So, You Didn’t Make the TOP 12, Now What?

For the past couple weeks, you have been watching the TOP 12 Camp Invited Long Snappers get chosen one by one. Daily, you stared at your Twitter feed, Instagram or Facebook waiting for the inevitable clues to be dropped. Each day, a couple people were ecstatic while countless others felt the opposite emotions. A couple days ago, the final members of the TOP 12 Camp Invitees were announced and a balloon was popped for many  Long Snappers. Now what?

Couple ways to look at it….

You can be upset with me for not selecting you. You can be upset with yourself for not performing when it counted. You can even find a way to blame others, but, it is ultimately on you. The only thing you can control is how hard and smart you work. Everyone in Vegas is competing for the same spots. Don’t let anybody outwork you and you will see different results.

You need to use this as motivation to make sure you perform better. This is all up to you. The choice is yours.

If you are a Long Snapper that strives to be the best, you want to be at that TOP 12  camp during the summer. Any single athlete that has been there (scholarship Long Snappers, All-Americans, NFL players) will tell you it is, by far, the best camp they have ever been to in their life. What you need to do is get back on the horse. Work smarter and harder.

Many great Long Snappers did NOT make it simply because in Vegas they didn’t feel they could. They did NOT have confidence. They were HOPING they would snap well instead of KNOWING they would snap well. Sound familiar?

Just because you didn’t make the TOP 12 does NOT mean you are a bad Long Snapper at all and that you should just stop. It means that you need to work harder and smarter at VEGAS XXXIV to be selected to the next batch of TOP 12 Campers to be invited. Remember, I will be choosing twenty more there and then those forth will be narrow down at the camp to see who really is THE TOP 12 LONG SNAPPERS.

You need to knock my socks off. THE RANKINGS CAN BE ADJUSTED ANYTIME I SEE YOU LIVE. You need to show everyone this spring as I pass through the country that you are the best. Dominate. Know you can do it AND do it!

The best of the best ALWAYS step up.

Are you one of them? Time to decide. Prove to me, and the rest of the world, that you belong.

Or don’t.



Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 13 years,  Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


Rubio Long Snapping has become…

Rubio Long Snapping has grown immensely over the past 16 years….

Rubio Long Snapping has gone from having barely double digit Long Snappers at a Vegas Event to double digits plus 300 at the same Vegas Event.

Rubio Long Snapping has gone from 1 lesson per every other month to continuous lessons all over the country, Virtual Lessons and lessons with NFL Long Snappers (that have been with Rubio Long Snapping since the beginning)

Rubio Long Snapping has gone from a couple Long Snappers going to college, to over 350 in the past three years alone, and to over 1,000 in college and/or the NFL!

Rubio Long Snapping has gone from not being able to fill the TOP 12 Camp, to having so much talent at one, a simple video of kids with offers could take over a minute.

Rubio Long Snapping method of training and exposure has been so productive that it has literally made history in programs.

Rubio Long Snapping has created testing and rankings that are beyond fair to showcase a Long Snapper’s true talent level. If a Long Snapper can show up and dominate, they are at the top. If they don’t, they aren’t. Rankings are based on snapping and talent. Come to one camp or come to fifty, it doesn’t impact your rankings unless you prove yourself…you either have it, get it and show it or you don’t.

Rubio Long Snapping is proven, it’s impact is overwhelming and it’s actual results are simply incredible.

Rubio Long Snapping is not a place for research or experiments, where measurement may be performed with possible results.

Rubio Long Snapping is a producer. It produces polished, glorious, exceptional final products.

Rubio Long Snapping produces polished Long Snappers that produce on and off the field.

Rubio Long Snapping produces a family atmosphere where people from all over the country compete with one another but still, in the end, want the best for each other’s children.

Rubio Long Snapping produces countless, and I mean countless, testimonials from parents, coaches and Long Snappers.

There is no trial and error with possible results from Rubio Long Snapping. There is only production.

Rubio Long Snapping has become a FACTORY that simply produces greatness and results.


Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.

For a full list of upcoming camps, please go HERE


The Journey of Rubio Long Snapper Damon Johnson

I wanted to tell you a quick story, that very few of you actually know about, regarding Rubio Long Snapper Damon Johnson.

Damon, a 2016 Five Star Rubio Long Snapper from CA, was offered a full scholarship to West Virginia back in June heading into his senior year. He took his trip there during the fall, fell in love with it and committed to be their next Long Snapper in October of his senior year.

On the Friday of VEGAS XXVII in January (several months after his commitment), Damon was packing the car for the weekend and was contacted by a Graduate Assistant from West Virginia.The G.A. informed Damon that West Virginia was not going to honor their commitment to Damon and there would be no scholarship for him as they were going to give it to another position. (I have been working with Long Snappers for well over a decade and this is the first time I have ever seen something like this happen. First time.) 

Damon was beyond dumbfounded and completely thrown for a loop. Down in the dumps would be the biggest understatement in the history of mankind. This is a kid, who is very quiet and doesn’t show much emotion, having to deal with a major ordeal before one of the biggest weekends of his life. Damon who was so loyal to West Virginia that he told many schools (North Carolina, Memphis, Portland State and BYU) that he was done with his recruiting to get ready for the Mountaineers.

Imagine heading to a Rubio Long Snapping Vegas competition with a full scholarship under your belt, knowing you could breathe a little easier and having it taken from you (out of your control) at the very last second. 99.9% of the Long Snappers and their families would have not shown up or been a visual mess. With the Johnson family, you would never be able to tell anything was even wrong. I am still amazed at how well they handled it all.

I told him and his family to simply relax and that EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON. I knew we could be headed for an uphill battle, but even I didn’t realize just how much of a fight it would entail.

After a call, USC immediately jumped on the Damon bandwagon and wanted him asap. A top tier Rubio Long Snapper is not always around after signing day and one had just appeared. Damon began communication with the Trojans but soon found out his English score on the SAT was simply too low to be a preferred walk-on at USC. This is where Damon goes from a boy, to a man.

Damon was told he would have to go to a JC, maintain a 3.5 GPA, take eight classes from summer through fall, and if he received a C or lower, he would disqualify himself. The eight classes had to be core classes (fluff elective classes would NOT be accepted).

This is a BIG reach for Damon. He is (was) not, let’s say, a very motivated and/or highly academic student….in the past. School was something Damon simply tolerated in order to play football and hang out with his friends. His entire mindset would have to change.

He stuck his head in the books, camped out in the library and hired any tutors he could find to help him TRY to achieve his goal of getting to USC. In the summer, he took English, History and Art History. In the fall, he took English, Biology with a lab, Sociology, History and Criminal Justice. He studied and studied and studied and studied and studied….well, you get my point.

About one week ago, Damon received his final grades from Citrus Junior College and found he had done it! USC already knew and congratulated him on his accomplishment. He would be able to get into USC and play football for them. To put even more icing on the cake, the Trojans presented Damon with a four year college scholarship to USC instead of a preferred walk-on!

Damon accepted, signed right away and will be enrolling at USC on January 4th.

I am EXTREMELY proud of Damon and his family. I really don’t think Damon, or his family, even believed he could do it. There were many calls, texts, emails between us all. Damon, and his family, have traveled an incredible emotional journey over the past year. His story is one that I will tell countless times as I am sure he and his family will as well.

Remember, recruiting is never easy and no two stories are the same. Patience is a key virtue throughout and, never forget, everything happens for a reason.

Congratulations once again to Rubio Long Snapper Damon Johnson! YOU DID IT….on the field and, more importantly, off the field as well.


Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!
In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


Top 2019 Long Snappers by Region

Here is a look at the TOP 2019 Long Snapper in each region of the country.

NORTHWEST (States of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Alaska)
Mike Zahara, WA
Super laid back kid. Didn’t get overly worked up about anything. Kept his cool and took instruction well. Thought it was a great sign from a kid of his age, not getting frazzled or frustrated. Really good form. Has long frame that can fill out nicely. Once he puts on some muscle and snaps hard, he will be great.


PACIFIC (California, Nevada, Arizona and Hawaii)
Simon Samarzich, CA
Simon had a good weekend at the Rubio Long Snapping VEGAS XXVIII Event on May 21-22, 2016. He is a true athlete that can be as good, or great, as he chooses to be with his Long Snapping. Once he fully dedicates himself to snapping, he could easily take the top spot and run with it. Accuracy is solid and his form is excellent for his age. Handles pressure well and could have actually won the whole thing in the desert. Like to see some more speed on the ball and that will come with consistency of snapping motion and size. Tremendous potential on Simon.


SOUTHWEST (New Mexico and Texas)
Hayden Hood, TX
Hood was excellent at the Rubio Long Snapping summer camp in TX on July 7, 2016. He is one of the most athletic Long Snappers in his class and showed no mercy in TX. His confidence is starting to come along VERY nicely and I love it. Needs to make sure he is focus on gaining some size as that will assist him in blocking, getting down field and the overall speed of the ball. Kid is very good and just looks to get better. Keep a very close eye on him this fall and definitely at VEGAS XXIX.


NORTH CENTRAL (North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Nebraska)
Tyler Shaw, WI
Really liked what I saw out of Tyler at the Rubio Long Snapping summer camp in IL on July 9, 2016. He is a long athlete that is snapping with good power and confidence. Love to see him focus on leaning back more so he goes towards the punter and not up/forward. Falling forward will cause the ball to rise a bit and lose some accuracy. Kid has tremendous upside and can easily be one of the top Long Snappers in his class. WATCH HIM at VEGAS XXIX.


SOUTH CENTRAL (Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana)
Caden Bolz, KS
Caden did well at the Rubio Long Snapping summer camp in TX on July 7, 2016. He is a thick and strong Long Snapper with good power in his hands. Ball is quick and he has no problem hovering in the .8s at all times. By VEGAS XXIX, I want to make sure he is getting his eyes/head all the way through as this will greatly increase the overall speed of the ball AND the accuracy. Kid is dripping with potential.


MID AMERICA (Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky)
Jude Pedrozo, OH
Jude continues to impress me and didn’t let up at the Rubio Long Snapping summer camp in IL on July 9, 2016. He can pass an eyeball test quickly and is snapping with a great deal of confidence. The upside on this kid is off the charts and he could make the TOP 12 in January if he continues to snap well. Overall accuracy and consistency is what I will be focused on seeing at VEGAS XXIX. He needs to know he can be one of the greats.


NORTHEAST (Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, New York, Connecticut and Rhode Island)
Austin Sullivan, NY
I liked what I saw out of Austin at the Rubio Long Snapping VEGAS XXVIII Event on May 21-22, 2016. He is very large Long Snapper for his age and has a good snapping motion. Very fluid Long Snapper. I like his form and I want him to trust it. If he was to trust his form and really let the ball fly, he will be able to get well under .90 by fall and definitely by XXIX in January. TONS OF POTENTIAL on Austin and when his legs get fully locked and timed up, he will dominate. LOVE HIS ATTITUDE.


ATLANTIC (Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Washington D.C., Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia)
Dominic Serapiglia, PA
Dominic did really well at the Rubio Long Snapping summer camp in NC on July 11, 2016. He is a thick and strong Long Snapper with good overall form. Ball is tight and he is showing some good accuracy. Like to see him increase the speed of his legs as they are just a tad behind his very quick hands. If he can get his timing locked down, he will be snapping under .77 by VEGAS XXIX…easily. Increasing his athleticism will push him way up the rankings as well. Good upside and always improving.


SOUTHEAST (Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida)
Quentin Skinner, GA
Skinner, AKA Mad Dog, had a solid weekend at the Rubio Long Snapping VEGAS XXVIII Event on May 21-22, 2016. He can EASILY snap a D1 ball right now when he is on. Every once in awhile, he will forget to follow through and the ball will die. If he can fix that, and I know he can, he can be a 5 Star Rubio Long Snapper by next Vegas if not sooner. CONSISTENCY will be his biggest thing to focus on.


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



Vegas XXIX_ContestAs you know, Rubio Long Snapping had a GIVE BACK CONTEST for a free admission to VEGAS XXIX.

All of my contests are difficult to judge, but this was one was probably the most tricky as everyone did a great job in expressing themselves and what they do to give back. I saw videos on topics ranging from….

  • Voluntarily mowing a cemetery lawn that takes THREE days…
  • Working with the Special Olympics
  • Volunteering for a Pediatric Cancer Foundation
  • Care packages of food for the needy
  • Organizing kid’s games at the local church
  • Heart screenings for teens
  • Serving meals to the needy
  • Working on a food drive for ELEVEN years
  • Habitat for Humanity
  • Traveling to Costa Rica to help the poor
  • A project to keep kid’s in school
  • The Ronald McDonald House
  • It’s About the Warrior Foundation to help soldiers

Honestly, any one of the entries could have won but there are two that really stood out and here they are in alphabetical order….

Needless to say, I was VERY impressed with Nick Tibbetts and Jacob Zuhr for acting as leaders in their community. They not only volunteer, they started a volunteering organization to get others involved.

So, in the spirit of GIVING BACK, I am going to crown them BOTH the winners of the contest and they are both going to be given a FREE admission to VEGAS XXIX!

Congratulations once again to Tibbetts and Zuhr for going above and beyond in helping others. These two, and all of the others, are great examples of what the Rubio Long Snapping family is all about!



Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



Questions Regarding the College Camps

As you know, hopefully, Chris Sailer and I have posted the schedule of college camps we will be running this summer. Trust me when I tell you, we could have run another 30 of them for the coaches that asked us, but we simply don’t have time.

BIGGEST THING TO KNOW ABOUT COLLEGE CAMPS is to NOT wear yourself out by trying to hit all of them. As a Long Snapper, you should hit about three. Think of yourself like a pitcher in baseball…you have a pitch count. The more you snap, the worse you will do. One bad performance can crush you in recruiting as all coaches speak to each other. DO NOT waste your time and money by hitting too many camps. 

Here are the top five questions regarding the college camps (Alabama, Texas A&M, LSU, Oregon, Cal, Miami, Georgia, Washington, Cincinnati)….

  1. How do you get invited? You don’t. They are open to all 8th graders – JC. Some schools might be a tad different so check on their respective site. Younger Long Snappers should focus on the regional Rubio Long Snapping camps and FBU.
  2. How do I sign up for the camp(s)? You go to their football site and register. You can also call the football office.
  3. At what age do you recommend my son goes to a college camp? The time to shine will be in between his junior and senior summer (unless you are a freak, in a good way, and then I would highly recommend dominating between sophomore and junior year). However, I personally recommend going as early as possible to cut the jitters. It can be very stressful snapping in front of a high profile coach and you want to get the feeling out of the way early, when they most likely won’t be paying attention to you.
  4. Will the camp(s) be run like your personal camps? Not really. I am hired to run their camp so I am on their schedule. If they want 40 minutes of blocking, that’s what we will be doing. If a coach wants to see John Smith snap thirty in a row, that’s what they get. These camps are more showcases. PLEASE NOTE: I will NOT, under any circumstances, have my Long Snappers just snap to snap. I know that is ignorant and I won’t stand for it. DOUBLE PLEASE NOTE: if you are at a college camp that Rubio Long Snapping is not running, godspeed.
  5. Will you be ranking from the college camps? No. Per NCAA rules, I am not allowed to rank and/or evaluate from the college camps. You could be absolutely phenomenal and I would not be able to rank you or invite to the TOP 12 and EVENT ELITE Camp. If you are at a college camp and someone does invite you to their “invite only” camp, they are breaking a very big rule.

If you any other questions, please feel free to comment on this blog so I can answer it and maybe clear up someone else’s confusion as well.

2015 Spring Rubio banner


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years,  Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


Positive Vibes Needed for Rubio Long Snapper Ryan Parris

12983214_10209156556736206_8333383286686519457_oA couple of weeks ago I was contacted by Butch Parris. Butch is a long time member of the Rubio Family and his son, Ryan, is on the team at the University of Alabama. He notified me of a medical issue Ryan was having in Tuscaloosa. I offered to write this blog, so here we go.

Ryan needs some MAJOR positive vibes right now from the whole Rubio Long Snapping Family.

Here is the deal….

Couple weeks ago…The weekend of the LSU game this past season, Ryan started having vision and irritation problems in his left eye. It wasn’t the first time for something like that, he’s worn contacts for years and it happens occasionally.

This time though, it didn’t get any better.

To make a long story short, he has Acanthamoeba keratitis in his left eye. It’s a rare disease where an amoeba invades the cornea. It can result in permanent visual impairment or even blindness. It often takes 4 or 5 months to diagnose, but Ryan was lucky, it only took 2 months for him. Since the week after the National Championship game, he’s been visiting a cornea specialist in Birmingham once a week. During that time, he’s been on a strict regimen of drops that in some ways do as much harm as they do good.

We got some good news today, his vision, the irritation and the infection are all getting better. The biggest issue now is his cornea. Throughout this process, the irritation in his eye (in some ways exacerbated by the drops) has really been bad for his cornea. Today, the doctor put an amniotic membrane on his eye to a) slow down the damage being done and b) help the cornea repair itself.

If that membrane works, he should make a complete recovery. If it doesn’t, he’s going to need a corneal transplant. That wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, but it would most likely end his time playing football.

Today….But, he went back to the doctor yesterday and things have gotten worse. Right now, it looks like the infection has made a comeback.

It’s so bad, that when the doc held two fingers up two feet in front of him (with his right eye covered) he could only tell that her hand was there. He had no idea how many fingers she was holding up.

He’s going back to the doc tomorrow. If things aren’t better, it’s likely that he’ll have surgery on Thursday.

PLEASE keep the entire Parris family in your thoughts. This kid needs all of the positive vibes he can get right now.



What Do You Get at a Rubio Long Snapping Camp?

INSTRUCTION – There is simply no doubt that you will receive the best instruction in the country at a Rubio Long Snapping camp. It is unprecedented and known by college and NFL coaches throughout the country. When you sign up for a Rubio Long Snapping camp, you get perfection. I am there, my senior staff is there, on time and we don’t leave early.

EXPOSURE – Every camp that Rubio Long Snapping run offers the most exposure possible for Long Snappers. I bombard several avenues to make sure my Long Snappers are visible to all. The Rubio Long Snapping YouTube Channel has over 970,000 views (this is all just for Long Snapper….NO kickers are on the page). has been viewed well over 1,000,000 times. @TheChrisRubio on Twitter has over 5,750 followers (many of which are coaches) and the Rubio Long Snapping Facebook Page has over 5,600 followers (many of which are coaches) and stories in publications all over the world make Rubio Long Snapping the one stop shop for the most exposure in the country.

PLAYER PROFILE PAGE – As soon as you perform in a camp in the fall (or after) of your freshman year, you get a PLAYER PROFILE PAGE….for free! This player profile page is controlled by me and it can have any information you wanted added to it at anytime. You can use it for your recruiting purposes throughout high school.

RANKINGS – As soon as you perform in a camp in the fall (or after) of your freshman year, you get a ranking. I don’t rank off a target. I don’t rank off a formula. That would be ignorant. I rank off of THIS blog that describes what makes a Long Snapper great. That ranking can be adjusted anytime I see you live. Coaches look to these rankings religiously in their recruiting of Long Snappers.

YOUTUBE VIDEO – At every single Rubio Long Snapping camp you attend, you will be filmed for a YouTube video. Those videos will be placed on your free player profile page. You can use the video at your own discretion. It is yours and there is no extra charge for this service.

FILM SESSION – At Rubio Long Snapping camps, I will go in with you to a classroom and review the morning sessions. Long Snappers attend but I really want the parents/guardians to attend as well since this is when a majority of the learning will take place.

RECRUITING SEMINAR – At Rubio Long Snapping camp, Chris Sailer and I run an hour long recruiting seminar where we hit on some key topics and always open it up to a Q&A session for the specialists and parents. You will not leave without all your questions answered.

PROVEN SUCCESS – Dont’ believe me? See what others have to say HERE

RUBIO LONG SNAPPING SHIRT – You know, to wear at prom and such:)

Trust me when I tell you, I could keep this list going and going and going. Things like Friendship, Confidence, Humor are just some immediate things that pop into my head….see you soon! Remember, Not only on the field, but off. I am not your coach. I am your Rubio and I will be there for you.


r4ubio5Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years,  Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


Rubio Long Snapper Nick Umble

A couple months ago I received a call from a Long Snapper named Nick Umble. It was a standard phone call that I receive several times a month. He told me how he was recently very interested in Long Snapping and wanted to go full speed into it to get to the next level. He said he was very determined and would stop at nothing.

All things I had heard before. 

But then he told me he was born in 1978 and was just about to RETIRE from the Army as a GREEN BERET. To say that Nick has done a TON for his country is a major understatement. He said he did what he needed to do in the Army and was ready for his next challenge.

Long Snapping was his next challenge.

Umble, NickNeedless to say, Nick is VERY driven and will stop at nothing. I have worked with him several times and he is an absolute workhorse. He is a large, strong Long Snapper that will do EXACTLY what you tell him to do.

Colleges need to look at him seriously for his drive, dedication and for the fact that since he has already retired from the Army, his schooling will be free.

The film you see below is from his first Rubio Long Snapping camp in WA this fall. I have worked with him since and he is already MUCH improved.

He deserves a shot at the next level and he will get one.

#LetNickPlay #TeamRubio

Read below for FULL details on Nick’s incredible life over the past three decades….

I was born in Clinton, Iowa on the 20th of June 1978, to Mark and Carol Umble. I attend Mediapolis HS in Mediapolis, Iowa where I played football (4 years) and ran the 3200 meters in track (Jr, Sr Years). I enlisted in the Army on the 13th of September 1996 and attended Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. I then went on to complete Advanced Individual Training (AIT) at the Naval Construction Training Center (NCTC) in Gulfport, Mississippi for the MOS of 51 Bravo, Carpentry Masonry Specialist. I was assigned to 84th Engineer Battalion (Combat) (Heavy) on Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. During my time as a vertical engineer I served as a team leader.

    I attended the Special Forces Selection and Assessment Course in April of 1999 and was selected to attend the SF engineer sergeant’s course. Upon completion, I was assigned to the 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) in September 2002. During my time with 1st Group I have been assigned to various Special Forces Operational Detachments. I was assigned to Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA) 163 as a Junior Engineer Sergeant, Operational Detachment Bravo (ODB) 160 as the Assistant Operations Sergeant, ODA 161 Senior Engineer Sergeant, 2/1 HSC Operations Sergeant, ODA 1131 Operations Sergeant, ODB 1130 Operations Sergeant, ODA 1431 Operations Sergeant, ODB 1430 Operations Sergeant in Afghanistan, Company First Sergeant for the Group Support Company, and current serving as the Advanced Skills Company Operations Sergeant.

    I have deployed all over the world in support of peacetime and combat operations and is a veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom (two tours), Operation Iraqi Freedom (two tours), and Operation Enduring Freedom-Philippines (two tours), along with 20 other overseas missions to several different countries in SE Asia and the Middle East.

    My awards and decorations include the Special Forces Tab, Combat Infantry Badge, Basic Parachutist Badge, Air Assault Badge, Indian Parachutist Badge, Royal Thai Parachutist Badge, Philippine Parachutist Badge, Bronze Star Medals (third award), Meritorious Service Medal (second award), Army Commendation Medal for VALOR, Joint Service Achievement Medal, Army Achievement Medal (sixth award), Army Good Conduct Medal (sixth award), National Defense Service Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal (w/ two stars), Iraq Campaign Medal ( w/ one star), Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, NCO Professional Development Ribbon (w/ numeral 3), Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon (w/ 2nd numeral (two overseas duty stations Hawaii, Okinawa)), NATO Medal. My unit awards include the Joint Meritorious Unit Award (second award), Meritorious Unit Citation, and the Army Superior Unit Award.

    I have attended and completed the follow Military Courses; Air Assault Course, Basic Airborne course, Basic Leaders Course (WLC), Advanced Leaders Course (ALC), Special Forces Selection and Assessment Course (SFAS), SERE Training, Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC), Senior Leaders Course (SLC), Special Operations Static Line Jumpmaster Course, Special Forces Advanced Reconnaissance Target Analysis Exploitation Techniques Course (SFARTAETC), Stryker Transition Course, Joint Personnel Recovery Execution Course (PR-300), Joint Personnel Recovery Plans and Operations (PR-301), Joint Personnel Non-Conventional Assisted Recovery Plans and Operations (PR-303).

    I am currently married to Mrs. Jenn Wade live in Puyallup, WA.  I have one daughter Ms. Brookelyn Grace (10). 


Nervous at a Rubio Long Snapping Camp? You Aren’t Alone!

Sineath, TannerThis essay was written by Rubio Long Snapper Tanner Sineath (SC, ‘2016). His mother sent it to me…I think without him knowing, but who cares:) and I loved it. I think it really does a good job of showing the emotions and feelings that arise at someone’s first Rubio Long Snapping camp. First timers, parents and Long Snappers, must realize you are not alone and for every single GREAT Long Snapper you see on the field, they had a start and it usually wasn’t good…check films:)


I walked up to the registration table and gave my name, received my camp shirt and went off on my own to get ready to go out on the field. I looked around wishing I was like the other seasoned campers all gathered together. The campers already had nicknames from the camp coaches. They were walking around in their special gold shirts, and I felt hunger. I wanted a gold shirt, I wanted a nickname, I wanted the coaches to know me, I wanted to go out and show them all who I was. Wait! Was that jealousy? Probably, but I didn’t care. It fueled me. I was focused. I was going to make it happen. I was going to have them notice me.

That is when I was snapped back into reality! One of the gold shirts snapped the ball, and I thought DANG! I have bitten off more than I can chew! Suddenly the hunger was gone, and replaced by doubt. I didn’t belong here. I was never going to have a nickname, or a gold shirt, or to be part of the group. I tried to swallow, but it just stayed stuck in my throat like a wad of peanut butter. There is no worse feeling than wanting to retreat, but knowing you can’t. I told myself what is the worst thing that can happen? I told myself back, you will look like a fool in front of everyone! I then decided well at least no one knows me here so if I embarrass myself no one will remember it tomorrow.

There it was, they called my name! Time to show them what I have. I felt like I did ok, not great, but at least it didn’t totally suck! I learned a lot that day! I learned I am my own worst enemy. I learned that I am the only person that can hold me back. Then we went to lunch, and I talked to my parents about my feelings. They did their best job of loading me with clichés of doing your best, and hard work pays off. Along with all of the other things good parents are supposed to say. I am in no way saying I didn’t appreciate it, quite the contrary, it was what I wanted to hear from them, but at the same time I was worried, and not realizing the moment was perfect. I was surrounded by love and support, but so bogged down with self-doubt that I couldn’t really appreciate it.

We head back to the camp, and we are reviewing our snapping videos. Rubio got to my video and had positive things to say about my video, and it pretty much made my whole day. Why is it that a strangers words mattered so much more than my parent’s words? Oh yeah, because he didn’t have to say nice things to me. That wasn’t what he was getting paid to do. He is getting paid to teach me. Boy did he! Not just about snapping, but about life, about others opinions, and how even though the world says it doesn’t matter what someone else thinks or says it absolutely does. No college coach is going to call my mom to get her opinion of me, but they will call him. His opinions and words can open or close doors.

What was my point in all of this? My point is that the world is filled with challenges. It is filled with ups and downs. I have no doubt that football has helped me prepare for the real world. This is one example. It is the most vivid example I have. I am grateful for every moment, every life lesson, every friend, and every rival. They have all prepared me for the real world.


Rubio Long Snapping Training in YOUR Area

2015 Spring Rubio bannerAs you know, Rubio Long Snapping travels the country offering the best instruction and most exposure for Long Snappers. But, sometimes, a Long Snapper needs and wants more training throughout the year. Not a problem.

Rubio Long Snapping has certified instructors, that have actually gone through Rubio Long Snapping camps, to help around the country. These staff members not only know how to teach the Rubio way but are, more importantly, great people off the field as well. They will help each Long Snapper they work with get the basics, master the form and be ready to dominate the next Rubio Long Snapping camp.

Instructors Map

Rubio Long Snapping has official instructors in the following states and countries (more to come)…

  • Alabama
  • Arizona
  • California
  • Canada
  • Colorado
  • Idaho
  • Indiana
  • Georgia
  • Illinois
  • Louisiana
  • Michigan
  • Missouri
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • North Carolina
  • Ohio
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • South Carolina
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Washington
  • West Virginia

and even Australia!!!

For more information and to get your training started immediately, please contact [email protected]





Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years,  Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


Where Are They Now? Rubio Long Snapper Tyler Schmitt

For the next installment of “Where Are They Now?” we venture to the back of a camera lens to hear from Rubio Long Snapper Tyler Schmitt. Tyler was a tremendous athlete in high school, dominated at SDSU and was drafted by the Seattle Seahawks in the 6th Round (Go Hawks!)

Check out what has been going on with Rubio Long Snapper Tyler Schmitt….

1.  What is your current occupation?  11142232_711004645674731_59132459_n

Professional Landscape Photographer 

2. Where do you live?

La Jolla , CA half of the year, exploring the globe the other half. 

3. Married/ Kids? Single. No kids

4. What is your fondest memory of your time playing college football? 

My fondest memory of playing football is running out of the tunnel at The Big House (Michigan) in front of 110,000 people as a 18 year old freshman. I’ve never been more terrified/excited to play in a game. 

5. If you could give ONE bit of advice to the current Rubio Long Snappers, what would it be?

Train with the linebackers, lift with the lineman, run with the defensive backs. Don’t train like a specialist, you will not grow to your full potential. Be an athlete! Practice mind control, tell yourself you are the best long snapper in the world and that is what you will become. 

6. If you could give ONE bit of advice to the current Rubio Long Snapping PARENTS, what would it be? 

Support your son’s dreams, whatever they may be. They have been put in his heart for a reason. If that means being a long snapper then great, if that means taking a break from football to pursue another deep rooted dream then so be it. I see a lot of parents these days forcing their own childhood dreams on their kids, this works in the opposite way as they would like it too. Thank you in advance for supporting your sons desire to be the best long snapper he can be. 

7. When was the last time you snapped a ball and for what reason? Schmitt_Tyler

A few months ago giving a private lesson. Partially to show the young gentleman an example of what I was talking about, but mostly to make sure I still had it in me. 😉 

 8.   If you could go back and play football in college again, would you go to the same school or a different one? Why? 

I wouldn’t change my college experience for the world. Being a long snapper at San Diego State is truly one of the best jobs on planet earth. We have quite a nice streak of Rubio long snappers continuing on to the NFL, and we plan on extending it next year. 

 9. Any regrets during college? Something you wish you had done or maybe hadn’t?

I have no regrets during my college football career. I do wish however I would have taken care of my body and mind better. Clean eating is such an important role in maintaining a healthy career. I learned this late in my career during my short time in the NFL. Athletes spend years tearing down their body with weightlifting and practice, but rarely learn how to build back up their body (through massage, stretching, yoga, meditation) until they learn from NFL veterans. 

10.   What tremendous thing have you been a part of or experienced since you graduated? 

Since I graduated college I have had the opportunity to be drafted in the 6th round of the 2008 NFL draft by the Seattle Seahawks.  More importantly I am now pursuing a dream of sharing my photography with the world. You can check out my work at Instagram – @tyschmitt or (VERY WORTH CHECKING OUT!)

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Where Are They Now? Rubio Long Snapper Jarin Giesler

UAGJNJJNEPXKBIN.20070328082229For the next installment of “Where Are They Now?” we head to Arizona to hear from Rubio Long Snapper Jarin Giesler. Jarin was a member of the 20o6 Rubio Long Snapping class and played his high school ball in Cortez, CO. He earned a scholarship to Delaware St and now has quite the interesting story.

Check out what has been going on with Rubio Long Snapper Jarin Geisler….

1.  What is your current occupation?

I am an NFL agent, President/CEO of Giesler Sports World-Wide, Inc. ( We currently have four football clients and are a part of taking American Football into New Zealand for the first time in 2016 for the Southern Bowl, more on that below ( Aside from being an agent, I am also a licensed attorney in Arizona (

2. Where do you live?

Phoenix, AZ

3. Married/ Kids? Soon, on both fronts

4. What is your fondest memory of your time playing college football? 

I have many fond memories of Delaware State University, but my fondest memory is as follows: 2007 season, we were undefeated in conference with only one loss on the season. Our opponent, Norfolk State University, hadn’t lost in conference all season either, whoever won this game would win the MEAC Championship. Our team fell down early and we were down 21-3 in the fourth quarter with only eight minutes in the fourth quarter. Our team fought back, we tied the game with seconds to go on a two point conversion and won in overtime on a field goal. We ended the season ranked #10 in the nation and faced Joe Flacco and the University of Delaware for the first time in school history. That year, we won four games by three points or less.

5. If you could give ONE bit of advice to the current Rubio Long Snappers, what would it be?FBAL30S

Do your job and enjoy the moment. You are where you are for a reason and you have been trained by the top instructor in the world, remember that. Be confident in your skills and perform when called upon, confidence not cockiness. No one should know your name as long snappers are anonymous until we mess up.       Enjoy your time with the team you are on, you will build lifelong friendships, relish in the moment –those memories will be with you for the rest of your life.

6. If you could give ONE bit of advice to the current Rubio Long Snapping PARENTS, what would it be? 

Listen to what Rubio tells you when he meets with the parents and make sure you meet ALL deadlines. I have seen too many student athletes miss out on playing at the school of their dreams because they were delayed through the NCAA Clearing House, don’t let your son be that athlete. I said earlier that your son is playing where he is for a reason, the same logic holds true for Rubio, he is not the top instructor in the world by coincidence. I was one of 26 long snappers to earn a scholarship in the 2006 class, up from the inaugural five in 2004. For illustration, the 2015 class saw Rubio helped over 125 long snappers get scholarship or walk-on opportunity. Rubio knows the path to success and can help avoid dangerous pitfalls, use him as a resource. I can’t think of a time where I contacted Chris and didn’t receive a text (within seconds, the man’s thumbs have to be on fire).

7. When was the last time you snapped a ball and for what reason?

June 3, 2015 in Auckland New Zealand for The Crowd Goes Wild (New Zealand’s version of SportsCenter, clip below). I was announcing my company’s involvement with the Southern Bowl (, a series of two games on March 5 and March 12, 2016. The series will be coached by Super Bowl winners, Mike Shanahan and Mike Holmgren. We will feature two weeks of practice in front of world-class coaches and NFL Scouts. Our targeted player is one on the cusp of an NFL roster. We just completed the Southern Bowl Tryout Tour, across five U.S. cities to fill a portion of our roster. The remainder of our roster will be filled with top available American football talent (ie final cut players, players finishing active duty with the armed services, etc). I was featured on a segment of The Crowd Goes Wild to discuss the difference between an American football kicker and a rugby kicker. (–American-Football-vs-Rugby-Kicking)

 8.   If you could go back and play football in college again, would you go to the same school or a different one? Why? 

I loved my time at Delaware State University, I was there during a special time for the football program. My only regret is that I was across the country from my friends and family. My parents are amazing and made it to many of my games, but I would have loved to play in front of my buddies from back home. I wouldn’t change anything about my college experience, it made me who I am today.

 9. Any regrets during college? Something you wish you had done or maybe hadn’t?

I do not like the term regret, experiences we have shape who we are as individuals, how a person reacts to a situation builds character. In undergrad, one thing I always wanted to do was run for some sort of office, ie class president. I made excuses about how busy I was and never did it. During my time in law school, I was elected President of the Sports, Property and Entertainment Law Association and stopped making excuses. That year, SPELA created a Sports Law Competition Team. We were unable to secure funding from the University and had to come up with it ourselves, we were also unable to find a full-time coach. I coached our team and was also a competitor as we were able to win a national championship at the 2012 National Sports Law Negotiation Competition (the “NSLNC”).

10.   What tremendous thing have you been a part of or experienced since you graduated?

I have mentioned the Southern Bowl and 2012 NSLNC and although I would enjoy speaking more about either experience, they fail in comparison to my time with the Oklahoma Innocence Project (the “OIP”) while I was in law school. The OIP is dedicated to identifying and remedying cases of wrongful convictions in Oklahoma. The California Chapter of the Innocence Project took on the case of Brian Banks, the standout California high school football star who committed to USC, but had his career cut short by a false accusation, several years ago and after reading his story I knew I had to get involved. (–brian-banksealizing-nfl-dream-%E2%80%93-in-different-capacity-005927279-nfl.html) The OIP only pursues cases in which there is credible evidence of factual innocence. During my time with the OIP, I worked on two cases of wrongful convictions. I worked with our Project Director and a supervising attorney to gather field evidence, conduct witness interviews and draft motions on behalf of our clients. Both cases I worked on are currently being heard in appellate court. I encourage anyone interested to watch the 2010 movie with Hillary Swank, Conviction or to read John Gresham’s book titled The Innocent Man. This was, by far, the most fulfilling experience of my life.

11. Do you remember your first Rubio Long Snapping camp? If so, share a memory…

I was a junior in high school at Montezuma Cortez High School in Colorado. I remember when our head coach came up to me with a post card and asked if I was interested in a long snapping camp. I remember talking to my parents and them telling me that it was a “no brainer.” Our tickets were booked the next day. The camp was at Notre Dame High School, before the Adidas deal, before Football University, but with the same caliber instruction. I remember telling my mom, this is going to become a huge event, after I walked off the field. I also remember how much Rubio loved my school colors –orange and black. I had never had instruction to become a long snapper, I filled the position at my school because no one else could do it. My life changed after that first camp and I cannot thank Rubio enough for helping me get to where I am today, both on and off the field.



Where Are They Now? Rubio Long Snapper PJ Tobyansen

1929591_574887992716_9507_nFor the next installment of “Where Are They Now?” we head to Southern California to hear from Rubio Long Snapper PJ Tobyansen (2006, CA). PJ was at UCLA with Rubio Long Snapper Christian Yount and is one of the most vibrant people you will ever meet and comes from an incredible family. Wait until you seen what he is doing now!

Check out what has been going on with Rubio Long Snapper PJ Tobyansen…

1.  What is your current occupation?

After my career at UCLA I have been working in the film industry in Los Angeles area and have done so for the past five years. My past employers have been Fox, Sony, and Marvel studios. I am currently working for Disney on the film The Jungle Book as a Visual Effects Coordinator for the past year and half. 

2. Where do you live?

I live with my wife Julie in Woodland Hills CA. We have been happily married for TWO months 🙂

3. Married/ Kids? Yes, no kids.

4. What is your fondest memory of your time playing college football? 

I have so many good memories that I would love to share about my time playing college football. But I will share two, meeting my wife for the first time at UCLA, and running out of tunnel at the Rose Bowl the very first game of my career. I will Never forget both of those memories.

5. If you could give ONE bit of advice to the current Rubio Long Snappers, what would it be?

For all current Rubio Long Snappers my one bit of advise would be the following. Work on the little things in life, and continue to strive for greatness. You made the right move and your a Rubio long snapper. Rubio hammers into each an everyone of his snappers muscle memory. IT WORKS, plan and simple. You don’t get good muscle memory if you don’t work on the little things and your fundamentals. Just continue to grow and  practice the little things, the little fundamentals, work work work. If you keep adding 1% to your game each day by practicing this approach you will see your results shine. And I can assure you it carries over into your professional life.

6. If you could give ONE bit of advice to the current Rubio Long Snapping PARENTS, what would it be? 

For all current Rubio Long Snapper parents my advice would be patients, TRUST RUBIO he is a wise wise man.

7. When was the last time you snapped a ball and for what reason?

The last time I snapped a football is actually a very funny story. The day before my wedding Friday June 26, 2015. Kai Forbath (Washington Redskins) who I grew up with and played football in HS and College. We were hanging out in my hotel suite and just messing around and catching up. My dad had a football there and Kai was begging me to snap to him for old time sake. Just to see if I still had it. I reluctantly agreed, thinking to myself man its been almost THREE years since the last time I snapped a football. So we had a good stretch of carpet 15 yards all that you need. I fired my first snap back as hard as I could and almost destroyed the thermostat on the wall. Kai yells at me “PEEJ!! a little off there!!” I screamed back hahhaa ok!! just getting warmed up here, give me a second!! I made a little correction and fired the next 5 perfect snaps back to him. I still had it!! He calls my parents in and goes he still has it!! I said two words to my parents MUSCLE MEMORY. It probably helped that I had an adrenaline rush going because it was the day before my wedding but I’ll take it!

 8.   If you could go back and play football in college again, would you go to the same school or a different one? Why? 

If I could go back and play college football again, even tho I did not play, I would still go to UCLA as preferred walk-on. I was a part of a GREAT TEAM, It was the best time of my life. I met my wife and made great memories with team mates and friends that will last me a life time. I also get the greatest kick out of telling my co-workers and friends that two out of the three players in my position group at UCLA play currently  in the NFL, and yes I was the 3rd that didn’t make it. I’m so proud of those guys, and proud to be a Bruin!

 9. Any regrets during college? Something you wish you had done or maybe hadn’t?

I have no regrets about my choices in college I would do it the exact same way. I worked very hard to contribute to the team. I learned a lot from my time as a student athlete and I am very grateful and so fortunate to have done so.

10.   What tremendous thing have you been a part of or experienced since you graduated?

The most tremendous thing that I have been apart of since my graduation from UCLA would be first and foremost my Wedding two months ago to Julie who was a former student athlete and national champion 3rd baseman for the UCLA softball team. It was the greatest moment in my life. Second would be my career I have worked on some of the greatest movies to come out over the last five years. I have worked on the following movies Jack the Giant Slayer, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Star Trek into Darkness, Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World, Captain America: The Winter Solider, Guardians of The Galaxy, and now The Jungle Book. Every movie feels like a new a season and a tremendous experience.  



Rubio Long Snappers Playing This Weekend (9/17/15)

Teams that have a Long Snapper that has participated in a Rubio Long Snapping camp will be in bold and CAPITALIZED.

Will you be on this list in the future, prove yourself this fall and at VEGAS XXVII to make it happen

As always, this list is VERY big and with so many Rubio Long Snappers playing (Rubio problem) I can miss someone. If I have missed a team, please just let me know. Please note: this is only a list of D1 teams. If I continue with D1AA-NAIA, you’d be reading until the following weekend.

Thursday, September 17


Friday, September 18


Saturday, September 19

South Florida vs AKRON
vs Minnesota
vs Oklahoma
Southeastern Louisiana vs OHIO
vs Wisconsin
Cincinnati vs MIAMI (OH)
Norfolk State vs MARSHALL
William & Mary vs VIRGINIA
Wofford vs IDAHO
North Carolina Central vs FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL
Missouri State vs ARKANSAS STATE
Texas Tech vs ARKANSAS
Western Carolina vs TENNESSEE
Maine vs TULANE
South Alabama vs SAN DIEGO STATE
IOWA STATE vs Toledo
Northern Arizona vs ARIZONA

2015 Spring Rubio banner


Rubio Long Snapper John DePalma Nominated for Major Award

Long time Rubio Long Snapper, John DePalma of West Virginia, has been nominated for the 2015 FAA National Football Foundation Scholar Athlete Award!

According to their website….

The NFF National Scholar-Athlete Awards, presented by Fidelity Investments, was established in 1959 as the first initiative in history to honor scholar-athletes with post-graduate scholarships for their combined athletic, academic and leadership abilities. In 2011, Fidelity Investments became the first official sponsor in the 54-year history of the prestigious program, which has awarded more than $10.7 million to 804 individuals since its inception. The program currently provides $313,000 each year in postgraduate scholarships to the nation’s top scholar-athletes from all levels of collegiate play.

Nominated by their schools, which are limited to one nominee each, candidates must be a senior or graduate student in their final year of eligibility, have a grade point average of at least 3.2 on a 4.0 scale, have outstanding football ability as a first team player and have demonstrated strong leadership and citizenship.

Congratulations to John and his family! What an honor and I am very proud of him. Incredible snapper and better person if you ever get to meet him.

DePalma, John


Where Are They Now? Rubio Long Snapper Jeff Palmer

For the next installment of “Where Are They Now?” we head to Southern California to hear from Rubio Long Snapper Jeff Palmer. Palmer played his high school football in Orange County then made his way to the Oregon Ducks where he still holds the record for most field goal snaps in a career. Oh, did I mention he is about 5’10” and 190 (dripping wet and holding barbells)

Check out what has been going on with Rubio Long Snapper Jeff Palmer…

1.  What is your current occupation?

I have been an Account Executive for MetLife for a little over two years, selling employee benefits through brokers to companies with 10 to 5,000 employees.

2. Where do you live?

I am in the process of moving from San Francisco to San Diego, currently living in Dana Point, CA.

3. Married/ Kids? Single. No kids

4. What is your fondest memory of your time playing college football? Screen Shot 2015-08-20 at 4.48.33 PM

My fondest memory of my entire time at Oregon was running on the field the second the clock hit 0 at the 2012 Rose Bowl. We had lost our two previous bowl games, and the guys that were still on the team for the Rose Bowl had a huge weight lifted off of our shoulders when we won that game. It was the culmination of a pretty special season for us.

5. If you could give ONE bit of advice to the current Rubio Long Snappers, what would it be?

Obviously work hard on the football side of things, but work even harder on the academic side and get involved with any networking opportunities that your school offers you. You never know what types of opportunities may come your way after your playing career is over, and the vast majority of guys will be done playing for good when your college eligibility is up.

6. If you could give ONE bit of advice to the current Rubio Long Snapping PARENTS, what would it be? 

Always be positive. Your son is getting the opportunity to do what millions of kids only dream of doing- running on to the field on Saturdays for a college football game. You can’t take everything so seriously. I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, so just sit back and enjoy watching your son have fun and grow up.

7. When was the last time you snapped a ball and for what reason?

I snap at least one ball a day down the hallway in my apartment just so I can tell myself- “still got it.” A lot of my brokers and coworkers ask me to snap a ball to them once they find out I played football as well.

 8.   If you could go back and play football in college again, would you go to the same school or a different one? Why? 

No doubt in my mind I would go to Oregon again. Everyone hears about Nike, the uniforms, the facilities, and the flashy offense, but what a lot of people don’t know is how well the Athletic Department sets its student-athletes up for success after their time runs out. There were countless networking and mentoring events to attend during our time there, which allowed me to develop relationships with people I otherwise would have never had the chance to meet.

 9. Any regrets during college? Something you wish you had done or maybe hadn’t?

I actually wish I did not try to graduate as quickly as I did. I should have stayed in Eugene as long as possible because yes, being out in the real world is fun, but it comes with a lot more responsibility than you realize when you are still in school. 

I wish I didn’t have a girlfriend my senior year…what an idiot.

10.   What tremendous thing have you been a part of or experienced since you graduated? 3a549d2

I got to spend some time in Colorado working for Wounded Warriors right after I graduated. We spent time at Air Force Academy as well as the Olympic Training Facilities, but it was so rewarding helping the veterans and hearing their stories and about the daily struggles since returning home. It really put things into perspective for me.


Form Letter to a Coach

You should send a school a simple letter/e-mail/Facebook message to let schools know you are interested and for you to get on their radar/mailing list. 

First, make sure you send it to the Special Teams Coach and/or the Recruiting Coordinator. Remember to keep it very simply and to the point. The person reading your letter will almost always be male and they don’t need any fluff. They will want a bottom line and quick points.

I created a template for you and it should do the trick. Embrace….

Coach __________,

My name is _________________ and I am very interested in becoming a student-athlete for your university.  I am a Long Snapper.

I currently play at __________________ High School in ____ (put your home state) and will graduate in ________ (month) of 20__.

I attend Rubio Long Snapping camps and am currently ranked ____ in my class and ____ in my state. You can see my profile, which will have Chris Rubio’s evaluation, my picture and a video of me HERE. (link your profile within the word HERE since it looks cleaner). Please feel free to contact Chris Rubio at either 208-572-2852 or [email protected] if you would like more detailed information regarding me and my Long Snapping abilities.

You can also view my YouTube channel with more practice and game footage HERE. (Put a Hudl link if you have one as well)

I also noticed you have a home game (you could also use this for Spring Games) coming up on Saturday, the ____ of _______________. I was hoping to be put on the recruit list for that game so I can see what game day is like for the _______________ (school mascot name).

Please let me know what the next step in the recruiting process is for me to become a member of your team.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope to see you at one of your games this fall!

Thank you for your time,

John Smith
____________ High School, Class of ______
GPA: ______  ACT: ______ SAT: _________
Twitter: @____________ Instagram: @____________
E-Mail: _______________________________
Cell: _________________________________
Home Mailing Address: _________________________________________ (Street Address, City, State and Zip Code)
Other Honors: ________________________________________________  (Eagle Scout, All-League, MVP, Captain, Etc.)

Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 17 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


Which Rubio Long Snapping Camps Should I Attend and When?

One of the most common questions that I get asked is, “Which camps should my son attend and when?”.

I have been running Long Snapping lessons, camps, and national events for over a decade now so I know what works out the best for the athletes. In a perfect world, here is exactly what I would do as a parent, and most likely will be doing before you know it.

6th Grade

  • If you feel your son is NOT ready mentally and physically, have him attend at least one Rubio Long Snapping camp as a spectator.  See what it is all about.  I would choose a 1 Day Camp in CA, NC, GA, TX, NJ, FL, WA or IL.  This will give you a chance to meet me and understand the way I work and speak.  Listen to instruction.  Become familiar and comfortable with the camp scene. There is no charge for this.
  • If you feel your son is ready mentally and physically, contact me and we can discuss him actually participating in a Rubio Long Snapping camp. I would choose a 1 Day Camp in CA, NC, GA, TX, NJ, FL, WA or IL. The sooner they get the form down, the better they will be in the long run. Once I get their form down, we just wait for their body to develop and BOOM, you have greatness.

7th Grade

  • If mentally and physically mature enough, I will allow a 7th grader to attend my camps. The sooner they get the form down, the better they will be in the long run. Once I get their form down, we just wait for their body to develop and BOOM, you have greatness.
  • If you feel your son is NOT ready mentally and physically, have him attend at least one Rubio Long Snapping Camp as a spectator.  See what it is all about.  I would choose a 1-day Nike Camps in CA, NC, GA, TX or IL.  This will give you a chance to meet me and understand the way I work and speak.  Listen to instruction.  Become familiar and comfortable with the camp scene. There is no charge for this.
  • Start private lessons with either me or someone I recommend.  Contact me ([email protected]) and I will discuss the options.
  • Buy the Chris Sailer Kicking and Rubio Long Snapping Instructional DVD.  This is the best way to learn.  Plus, you can watch it over and over again.

8th Grade

  • This is the time to begin attending Chris Sailer Kicking Camps.  I would choose the 1 Day Camp in CA, NC, GA, TX, NJ, FL, WA or IL.  I would attend ALL 3 camps when Rubio Long Snapping comes to your region of the U.S.  We come to each of these locations 3 times per year (Fall, Winter / Spring, and Summer).
  • At this age, if mentally and physically mature enough (major bonus if they have been to my camps), they should start the Vegas Events. No one will expect anything from an 8th grader, so this should be the least stressful Vegas they will ever encounter. Once again, the sooner they go this, the better they will be in the long run.
  • Continue private and group lessons with Rubio and/or a Rubio Long Snapping private coach.  Contact me ([email protected]) and I will discuss the options.
  • If invited, attend the Underclassmen “Invite Only” Event.  This camp is “Invite Only” is for the players and parents.  Learn about your future and how to handle it each step of the way.

9th Grade

  • Attend Rubio Long Snapping  Camps.
  • Attend ALL 3 of the  1-day camps in your region (CA, NC, GA, TX or IL).  We come to each of these locations 3 times per year (Fall, Winter / Spring, and Summer).
  • Attend 1 Camp in another state.  Start to get a feel for travel and other competition.
  • Attend VEGAS EVENTS in both January & May.  The time is now to see what it is all about.  See what it takes at every level (Fr, So, Jr, Sr, JC, College, and Pro).  The experience will pay off!!!  Time to set goals.
  • Continue private and group lessons with Rubio and/or a Rubio Long Snapping private coach.  Contact me ([email protected]) and I will discuss the options.
  • If invited, attend the Underclassmen “Invite Only” Event.  This camp is “Invite Only” is for the players and parents.  Continue to learn about your future and how to handle it each step of the way.

10th Grade

  • Attend Rubio Long Snapping  Camps.
  • Attend ALL 3 of the  1-day camps in your region (CA, NC, GA, TX or IL).  We come to each of these locations 3 times per year (Fall, Winter / Spring, and Summer).
  • Attend 1-2 Camps in another state.  Start to get a feel for travel and other competition.
  • Attend VEGAS EVENTS in both January & May.  The time is now to see what it is all about.  See what it takes at every level (Fr, So, Jr, Sr, JC, College, and Pro).  The experience will pay off!!!  Time to set goals.
  • Continue private and group lessons with Rubio and/or a Rubio Long Snapping private coach.  Contact me ([email protected]) and I will discuss the options.
  • If invited, attend the Underclassmen “Invite Only” Event.  This camp is “Invite Only” is for the players and parents.  Continue to learn about your future and how to handle it each step of the way.
  • Attend 1 Local College Camp.  These are essentially tryouts.  Go to get experience.  It will pay off for when it really counts.

11th Grade

  • Attend Rubio Long Snapping Camps.
  • Attend ALL 3 of the  1-day camps in your region (CA, NC, GA, TX or IL).  We come to each of these locations 3 times per year (Fall, Winter / Spring, and Summer).
  • Attend 2-3 Camps in another state.  Start to get a feel for travel and other competition.
  • Attend VEGAS EVENTS in both January & May.  This is the time to get your name on the map. College coaches will be setting up their recruit boards.  This is the time to shoot for “TOP 12″ and “Event Elite”!
  • Continue private and group lessons with Rubio and/or a Rubio Long Snapping private coach.  Contact me ([email protected]) and I will discuss the options.
  • Attend Multiple College Camps within reason.  These are essentially tryouts.  Be realistic with your skill level.  Attend camps at all levels of college football (D1, D2, D3, etc.)
  • Attend the “TOP 12″ & “Event Elite” Camp.  This is an “Invite Only” Camp that brings together ONLY the best of the best.  You can only get invited by attending the VEGAS Events and proving that you are one of the best while competing again the best.  This camp is the ULTIMATE GOAL.  This is the best camp that you will ever attend, if invited.

12th Grade

  • Attend Rubio Long Snapping Camps.
  • Attend ALL 3 of the  1-day camps in your region (CA, NC, GA, TX or IL).  We come to each of these locations 3 times per year (Fall, Winter / Spring, and Summer).
  • Attend 3-4 Camps in another state.  Start to get a feel for travel and other competition.
  • Attend VEGAS EVENTS in both January & May.  The time is now to prove to every college coach in the United States that you are worthy of a scholarship or walk on spot.  Scholarships and preferred walk on spots will be earned based on performance as a Long Snapper!
  • Continue private and group lessons with Rubio and/or a Rubio Long Snapping private coach.  Contact me ([email protected]) and I will discuss the options.
  • DO NOT stop working once you have decided on a college.  This is the #1 mistake made.  Work harder than ever as the next level is even more difficult. DO NOT REST ON YOUR PAST ACCOMPLISHMENTS.…It will catch up with you. Trust me.

College / NFL

  • Attend the College Camp each year to stay sharp and prepare yourself for upcoming seasons and an NFL Future.
  • Rubio Long Snapping will be holding another NFL camp this coming year. Last year’s was a great success with many Long Snappers being brought into NFL camps simply for their performance at the camp! Be on the lookout!

Chris Sailer Kicking and Rubio Long Snapping are the #1 Kicking, Punting, and Long Snapping Businesses in the World.  Feel free to ask around. We will teach and guide you from 7th Grade all through the day that you retire from the NFL.


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years,  Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS tomajor colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



The Qualifications for The Chris Rubio Award

Scott Daly of Notre Dame was the inagural winner of The Chris Rubio Award

Scott Daly of Notre Dame was the inagural winner of The Chris Rubio Award


What is the Award?
The Award will be presented on an annual basis to the best national high school Long Snapper for that given season.

Who Is Eligible?
Every athlete that plays high school football at the varsity level, regardless of state division, or age. You DO NOT have to attend a Rubio Long Snapping / Chris Sailer Kicking camp to win this award.

How Do You Win? 

  • You will have to be the starter for your high school varsity team.
  • You must not have more than one bad snap all season (snap that gets by the punter or the holder).
  • You must do both punt and p.a.t. snaps.
  • If you have to snap and block for your team, that is looked at in higher regard.
  • The amount of tackles is taken into consideration with the voting.
  • You must have started in 80% of the current year’s games for your varsity team.
  • A Long Snapper’s physical size is NOT taken into consideration in the voting.
  • Other positions played are NOT taken into consideration for voting.
  • You may be viewed by Chris Rubio in person, send in film, have a high school head coach’s recommendation, college special team’s coach recommendation or sports writer’s recommendation to be considered eligible.
  • A panel of voters assembled by the Chris Rubio selection committee will vote for the winner.
Blake Ferguson of LSU is a two time winner of The Chris Rubio Award

Blake Ferguson of LSU is a two time winner of The Chris Rubio Award

How Does the Voting Take Place? 
A panel of voters assembled by the Chris Rubio selection committee will be voting. The panel will include: Chris Rubio, past and current NFL Long Snappers, past and current NCAA Long Snappers, past finalists for the Chris Rubio Award (once they graduate from college), and Sports writers and columnists.

August: A Watch List of 15 Long Snappers will be announced each year before the high school football season begins. The players on the Watch List were selected based on statistics from the previous season and upcoming season expectations.  The eventual winner does NOT have to be on the Watch List to win the awards.

November:  Ten Semi-Finalists are announced.  The Semi-Finalists will be determined by committee selection.

December: The Three Finalists are announced. The Finalists will be determined by total votes. 3 points (1st Place Vote), 2 points (2nd Place Vote), 1 Point (3rd Place Vote). In the case of a tie, Chris Rubio will break the tie with his vote.

January : The winner will be announced at the JW Marriott in Las Vegas on Friday, January 15, 2016. The winner will be determined by total votes. 3 points (1st Place Vote), 2 points (2nd Place Vote), 1 Point (3rd Place Vote).

In the case of a tie, Chris Rubio will break the tie with his vote.

Cole Mazza of Alabama holds his Chris Rubio Award trophy in Los Angeles

Cole Mazza of Alabama holds his Chris Rubio Award trophy in Los Angeles

Submit your season total stats (total snaps) each week to Chris Rubio by emailing them to [email protected] Please submit the following:
Total Number of Punts:
Total Number of P.A.T’s:
Total Number of tackles:
Misc (fumble recovery, etc):

Please note: You may create a highlight tape for the judges but it cannot exceed one minute in length. It must be emailed to [email protected] with a YouTube link.

*All statistics will have to be verified by your high school head coach before you can be announced as a Finalist.

Rubio Award