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Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin, Sports Illustrated and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 20 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,850 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


TEN Years Later and TONS to be Thankful For….

I have never been a really big Thanksgiving fan, but for the tenth year in a row, and every year from this point on, this holiday will always remind me just how thankful I need to be. Here is why….

Anyone that has been with Rubio Long Snapping for over nine years knows about Damon Dale and his story. Damon is my 12 year old son who has had quite the journey in the past nine years. My wife, Jolie and I, are extra thankful during this time of the year because nine years ago we had to go through so much with the little guy.

I’ll recap for those that don’t know his story….

Ten years ago, Damon had not been feeling well, off and on, for a couple weeks. Jolie took Damon took to the doctor on the Monday of Thanksgiving week and found out he had jaundice. We were told it was not that uncommon and to just ride it out and come back the following Monday to see Damon’s doctor.

Like always, we went up to my in-laws for Thanksgiving. Damon is not 100% at all but we just figured it was the jaundice and he would be fine. Our local doctors didn’t seem to be nervous, so we weren’t either.

On the Saturday after Thanksgiving, my family was still up at my in-laws in Harrison, ID. To put it nicely, Damon acted and looked like crap. Everyone agreed, we needed to take Damon to the hospital. We hopped in the car, went to the nearest big urgent care (about an hour away from Harrison in Coeur d’Alene, ID.) and the doctor ran some tests then said, “Something is just not right with Damon. You guys need to go to Spokane, WA. to see their Children’s Hospital.” Jolie and I both began to get a little nervous here. I mean we are just in sweats and thought we were going to the urgent care to hear “He’s fine, get him some fluids, some aspirin and wait until Monday.” We were going just to be pre-cautious.

We arrived in Spokane, WA (about another 50 minutes away from Coeur d’Alene, ID.) and they had a room set up for us to stay the night. We both started to lose it a bit more as we had no idea we would have to stay the night. They ran more tests on Damon. It is now about 10:00 pm and Damon is done with the whole process. They told us the major doctor would be in on the AM shift and she would be able to tell us a lot more.

Jolie began to come unglued. I assured her that that is just them covering their butts, all will be fine and, if all hell really was breaking loose, they would send us to Seattle, WA. (everyone in the northwest knows, it is truly a CODE RED if they say you have to go to Seattle…the big city)

Well, the morning came, the doctor arrived and said something is really not right with Damon and we were going to be flown to Seattle Children’s Hospital in the next twenty minutes.

Time stopped. Jolie and I lose it. Damon loses it. He has no idea what the heck is happening, but he is just done with all the poking and prodding.

In the plane to Seattle Children's Hospital

In the plane to Seattle Children’s Hospital

I got on the plane with Damon, the pilot and two nurses. Jolie, not in the condition to go, gets on the next flight with the help of the staff in Spokane (they were awesome). I actually only beat her by like 30 minutes.

First of all, let me tell you, Seattle Children’s Hospital knows what they are doing. There is a reason they are one of the top children’s hospitals in the world. Anyway, they run MORE and MORE tests on Damon. Blood test after blood test. If I remember correctly, Damon was getting “poked” every two to three hours for tests (yes, all day long).

We get fully admitted and they sit us down to talk to us. They proceed to tell Jolie and I that Damon had Acute Liver Disease and explain all that is going to happen to him. They told us how he got it was a mystery, and it is was caused by a virus that anyone could have gotten as well. We would have to wait and see how his “numbers” progressed. Getting out of the hospital quickly is becoming a luxury we won’t be seeing in the near future.

After a couple of days, maybe four, (it gets blurry here since so much was happening) we have to meet with the MAIN, MAIN doctor for Seattle Children’s Hospital in a meeting room. He tells us that we won’t be leaving Seattle anytime soon, Damon’s liver is not getting better at all, he will need to have a liver transplant, he will be #1 on the list for said transplant and this will all begin to take place within the next four hours. Jolie and I absolutely lose it. I mean lose it. He left us with “We need to do one more blood test in four hours. If those numbers keep going down like they have been, it’s a go and the surgery is happening fast. Be ready.

Not wanting to grasp how severe the whole situation was and not being able to talk from crying so hard, I remember specifically looking at him and saying “Um, I can’t stay here even this weekend, I have a camp in NC and GA that I need to be at.” His response, “You aren’t going anywhere until March.” Time stopped. (First camps I missed but I can’t tell you how great my instructors were that stepped up for Rubio Long Snapping. Thank you again Jeff Abraham and Corey Adams).

The next four hours are a blur. We met with countless people that were beginning the process of telling us how Damon’s life would be different for the rest of his life. How our life would be different. Where we would need to stay for the next couple of months (FYI: If you don’t know about the Ronald McDonald House, you really need to check out this amazing organization and what they do).

Well, fours had passed and Damon gets “poked” again for the final test. The blood test comes back and Damon’s numbers didn’t move. They didn’t go up and they didn’t go down. The doctor and the entire staff were confused. He said, this isn’t necessarily good, but it isn’t bad either. We would need another blood test in another four hours.

Another four hours go by and the next test stayed the same again. And the next. And the next. Hope?

Our room where Damon, Jolie and I stayed for about two weeks.

Our room where Damon, Jolie and I stayed for about two weeks.

Then, a blood test came back with numbers that rose. Then, again, another blood test came back with better numbers. Then, again.

The staff (and I mean staff, they had about ten doctors alone working on Damon’s case since it was so unique for his age) didn’t want us to get anxious but you could even see they sensed something was happening.

They told us that we would have to stay in the hospital for at least another week to see how the numbers progressed but, very cautiously, said this was a good sign.

After two weeks of more tests and nonstop monitoring , we were allowed to leave the hospital but had to stay very close as tests needed to be done every couple of hours.

Then, on December 17th,  after countless days in a hotel, Damon had a doctor visit and they told us we were allowed to go home!

It was a MIRACLE. An absolute MIRACLE!

I re-tell this story since this is the time of the year when it all happened and I want everyone to know just how thankful Jolie and I are for Damon’s health and for all members of the Rubio Long Snapping family. That was a ROUGH month and I wish it on no one…ever. Seeing your child in the hospital is terrible. Absolutely terrible.

Bottom line….

  • Damon Dale is perfectly healthy now. The doctors call it a miracle. The doctors told me they call this type of cure a “OGK” (Only God Knows)
  • Damon was part of a study through Seattle Children’s Hospital since his care was so unique (the study actually concluded three years ago). For a child his age, to get liver disease that quickly absolutely baffled them. They simply don’t get how he got it or how it stopped. His liver went from killing itself to fixing itself within hours. 
  • We can’t thank our neighbors back in Lewiston, ID enough. I call them “The Triangle” since our houses form one. They are the best neighbors you can ever imagine. By the time we drove home (how did we get a car to Seattle? Oh, they drove one out to us….like I said, the best) we walked into our house and they had our Christmas tree up and our house decorated. We lost it again. They are the best.
  • I wrote a blog when this all happened explaining the situation and that I wouldn’t be at the NC and GA camps (I would link to the blog, but due to our old blog company, that blog got “lost”…yes, they have been fired) and on that blog, I wrote how Damon (cough, cough, I) would be updating everyone on his situation through his Twitter account (@DamonDaleRubio). The outpouring of love from everyone (we had random people stopping into see us that were friends of friends of friends) around the country was amazing for the little guy. I highly recommend going to his Twitter account, searching back to November and December, nine years back, and reading his account of what happened.

Please, remember this time of the year to be extra thankful for what you have and tell someone what they mean to you. Have a great Thanksgiving weekend….I know I will.

Damon's first walk in the hospital

Damon’s first walk in the hospital

Damon Hospital 4

Long Snappers at the GA Camp giving Damon a shout out.

Damon Hospital 3

Damon in the hospital

Damon Hospital 5

Damon in the hotel

Damon Hospital 6

Minutes after we found out we could go home!


From a Rubio Long Snapping Parent…..

A long time Rubio Long Snapping parent asked me if they could write a blog for everyone to read. Here it is….

I have wanted to write about our experience with Rubio Long Snapping for years because there are things that I wish someone had pointed out/told me when we were first getting started.

Our son is a Rubio Long Snapper. He isn’t just a long snapper he is a Rubio Long Snapper and he is now playing Divison 1 college football on full scholarship.

From the time our son was in 1st grade he had 3 goals:

  1. He wanted to make the Varsity Football Team at his high school as a sophomore – we are a 6A school so making Varsity as a sophomore is a big deal. (He achieved this goal)
  2. He wanted to play Division 1 college football (He achieved this goal)
  3. He wanted a full scholarship (He achieved this goal)
  4. He wanted to play in the NFL (He is working toward this goal)

We have always encouraged his passion for the game and sent him to all different types of camps – full contact as well as skills and we have had him in sports performance training since 4th grade.

He started long snapping in 7th grade. His head football coach asked anyone who thought they could snap a ball to try out for the position and he won it. While we “knew” that he snapped the ball for punts, extra points and field goals, we really didn’t have any idea it was an actual “position” so to speak. We thought it was just “something extra” he did in addition to playing Linebacker and Fullback.

The summer before his freshman year in high school he came and asked us to go to a long snapping camp and my husband and I were like – a what??? What in the heck is that? We were in the process of signing him up with a college recruiting service and I asked the representative if he knew of any long snapping camps and he recommended Rubio. The college recruiting service cost us a lot of money and didn’t end up doing anything for us in terms of recruiting BUT it will forever be worth the money because of their recommendation of Rubio Long Snapping.

I got on the computer and found out that Rubio was doing fall camps in various locations but the one closest to us was already set up. I emailed Rubio and was able to get our son on the waiting list and – eventually – into the camp.

This camp was our first exposure to the ins and outs of long snapping and to Rubio. While at the camp, my husband saw another father there that he knew. The father

wanted to share all of his knowledge with us and informed us that we shouldn’t limit ourselves to doing only Rubio camps – we should do ALL of the different ranking camps and get our son out there so he could have as much exposure as possible. Basically he was saying not to put all of our eggs in one basket. We listened politely to everything he said but at the end of the camp I told my husband that I didn’t agree – that I really liked this Rubio guy and how he ran his camp and our son seemed to respond to him and that was that. We never looked back and never put him anywhere else and have never been sorry about that. Interestingly enough, this other long snapper never ended up playing college ball and his father approached my husband here in town after our son received his scholarship to tell us how wrong he had been and if he had it to do over again, he would’ve stuck with Rubio like we did. He spent so much time running from one camp to the other that his son never had any consistency in terms of critique or what he needed to do to be the best that he could be.


Well, there are several reasons for this in my opinion. First, they are extensions of Kicking Camps – not really long snapping camps per se and it is not always the same person doing the evaluations and/or rankings so there is no consistency in what your son is being told to do and/or work on to improve.

Over the years, I can’t even count how many times our son has been approached to train with these other companies or attend their “invite only” camps. They have stalked him on social media, private messages and at different college camps he was attending that they happened to be running. The invited him to their regional camps and their “invitation only” camps (which is pretty much anyone that will pay for it). What they REALLY wanted to do was recruit a Rubio Long Snapper. They will pretty much tell you anything/everything you want to hear to get you to go to their camps but they really don’t do anything for you and your son in the long run – oh yeah – big talk and all but very little contacts and actions. If you look across the board in college football – the vast majority of long snappers come out of Rubio Long Snapping. I’m not telling you that there aren’t some from other companies but – overall – the college coaches trust and rely on Rubio and his evaluations. It doesn’t really matter if you are the #4 ranked long snapper in your class on their site if they are only ranking 30 kids. What, exactly, does that tell a college coach? That you invested your time and money with a company that doesn’t see enough long snappers to truly be an expert in the art form that really is long snapping.

I’ve seen kids go with other companies in addition to Rubio and think that they are somehow going to be chosen for a bowl game that way. That.Isn’t.Going.To.Happen. Let me repeat that – That.Isn’t.Going.To.Happen. Look back through their choices over the years and you can bet that their choices are never kids that train elsewhere. They TELL you that your kid is amazing and has a shot at it just to get your money and have your kid at that camp. Rubio now chooses snappers for 2 different bowl games and that isn’t an accident – he really is the foremost authority on long snappers.

If a “coach” from another long snapping company only tells you and your son how amazing he is and how much this company could do with/for them, they are likely blowing smoke up his (and your) butt. The truth is that every long snapper has things that can be improved. Our son continues to train with Rubio privately once a year and with Finch as many times as we can manage it when he is home for any period of time and he attends the college camp. And guess what? There are still things Rubio has him working on in order to go to the next level – the NFL.

Regardless of which college team is your favorite I don’t think that there is any doubt in anyones mind that Nick Saban is one of the best coaches in college football history. There is a reason that he only uses Rubio Long Snappers – think about that!


This is a tricky one and I will be the first to admit that I didn’t (and still don’t) always agree with Rubio in whoever was ranked above my kid. Now, I didn’t question the STAR rankings of the kids involved, but if there were several kids with the same number of stars – I didn’t always think that the person/people he ranked above my son were better than him. Sometimes I did agree and sometimes I didn’t but what I always DID agree with is whatever he critiqued our son on needing to work on so that is where we put our focus. Concentrating on that is what made our son the long snapper he is today.

If you and your kid don’t like where he is ranked, work on what Rubio says he needs to work on and improve that and then the next time Rubio sees him he will likely move up in the rankings because he fixed, or at the very least improved, that situation.

Or you can go coach shopping and find another company to tell you what you want to hear because they want your money. If they are telling you how awesome you are when Rubio is telling you what you need to work on then I would question their knowledge level. The way I look at it is this – wouldn’t it be “easier” for Rubio to just tell every kid how amazing he is and then write that up after every camp? He doesn’t do

that – he actually pays attention to the kid AT the camp and then goes back and watches their film and gives you detailed information – and he balances that – giving positive affirmations as well as things that need to improve. Ask yourself which “review” a college coach is going to trust – one that only tells you how amazing this kid is or one that is honest and straightforward? I personally prefer to hear the bottom line truth and so does our son. What about you?


I’ve heard a lot of people complain that their kid should be ranked higher or have more stars when their kid hasn’t been at camps. They complain that Rubio only wants them at the camps so that he can make more money. Two things here:

  1. Rubio can only rank the kid if he SEES the kid. So even if you think your kid is better than John X right now, if your kid isn’t at the camp and John X is and John X is better NOW than the last time Rubio saw your kid then John X is going to jump your kid in the rankings because he can only compare John X NOW to your kid the last time he saw him. This isn’t Rubio moving your kid down in the rankings at all – it is about another kids improvement since the last time he saw him and since he hasn’t seen your kid since then…..well you see how that is?
  2. This is Rubio’s business – his livelihood, his way to support his family so absolutely there is a financial aspect to him doing this. But – I have never been involved with an organization where the owner gives so much back to the kids. If you or your kid texts Rubio, he answers, if you comment on one of his posts on social media – he answers. He is encouraging and funny and supportive of everyone that is part of the Rubio Family – parents and kids and he doesn’t charge a dime for any of that “extra” support. My son started as a true college freshman and his first game was an away game and it was supposed to rain. Although my son was confident in his abilities he was a bit nervous and got in touch with Rubio and guess what Rubio did? He answered him right away and took the time to talk him through everything that needed to happen for our son to be successful. He set him at ease and helped him get out of his head in that minute when it truly mattered. I don’t know any other “long snapping” companies that are that accessible in that way and would’ve taken that time – after business hours – to do that. Do you?


Our particular high school class of long snappers was an exceptionally close class and I have heard people from other classes complain that they don’t have that bond that we

had – parents and kids. ANY class can have that bond but you have to have one or more families who are invested in making things happen – lunch together during camps, dinners together after camps staying the same hotel in Vegas and regional camps, etc. Guess what that means? Someone has to step up to the plate and coordinate it all – meaning do the research and keep in contact with everyone. If no one does that then it doesn’t happen.

The other thing I noticed is that all the families in our class were supportive of ALL the boys. There wasn’t any competition EXCEPT on the field. These kids have had a group chat going since they were Event Elite together summer before their Junior Year in high school and Top 12 the summer before their Senior Year and they are going into their (academic) Junior Year in college now and still chatting via group text. If someone was going to turn down an offer, they told the others in their group chat so that the rest of them could reach out to the coach if they were interested in playing for that college. No one “hoarded” that information – they shared contact information for coaches so that they could all achieve their dreams. They were all doing exactly what Rubio taught them to do – building each other up rather than tearing each other down.

Whenever I’ve seen issues between kids in the same class (not friendly competition), you can bet that some adults is egging that on and so if you stop any of that, then you can all have the same closeness up and down the rankings that we had. I can honestly tell you that out of the 5 Start Snappers in our class any one of them could’ve been #1 in the class on any given day. And, out of the parents in our class – we are still close to many of them and keep in touch and keep rooting for each others kids.

Rubio actively encourages these kids to not only be great long snappers but also to be great human beings.


If your son genuinely wants to play college football don’t be laser focused on whether it is a scholarship or a PWO. I mean, I get it – they all want a full ride but there are still some schools that simply will not bring in a long snapper on scholarship as a true freshman. Don’t make your son feel like a failure that he “only” received PWOs. Long Snapping isn’t like playing QB or RB where the school is going to take at least one player in that position every single year. If they don’t need a long snapper, it doesn’t matter how good your kid is – they aren’t going to take them.

We constantly told our son that he could play where HE wanted to play whether it was a PWO or scholly (and he multiple offers of each type). Ultimately he chose a school

that offered him a full ride but – for him – it was more about the actual University then it was about anything else.


This is a mistake I’ve seen families make. Our son got the offer so we are done with training. The difference between high school football and college football is the difference between driving on the Interstates here in the US and driving on the autobahn in Germany and you want your son to keep honing his skills for his entire college – and NFL – career.

We highly recommend starting private lessons with Rubio in high school and continuing these at least yearly – through college and beyond. Also, be sure you have your kid training at least sometimes during the year with a RUBIO instructor (Samantha can tell you where the closest RUBIO instructor is to you) and if you aren’t near one then go with Virtual Lessons. We started private lessons with Finch as soon as we started with Rubio and that made a huge difference. We didn’t have the option of virtual lessons at that time so we drove quite a distance on a regular basis so that our son could improve. With the option of virtual lessons, the sky is truly the limit in terms of improvement.

The one “regret” that I have is that we didn’t start private lessons with Rubio in Idaho sooner than we did. It is definitely an investment but having Rubio completely and utterly focused on your son for a period of time truly is priceless and every time we have gone up there it has taken our son to the next level. So, as soon as you can afford that – do it – you won’t regret it.

We also recommend attending January and May Vegas if at all possible. It gives your son invaluable experience.


To sum all of this up, our son worked very hard and daily to achieve his goal of playing college football and continues to work his butt off to be the best that he can be but none of this would’ve been possible without Rubio.

Rubio wasn’t easy on him. He set goals for him that were sometimes difficult for our son to achieve but he worked as hard as he did because Rubio expected it of him and challenged him to never settle for less. People rise to the level of expectation that are

placed upon them and we believe that Rubio set him up for success by expecting these things from him.

So I will end this the way I started it…..Our son is a Rubio Long Snapper. He isn’t just a long snapper, he is a Rubio Long Snapper and we are very proud of that distinction.

Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 14 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


A Guide For Rubio Long Snapping Parents on Game Day

As season starts, parents can tend to be filled with tons of emotions: joy, excitement, fear, nervousness, etc. All are normal and should be felt if your son is going to play on Friday, Saturday or even Sunday. Here are a couple of things to remember….

  1. You aren’t the first parent to go through this and you won’t be the last. Just like I tell my Long Snappers, if someone else has done it, so can you.
  2. Know that your son is well prepared. Odds are, if you are reading this, your son has been to a Rubio Long Snapping camp in the past couple months and got great instruction. Not only did he, but you did so as well. Remember when I brought you on the field? I don’t do that just because I want to spray with some people closer to my age. I do it so you can learn and teach your son when I am not around….and you have been doing that, right:)
  3. Review the mental aspect with your son before the game. Remind him, and yourself, that he, and you, are ready for this and he, and you, will dominate the moment.
  4. Make sure you hire someone else to film the game (one of your son’s friends or something….”Hey Johnny, here’s ten bucks, film the whole game, do it well, keep the camera on the Long Snapper and keep quiet”) so you can focus on the whole experience and not be stuck behind a camera seeing the game through a three inch screen.
  5. Prepare for the game with your son. After he snaps a great ball, you will want to give him signals to show him how great he did…thumbs up, big outstretched arms emulating a Rubio hug, blow him a kiss (get his lady friends involved).

Breathe. Have fun. Believe in your son. Have confidence in him. Trust me, it will overflow into him.

Enjoy every single moment you have with your children. This is an incredible time in your life and you need to embrace every single second of it.



Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years,  Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



It Wasn’t Supposed to be This Difficult

IMG_0550Headed to college…..

Everything is different now. People are looking at you like you are odd. You are at a whole new place in your life. Family is calling you. Old friends have wished you well. Everything is changing.

You knew it was coming and you worked for countless years to get to this point. You definitely had not done it all on your own. The list of people that have assisted you in getting to this point is gigantic and seems to keep growing.
You are amazed with yourself that you actually did it. You planned and planned and planned for this moment, yet, you still are overwhelmed that it finally came to fruition.

You don’t think you will be able to get through it. There’s no way you can. You continuously remind yourself that you are not the first person to do this, and definitely will not be the last.

The days get longer and longer. You look at old photos on your phone. You text. You call. You sob. You check Facebook. Sometimes you cry when people are looking and, a lot of times, when they aren’t. You never thought it would be this rough. This IS what YOU wanted, right?
You have spoken to others that have gone through what you are struggling with. You insist there’s no way they could have had it this rough. Times are different. Things are different. This is what you wanted, right? This is for the best, right? This is the next step in life, isn’t it?

Yes it is. This is the plan. This is the way it needs to be. This is what has to happen in life in order to advance.

Who would have thought being a parent and having your child go to college would be so tough:)



Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


What Do You Get at a Rubio Long Snapping Camp?

INSTRUCTION – There is simply no doubt that you will receive the best instruction in the country at a Rubio Long Snapping camp. It is unprecedented and known by college and NFL coaches throughout the country. When you sign up for a Rubio Long Snapping camp, you get perfection. I am there, my senior staff is there, on time and we don’t leave early.

EXPOSURE – Every camp that Rubio Long Snapping run offers the most exposure possible for Long Snappers. I bombard several avenues to make sure my Long Snappers are visible to all. The Rubio Long Snapping YouTube Channel has over 970,000 views (this is all just for Long Snapper….NO kickers are on the page). has been viewed well over 1,000,000 times. @TheChrisRubio on Twitter has over 5,750 followers (many of which are coaches) and the Rubio Long Snapping Facebook Page has over 5,600 followers (many of which are coaches) and stories in publications all over the world make Rubio Long Snapping the one stop shop for the most exposure in the country.

PLAYER PROFILE PAGE – As soon as you perform in a camp in the fall (or after) of your freshman year, you get a PLAYER PROFILE PAGE….for free! This player profile page is controlled by me and it can have any information you wanted added to it at anytime. You can use it for your recruiting purposes throughout high school.

RANKINGS – As soon as you perform in a camp in the fall (or after) of your freshman year, you get a ranking. I don’t rank off a target. I don’t rank off a formula. That would be ignorant. I rank off of THIS blog that describes what makes a Long Snapper great. That ranking can be adjusted anytime I see you live. Coaches look to these rankings religiously in their recruiting of Long Snappers.

YOUTUBE VIDEO – At every single Rubio Long Snapping camp you attend, you will be filmed for a YouTube video. Those videos will be placed on your free player profile page. You can use the video at your own discretion. It is yours and there is no extra charge for this service.

FILM SESSION – At Rubio Long Snapping camps, I will go in with you to a classroom and review the morning sessions. Long Snappers attend but I really want the parents/guardians to attend as well since this is when a majority of the learning will take place.

RECRUITING SEMINAR – At Rubio Long Snapping camp, Chris Sailer and I run an hour long recruiting seminar where we hit on some key topics and always open it up to a Q&A session for the specialists and parents. You will not leave without all your questions answered.

PROVEN SUCCESS – Dont’ believe me? See what others have to say HERE

RUBIO LONG SNAPPING SHIRT – You know, to wear at prom and such:)

Trust me when I tell you, I could keep this list going and going and going. Things like Friendship, Confidence, Humor are just some immediate things that pop into my head….see you soon! Remember, Not only on the field, but off. I am not your coach. I am your Rubio and I will be there for you.


r4ubio5Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years,  Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


Nervous at a Rubio Long Snapping Camp? You Aren’t Alone!

Sineath, TannerThis essay was written by Rubio Long Snapper Tanner Sineath (SC, ‘2016). His mother sent it to me…I think without him knowing, but who cares:) and I loved it. I think it really does a good job of showing the emotions and feelings that arise at someone’s first Rubio Long Snapping camp. First timers, parents and Long Snappers, must realize you are not alone and for every single GREAT Long Snapper you see on the field, they had a start and it usually wasn’t good…check films:)


I walked up to the registration table and gave my name, received my camp shirt and went off on my own to get ready to go out on the field. I looked around wishing I was like the other seasoned campers all gathered together. The campers already had nicknames from the camp coaches. They were walking around in their special gold shirts, and I felt hunger. I wanted a gold shirt, I wanted a nickname, I wanted the coaches to know me, I wanted to go out and show them all who I was. Wait! Was that jealousy? Probably, but I didn’t care. It fueled me. I was focused. I was going to make it happen. I was going to have them notice me.

That is when I was snapped back into reality! One of the gold shirts snapped the ball, and I thought DANG! I have bitten off more than I can chew! Suddenly the hunger was gone, and replaced by doubt. I didn’t belong here. I was never going to have a nickname, or a gold shirt, or to be part of the group. I tried to swallow, but it just stayed stuck in my throat like a wad of peanut butter. There is no worse feeling than wanting to retreat, but knowing you can’t. I told myself what is the worst thing that can happen? I told myself back, you will look like a fool in front of everyone! I then decided well at least no one knows me here so if I embarrass myself no one will remember it tomorrow.

There it was, they called my name! Time to show them what I have. I felt like I did ok, not great, but at least it didn’t totally suck! I learned a lot that day! I learned I am my own worst enemy. I learned that I am the only person that can hold me back. Then we went to lunch, and I talked to my parents about my feelings. They did their best job of loading me with clichés of doing your best, and hard work pays off. Along with all of the other things good parents are supposed to say. I am in no way saying I didn’t appreciate it, quite the contrary, it was what I wanted to hear from them, but at the same time I was worried, and not realizing the moment was perfect. I was surrounded by love and support, but so bogged down with self-doubt that I couldn’t really appreciate it.

We head back to the camp, and we are reviewing our snapping videos. Rubio got to my video and had positive things to say about my video, and it pretty much made my whole day. Why is it that a strangers words mattered so much more than my parent’s words? Oh yeah, because he didn’t have to say nice things to me. That wasn’t what he was getting paid to do. He is getting paid to teach me. Boy did he! Not just about snapping, but about life, about others opinions, and how even though the world says it doesn’t matter what someone else thinks or says it absolutely does. No college coach is going to call my mom to get her opinion of me, but they will call him. His opinions and words can open or close doors.

What was my point in all of this? My point is that the world is filled with challenges. It is filled with ups and downs. I have no doubt that football has helped me prepare for the real world. This is one example. It is the most vivid example I have. I am grateful for every moment, every life lesson, every friend, and every rival. They have all prepared me for the real world.


Where Are They Now? Rubio Long Snapper Tyler Schmitt

For the next installment of “Where Are They Now?” we venture to the back of a camera lens to hear from Rubio Long Snapper Tyler Schmitt. Tyler was a tremendous athlete in high school, dominated at SDSU and was drafted by the Seattle Seahawks in the 6th Round (Go Hawks!)

Check out what has been going on with Rubio Long Snapper Tyler Schmitt….

1.  What is your current occupation?  11142232_711004645674731_59132459_n

Professional Landscape Photographer 

2. Where do you live?

La Jolla , CA half of the year, exploring the globe the other half. 

3. Married/ Kids? Single. No kids

4. What is your fondest memory of your time playing college football? 

My fondest memory of playing football is running out of the tunnel at The Big House (Michigan) in front of 110,000 people as a 18 year old freshman. I’ve never been more terrified/excited to play in a game. 

5. If you could give ONE bit of advice to the current Rubio Long Snappers, what would it be?

Train with the linebackers, lift with the lineman, run with the defensive backs. Don’t train like a specialist, you will not grow to your full potential. Be an athlete! Practice mind control, tell yourself you are the best long snapper in the world and that is what you will become. 

6. If you could give ONE bit of advice to the current Rubio Long Snapping PARENTS, what would it be? 

Support your son’s dreams, whatever they may be. They have been put in his heart for a reason. If that means being a long snapper then great, if that means taking a break from football to pursue another deep rooted dream then so be it. I see a lot of parents these days forcing their own childhood dreams on their kids, this works in the opposite way as they would like it too. Thank you in advance for supporting your sons desire to be the best long snapper he can be. 

7. When was the last time you snapped a ball and for what reason? Schmitt_Tyler

A few months ago giving a private lesson. Partially to show the young gentleman an example of what I was talking about, but mostly to make sure I still had it in me. 😉 

 8.   If you could go back and play football in college again, would you go to the same school or a different one? Why? 

I wouldn’t change my college experience for the world. Being a long snapper at San Diego State is truly one of the best jobs on planet earth. We have quite a nice streak of Rubio long snappers continuing on to the NFL, and we plan on extending it next year. 

 9. Any regrets during college? Something you wish you had done or maybe hadn’t?

I have no regrets during my college football career. I do wish however I would have taken care of my body and mind better. Clean eating is such an important role in maintaining a healthy career. I learned this late in my career during my short time in the NFL. Athletes spend years tearing down their body with weightlifting and practice, but rarely learn how to build back up their body (through massage, stretching, yoga, meditation) until they learn from NFL veterans. 

10.   What tremendous thing have you been a part of or experienced since you graduated? 

Since I graduated college I have had the opportunity to be drafted in the 6th round of the 2008 NFL draft by the Seattle Seahawks.  More importantly I am now pursuing a dream of sharing my photography with the world. You can check out my work at Instagram – @tyschmitt or (VERY WORTH CHECKING OUT!)

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Survival Guide for Rubio Long Snapping Parents

A couple weeks ago, a Rubio Long Snapping mom named Ashely Culbertson asked if she could put together a survival guide for the parents. She stated that there is a ton that goes into being a parent at the camp and lots of stuff to be said. Given, I said “Let it rain!” and she did.

TREMENDOUS job by Ashely and definitely something to sit down and soak in.


Survival Guide for Rubio Long Snapper/Chris Sailer Kicking Parents: 

Quick Reference for the BIG Questions to the Little Questions Most Parent/Guardians of LS and K/P have.

I’m just a mom. It sounds funny to say that out loud, as any parent knows being a parent is not for the faint of heart, so using the phrase “just a mom” is a HUGE understatement. Equally understated is to use the phrase “just the long snapper/kicker/punter.” So, go ahead and move past the “just” and recognize the vitally important role your son (or possibly daughter, but for the sake of time and space I’ll refer to the student athlete in the male form) plays on his team. Special teams, and specifically the long snapper and kicker/punter have, can, and will make or break a football game. I encourage you to go to and read more in depth blogs on this subject via the link to Rubio’s blog and Sailer’s blog. Another quick and extremely relevant example would be the 2014 college football season during which both regular season and bowl games had outcomes determined by the performance of special teams in the last few seconds. Now, moving forward, I’m just a mom and my kid’s just a long snapper, and the past year and a half has been one of the most exciting journeys…EVER…so buckle up buttercup, here we go!

Your First Rubio/Sailer Camp-

     1. This is typically the one day camp that is held closest to you. You probably googled long snapping or kicking instruction/technique, or heard of Rubio and/or Sailer by word of mouth, and now you’re all signed up for your first Rubio/Sailer Camp for your son. **Prepare to be blown away.** We were. My son had just finished his freshman season, having been pulled to the varsity team and become the starting long snapper for his high school football team. His high school is known for its football program in our state, and my son became a really big fish in a small pond literally overnight. He loved it. We, his parents, thought he was the best thing that had ever happened to long snapping. Once we got to that first camp, the “pond” suddenly got much, much bigger. That’s not to say my son wasn’t good, what I mean is we saw very quickly that if he wanted to get serious about football and college, there was work to be done.

          -This may or may not be your experience and that’s okay. Every situation is unique, and it’s important to take the suggestions that help.

          -You are going to be given A LOT of information. Relax! (You’ll find this to be a recurring theme throughout this experience.) Give it time and it will sink in. Also, Sailer and Rubio are two of the most open and receptive individuals/professionals when it comes to questions. A quick tip, though- after this first camp, when a question comes up, go to the website first. If you still can’t find an answer you are looking for, ask! 

     2. What do I need to take for camp?

Sounds a bit silly, but until you’ve been there, done that, (and now can even get the t-shirt), there are things I definitely would recommend having on hand that I never thought of in the beginning.

          -Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. You will be very involved in this experience and while I love my cute sandals and sundresses as much as the next mom (comfortable clothing applies to dads as well; choose clothes you’d wear when at home working with your son), this isn’t a beauty pageant. Get out your socks and tennis/running/athletic shoes, shorts, and a t-shirt and be ready to work and learn with your son.

          -Bring a chair, you’ll need to be in close proximity to the instruction. Usually that means on the sidelines until Sailer or Rubio call parents to the field. Standing all day or sitting on the grass/turf isn’t ideal.

          -If possible, bring a cooler with water. Water is ALWAYS provided, but if you’re at a camp in the heat of summer, a small cooler (even the soft, foldable ones) that can carry water bottles with ice/cold packs definitely comes in handy. Your athlete should be hydrating daily. The reality is, so should parents. If you or your athlete waits to take in water until thirsty, you’re doing it wrong. HYDRATE, HYDRATE, HYDRATE! If the camp isn’t close enough to drive to and you are flying, Google the nearest Dollar Store, Dollar General, WalMart, Target, etc. It’s worth the extra ten dollars to have cold water on hand. 

          -Sunscreen. You and your athlete will be outside (weather permitting) for the better part of eight hours. Even if the camp you and your athlete are attending is during one of the cooler months, you may need sunscreen. If it’s a summer camp and you enjoy having a nose, it’s a must.

          -You are going to have about an hour for lunch. Be prepared. Google restaurants close by that you can get in and out of quickly. Another option is bring lunch with you- think tailgating. This can be a good idea for several reasons: you don’t have to rush, your athlete has more time to relax and regroup, and you will likely have the opportunity to get to know others at the camp. It’s important to realize this group of young men will see each other again, and they are building friendships on the field, so build friendships with the parents around you. Be smart, though. If it’s 100* outside, go somewhere out of the heat for this break. Otherwise, I’m confident EMS will gladly take you somewhere cooler- just saying.

          -Bring your camera/phone. Rubio and Sailer are used to taking pictures with athletes at their camps at the end. Even if your kid isn’t big on pictures, DO IT. You’ll look back at some point and realize how far your kid has come, and you’ll be glad you did.

     3. Why does Rubio/Sailer know other kids’ names/parents/families? Will they remember my son? Are they even watching them?

          -Don’t flip out!! Some of the athletes and their families have been working with Rubio/Sailer for years. Just because they know some of the athletes immediately doesn’t mean they aren’t watching your kid. In fact, you just might hear them called by a nickname that will stick (ex. BaconHead, Oregon, MadDawg). Your son may get a “big daddy” thrown his way. This happens because they ARE noticing your kid, and while in that moment they may not use your athlete’s full name, they use these kinds of nicknames because that’s one of the ways they remember the athletes. You may also notice that your athlete is being photographed and videoed…a lot. Relax, Rubio and Sailer are noticing your son from the moment you walk up to the registration table until the moment you leave that afternoon (likely dragging, tired, a little overwhelmed by all the information you’ve been given, and definitely excited and motivated for the future).

           -Remember the big fish/small pond example? This is when you’ll probably realize that while your kid is talented, so are many other kids. Again, relax. At the end of the day, your son has just learned from the best, trained with the best, and been evaluated by the best. Once rankings/evaluations are posted, your athlete is going to have his strengths highlighted while also given constructive criticism. This part of the process ideally will encourage, motivate, and drive your son to put what he has learned to good use if he hasn’t already. Rubio has an excellent blog that explains how his rankings are done, so, again, go to the website, click on Rubio’s blog and search for how his rankings/evaluations are done. It’s fair, honest, and really quite easy to understand.

          -Be patient. Believe me when I say I understand, patience is not one of my virtues. However, Rubio and Sailer will tell the athletes and parents a date their rankings will come out. If you aren’t already, you and your athlete should follow, friend, like, etc. Sailer and Rubio on all social media sources. They will let everyone know via their blogs and social media that the rankings are up. 

     -Get familiar with social media- like yesterday. You will hear it, read it, and maybe wake up repeating it: Be sure your athlete is being appropriate when using social media. Colleges are watching and noting EVERYTHING your athlete is doing if they are a potential recruit. Think of it like Santa Claus (you better watch out…he knows when you’ve been bad or good so be good for goodness sake)- he’s everywhere! Does your kid want to play ball or lose a spot on a team over a retweet? If you don’t know what a retweet is, figure it out right now. 

How often should my son attend a Rubio/Sailer camp? Isn’t once enough? What about Vegas?

     1. I am a parent that looks for a really good reason to do something, I evaluate its worth as well as the sacrifice needed to obtain a goal. My son that I’ve referenced here has three siblings, so a great deal of thought has to go into these decisions. The following are my thoughts as a parent on this subject:

          -When preparing to have our son, my husband and I put a great deal of time and effort into being sure he would have the things he needed to thrive. While my husband (as a new dad) was awesome at helping, and he could change a diaper, the first few weeks of diaper changes were pretty comical. Sure, our son had a diaper on, but with practice he had a diaper on that didn’t fall off when we picked him up. Another example would be when our son got his learner’s permit to drive. He was very diligent about safety, and could get us from point A to B. But with practice, he stopped using the brake like an on/off switch. The point is, your athlete will learn great things at one camp, but if his desire is to be the best he can be or to play football at the next level, giving him more opportunities to fine tune his skills is imperative. Yes, attend more than one camp. 

          -While things like form, speed, accuracy, and consistency are themes that remain unchanged at each camp, I can say with certainty that my son has learned something new each time he’s attended a Rubio/Sailer camp. That could mean learning a new drill all the way to walking up to register by himself and displaying the confidence he is building in himself. The best analogy I can think of for this part of the process is much like when one learns to drive a car with a manual transmission. There’s that really fine, smooth moment you let off the clutch and press the gas pedal. In the beginning, most of us had those “herky, jerky” moments and had to restart, or have heard a parent yell “you’re grinding the gears.” If you only attend one camp, it’s probable that you and your athlete will approach most of the day together. If you attend a second camp, and you nudge your son to handle things himself, depending on the kid, it’s going to be somewhat “herky, jerky.” The more opportunities to practice and fine tune skills on and off the field, the smoother the transition will be for your son to become a confident and independent individual in a very positive way.

     2. Vegas. If I could go back in time, I would have gotten my son to this event sooner. It’s honestly not something one can explain, it’s the experience itself. You will hear Sailer and Rubio say go more than once. ABSOLUTELY! The first time you and your son attend this event, it’s like the first day of high school as a freshman. Most of the time is spent figuring everything out (unless your son is a seasoned world traveler that never gets jet lag and is intimidated by nothing). If you’ve ever seen the movie “Hoosiers” (your son probably has not, but hopefully you saw it back in the day), there is a scene where the team makes it to the BIG championship game. They all walk in the arena looking like a bunch of deer in headlights. The coach has them measure the court, and so on. This is much like that first trip to Vegas. Your son will realize the distance to the target hasn’t changed, Sailer and Rubio haven’t changed, and get more comfortable with what comes along with traveling, navigating this mega event, etc. 

Is it (the camps) really worth it?

     1. The easy, quick answer: YES!

     2. The training experience offered by Chris Sailer and Chris Rubio truly is worth it, and here is why:

          -If we are talking dollars and cents, as well as probability and statistics, then it’s a no-brainer. Add up what you would spend on the camps your son attends in a given year (everything- travel, food, hotel, camp, etc.). Nope, it’s not cheap. Now add up the cost of a four year education (and even pick a school with a lesser tuition, but add in staying on campus, a meal plan, transportation of some sort, etc.). You likely have just seen in black and white how beneficial this can be.

          -Do some research. Look at the options out there. It will quickly become clear NO OTHER CAMP offers the same degree of exposure, education, and instruction, AND educates/involves the parent/guardian (maximizing your athlete’s potential by giving him the tools to work hard and smart after camp is over). This is the real deal. 

          -What your son will take away from the Sailer/Rubio camp experience is priceless on several levels. First, this is my son’s goal, his dream- not mine, not my husband’s- his. If this is your athlete’s passion, you will see great things; if it’s your dream and not your kid’s you’re doing it wrong- stop. Second, this is an awesome opportunity for your son to learn responsibility, confidence, and independence BEFORE he steps out into this big ole world on his own. If my son chose to never pick up a football again, what he has learned and gained is more than we could teach him on our own as parents, and that alone makes every bit worth it. Finally, the day I stood back with my husband and watched our son walk up to a college’s special teams coordinator, shake his hand, look him in the eye and have a conversation with him on his own, I knew we were on the right track.

I cannot stress enough how essential the website ( is. Hopefully you’ve gained some insight and can relax and enjoy this awesome time with your athlete. It’s been one of the best decisions we have ever made.



Where Are They Now? Rubio Long Snapper PJ Tobyansen

1929591_574887992716_9507_nFor the next installment of “Where Are They Now?” we head to Southern California to hear from Rubio Long Snapper PJ Tobyansen (2006, CA). PJ was at UCLA with Rubio Long Snapper Christian Yount and is one of the most vibrant people you will ever meet and comes from an incredible family. Wait until you seen what he is doing now!

Check out what has been going on with Rubio Long Snapper PJ Tobyansen…

1.  What is your current occupation?

After my career at UCLA I have been working in the film industry in Los Angeles area and have done so for the past five years. My past employers have been Fox, Sony, and Marvel studios. I am currently working for Disney on the film The Jungle Book as a Visual Effects Coordinator for the past year and half. 

2. Where do you live?

I live with my wife Julie in Woodland Hills CA. We have been happily married for TWO months 🙂

3. Married/ Kids? Yes, no kids.

4. What is your fondest memory of your time playing college football? 

I have so many good memories that I would love to share about my time playing college football. But I will share two, meeting my wife for the first time at UCLA, and running out of tunnel at the Rose Bowl the very first game of my career. I will Never forget both of those memories.

5. If you could give ONE bit of advice to the current Rubio Long Snappers, what would it be?

For all current Rubio Long Snappers my one bit of advise would be the following. Work on the little things in life, and continue to strive for greatness. You made the right move and your a Rubio long snapper. Rubio hammers into each an everyone of his snappers muscle memory. IT WORKS, plan and simple. You don’t get good muscle memory if you don’t work on the little things and your fundamentals. Just continue to grow and  practice the little things, the little fundamentals, work work work. If you keep adding 1% to your game each day by practicing this approach you will see your results shine. And I can assure you it carries over into your professional life.

6. If you could give ONE bit of advice to the current Rubio Long Snapping PARENTS, what would it be? 

For all current Rubio Long Snapper parents my advice would be patients, TRUST RUBIO he is a wise wise man.

7. When was the last time you snapped a ball and for what reason?

The last time I snapped a football is actually a very funny story. The day before my wedding Friday June 26, 2015. Kai Forbath (Washington Redskins) who I grew up with and played football in HS and College. We were hanging out in my hotel suite and just messing around and catching up. My dad had a football there and Kai was begging me to snap to him for old time sake. Just to see if I still had it. I reluctantly agreed, thinking to myself man its been almost THREE years since the last time I snapped a football. So we had a good stretch of carpet 15 yards all that you need. I fired my first snap back as hard as I could and almost destroyed the thermostat on the wall. Kai yells at me “PEEJ!! a little off there!!” I screamed back hahhaa ok!! just getting warmed up here, give me a second!! I made a little correction and fired the next 5 perfect snaps back to him. I still had it!! He calls my parents in and goes he still has it!! I said two words to my parents MUSCLE MEMORY. It probably helped that I had an adrenaline rush going because it was the day before my wedding but I’ll take it!

 8.   If you could go back and play football in college again, would you go to the same school or a different one? Why? 

If I could go back and play college football again, even tho I did not play, I would still go to UCLA as preferred walk-on. I was a part of a GREAT TEAM, It was the best time of my life. I met my wife and made great memories with team mates and friends that will last me a life time. I also get the greatest kick out of telling my co-workers and friends that two out of the three players in my position group at UCLA play currently  in the NFL, and yes I was the 3rd that didn’t make it. I’m so proud of those guys, and proud to be a Bruin!

 9. Any regrets during college? Something you wish you had done or maybe hadn’t?

I have no regrets about my choices in college I would do it the exact same way. I worked very hard to contribute to the team. I learned a lot from my time as a student athlete and I am very grateful and so fortunate to have done so.

10.   What tremendous thing have you been a part of or experienced since you graduated?

The most tremendous thing that I have been apart of since my graduation from UCLA would be first and foremost my Wedding two months ago to Julie who was a former student athlete and national champion 3rd baseman for the UCLA softball team. It was the greatest moment in my life. Second would be my career I have worked on some of the greatest movies to come out over the last five years. I have worked on the following movies Jack the Giant Slayer, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Star Trek into Darkness, Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World, Captain America: The Winter Solider, Guardians of The Galaxy, and now The Jungle Book. Every movie feels like a new a season and a tremendous experience.  



How To Get An Unofficial Recruiting Trip


Where Are They Now? Rubio Long Snapper Jeff Palmer

For the next installment of “Where Are They Now?” we head to Southern California to hear from Rubio Long Snapper Jeff Palmer. Palmer played his high school football in Orange County then made his way to the Oregon Ducks where he still holds the record for most field goal snaps in a career. Oh, did I mention he is about 5’10” and 190 (dripping wet and holding barbells)

Check out what has been going on with Rubio Long Snapper Jeff Palmer…

1.  What is your current occupation?

I have been an Account Executive for MetLife for a little over two years, selling employee benefits through brokers to companies with 10 to 5,000 employees.

2. Where do you live?

I am in the process of moving from San Francisco to San Diego, currently living in Dana Point, CA.

3. Married/ Kids? Single. No kids

4. What is your fondest memory of your time playing college football? Screen Shot 2015-08-20 at 4.48.33 PM

My fondest memory of my entire time at Oregon was running on the field the second the clock hit 0 at the 2012 Rose Bowl. We had lost our two previous bowl games, and the guys that were still on the team for the Rose Bowl had a huge weight lifted off of our shoulders when we won that game. It was the culmination of a pretty special season for us.

5. If you could give ONE bit of advice to the current Rubio Long Snappers, what would it be?

Obviously work hard on the football side of things, but work even harder on the academic side and get involved with any networking opportunities that your school offers you. You never know what types of opportunities may come your way after your playing career is over, and the vast majority of guys will be done playing for good when your college eligibility is up.

6. If you could give ONE bit of advice to the current Rubio Long Snapping PARENTS, what would it be? 

Always be positive. Your son is getting the opportunity to do what millions of kids only dream of doing- running on to the field on Saturdays for a college football game. You can’t take everything so seriously. I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, so just sit back and enjoy watching your son have fun and grow up.

7. When was the last time you snapped a ball and for what reason?

I snap at least one ball a day down the hallway in my apartment just so I can tell myself- “still got it.” A lot of my brokers and coworkers ask me to snap a ball to them once they find out I played football as well.

 8.   If you could go back and play football in college again, would you go to the same school or a different one? Why? 

No doubt in my mind I would go to Oregon again. Everyone hears about Nike, the uniforms, the facilities, and the flashy offense, but what a lot of people don’t know is how well the Athletic Department sets its student-athletes up for success after their time runs out. There were countless networking and mentoring events to attend during our time there, which allowed me to develop relationships with people I otherwise would have never had the chance to meet.

 9. Any regrets during college? Something you wish you had done or maybe hadn’t?

I actually wish I did not try to graduate as quickly as I did. I should have stayed in Eugene as long as possible because yes, being out in the real world is fun, but it comes with a lot more responsibility than you realize when you are still in school. 

I wish I didn’t have a girlfriend my senior year…what an idiot.

10.   What tremendous thing have you been a part of or experienced since you graduated? 3a549d2

I got to spend some time in Colorado working for Wounded Warriors right after I graduated. We spent time at Air Force Academy as well as the Olympic Training Facilities, but it was so rewarding helping the veterans and hearing their stories and about the daily struggles since returning home. It really put things into perspective for me.


How a High School Coach Should Deal with a Long Snapper

Chris Rubio of Rubio Long Snapping offers up some quick advice to high school coaches and what they should do with their Long Snapper.


Where Are They Now? Rubio Long Snapper Brendan Lopez

NCAA FOOTBALL: OCT 16 Oregon State at WashingtonFor the next installment of “Where Are They Now?” we venture to Seattle, WA (Go Hawks!) to hear from Rubio Long Snapper Brendan Lopez. Brendan was a top Long Snapper for Rubio Long Snapping in 2007. He started off as a preferred walk-on to Michigan but came back to University of Washington and was put on full scholarship!

Check out what has been going on with Rubio Long Snapper Brendan Lopez….

1.  What is your current occupation?  I am currently in my last year at the University of Washington School of Dentistry. I will complete my training in June 2016 and pursue further speciality training in periodontics. I am also a Rubio Long Snapping staff member for the Seattle, WA area.

2. Where do you live? Seattle, WA.

3. Married/ Kids? Nooooooo

4. What is your fondest memory of your time playing college football? Spending time with my teammates. Whether is was during off season workouts, fall camp, traveling to away games or celebrating after a big win, the best part of college football were the friends and relationships that came from it. 

5. If you could give ONE bit of advice to the current Rubio Long Snappers, what would it be? Be patient, enjoy the process and have a good life balance. Maintaining other areas of your life outside of football is very important. Don’t forget about friendships outside of football and focus on your education. Have a plan for after college and use football to help you get there. 

6. If you could give ONE bit of advice to the current Rubio Long Snapping PARENTS, what would it be? Never want something more than your kid does. 

7. When was the last time you snapped a ball and for what reason? Vegas XXVI. Next one will be XXVII. 

ELKJQDSGVNISCLQ.20130529005445 8.   If you could go back and play football in college again, would you go to the same school or a different one? Why? No doubt I would choose University of Washington again. I love Seattle and it’s an excellent school.

 9. Any regrets during college? Something you wish you had done or maybe hadn’t? Aim lower on my first snap at BYU. Sailing it for a safety with my parents in the stands was pretty embarrassing. 

10.   What tremendous thing have you been a part of or experienced since you graduated? Celebrating in the streets of downtown Seattle after the Seahawks won Super Bowl 48. That was tremendous. 


Brendan Lopez and Rubio at VEGAS XXV. Lopez does a great job running Rubio Long Snapping lessons in the Seattle, WA area.


Consider Which Parent to Take With You On Trips

Yup, you read that correctly. An athlete should be very careful when going on an official (school pays for the trip and you only get five of them) or an unofficial (athlete/parents pay for the trip and you can take as many as you’d like) visit when deciding who goes with them.

Let me break it down for you….

If you are going to a school as a football recruit and aren’t exactly ideal size, you might want to leave your 5 foot tall mother at home. The mom’s height will spook the coach since they will think “Oh man, this kid is done growing.

On the other hand, if you are undersized and your dad is a giant, definitely bring him since the coach would think “Ok, kid doesn’t pass the eyeball test right now, but he has the same genes so he will get there in some time

Remember, coaches will already know what you can do through my rankings and by speaking with me. But, they will like to see how you pass the eyeball test, so don’t give them negatives to think about when recruiting you.


Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years,  Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


Where Are They Now? Rubio Long Snapper Corey Adams

corey adamsFor the next installment of “Where Are They Now?” we venture to Colorado to hear from Rubio Long Snapper Corey Adams. Corey was the #1 Long Snapper for Rubio Long Snapping in 2007 and has some of the quickest hands you will see. Incredible Long Snapper and an even better person.

Check out what has been going on with Rubio Long Snapper Corey Adams….

1.  What is your current occupation?  I currently work as a financial analyst at Lockheed Martin and as a Rubio Long Snapping staff member in CO.

2. Where do you live? Colorado Springs, CO.

3. Married/ Kids? Married to my wife, Karrington, for two and a half years. We are expecting our first child any day now.

4. What is your fondest memory of your time playing college football? My fondest memory from playing college football would probably be my very first game my freshman year. We were playing down at Auburn, in front of 90,000+ fans, plus a national TV audience. My high school team was really bad, and I think the biggest crowd we played in front of was MAYBE 1,000 people. Plus, Auburn’s stadium was about three times the size of my hometown, so getting to play in front of that many people for my first college game was pretty memorable.

Also, all the time spent with all the guys on the team. Whether it was workouts, class, practice or study table, it was a just always a good time getting to hang out with them.

5. If you could give ONE bit of advice to the current Rubio Long Snappers, what would it be? The one bit of advice I would give to Rubio Long Snappers would be to not have any regrets. The very first team meeting at Kansas State, one of our seniors stood up and told us freshman “The days are long but the years are short”. We all thought he was crazy and upset his time was almost up, but before we knew it, we were playing our last game together. That being said, whether it is a homework assignment/test, practice, workout, or just time with your friends/family,  do not take any of it for granted; put 100% effort in and enjoy every second because once it is all over, you will miss it. 

media_sports_m-footbl_auto_action_6053390-14346997279916. If you could give ONE bit of advice to the current Rubio Long Snapping PARENTS, what would it be? The one piece of advice i would give to Rubio Long Snapping parents would be to support your son when needed, but also give him the space to grow. I know there were times growing up when I was snapping with my Dad, and he knew exactly how to judge when to get on my case about snapping harder, lock my legs out etc, or give me my space to get something figured out on my own. Also, when your son is getting ready to transition from High School to College, be there to support him in any decisions he has to make, but give him the space to make his own decisions and speak to the coaching staffs on his own. This transition isn’t always going to be smooth, but at that time of anyone lives is critical to advancing in life.

7. When was the last time you snapped a ball and for what reason? Last time I snapped a football was the Pro/College demo at Vegas XXVI. It was the first one I had snapped in a while, and my form wasn’t what you would call “good”. Rubio texted me a picture of how bad it was, and since then I would like to consider myself retired, until the urge comes up to snap next Vegas.

 8.   If you could go back and play football in college again, would you go to the same school or a different one? Why? If i was going back and playing college football again, no doubt in my mind I would pick Kansas State. I loved the small town feel and all the support for the football program. I was able to meet my wife there, and have made so many life long friends, I couldn’t see myself playing anywhere else.

 9. Any regrets during college? Something you wish you had done or maybe hadn’t? I really don’t have any regrets from college. I was able to get my degree, had the opportunity to play in the NFL, and was able to find a good job once it was all said and done.

10.   What tremendous thing have you been a part of or experienced since you graduated? The coolest thing I have experienced since graduating (probably going to sound geeky) is getting to learn/work with some of the technology that our Department of Defense develops and uses. Some of the things seem like they would be made for a movie and are pretty unimaginable. It’s just neat to know the advancements we are making in those fields.

Be sure to check out the link below to see a news story on Corey when he was just coming out of high school.


What Coaches Will Ask a Recruit

Everyone always wants to know the key questions a coach will ask their son/daughter when they are getting recruited and the truth is, it’s the basics…

  • “So, what’s up?”
  • “How is school?”
  • “How is the weather?”
  • “How are your grades?”
  • “Would you be interested in coming to _____________ to get your degree and play some football?”

Right now, you are thinking “this is a joke, Rubio.” No, it is not. The coach is not looking to solve the world’s problems by speaking to your kid. He is simply trying to see if your kid is a moron or not.


They just want to hear the athlete speak, make sure he/she is not an idiot and someone that can operate on their own without mommy/daddy speaking for them.

So, you want to prep your kid? Just speak to them.


2015 Spring Rubio banner


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years,  Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


5 Things a Parents Should Be During the Recruiting Process….

Your child will need you more than ever during this period. This will be extra challenging as they are a teen and know it all. Therefore, you must remain supportive and on their team. Guide them in the right direction but let them walk the path.

There will be tons of pamphlets, camps, emails, directions and communication. A teen usually has too much on their plate to manage it all. This is where an adult’s organization skills can hopefully relieve some pressure off the athlete.

Practice with your child the conversations he/she will have with the coaches and recruiting coordinators. It looks terrible when a coach asks an athlete a question and the athlete looks to mommy or daddy for the answer. Even worse is if mommy or daddy simply answers for the athlete.

Not every athlete is going to attend the top D1 schools in the country. If your son wants to play, there are literally hundreds of schools out there with teams. Find several that aren’t necessarily on your radar and embrace them. There is something out there for everyone.

The coach doesn’t want to talk to you. Trust me, I speak to them all the time. They are recruiting the athlete, NOT you. Like I have said a hundred times, when you (the parent) were dating your spouse, did you want to date them or their parents? Exactly. Stay in the background and let your son/daughter be a big boy/girl. This goes for interviews with sports writers, as well. Let the athlete speak for themselves.

Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 14 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


Sad, But True

There once was a Long Snapper that went to visit his favorite college in the fall. He took his father. His father spoke too much. Rubio told the father to stop talking to the coaches as they would want to talk to the son and not the father. Rubio told the the father it was like when he was dating his wife. Did he want to hang out and speak with her or her parents? He said he got it.

The Long Snapper got a tour of the weight room and the locker room from the coaches. The father kept talking.

The Long Snapper was asked questions by the coaches, the father answered.

The coaches offered the Long Snapper a preferred walk-on spot. The kid was ecstatic. The father reached out, shook the coaches hand and said we will take it. The kid didn’t speak.

The father called Rubio after this and said “they” had committed to their dream school as a preferred walk-on! Rubio congratulated them and hung up.

Two minutes later, Rubio’s phone rang, he answered it. It was the head coach of the college that had just offered the Long Snapper a preferred walk-on spot. The coach asked Rubio what he knew about the dad he had just encountered. Rubio told him all he knew. The coach replied with “love the kid and his ability to snap but we are going to pull the offer because we can’t stand the dad and don’t want to have to deal with him for four years.”

The offer was pulled. The Long Snapper did not go to a four year university.


p.s. Yes, this is a true story.



Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years,  Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


ASK RUBIO – Redshirting in High School? Best Looking on 90210? Potential NFL Long Snappers? Liking Sailer?

Dear Rubio…

1) What are your thoughts about holding back/red shirting a high school student athlete for the sole purposes of giving them an edge athletically against their peers? 2) Also I need your 90210 expertise to settle an argument, Valerie right? (Tiffani Amber Thiessen)

It would depend on when you hold the athlete back. If it is done sooner in life, I feel that is better. When you get into the high school years, it could really mess with their demeanor as they will be losing a lot of friends at that point. Bottom line, if you are going to do it, do it EARLY.

As for the 90210 question (great one by the way), I have to go with Valerie (Tiffany Amber Theissen). How could I not after her dominant performance as Kelly Kapowski on the hit TV show Saved by the Bell!??!?!? The lady was one of my first crushes (as I have a feeling I speak for millions of other men my age as well that grew up in the 80’s and 90’s)



Dear Rubio….

You have explained to us how you are able to recognized college long snappers out of high schoolers, but what do you see in college snappers to be potential NFL Long snappers? Also, how can a snapper adjust to be a more appealing prospect?
-BGSU Long Snapper

Christian Yount

–BGSU Long Snapper….
There are a couple differences between a college Long Snapper and an NFL Long Snapper: Size (NFL Long Snappers usually are right around the 240+ range), Accuracy (an NFL Long Snapper might not always be the fastest Long Snapper you have ever seen but they should RARELY, and I mean RARELY miss….think two out of 100) and Blocking. The last point, blocking, is a massive aspect that kills a lot of guys chances at the next level because they either never did it in college (thank you spread formation) and can’t get used to it quickly by the pro day. The speed jump from high school to college is quadrupled from college to the NFL. Not being able to keep up with that jump is what kills hopes and dreams of a college Long Snapper trying to make the NFL.

At the Rubio Long Snapping College as well as the NFL Free Agent Camp, we will work on blocking a ton to make sure each Long Snapper is a more appealing prospect.



Dear Rubio….

Sailer and Rubio at UCLADid you like Sailer when you guys played together at UCLA?

Yes, I actually did BECAUSE he never acted like a “kicker” 🙂 He would get back, do his little step thingy and kick the ball. IF he missed, he would never blame me (not that he could, I was throwing pearls back there) and just go to the next kick. He had very much a lineman attitude and, ironically, used to always hang out with me and the lineman.




Remember, if you would like to ASK RUBIO a question on any topic (honestly, it shouldn’t be on Long Snapping since you can find almost all questions answered on my blog and on, just go ahead and send your question(s) to with the subject line: ASK RUBIO.
Ask Rubio