What Do You Get at a Rubio Long Snapping Camp?

INSTRUCTION – There is simply no doubt that you will receive the best instruction in the country at a Rubio Long Snapping camp. It is unprecedented and known by college and NFL coaches throughout the country. When you sign up for a Rubio Long Snapping camp, you get perfection. I am there, my senior staff is there, on time and we don’t leave early.

EXPOSURE – Every camp that Rubio Long Snapping run offers the most exposure possible for Long Snappers. I bombard several avenues to make sure my Long Snappers are visible to all. The Rubio Long Snapping YouTube Channel has over 970,000 views (this is all just for Long Snapper….NO kickers are on the page). RubiosBlog.com has been viewed well over 1,000,000 times. @TheChrisRubio on Twitter has over 5,750 followers (many of which are coaches) and the Rubio Long Snapping Facebook Page has over 5,600 followers (many of which are coaches) and stories in publications all over the world make Rubio Long Snapping the one stop shop for the most exposure in the country.

PLAYER PROFILE PAGE – As soon as you perform in a camp in the fall (or after) of your freshman year, you get a PLAYER PROFILE PAGE….for free! This player profile page is controlled by me and it can have any information you wanted added to it at anytime. You can use it for your recruiting purposes throughout high school.

RANKINGS – As soon as you perform in a camp in the fall (or after) of your freshman year, you get a ranking. I don’t rank off a target. I don’t rank off a formula. That would be ignorant. I rank off of THIS blog that describes what makes a Long Snapper great. That ranking can be adjusted anytime I see you live. Coaches look to these rankings religiously in their recruiting of Long Snappers.

YOUTUBE VIDEO – At every single Rubio Long Snapping camp you attend, you will be filmed for a YouTube video. Those videos will be placed on your free player profile page. You can use the video at your own discretion. It is yours and there is no extra charge for this service.

FILM SESSION – At Rubio Long Snapping camps, I will go in with you to a classroom and review the morning sessions. Long Snappers attend but I really want the parents/guardians to attend as well since this is when a majority of the learning will take place.

RECRUITING SEMINAR – At Rubio Long Snapping camp, Chris Sailer and I run an hour long recruiting seminar where we hit on some key topics and always open it up to a Q&A session for the specialists and parents. You will not leave without all your questions answered.

PROVEN SUCCESS – Dont’ believe me? See what others have to say HERE

RUBIO LONG SNAPPING SHIRT – You know, to wear at prom and such:)

Trust me when I tell you, I could keep this list going and going and going. Things like Friendship, Confidence, Humor are just some immediate things that pop into my head….see you soon! Remember, Not only on the field, but off. I am not your coach. I am your Rubio and I will be there for you.


r4ubio5Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years,  Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


Advice to Incoming Freshman from College Long Snappers

I offer up a ton of advice on this blog, my Twitter, my Facebook, through texts, e-mails and my camps. In my opinion, it is all good.

But, sometimes, the youth would like to hear from others as close to their own age as possible. No problem.

I asked several Rubio Long Snappers, who have just finished their first collegiate season of football, a simple question, “What is one bit of advice you would give to an incoming freshman Long Snapper now that you have essentially wrapped up your first year?

Here are their responses….

“Earn the respect of non specialists by working hard in the weight room and conditioning so they don’t just stereotype you as being just a “longsnapper”. Will go a long way with the coaches and put you a step ahead of the guy in front of you if there is one.” Conor Fry – North Carolina

“Never be satisfied. Although you may not come in and be the starter the first day you step on campus, once you earn that starting spot on the team you cannot get complacent. If you get complacent, somebody will catch up to you. While you are resting, someone else is getting better. Are you working? Or are you resting?” Reid Ferguson – LSU

“Have fun with it, enjoy the experience. If you redshirt embrace it, and get better. Make sure you are healthy and physically fit coming into your first year. The weight room and running will be difficult, so make sure you are prepared, and finally make sure to always be on time, which is 10 minutes early. That’s the best advice I can give, really kids just got to enjoy the gift they have been given.” Nolan Dowling – Western Kentucky

“Come in CONFIDENT, not cocky. They need to remember that they are a freshman again, no one cares that you were number 1 in the nation or a 5 star snapper. Although they should because they couldn’t do it. And don’t expect special treatment from coaches anymore. Once you step on that field you’re just another player, not someone they have to impress anymore.” Jake Abraham – Georgia Southern

“Realize that the strength staff is on your side. They will make fun of your athleticism and your position at first just keep working hard and keep your confidence up and they will come around. Also, to Enjoy the Process. The off season workouts, summer lifts, practices, and season are really hard and tiring. Find your own way to make them fun. Lastly, dont think of what you’re losing out on (parties & junk) but think about how much you’re gaining. (Discipline & work ethic)” John DePalma – West Virginia

“Be prepared for anything! Coaches will go to extreme lengths just to see how mentally tough a snapper is.  You’re gonna have bad days or a bad snap every now and then; it is how you respond to adversity that matters.  If coach is chewing you out and up in your face just nod yes sir and move on to the next snap.  Mental toughness is key!” Steven Romero – New Mexico

Have a short memory.  If you have a bad snap, coaches are going to get on you for it but you need to come back and respond.Duke Moran – CAL

Listen to the guys who currently share your position on the team. You may think you know all there is about physically snapping, but being a snapper entails much more than just throwing the ball between your legs (as you know). The mental aspect is more than half the game, and by creating a comfortability level with the men you share all your time with is essential to your success. Don’t be afraid to reach out to others for help, because in reality, the people you want to ask were all freshman at one point and have taken your path before. They don’t care how good you were in high school, they want you to excel at the collegiate level and to benefit the team in all possible ways.” Joe Marvin – Penn St. 

For me one thing I never did was really practice snapping on a command and I really struggled with that coming into camp. So if I was going to give advice going into your first year for a long snapper I would say to be able to snap on a command along with on your own. Be able to snap out of your comfort zone for sure.Matt Cincotta – Marshall

You have to come in with a mindset that you are the best but practice like you are second string and fighting for a job. Football has a lot of distractions but the reason you are there is to get your education first. Basically this is something you have never experienced so you have to do something you have never done before.Daniel LaMontagne – Furman

Make a great first impression on your coaches, teammates, and professors. Also to enjoy and soak it all in because it’ll fly by before you know it.Scott Daly – Notre Dame

Not everything is gonna go exactly how you planned out in your head but just keep grinding, it’ll be worth it in the end.” William Eads – Middle Tennessee

GO TO CLASS!!! If you don’t go, YOU FAIL! Also learn how to manage your time. Time management is key for a college football player, especially of you make the travel squad. Study, study, study. If your grades are not up to par the coaches will leave you at home, it happened to a few guys here.Ryan Eustace – Arkansas St.

Always stay warm and make sure you’re paying attention to the game because standing on the sidelines will cause your legs to get cold, and there are a lot of distractionsRyan DiSalvo – San Jose St.

Come to the practice, lift, or run with an intense intrinsic attitude to improve yourself because it so easy to just go through the motions being that specialists are sort of dismissed by the coaching staff at times.” Jeff Overbaugh – San Diego St. 

“The most important thing to remember as a freshman long snapper on a college team is to have fun. Seriously, it sounds cheesy but taking this sport too seriously will be the death of you. You have worked so hard to get to where you are, and now that you’re here it’s important to take a step back and appreciate what you’re a part of. I wish all of you the best of luck. You have accomplished something few people can, and you should be beyond proud.Sodie Orr – Cal Poly SLO

You’ve made it to college however you have not arrived. You must work just as hard as you did making it to where you are now.Greg Hohenstein – Bowling Green

2015 Spring Rubio banner


Which Rubio Long Snapping Camps Should I Attend and When?

One of the most common questions that I get asked is, “Which camps should my son attend and when?”.

I have been running Long Snapping lessons, camps, and national events for over a decade now so I know what works out the best for the athletes. In a perfect world, here is exactly what I would do as a parent, and most likely will be doing before you know it.

6th Grade

  • If you feel your son is NOT ready mentally and physically, have him attend at least one Rubio Long Snapping camp as a spectator.  See what it is all about.  I would choose a 1 Day Camp in CA, NC, GA, TX, NJ, FL, WA or IL.  This will give you a chance to meet me and understand the way I work and speak.  Listen to instruction.  Become familiar and comfortable with the camp scene. There is no charge for this.
  • If you feel your son is ready mentally and physically, contact me and we can discuss him actually participating in a Rubio Long Snapping camp. I would choose a 1 Day Camp in CA, NC, GA, TX, NJ, FL, WA or IL. The sooner they get the form down, the better they will be in the long run. Once I get their form down, we just wait for their body to develop and BOOM, you have greatness.

7th Grade

  • If mentally and physically mature enough, I will allow a 7th grader to attend my camps. The sooner they get the form down, the better they will be in the long run. Once I get their form down, we just wait for their body to develop and BOOM, you have greatness.
  • If you feel your son is NOT ready mentally and physically, have him attend at least one Rubio Long Snapping Camp as a spectator.  See what it is all about.  I would choose a 1-day Nike Camps in CA, NC, GA, TX or IL.  This will give you a chance to meet me and understand the way I work and speak.  Listen to instruction.  Become familiar and comfortable with the camp scene. There is no charge for this.
  • Start private lessons with either me or someone I recommend.  Contact me (Rubio@RubioLongSnapping.com) and I will discuss the options.
  • Buy the Chris Sailer Kicking and Rubio Long Snapping Instructional DVD.  This is the best way to learn.  Plus, you can watch it over and over again.

8th Grade

  • This is the time to begin attending Chris Sailer Kicking Camps.  I would choose the 1 Day Camp in CA, NC, GA, TX, NJ, FL, WA or IL.  I would attend ALL 3 camps when Rubio Long Snapping comes to your region of the U.S.  We come to each of these locations 3 times per year (Fall, Winter / Spring, and Summer).
  • At this age, if mentally and physically mature enough (major bonus if they have been to my camps), they should start the Vegas Events. No one will expect anything from an 8th grader, so this should be the least stressful Vegas they will ever encounter. Once again, the sooner they go this, the better they will be in the long run.
  • Continue private and group lessons with Rubio and/or a Rubio Long Snapping private coach.  Contact me (Rubio@RubioLongSnapping.com) and I will discuss the options.
  • If invited, attend the Underclassmen “Invite Only” Event.  This camp is “Invite Only” is for the players and parents.  Learn about your future and how to handle it each step of the way.

9th Grade

  • Attend Rubio Long Snapping  Camps.
  • Attend ALL 3 of the  1-day camps in your region (CA, NC, GA, TX or IL).  We come to each of these locations 3 times per year (Fall, Winter / Spring, and Summer).
  • Attend 1 Camp in another state.  Start to get a feel for travel and other competition.
  • Attend VEGAS EVENTS in both January & May.  The time is now to see what it is all about.  See what it takes at every level (Fr, So, Jr, Sr, JC, College, and Pro).  The experience will pay off!!!  Time to set goals.
  • Continue private and group lessons with Rubio and/or a Rubio Long Snapping private coach.  Contact me (Rubio@RubioLongSnapping.com) and I will discuss the options.
  • If invited, attend the Underclassmen “Invite Only” Event.  This camp is “Invite Only” is for the players and parents.  Continue to learn about your future and how to handle it each step of the way.

10th Grade

  • Attend Rubio Long Snapping  Camps.
  • Attend ALL 3 of the  1-day camps in your region (CA, NC, GA, TX or IL).  We come to each of these locations 3 times per year (Fall, Winter / Spring, and Summer).
  • Attend 1-2 Camps in another state.  Start to get a feel for travel and other competition.
  • Attend VEGAS EVENTS in both January & May.  The time is now to see what it is all about.  See what it takes at every level (Fr, So, Jr, Sr, JC, College, and Pro).  The experience will pay off!!!  Time to set goals.
  • Continue private and group lessons with Rubio and/or a Rubio Long Snapping private coach.  Contact me (Rubio@RubioLongSnapping.com) and I will discuss the options.
  • If invited, attend the Underclassmen “Invite Only” Event.  This camp is “Invite Only” is for the players and parents.  Continue to learn about your future and how to handle it each step of the way.
  • Attend 1 Local College Camp.  These are essentially tryouts.  Go to get experience.  It will pay off for when it really counts.

11th Grade

  • Attend Rubio Long Snapping Camps.
  • Attend ALL 3 of the  1-day camps in your region (CA, NC, GA, TX or IL).  We come to each of these locations 3 times per year (Fall, Winter / Spring, and Summer).
  • Attend 2-3 Camps in another state.  Start to get a feel for travel and other competition.
  • Attend VEGAS EVENTS in both January & May.  This is the time to get your name on the map. College coaches will be setting up their recruit boards.  This is the time to shoot for “TOP 12″ and “Event Elite”!
  • Continue private and group lessons with Rubio and/or a Rubio Long Snapping private coach.  Contact me (Rubio@RubioLongSnapping.com) and I will discuss the options.
  • Attend Multiple College Camps within reason.  These are essentially tryouts.  Be realistic with your skill level.  Attend camps at all levels of college football (D1, D2, D3, etc.)
  • Attend the “TOP 12″ & “Event Elite” Camp.  This is an “Invite Only” Camp that brings together ONLY the best of the best.  You can only get invited by attending the VEGAS Events and proving that you are one of the best while competing again the best.  This camp is the ULTIMATE GOAL.  This is the best camp that you will ever attend, if invited.

12th Grade

  • Attend Rubio Long Snapping Camps.
  • Attend ALL 3 of the  1-day camps in your region (CA, NC, GA, TX or IL).  We come to each of these locations 3 times per year (Fall, Winter / Spring, and Summer).
  • Attend 3-4 Camps in another state.  Start to get a feel for travel and other competition.
  • Attend VEGAS EVENTS in both January & May.  The time is now to prove to every college coach in the United States that you are worthy of a scholarship or walk on spot.  Scholarships and preferred walk on spots will be earned based on performance as a Long Snapper!
  • Continue private and group lessons with Rubio and/or a Rubio Long Snapping private coach.  Contact me (Rubio@RubioLongSnapping.com) and I will discuss the options.
  • DO NOT stop working once you have decided on a college.  This is the #1 mistake made.  Work harder than ever as the next level is even more difficult. DO NOT REST ON YOUR PAST ACCOMPLISHMENTS.…It will catch up with you. Trust me.

College / NFL

  • Attend the College Camp each year to stay sharp and prepare yourself for upcoming seasons and an NFL Future.
  • Rubio Long Snapping will be holding another NFL camp this coming year. Last year’s was a great success with many Long Snappers being brought into NFL camps simply for their performance at the camp! Be on the lookout!

Chris Sailer Kicking and Rubio Long Snapping are the #1 Kicking, Punting, and Long Snapping Businesses in the World.  Feel free to ask around. We will teach and guide you from 7th Grade all through the day that you retire from the NFL.


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years,  Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS tomajor colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



Vegas XXV Average Snap Speeds

Here are the average snap speeds from VEGAS XXV in alphabetical order.

For the speed of the snap, the clock started as soon as the Long Snapper began the snapping motion and the clock stopped when the ball hit the target.  If the ball missed the target completely, the time was recorded as one second.  Each Long Snapper’s average was calculated from 12 various snaps on Sunday while using the Rubio Target as well as by Rubio.

Adams, C


Alexander, D


Aloma, J


Anderson, K


Anthony, E


Appio, Z


Arent, N


Arroyo, R


Arroyo, T


Ashe, A


Babb, W


Baldeck, M


Bale, J


Barham, J


Barstow, S


Baugus, T


Beauford, B


Becker, H


Bentley, B


Bettis, J


Biby, B


Blaylock, A


Block, A


Boudreaux, M


Boudreaux, T


Bowling, T


Brady, J


Brennan, C


Brennan, J


Buis, M


Burcher, M


Cadavieco, M


Calcagno, J


Cameron, B


Cantrell, D


Capp, B


Carty, A


Casillas, M


Castro, D


Ceballos, N


Cervantes, G


Cesear, J


Chase, D


Cline, G


Clore, C


Cognetti, D


Colwell, J


Comaroto, P


Coughlin, P


Cruikshank, W


Crum, G


Culbertson, R


Curry, M


Daggett, B


Daniel, G


Davis, J


Den Bleyker, J


Dhabalt, T


Dickerson, E


Diffee, D


DioGuardi, B


Dixon, J


Drager, L


Durham, N


Eatherly, G


Eckelberg, K


Edwards, A


Eitemiller, S


Eldridge, D


England, Z


English, M


Epley, T


Farnsworth, W


Fean, T


Ferguson, B


Fields, Brandon


Finnicum, C


Fisher, J


Fletcher, N


Fletcher, T


Foley, M


Freeman, H


Freund, F


Gaines, R


Galvan, O


Giammalva, L


Gibbs, K


Gibson, J


Gifford, B


Gilbert, O


Gilliam, T


Givens, T


Gluhaich, G


Goodison, M


Goodwin, J


Grant, Z


Griffiths, T


Guthrie, J


Hale, B


Hall, M


Hamilton, L


Haney, J


Hasty-Grant, T


Hayes, D


Hayes, K


Hernandez, C


Hess, J


Hiett, R


Hoffman, H


Holman, J


Hutson, N


Jacobs, Z


Jacobson, J


Jaffe, G


James, C


Jenkins, E


Jenkins, S


Jerman, D


Johnson, D


Jumper, B


Karres, G


Kelleher, K


Kemp, P


Key, J


King, J


Kirkegaard, C


Klippenstein, K


Klotz, S


Klusman, L


Knight, J


Knight, M


Knowlton, J


Koziel, B


Kragero, C


Kramer, T


LaCilento, M


Lauvai, I


Lawson, E


Lawver, C


Leath, W


Leckrone, M


Lefton, P


Letter, J


Long, C


Lowery, B


Magness, J


Mahorney, J


Marker, J


Markgraf, K


McCracken, D


McCullough, L


McCullough, R


McDonough, C


Merickel, T


Meyer, S


Michaelsen, A


Miller, G


Miller, J


Miller, S


Mimbs, T


Mimoun, J


Mitchell, C


Mitchell, J


Monaco, P


Moore, I


Moore, J


Moss, Z


Muller, R


Munoz, J


Munsey, J


Murphy, J


Myers, J


Nicholas, T


Nielsen, C


Noth, D


O’Connor, K


O’Donoghue, M


Oak, R


Ober, J


Oliveira, M


Pagel, J


Palmer, D


Paprota, D


Parris, R


Petrucci, K


Piatt, C


Picerelli, J


Pladson, W


Plash, S


Pohlman, E


Pool, L


Poujol, M


Powell, K


Prevette, K


Probst, J


Quiggle, J


Racina, N


Raines, J


Ramos, Jaycob


Ramos, Joseph


Ratliff, A


Ray, J


Reeves, A


Reiter, D


Reiter, R


Richardson, B


Riddle, C


Riordan, J


Robinson, B


Robinson, P


Rubenstein, J


Ruff, R


Sablan, S


Sablan, T


Sainsbury, B


Sak, H


Samarzich, C


Samarzich, S


Sammut, Jake


Sassler, B


Sayan, C


Schoenberger, Z


Scoggins, G


Scott, C


Seacat, I


Shannon, J


Sharp, D


Shores, S


Siegel, S


Simmons, R


Skinner, Q


Skrobot, G


Smith, M


Smith, M. B.


Snodgrass, P


Sokach-Minnick, T


Somers, S


Soto, M


Spiewak, A


Stephenson, Q


Steward, G


Stracener, T


Sullivan, B


Suter, R


Tanner, J


Tebbetts, C


Thomas, A


Thomas, K


Thomas, P


Thompson, T


Toothman, A


Torres, L


Trammel, N


Tulo, A


Turner, N


Urbach, C


Vaca, J


Varnell, K


Vaughn, J


Vega, J


Walker, Nathan


Walker, R


Walsh, K


Walsh, R


Walsh, S


Watkins, B


Watkins, R


Watson, B


Wellenhoffer, J


Weneta, N


Wethli, S


Wilcox, R


Wilhite, P


Williams, P


Willis, B


Wirtel, S


Wood, C


Wood, Z


Workman, J


Worthen, J


Wright, H


Wyatt, B


Zakavec, J


Zimolzak, B


Zindler, Z



Happy Ranksgiving to ALL Long Snappers from the TX Camp!

The rankings are completed for ALL Long Snappers that participated in the Rubio Long Snapping Nike summer camp in TX!

There was some major jumps in the rankings and a couple solid newcomers as well. You can read the recap of the camp HERE and watch a video of it as well below…
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gi38HoXIo4?rel=0&w=430&h=242]

  • My rankings are NOT done just from the Target
  • My rankings are NOT done from some mathematical formula.
  • My rankings ARE done by me and only me. That is why I am at all my camps.
  • My rankings are based off of this blog I wrote about what makes a Long Snapper great.
  • If you would like anything added to your profile page, simply email me (Rubio@RubioLongSnapping.com) the information and consider it done.
  • All Long Snappers are ranked after their first fall camp of their freshman year in high school.

A Long Snapper has the ability to adjust their ranking anytime I see them LIVE, not on video.

For the rankings for the class of 2013, please go HERE

For the rankings for the class of 2014, please go HERE

For the rankings for the class of 2015, please go HERE

For the rankings for the class of 2016, please go HERE



Rubio Long Snapper Liam McCullough Picks Up Another Offer!

Rubio Long Snapper Liam McCullough, aTOP 12 member, has been offered another full scholarship to Michigan St!

Just yesterday, Liam was offered a full scholarship to the University of Wisconsin so he has quite a 24 hour span. If Liam was to choose Michigan St. he would follow in Rubio Long Snapper Taybor Pepper’s shoes when he graduates.

Liam has been with Rubio Long Snapping for two years and has been dominant during that time. He has been snapping D1 speeds for quite some time now and, recently, has transformed his body into D1 size as well. The sky is the limit for Liam. He is big, snaps extremely well and is very coachable.

Congratulations once again to Liam and his family!

Liam McCullough


Rubio Long Snapper Liam McCullough (OH, ’15) Offered a Scholarship to Wisconsin!

Rubio Long Snapper Liam McCullough, a TOP 12 member, has been offered a full scholarship to the University of Wisconsin!

Liam has been with Rubio Long Snapping for two years and has been dominant during that time. He has been snapping D1 speeds for quite some time now and, recently, has transformed his body into D1 size as well. The sky is the limit for Liam. He is big, snaps extremely well and is very coachable.

Congratulations once again to Liam and his family!

Liam McCullough



Rubio Long Snapper Cory Blane Commits to Old Dominion!

Rubio Long Snapper Cory Blane (SC, ’13) has committed to Old Dominion as a preferred walk-on!

Cory is a terrific Long Snapper and athlete that will be joining Rubio Long Snapper Rick Lovato at Old Dominion.

Big day for Rubio Long Snappers and texts for me. Blane had to say “It’s all thanks to you, your teaching, and your faith in me. Me and my family thank you for all that you have done for us. You’ve helped me accomplish a life long dream! I thank you again and again Rubio!”

What a way to start the weekend! Congratulations once again to Cory Blane!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72vsgaXEyJo?rel=0&w=430&h=242]



"Flatliners" Cameraman

As well all know, the summer time has become a hot bed for camps and fine-tuning your talent. Since I know you will be working on your Long Snapping throughout the months of June, July and August, I decided I might as well make a contest out of it.

The contest will be called Lights…Camera…SNAP! and the object is very simple:

Film yourself snapping consecutive 3 pointers (red rectangle) on The Rubio Target. The most consecutive amount of snaps that score a 3 pointer, with the film uncut, will receive a free Rubio Long Snapping camp in the fall of 2013 and a $60 Gift Certificate at WizardKicking.com!


  1. Film CANNOT be cut. The film must be continuously running throughout the entire process. A cut film will be automatically eliminated.
  2. It must be done on an official Rubio Long Snapping Target from Wizard Kicking. The old one on white vinyl material will not suffice.
  3. You can take breaks while filming if you would like. Honestly, I think that would just make it harder to keep a groove so godspeed to you.
  4. Long Snappers from 6th grade to second year of JC are eligible.
  5. You must have a minimum of 8 bungees holding the Target to the frame. Nice try making the Target loose so the ball slides in….I know your tricks:)
  6. It must be filmed the same way I film all of my Long Snappers at my camps. Long Snapper in bottom left or right hand corner of screen, Target in the upper opposite corner.
  7. You must have the back of The Target at a depth of 15 yards from the ball.
  8. I need to be able to see the Long Snapper and Target throughout the whole process. If at any point, the Long Snapper or Target are off screen during a snap, the video is void.
  9. The video must be load to YouTube with this as the title: Your Name, Rubio Long Snapping, Lights…Camera…SNAP!
  10. In the info section of the video, you must only put this information: Your Name, Grad Year and State. Anymore and the video will be void.
  11. As soon as you submit the video, you give up all rights of said video to Rubio Long Snapping and Chris Sailer Kicking.

The contest will officially end on September 1, 2013 at noon pst. Please contact me if you have any questions, Rubio@RubioLongSnapping.com

"Flatliners" Cameraman



Rubio Long Snapper Nolan Frese Earns Scholarship for the Houston Cougars!

Long time Rubio Long Snapper and TOP 12er Nolan Frese has recently been put on scholarship at the University of Houston!

I recently wrote about Nolan for his academic success and now I am proud to write about him for his athletic success. Nolan is work horse that has grown with his Long Snapping and frame a great deal since his days at Keller HS in Texas. He is as good a person as he is a Long Snapper and I am very proud of him.

Congratulations once again to Nolan Frese and the entire Frese family!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzoZCvTAUco?rel=0&w=420&h=315]


TX Camp Highlight Videos

Rubio Long Snapping is happy to announce that Highlight Videos will now be available for purchase at Rubio Long Snapping Camps in TX on June 9, 2013.  This is an incredible opportunity and will only be available to the first 30 Long Snappers, kickers or punters that reserve their video.  They are offering a rate of $125 for the Dallas camp.  Here is how it will work:

1. You can preegister for this service by emailing info@varsitytape.com.  In the subject line type: “TX Rubio Long Snapper Video”.  The staff will get back to you with further instructions.

2. Thy are taking a LIMITED number of kickers, punter and Long Snappers. If you are interested, email them immediately.

Below is an example of the videos. I am very impressed with the company and their services. If you choose to purchase a highlight video, the video will be yours to use as you see fit.  My recommendation: Email the video to coaches, add the video to your Rubio Long Snapping Player Ranking Profile, add the Video to your NCSA Player Profile and add it to your YouTube page.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39ax3XE4w5E?rel=0&w=520&h=293]


RECAP: 11th Annual National Snapping Spring Event in Las Vegas

On May 4-5, 2013 well over 100 Long Snappers from around the globe came out to Las Vegas to participate in the 11th Annual National Snapping Spring Event in Las Vegas sponsored by Nike. The talent was excellent and so were the conditions. The staff was overflowing with one staff member per three Long Snappers so everyone was able to get the full experience throughout the weekend. Day one of the Event was all about instruction and many Long Snappers stood out immediately to make a name for themselves.

After it was all said and done, the winner of the camp was CJ Keller (2014, AZ). CJ handles pressure as well as anyone in the country, was snapping bullets all day and is very, very accurate and consistent. Kid is a machine and outlasted the rest of the competitors to take home the title!

CJ Keller

Winner of the 11th Annual National Snapping Spring Event: CJ KELLER!

The 12 finalists that earned their spot through their RSI score on the Target were: Nate Adams (AZ), Wyatt “Tucker” Smith (MS), RC Brunstetter (NC), Jordan Frese (TX), Tanner Carew (CA), Justin Garza (CA), Jake Knight (MI), CJ Keller (AZ), Bryan Scanlan (IL), Blake Ferguson (GA), Jordan Ober (NV) and Chris Nieto (CA).


The Finalists from the Spring Event

Here are some of the top performers, by graduating class, from the weekend…


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Andrew MacLean was dominant all weekend in Vegas!

  • Andrew MacLean was outstanding all weekend. He is built extremely well and snapping with a ton of confidence. This big Canadian has made quite a name for himself.
  • Jason Diffee was out in Vegas to get fine-tuned before heading off to Eastern Washington on scholarship. He did not disappoint.
  • Cody Block was smooth and is built well. Moves very smooth on his feet and is consistent with his snaps.


Tanner Carew

Tanner Carew was dominant all weekend in Vegas.

  • Tanner Carew was off the charts all weekend and has taken the top spot in his class. Snaps absolute rockets, built like an athlete and has a tremendous attitude. Tell him what to do and just consider it done. TONS of upside on this already tremendous Long Snapper. 
  • Alan Lucy continues his dominance by snapping well and really doing a great job in transforming his body into a D1 athlete.
  • Wyatt “Tucker” Smith is easily the top JC Long Snapper in the country. Built like a college tight end and snaps fire back to the punter.
  • Nate Adams has an amazing frame, a smooth snap and is very consistent. Love the way he moves and has a nice, smooth snap back to the punter and holder.
  • Casey Wilson is easily the smoothest Long Snapper in the country and will be purely dominant once he locks down his blocking.
  • Patrick Freeze is big, strong and snapping with a lot of confidence.
  • Curtis Billen easily snaps in the .6s and has a solid frame.
  • Jordan Frese is the top Long Snapper in TX and showed it all weekend. Great improvement.
  • Chris Nieto is built extremely long and athletic with a ton of upside. Could end up dominating his class.
  • Adam Vaught is massive and is snapping with power. The angrier he is is, the better he snaps.
  • Garrett Frum is working like a mad men and continues to improve daily.
  • Justin Garza was on fire all weekend. Intense Long Snapper that showed a ton of potential.
  • Seth Combs was snapping rockets all weekend and looked great all around.
  • Mitchell Hardy is big and snapping with great confidence. Tremendous attitude.
  • Nate Hawkins is very smooth and accurate with his Long Snapping. The more aggressive he gets, the better he will be.
  • Joel Baldwin has a nice long frame and a very smooth snap.
  • JC Everett is extremely coachable and strong. Always improving.
  • Christian Samarzich has a good body and is locking down his spiral. Solid all around Long Snapper.
  • Tommy Sullivan just continues to impress me with how he is turning his body and snapping around for greatness.
  • John Morrison is not the biggest man in the world but was snapping like he was. Smart Long Snapper that snaps hard.
  • Joe Lang has a great frame and always improves. Excellent attitude. Bright future.


Blake Ferguson

Blake Ferguson was dominant all weekend in Vegas!

  • Blake Ferguson left no doubt he was the best Long Snapper in his class. When he is on, he is easily a college level Long Snapper NOW!
  • AJ Carty is built like a college Long Snapper and he is only a sophomore. Sky is the limit for him.
  • George Madden snaps rockets and as soon as he locks down the spiral, he will dominate
  • Tyler Douglas is built extremely well and is snapping hard. Keep an eye on him.
  • Ben Makowski is snapping with a lot of confidence and built thick.
  • Ryan Simmons is just a machine that keeps getting better. Smart.
  • Jake Knight is long, lean and has tons of upside.
  • Tyler Griffiths did well with his strong body and quick hands. Lots and lots of potential.
  • Harrison Goebel was impressive to say the least. Built very well. Lots of upside.
  • Jordan Ober was impressive out in Vegas. Built long and has great consistency.
  • Grant Gluhaich might have been the most improved Long Snapper over the weekend. If he keeps growing, he will crush all.
  • Darren Diffee handles pressure well and is very accurate.
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  • John Shannon was phenomenal all weekend in Vegas. At times, can snap in the .6s already! Great frame. Needless to say, keep a very close eye on him. 
  • Johnny Den Bleyker did very well out in Vegas. Moves well on his feet and is very athletic. Great attitude.
  • Damon Johnson looked good with his form and was snapping the ball well. The more comfortable he gets with his ability, the better he will be.
  • Donald Reiter was impressive out in Vegas. He snaps a tight ball and shows waves of brilliance with his speed on the ball.
  • Conner Kirkegaard continues to be a solid Long Snapper with great speed. The more consistent he gets, the better he will be.
  • Grant Crum stood out with his continued performance all weekend. Could be the sleeper of his class.

Rubio Long Snapping will kick off it’s summer tour with camps in TX on June 9, the TOP 12 and EVENT ELITE camp on June 21-23, the Underclassmen Invite Event on June 29-30, CA on July 11, NC on July 15, GA on July 17, the College Camp on July 19-21, MA on July 25, IL on July 27 and CA on July 29.

Rubio will also be running college specialists camps for  LSU, Texas A&M, Alabama, UCLA, Oregon and Washington as well. All information can be found on RubioLongSnapping.com

Thank you



Happy Ranksgiving to the Class of 2014 Long Snappers from the 11th Annual Spring Event

The rankings are completed for the class of 2014 Long Snappers that participated in the Rubio Long Snapping 11th Annual National Snapping Spring Event in Las Vegas!

TONS of movement in this class and get ready to see a new #1 Long Snapper! This summer is going to be massive for this class. I am not sure I have ever had a class capable of so much movement.


  • My rankings are NOT done just from the Target
  • My rankings are NOT done from some mathematical formula.
  • My rankings ARE done by me and only me. That is why I am at all my camps.
  • My rankings are based off of this blog I wrote about what makes a Long Snapper great.
  • If you would like anything added to your profile page, simply email me (Rubio@RubioLongSnapping.com) the information and consider it done.
  • All Long Snappers are ranked after their first fall camp of their freshman year in high school.

A Long Snapper has the ability to adjust their ranking anytime I see them LIVE, not on video.

For the rankings for the class of 2014, please go HERE



Congratulations to the FINAL EVENT ELITE Member: John Morrison!

Did you figure out the clues?

LAST EVENT ELITE member: planetary object + city view from a prison and something an emu might not embrace – a consonant + splash of a big #

(This clue has absolutely nothing to do with anything! The only reason why I put something so odd was to really confuse everyone and throw off Morrison who has figured out every single clue I have put out!!! GOT YOU MORRISON!!!)

Congratulations to Rubio Long Snapper John Morrison (GA, ’14) on being the next member of the EVENT ELITE! The EVENT ELITE will be joining the TOP 12 to form the invite only, TOP 12 and EVENT ELITE Camp this summer.

Morrison was a very hard choice for me. He is not the biggest man in the world, or even his class, but he has heart and is always improving. He snapped EXTREMELY well out in Vegas and was finally snapping with an immense amount of confidence. He reminds me a ton of Rubio Long Snapper Matt Fortin for obvious reasons.



Congratulations to the next EVENT ELITE member: Joel Baldwin!

Did you figure out the clues?

EVENT ELITE: last of cat who was hitched to 80’s icon and Rubio style + what I do against @TheYount when we compete in snapping

(Billy JOEL was married to 80’s icon Christie Brinkley and BALD is Rubio style + I always win when Christian Yount and I compete in snapping)

Congratulations to Rubio Long Snapper Joel Baldwin (MS, ’14) on being the next member of the EVENT ELITE! The EVENT ELITE will be joining the TOP 12 to form the invite only, TOP 12 and EVENT ELITE Camp this summer.

Baldwin had a terrific Vegas event. He snapped with a ton of confidence and has a very fast snap back to the punters. The bigger he gets, the more he will improve.



Congratulations to the next EVENT ELITE Member: AJ CARTY!

Did you figure out the clues?

EVENT ELITE: 1st of person in non-senior citizen non-female band w/ bad facial hair & home base, at times, for things that one would consume

(AJ McLean is a member of the Backstreet Boys. That bad is a boy band, non-senior citizen and all male, non-female. Then, a shopping CART is where things you consume, eat, would reside until you check them out of the store)

Congratulations to Rubio Long Snapper AJ Carty (CA, ’15) on being the next member of the EVENT ELITE! The EVENT ELITE will be joining the TOP 12 to form the invite only, TOP 12 and EVENT ELITE Camp this summer.

Carty has been on a roll for the past couple of months. He is built like a D1 Long Snapper already and he is snapping like one as well. Tremendous attitude and snaps the ball with great force.



The Unique Culture of Long Snapping

Long Snappers have many unique abilities. They can not only propel a football backwards, between their legs, but they do it while looking at the world upside down. They do it with uncanny accuracy and consistency, and they’ve got less than a second to get it done. Oh, and then they need to be prepared make a block and/or get into kick coverage.

They must be able to handle the pressure of a game deciding kick after spending most of their time on the sideline. If there is anyone else on the team that they can remotely relate to, it is probably the kickers. What does THAT tell you?

They get little recognition, and even if they are the best in the business, they can still walk into McDonalds unrecognized…sometimes even in their own home towns!

Long Snappers will rarely get the credit and often get the blame. They oddly enough are at peace with that.

Long Snappers are the epitome of a football specialist. They may find it hard to relate to others because they are in such a unique position on the team. The must have focus and confidence. They must be able to handle the solitude that is part of the long snapping culture.

It is why long snappers are such a unique fraternity. At Rubio Long Snapping, we not only understand that fraternity, we enjoy being a part of it.


The Dozen Most Common Questions I Get About Long Snapping

1. What makes a Long Snapper great? The answer is HERE

2. How do you make a highlight tape for a Long Snapper? The answer is HERE

3. How do I know when to attend camps? The answer is HERE

4. Do I, or my son, need private lessons for Long Snapping? The answer is HERE

5. How do I get exposure as a Long Snapper? The answer is HERE

6. What is the difference between a walk on, a preferred walk on and a scholarship? The answer is HERE

7. What does the recruiting process of a Long Snapper look like? The answer is HERE

8. How do I get recruited as a Long Snapper? The answer is HERE

9. Should I make my highlight tape available on YouTube or on DVD? The answer is HERE

10. How should I hold my hands on the ball when Long Snapping? The answer is HERE

11. What is Gray Shirting? The answer is HERE

12. And, last but not least, why do you not need to call Rubio “coach?” The answer is HERE




Congratulations to the next Event Elite Member: Chris Nieto!

Did you figure out the clues?

Next EVENT ELITE: splash of actress that was asked to put them (evening/morning  band) on & flowery athlete mishap spot + a thing fish dont have

(CHRIStina Applegate, the actress, was sprayed about in PM DAWN’s, evening/morning band,  song, 2:26 in, and Derek ROSE injured his KNEE + fish don’t have TOES…… Therefore, Chris Nieto )

Congratulations to Rubio Long Snapper Chris Nieto (CA, ’14) on being the next member of the EVENT ELITE! The EVENT ELITE will be joining the TOP 12 to form the invite only, TOP 12 and EVENT ELITE Camp this summer.

Nieto is built extremely long, is athletic and has a major upside due to his frame and quick hands. He has the potential, if he works right and hard, to easily be a scholarship Long Snapper.



Caption Contest!

Found this pic and couldn’t pass it up! The difference with this contest is that Sailer is also opening it up to his kickers on his blog. Given, I demand the Long Snappers produce better and more responses than the kickers.

The contest will end on Thursday, May 23 at noon pst. All captions must be submitted on this blog!

Let the games begin….

Caption This_Rubio