Here are the average RSI Scores  from the Rubio Long Snapping VEGAS XXXVIII Event. On MAY 15-16, 2021, Rubio Long Snapping held a Long Snapping camp called the VEGAS XXXVIII Event. This event was created for all levels of Long Snappers.  

Logan Rager (NJ, 2022) was the overall winner of the camp! HE IS A BACK-TO-BACK VEGAS CHAMPION!!!


Congratulations to the 12 finalists for VEGAS XXXVIII! 1. Stanphill 2. Stein 3. Rager 4. Chesney 5. Plieth 6. Dufault 7. Barr 8. Monteforte 9. Thomas 10. Miller 11. Frederic 12. Todd

    As you know, at every Rubio Long Snapping camp, the Long Snappers are tested to receive an RSI score. This is the most accurate and fair way to test a Long Snapper. Here are the RSI Scores from the VEGAS XXXVIII EVENT…..  

Abramo, Christian         13.16             14.47                            27.63
Adema, Joseph         20.99             24.69                            45.68
Agatep, Xavier         26.25             21.25                            47.50
Aldridge, Liam            9.30             11.63                            20.93
Anderson, Ben         24.66             47.95                            72.60
Arredondo, Jason         18.07             15.66                            33.73
Baker, Kellan                   –             18.75                            18.75
Barr, Aidan         47.89             43.66                            91.55
Basterrechea, Antonio            3.61                3.61                               7.23
Benson, Sawyer         22.99             10.11                            33.10
Berry, Jack         26.03             21.92                            47.95
Bessert, Keane         26.87             26.87                            53.73
Borbon, Jovoni         41.33             26.67                            68.00
Bumgarner, Mabry            6.25             26.25                            32.50
Burdette, Batton                   –             20.73                            20.73
Burke, Cahill            6.25             26.25                            32.50
Burt, Gannon         54.16             32.47                            86.62
Campbell, Kadin         15.09             31.17                            46.26
Campos, Andrew         44.50             33.33                            77.83
Carrera, Xander         12.82             30.77                            43.59
Cervantes, AJ         27.62             29.73                            57.35
Champagne, Zachary         20.55             28.77                            49.32
Chavez, Alejandro         16.42             20.90                            37.31
Chesney, Kurt         52.87             41.94                            94.81
Cheveallier, Daniel         12.64                8.05                            20.69
Companion, James            9.89             10.99                            20.88
Cortez, Connor            7.41             13.58                            20.99
Cox, Charlie         13.10             15.48                            28.57
Crane, Jace                   –                4.63                               4.63
Curtis, Grayson         17.95             17.95                            35.90
Desaloms, Elliot                   –                       –                                      –
Dorsett, Trey                   –                       –                                      –
DuBuc, Trey         15.82             17.95                            33.77
Dufault, Andrew         42.65             50.00                            92.65
Duzansky, Nick         30.81             17.28                            48.10
Ehrlich, Osker         22.13             40.85                            62.97
Eldridge, Jake         15.67             36.00                            51.67
Eleopoulos, Alexander         18.42             23.68                            42.11
Embrey, Karsen            5.81             20.93                            26.74
Evans, Gray         11.47             11.63                            23.09
Evans, Jason         12.66             16.46                            29.11
Evans, Morrow                   –             21.43                            21.43
Finch, Thomas         16.88             16.88                            33.77
Fisher, Aidan            2.63             14.47                            17.11
Fitzmeyer, Michael            9.09             58.44                            67.53
Franke, Jordan         16.67             14.29                            30.95
Frederic, Logan         47.30             36.36                            83.67
Gonzales, Kayden            9.09             11.36                            20.45
Gorski, Blake         24.05             41.77                            65.82
Greer, Isaac         26.22             22.22                            48.44
Halderman, Jake            6.00             33.72                            39.72
Hastings, Grant            2.63             21.05                            23.68
Helms, Jake            5.56             14.44                            20.00
Herbel, Micah         26.76             26.76                            53.52
Herridge, Ryan            2.88                4.81                               7.69
Higham, Hunter                   –                       –                                      –
Hirshon, Zachary            8.79             17.58                            26.37
Hurley, Erik         11.58             13.68                            25.26
Hursey, Chantz            9.09                5.68                            14.77
Ihns, Peyton         13.41             23.17                            36.59
Jimenez, Quillan         24.67             13.33                            38.00
Johnson, Kaelan                   –                5.88                               5.88
Jones, Carson         17.11             30.26                            47.37
Kaapana, Hiapo         10.00             28.57                            38.57
Kean, Ryan         25.10             29.49                            54.59
Kellams, Bryce         18.29             32.47                            50.75
Konopka, Dominic                   –                       –                                      –
Koryto, Gavin         34.14             20.55                            54.68
Kuhn, Aidan            5.05                2.02                               7.07
Lacey, Noah         20.78             20.78                            41.56
Lapean, Connor         12.66             21.52                            34.18
Lindsey, Sam         32.55             26.03                            58.58
Lipkin, Gavin         13.92             17.72                            31.65
Love, Bryson            9.70             20.99                            30.69
Magee, Briggs         24.08             27.69                            51.77
Maiava, Seau         19.47                7.89                            27.37
Manis, Ryan         37.34             38.81                            76.15
Martin, Chase         17.56             34.72                            52.28
McAteer, Ace            3.03                4.04                               7.07
McChesney, Luke         17.81             19.18                            36.99
McKeown, Kaden         33.52             22.22                            55.74
McNutt, Keaton         23.42             17.11                            40.53
Meddings, Carson         30.00             28.57                            58.57
Meunier, Daniel            9.56             37.50                            47.06
Meyers, Chase                   –                4.10                               4.10
Middleton, Trent         19.82             23.08                            42.90
Miller, Ian         13.89             19.44                            33.33
Miller, Joe         39.43             47.83                            87.26
Mills, Grant         24.05             32.91                            56.96
Mohr, Jacob            5.41             35.14                            40.54
Molen, Broden            8.60             13.98                            22.58
Molen, Landon         17.63             30.49                            48.12
Monteforte, Rino         35.29             55.88                            91.18
Moore, Asa                   –                       –                                      6.67
Moser, Caleb         16.46             12.66                            29.11
Moss, Macguire         26.03             34.25                            60.27
Naughton, Trey            6.58             28.95                            35.53
Nelson, Matthew            9.09             18.18                            27.27
Nield, Bennett            3.49             22.09                            25.58
Oney, Peter         16.88             25.97                            42.86
Orona, Michael         21.13             42.25                            63.38
Payan, Baylor                   –                       –                                      –
Pena, Dominic                   –                       –                                      –
Phillips, Austin            3.00             17.50                            20.50
Plieth, Jackson         44.29             50.00                            94.29
Powers, Gavin            5.95             10.71                            16.67
Prieto, Drew         31.34             46.27                            77.61
Pritchett, Jacob            2.63             34.21                            36.84
Radz, Brady         20.33             38.67                            59.00
Rager, Logan         55.83             43.48                            99.30
Reece, Tucker            6.02             21.69                            27.71
Reed, Fischer         15.88             18.52                            34.40
Ridderhoff, Connor         10.67             34.67                            45.33
Rigsby, Hayden         30.26             32.89                            63.16
Robbins, Ryan                   –                2.75                               2.75
Roberts, Chase                   –             15.05                            15.05
Rocchietti, Corey         24.21             28.42                            52.63
Rodarte, Luca         34.78             31.88                            66.67
Rossman, Luke                   –                4.40                               4.40
Rossman, Max            4.85                6.80                            11.65
Rountree, Grant         13.51             32.43                            45.95
Rowlan, Sullivan                   –                5.08                               5.08
Royalty, Cameron            9.30                2.33                            11.63
Ruh, John                   –             14.63                            14.63
Sanders, Bailey            6.67             25.56                            32.22
Santorico, Joey         26.44             10.96                            37.40
Seifert, Tom         25.00             36.11                            61.11
Sharpe, Weston         10.39             35.06                            45.45
Smillie, Steven            6.67             14.67                            21.33
Smith, Brenden         10.00             17.50                            27.50
Smith, Christian         21.62             27.03                            48.65
Sorensen, Dane            9.30             13.95                            23.26
Stangle, Ethan         27.14             41.43                            68.57
Stanphill, David         56.94             56.45                         113.39
Stein, Elijah         50.27             55.56                         105.83
Steveken, George         12.64             17.24                            29.89
Tabb, Jonathan         10.13             18.99                            29.11
Taikina, Joseph                   –                       –                                      –
Tannahill, Brayden            5.13                8.33                            13.46
Taylor, Alexandar                   –                       –                                      –
Thomas, Ronnie         46.83             43.06                            89.89
Thompson, Jax         13.33             21.33                            34.67
Tibbetts, Benjamin         21.25             37.50                            58.75
Todd, Jr, RJ         35.32             43.42                            78.74
Trim, Tyson         11.37             10.11                            21.48
Tucay, Tristan            9.41             16.47                            25.88
Vander Wal, Owen         35.21             28.17                            63.38
Vega, Joshua            3.75             12.50                            16.25
Velasco, Jesse         11.25             16.25                            27.50
Wahab, Salem         16.88             32.47                            49.35
Weeks, Conor            7.06                5.88                            12.94
Welch, Matthew            5.81             11.63                            17.44
Welsing, Brett         20.55             45.21                            65.75
Wigglesworth, Tyler         20.78             27.27                            48.05
Williams, Jay         16.67             31.94                            48.61
Willis, Toby         22.06             25.00                            47.06
Wilson, Nolan         25.00             14.47                            39.47
Wright, Sloan         23.45                8.60                            32.05

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Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 16 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.