Top 2019 Long Snappers by Region

Here is a look at the TOP 2019 Long Snapper in each region of the country.

NORTHWEST (States of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Alaska)
Mike Zahara, WA
Super laid back kid. Didn’t get overly worked up about anything. Kept his cool and took instruction well. Thought it was a great sign from a kid of his age, not getting frazzled or frustrated. Really good form. Has long frame that can fill out nicely. Once he puts on some muscle and snaps hard, he will be great.


PACIFIC (California, Nevada, Arizona and Hawaii)
Simon Samarzich, CA
Simon had a good weekend at the Rubio Long Snapping VEGAS XXVIII Event on May 21-22, 2016. He is a true athlete that can be as good, or great, as he chooses to be with his Long Snapping. Once he fully dedicates himself to snapping, he could easily take the top spot and run with it. Accuracy is solid and his form is excellent for his age. Handles pressure well and could have actually won the whole thing in the desert. Like to see some more speed on the ball and that will come with consistency of snapping motion and size. Tremendous potential on Simon.


SOUTHWEST (New Mexico and Texas)
Hayden Hood, TX
Hood was excellent at the Rubio Long Snapping summer camp in TX on July 7, 2016. He is one of the most athletic Long Snappers in his class and showed no mercy in TX. His confidence is starting to come along VERY nicely and I love it. Needs to make sure he is focus on gaining some size as that will assist him in blocking, getting down field and the overall speed of the ball. Kid is very good and just looks to get better. Keep a very close eye on him this fall and definitely at VEGAS XXIX.


NORTH CENTRAL (North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Nebraska)
Tyler Shaw, WI
Really liked what I saw out of Tyler at the Rubio Long Snapping summer camp in IL on July 9, 2016. He is a long athlete that is snapping with good power and confidence. Love to see him focus on leaning back more so he goes towards the punter and not up/forward. Falling forward will cause the ball to rise a bit and lose some accuracy. Kid has tremendous upside and can easily be one of the top Long Snappers in his class. WATCH HIM at VEGAS XXIX.


SOUTH CENTRAL (Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana)
Caden Bolz, KS
Caden did well at the Rubio Long Snapping summer camp in TX on July 7, 2016. He is a thick and strong Long Snapper with good power in his hands. Ball is quick and he has no problem hovering in the .8s at all times. By VEGAS XXIX, I want to make sure he is getting his eyes/head all the way through as this will greatly increase the overall speed of the ball AND the accuracy. Kid is dripping with potential.


MID AMERICA (Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky)
Jude Pedrozo, OH
Jude continues to impress me and didn’t let up at the Rubio Long Snapping summer camp in IL on July 9, 2016. He can pass an eyeball test quickly and is snapping with a great deal of confidence. The upside on this kid is off the charts and he could make the TOP 12 in January if he continues to snap well. Overall accuracy and consistency is what I will be focused on seeing at VEGAS XXIX. He needs to know he can be one of the greats.


NORTHEAST (Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, New York, Connecticut and Rhode Island)
Austin Sullivan, NY
I liked what I saw out of Austin at the Rubio Long Snapping VEGAS XXVIII Event on May 21-22, 2016. He is very large Long Snapper for his age and has a good snapping motion. Very fluid Long Snapper. I like his form and I want him to trust it. If he was to trust his form and really let the ball fly, he will be able to get well under .90 by fall and definitely by XXIX in January. TONS OF POTENTIAL on Austin and when his legs get fully locked and timed up, he will dominate. LOVE HIS ATTITUDE.


ATLANTIC (Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Washington D.C., Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia)
Dominic Serapiglia, PA
Dominic did really well at the Rubio Long Snapping summer camp in NC on July 11, 2016. He is a thick and strong Long Snapper with good overall form. Ball is tight and he is showing some good accuracy. Like to see him increase the speed of his legs as they are just a tad behind his very quick hands. If he can get his timing locked down, he will be snapping under .77 by VEGAS XXIX…easily. Increasing his athleticism will push him way up the rankings as well. Good upside and always improving.


SOUTHEAST (Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida)
Quentin Skinner, GA
Skinner, AKA Mad Dog, had a solid weekend at the Rubio Long Snapping VEGAS XXVIII Event on May 21-22, 2016. He can EASILY snap a D1 ball right now when he is on. Every once in awhile, he will forget to follow through and the ball will die. If he can fix that, and I know he can, he can be a 5 Star Rubio Long Snapper by next Vegas if not sooner. CONSISTENCY will be his biggest thing to focus on.


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.