To honor Rubio Long Snapper George Steward, let’s do this again!
If you have been following me on social media the past year, you know that the Rubio Long Snapping family suffered a terrible loss with the tragic death of Rubio Long Snapper George Steward one year ago today.
George was simply waiting at an intersection, with his long time girlfriend, when an out of control car crushed his car and ended his, and his girlfriend’s lives. They were 18 years old.
If you knew George, even for a second, you knew he was always smiling and having a good time. His smile was infectious. He was a big man with a big heart and an even bigger smile.
George was the perfect reflection of a Rubio Long Snapper.
I have spoken to his mom several times over the past couple of years. She is obviously extremely distraught over what has occurred but wants George to live on with Rubio Long Snapping. She told me he was extremely proud to be a Rubio Long Snapper (look at his graduation announcement) and was always in a Rubio shirt.
George’s mom, Adrienne De La Fuente, wants to create a VEGAS scholarship in George’s name. She wants to sponsor a deserving Long Snapper that wants to go to VEGAS but possibly doesn’t have the means. She asked me to create the criteria, so here we go….
WHO: Any Long Snapper from 7th grade to 2nd year of JC
WHAT: This award will go simply to a happy Long Snapper. In honor of George, who was ALWAYS smiling and happy, this award will go to someone on that same page. To enter, you need to include at least three pictures of you with a genuine smile. Three more with you around others smiling and two letters of recommendation (yup, you guessed it, just stating you are happy person) from a family member and someone at your school.
WHEN: All entries must be in my hand by November 14th. Now, to make things easier this year, they can be mailed OR scanned and emailed to me at [email protected]
WHERE: All entries must be mailed to me at the following address:
Rubio Long Snapping
1104 Richardson Ave.
Lewiston, ID. 83501
If you win this award but have already signed up for VEGAS XXIX, I will push your win to VEGAS 30!
And the winner, chosen by George’s mother Adrienne, is going to be Rubio Long Snapper Jaden Sanchez!
Here is just one testimonial about Jaden and his smile…
“Jaden Sanchez, a freshman at Bakersfield High School and 14 years old, sounds a lot like George… always smiling. Jaden’s smile is infectious and makes everyone around him happier. Jaden has faced many obstacles in his life but nothing keeps him from having that huge smile on his face. Finding out about 4 years ago that he was diagnosed with alopecia and loosing every hair on his body was hard for him but he still found a way to stay positive and always had/has a smile on his face. We would be at the dermatologist’s office with him and even when going thorough treatments and getting 16 shots in his head, I remember him having a smile on his face. Jaden is a great young man with a great attitude on life… it shows in that awesome smile!”
I am happy you chose Jayden. He is polite, engaging,kind, dedicated and ALWAYS has a smile on his face. You honor your son by choosing him. He will work hard and be an important part of the DRILLER future.
Susan Chaidez
Athletic/Activity Secretary
Bakersfield High School