible winner from each location Rubio Long Snapping is running a camp. Therefore, there could be possibly EIGHT winners announced when the contest is over!!! So, if you say live in Idaho and win, you will earn a free admission to the WA camp on October 22nd. If you live in Florida and win, you will earn a free admission to the GA camp on December 3rd.

If you have been on the line at all lately, you have seen the Drive By Dunk Challenge. Some are incredible and some don’t end up so well….

Bottom line, here is the contest…

WHO: Any Long Snapper from 6th grade to 2nd year of JC that wants to earn a free admission to a Rubio Long Snapping Fall Camp!

WHAT: The Long Snapper must film themselves doing FIVE random snaps in random locations with a lot of pressure on themselves. The better the snap with the more hoopla around it (think massive crowd), the more chance you have of winning. The Long Snapper can’t break any laws while doing this and safety must be the priority. I am thinking more like snapping at a food court in a mall and not on top of a moving car. I will take less than five entries but I will not take more than five. You can only enter one total video to me, so make sure all snaps are on that video. Any entries that break any laws or are deemed unsafe by the Rubio Long Snapping staff, will not be accepted.

WHEN: The Long Snapper must have the five videos submitted on YouTube with the title, Rubio Long Snapping 2017 #DriveBySnapping Contest. That video must be sent to my email, [email protected], by no later than August 26th at noon pst. Any entries after that, will be not be accepted.

WHERE: Where you have the courage to snap a ball in public for great footage….as long as it is safe and you are not breaking the law

WHY: To earn a free admission to a Rubio Long Snapping Fall Camp!


UPDATE: Here are the winners. Many entries were disqualified for not following the directions…


Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


Rubio Long Snapping VEGAS 30 Contest

As always, Rubio Long Snapping will be offering up a FREE ADMISSION to VEGAS 30 Contest!

This one should be very easy and, therefore, I will not be giving a lot of time to finish it. It is simply going to be a caption  contest.  The best caption (or captions, there are two people in the photo so you can choose) for the following photo will win a FREE ADMISSION to VEGAS 30 (admission is covered, you will have to take care of hotel, food and travel).

With no further adieu, here is the winning picture…..


WHO CAN ENTER: Any Long Snapper looking to earn a FREE ADMISSION to VEGAS 30 ranging the class of 2021 to 2017.

WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO DO: Simply email me ([email protected]) the best caption for the picture. You can only enter once and the title of the email should read: Your Name, Vegas 3o Contest. Your caption(s) should be in quotations in the body of the email.

WHY DO YOU HAVE TO DO IT: You don’t but you probably should if you want a FREE ADMISSION to VEGAS 30! You seriously can’t be that lazy. If you win and you have already purchased VEGAS 30, I will push your free admission to VEGAS XXXI in January.

WHEN DO YOU HAVE TO DO IT: 48 hours from now, the contest is over! Bottom line, contest ends on Friday, March 10th at noon pst.


Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


The RSI (Rubio Standard Index)

All Rubio Long Snapping camps will feature a shortened version of the VEGAS testing format. Once the Long Snapper has completed the test, they earn an RSI which is the fairest and most accurate way to judge a Long Snapper by numbers. Once you register, for a Rubio Long Snapping camp, a full, detailed explanation will be in your confirmation email.

Each Long Snapper will now be tested on The Rubio Long Snapping Target with one snap per section instead of three. Meaning, you get one regular snap, one block left, one block right, and one speed for both punt snaps and short snaps to total eight snaps. Therefore, at the end of testing, the RSI will be tripled to reveal the participants’ RSI for that particular camp. Trust me, I do get that a Regional Camp RSI will not be the exact same as a VEGAS Event RSI for several reasons (length of test, pressure of Vegas, etc.) but it will pretty darn close and definitely fair. 

The RSI is an excellent way for a participant to truly show how good of a Long Snapper they are as it balances the accuracy along with the speed of the ball, plus it will show how well the Long Snapper grows through each and every Rubio Long Snapping camp. Also, the RSI‘s will be posted on each Long Snappers profile after every camp they attend.  Please note: the RSI does not account for athleticism, spiral or mentality.

RSI‘s can range from zero to basically 90 (if a Long Snapper was to get a score 48 points and averaged .65 on their punt snaps). The highest score recorded was Karsten Battles at the summer 2017 TX Camp with an 86.96. The 12 finalists at VEGAS XXIX all had above 50’s on their RSI and that was a record. A 30 is usually pretty darn solid. 

Please Note: The RSI is not completely how your Rubio Long Snapping ranking will be calculated as there are many factors to being a great Long Snapper. The main things that each Long Snapper will be ranked on are the following:

  • Speed (should be less than .75 for a 15 yard punt snap)
  • Accuracy (all snaps should be in The Rubio Zone)
  • Consistency (a college coach is going to want to see how consistent you are with your speed…if you can snap a .75, your snaps should be right around there, well, consistently)
  • Mentality (how well do you handle pressure)
  • Athleticism (do you move well or does it look like you are in pain when moving)
  • Size (an ideal Long Snapper would be about 6’3″ and 235)
  • Spiral (does the ball look pretty, slice through the wind and easy to catch)
  • Blocking (will you be able to withstand a major college rush) If you have ever been to a Rubio Long Snapping Vegas Event, you know that one of the main parts of competition day is when each Long Snapper gets tested on The Rubio Long Snapping Target.


Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



Vegas XXIX_ContestAs you know, Rubio Long Snapping had a GIVE BACK CONTEST for a free admission to VEGAS XXIX.

All of my contests are difficult to judge, but this was one was probably the most tricky as everyone did a great job in expressing themselves and what they do to give back. I saw videos on topics ranging from….

  • Voluntarily mowing a cemetery lawn that takes THREE days…
  • Working with the Special Olympics
  • Volunteering for a Pediatric Cancer Foundation
  • Care packages of food for the needy
  • Organizing kid’s games at the local church
  • Heart screenings for teens
  • Serving meals to the needy
  • Working on a food drive for ELEVEN years
  • Habitat for Humanity
  • Traveling to Costa Rica to help the poor
  • A project to keep kid’s in school
  • The Ronald McDonald House
  • It’s About the Warrior Foundation to help soldiers

Honestly, any one of the entries could have won but there are two that really stood out and here they are in alphabetical order….

Needless to say, I was VERY impressed with Nick Tibbetts and Jacob Zuhr for acting as leaders in their community. They not only volunteer, they started a volunteering organization to get others involved.

So, in the spirit of GIVING BACK, I am going to crown them BOTH the winners of the contest and they are both going to be given a FREE admission to VEGAS XXIX!

Congratulations once again to Tibbetts and Zuhr for going above and beyond in helping others. These two, and all of the others, are great examples of what the Rubio Long Snapping family is all about!



Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



Caption Contest!!!!

I refuse to let Monday bring everyone down, so we are having a contest!

Someone took this picture in the fall and, well, you know the drill…..GAME ON!!!!

You must put your answer/caption for this picture as a comment to this blog to be entered. Contest closed, Tuesday, March 26th at 6:30 pm pst!


Caption This_Hair(winner)


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



Caption Contest! WINNER!

I was sent this picture by Rubio Long Snapper Clayton Jackson’s (The Governor for those of you that don’t know his proper name) mother. I asked if I could use it, he embraced. GAME ON!!!!

You must put your answer/caption for this picture as a comment to this blog to be entered. Winner will be announced at noon pst on Friday, March 1, 2013!

Congratulations to the winning caption!

Caption This_Dog(winner)


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



Rubio Long Snapping Academic Excellence Award

Terry Thompson, father of Rubio Long Snapper’s Scotty and Erik, approached me with an idea. Terry wanted to give back to Rubio Long Snapping for all that it has done for both of his sons. He wanted to donate to a Rubio Long Snapper for this year, and year’s to come, but he wanted it to be based heavily on academics.

According to Terry, “Due in part to the mentoring and influence of Rubio, both of my sons learned the value and importance of their education and academic discipline beyond their athletic goals and aspirations. With this in mind, on behalf of my sons, Rubio Long Snappers Scotty Thompson and Erik Thompson, I wanted to give back to all that Rubio and Rubio Long Snapping has done and continues to do outside of long snapping for my sons and Rubio Long Snappers everywhere. It is in this spirit that I am donating this year and for years to come the following award to Rubio Long Snapping. This award will emphasize the importance of academic discipline and performance as part of what a Rubio Long Snapper ought to be doing as routinely as he practices Rubio Long Snapping drills and techniques. As a specialist, whether you get the privilege of earning a scholarship or a preferred walk-on or if you don’t even get the opportunity to play college football, it is education and academic performance that will open up opportunities to their lives…Success of/as a Rubio Long Snapper goes far beyond long snapping…The purpose and essence of this award is meant to emphasize and embrace this concept.”

Needless to say, I fully embraced this terrific idea so I present to you the….

Rubio Long Snapping Academic Excellence Award

This award will be given to the Rubio Long Snapper who, in addition to demonstrating excellent skill and performance as a Rubio Long Snapper, possesses outstanding character and work ethic as a student and has an outstanding academic record. This award will be awarded to a high school junior after completion of his first semester of his junior year and will pay for his Las Vegas camp registration fee for the following Spring (May) and Winter (January) camps. Only Long Snappers from the class of 2014 need to apply if they meet the criteria for the award.

Minimum Qualifications:

  • A minimum academic GPA of 3.6
    • Academic GPA takes into account core college prep minimum education classes only, such as Math, English, Social Studies and Science.
    • The 3.60 GPA will need to be a cumulative academic GPA from first semester of a candidate’s 9th grade year through the 1st semester of the candidate’s 11th grade year.
    • Active 2014 Rubio Long Snapper (must have participated in at least one Rubio Long Snapper camp and/or currently signed up for an upcoming camp)

Submittals for Consideration:

  • Sealed official high school transcript that includes all academic grades and performance from 1st semester of 9th grade year through 1st semester of 11th grade year.
  • 1,000 word or less hand written essay on what a candidate wants to do with/for his life after his long snapping career is over.
  • Honors and Achievements that would include, but are not limited to, community service, extra-curricular activities, leadership roles, etc.
  • Two Letters of Recommendation from a non-coach core academic teacher describing your work ethic as a student.
  • All applications must be received by March 15. No applications will be even considered if received after March 15.
  • The winner will be announced on April 1.


  • Pays for the Rubio Long Snapping Las Vegas Camp costs for the following Spring Camp (May) and following Winter Camp (January). Estimated Award Value: $800
  • Award winner will be announced on April 1.

How to Enter:

Application should include and be in the following order:

  • Cover Letter to include:

Name, High School, High School Address, Principal’s Name, Principal’s E-Mail, Guidance Counselor’s Name, Guidance Counselor’s E-mail, Home Mailing Address, Applicant’s Cell Number, Applicant’s E-mail Address

  • Sealed official high school transcript that includes all academic grades and performance from 1st semester of 9th grade year through 1st semester of 11th grade year.
  • 1,000 word or less hand written essay on what a candidate wants to do with/for his life after his long snapping career is over.
  • Typed list and explanation of honors and achievements that would include, but are not limited to, community service, extra-curricular activities, leadership roles, etc.
  • Two Letters of Recommendation from a non-coach core academic teacher describing your work ethic as a student (no more than three, please)
  • Nothing else should be included and there is no lobbying allowed for an applicant. Therefore, no videos posted to YouTube or any other social media outlet to gain attention.

Put all of the above into an envelope/box and mail to the following TWO addresses. Yes, you will be sending out two copies and they need to be at the locations by no later than March 15th.

Rubio Long Snapping Academic Excellence Award
1104 Richardson Ave.
Lewiston, ID 83501

Rubio Long Snapping Academic Excellence Award
c/o Terry Thompson
10 Oak View Dr. Suite 100
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656

Best of luck and please forward all questions to [email protected]

Erik Thompson, Terry Thompson and Scotty Thompson

Erik, Terry and Scotty Thompson





Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



Sunday Funday!

Every once in a while, a photo is snapped at just the right moment and everything becomes magical. This is one of those moments:)

I saw this bizarre picture of long time Rubio Long Snapper Christian Yount of the Cleveland Browns before his game with the Packers and simply had to make a contest out of it.

The best caption for the picture wins a Rubio Long Snapping shirt, hat and bracelet!

All entries must be made ON THIS BLOG….simply comment below with your name attached. I will not be taking any entries from my email, text, Facebook or Twitter. Your entry must be made in the comment section of this blog.

Game on and contest ends Monday, January 7th at noon pst.





Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



11th Annual Contest!

If you have been following me on Twitter and Facebook for the past couple years, you know I always start the day with an inspirational quote to get the day going in a positive direction.

You also know that I love pictures and will use them to motivate you. Bottom line, I love a good quote and pics and I want you to incorporate one of them into earning a free trip to Vegas.

Your assignment(s), if you choose to accept one, is to either…

CREATE an inspirational quote and tell me how it relates to you and your long snapping


Print a picture that has motivated you in your Long Snapping and fully explain to me why it has motivated you (No, You can’t use the one below)

Please note for essay: I have said CREATE a quote. That does not mean searching the internet to find one. I want you to be creative (get it) and use your head and what motivates you. On that note, if you know someone personally (family, friend, etc.) that has created one, you can embrace theirs if you choose to for this contest. If you do use someone else’s, you need to give them credit. 

1. You have to be a Long Snapper to enter.

2. You may enter if you range from 8th grader to 2nd year of Junior College. 

3. You may only use one quote or pic. No you may not do both contests. Choose one and go full speed. 

4. Your answer must be handwritten/printed and not typed. Remember, I used to be teacher so I know when mommy and daddy do work for their child. Don’t even try it. 

5. Your answer (essay for quote or pic) cannot be more than 300 words 

6. It must legible. If I can’t read it, it doesn’t get read. Plain and simple 

7. Grammar and spelling count. You are a Long Snapper, therefore you are highly
intelligent….prove it to me. 

8. All entries (quote and the essay or pic and the essay) must be to me by no later than October 19th with the winner being announced on November 1st. I know that doesn’t give you a lot of time but I also know the more time I give you, the more time you will just procrastinate.

9. Turn in on October 19th doesn’t mean postmarked by that day. It means in my hand by that day. So, unless you live next door to me, I would mail it at least a week prior to ensure I get your masterpiece. Let’s just say, I don’t live in a big city and mail takes some time. You cannot email, fax it, scan it or lazer it to me. Needs to be standard postal mail.

10. All entries will need to be sent to the following address: 
1104 Richardson Ave. 
Lewiston, ID. USA 83501

11. If you are the winner and you have already registered for the 11th Annual Event, you can forward your victory to a future Rubio Long Snapping camp. 
Any questions should be sent to [email protected]

Winner of the Rubio Long Snapping essay contest wins a FREE admission to the 11th Annual National Snapping Event sponsored by Nike in Las Vegas on January 19-20, 2013. (accommodations and travel are not covered) The winner of the contest will also have their entry displayed within the packet each long snapper receives upon checking in at the 11th Annual National Event.

Good luck!

Click HERE to have this contest read to you by me.


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



Baby D______ Contest!

Unless you have been in a cave (ie. not following me on Twitter – side note: boo to you) for the past eight months you should know that my wife, Jolie, is pregnant and due May 23. Also, if you know me, you figured there was no way I would let this get away without having some sort of contest. Well, let the games begin my friends.

Here is how this will work. I am looking to see who can guess the weight of the baby and, as a tie-breaker, the time of arrival of Baby D_______ (name is not being revealed since all names we were throwing around people were telling us they were dumb – thanks a lot family members). I will do Price is Right style with the numbers…meaning, you go over and you lose…I don’t care how close you get, don’t overbid.

Embrace him already opening paw to guide ball

This contest will be open to anyone but you can only enter once. So, for instance, if Cory Cheadle enters, so can his mother Michelle, his father Frank and even brother (I don’t know his name, but I assume he also embraces camouflage slippers so I’m in).

To enter, simply email me (one entry PER person PER email address – so, in the above scenario with the Cheadles, they would need to have sent me four different emails from four different email addresses) your entry. As an example, stellar Rubio Long Snapper Reid Ferguson would email me an exact weight and time in email like this: Hey Rubio, my entry for the contest is that the baby will weigh 7 lbs and 7 oz and will be born at 12:57 pm. PS. I love your camps & I can’t believe how much they have benefited me. Yours truly, Reid.

The winner of the contest will receive $100 off a Rubio Long Snapping camp of their choice (TOP 12, Small Group Session & Private Lessons excluded). Obviously, you can pass the win to a Rubio Long Snapper if you are not a Long Snapper (parent, grandparent, brother, etc.).

I will post all weight guesses as comments on this blog. Therefore, it will be continuously updated so keep checking. I will not post the times that people submit as I don’t want any one to trump another person’s guess by cutting off their time frame (I see that John Smith put 11:57 so I will just put 11:56 to block him).

The contest will run until the baby gets here. Game on!

Well, as you know if you follow me on Twitter, the baby has arrived! Damon Dale Rubio rolled in last night a perfectly healthy, wide eyed boy. He literally came out with his eyes wide open. Gotta tell you, kind of disturbing seeing your kid come out and immediately mad-dogging you:)

So, back to the contest. Damon was 8 lbs on the dot when he was born and entered the world at 9:32 pm. Now, if you look at the comments on this blog you will see the person that actually pegged the exact weight was my mother, the Debster! (Side note: she guessed that weight as that is how much yours truly weighed). Since I am a fair man, and my mother actually doesn’t know any Long Snappers personally to give the win away, I am giving it to the next closest guess (without going over, in true Price is Right fashion) and that person is………..Melissa Etheridge with a guess of 7 lbs 15 oz – double side note: Melissa is Tucker Etheridge‘s mom and pretty sure not the singer:) Congratulations to her and her family!
























Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.