Recap of the CA Fall Camp (10/28/18)

Rubio Long Snapping traveled to CA on October 28th, 2018 for their fall camp. Rubio Long Snapping will be traveling around the country this fall with stops in NC, NJ, WA, CA, TX, GA, AZ, IL with everything leading into the biggest and best Long Snapping event in the world, VEGAS XXXIII in January!

Long Snappers from CA, CO, LA & AZ all traveled to this camp to get the best instruction and exposure in the world of Long Snapping. The camp was a great time had by all with an excellent group of Long Snappers and parents.

The champion of the camp was Jack Landherr! This recent UCLA Bruin commit was actually the speed and overall champion of the entire camp. Ball hovered in the low .7s and even dipped into the .6s when he really let loose. His frame is excellent and he is smooth on his feet. Hard worker that has all of the tools to be a great Bruin!

The finals round matchups were Cruz Rubio, Jack Landherr, Kameron Hawkins, Nate Hedberg, Matt Tokos, Max Alvarez. You can see the full finals video below….


Nathan Weneta (Purdue), Jack Landherr (UCLA), Ryan Aguilar (ARMY), Peter Bowden (Wisconsin)

Jack Landherr was dominant from start to finish. Overall winner of the camp plus speed champion.

Ryan Aguilar is fantastic and was absolutely ripping the ball back to the punter. Love his attitude.

Nathan Weneta was smooth as possible and was snapping with good confidence. Excellent athlete

Peter Bowden is a tremendous Long Snapper that has a very catchable ball and flawless motion.

Andrew Gonneville has excellent follow through and snaps with good power. Strong hands and upper body. Great upside.

Matt Tokos is a JC Long Snapper with quick release, great attitude and a smooth ball.

Nathan Hedberg made it deep into the finals and was inches away from winning the whole thing.

Max Alvarez showed great promise and a nice, tight spiral. Excited to see what he can do in Vegas.

Aidan Rosette might have the most upside of anyone in his class. Kid is a monster just waiting to erupt.

Matt Rhodes is big, strong, smooth and has a great attitude.

Robert Fiene showed absolute waves of brilliance. Kid can rip the ball back when he is on.

Arturo Meza was impressive for his first camp and right on the cusp of greatness.

Notables: Danny Dixon, Patrick Grimes, Jacob Raab

Kameron Hawkins

Kameron Hawkins was hot all day. Kid snaps one of the most consistent balls in the country. Every single snap looks exactly the same. He is just a machine

Cruz Rubio is strong, moves very well on his feet and is right on the cusp of dominating.

Cruz Rubio

Michael Munoz has the body of a college tight-end right now and still has another year to go. Smooth Long Snapper with unlimited potential.

Bryce Felt improves like there is no tomorrow. Got very hot in the afternoon and was ripping it back.

Cody White is a Long Snapper with a good attitude and an accurate ball.

Tony Villarreal is a big Long Snapper that can snap a D1 ball when he is on and he is almost always on.

Trevor Heid has great upside and is very close to greatness.

Michael Munoz

John Bergeron has a tremendous attitude, a smooth snap and some very quick hands. Getting his butt down is going to be massive for him.

Andrew Wells is strong, powerful and I love his attitude.

Aaron Estrada is a great athlete and is always in contention with his class. Going to be very good.

Davis Salom is a massive human being that will do better the less he thinks.

Michael Tokos might have the quickest hands in his class.

Sean Farfan is right on the edge of being one of the top Long Snappers in his class. Speeding up his hands will help a ton.

Notables: Mitch Carmer, Ayden Avalos, Brendan Duffy, Nathan Hall, Jack Salazar, Nic Casasante


JT Greep

JT Greep had a great day in CA. Absolutely love when he snaps with full power. Ball is great. Really did well athletically.

Chris Kent is a big Long Snapper that was snapping with a lot of confidence and power. Impressive day for Kent.

Mason Hutton might have the most potential of anyone in his class. Built extremely long and has all of the tools to get to the top of his class at VEGAS XXXIII.

Valentino Nguyen is athletic, quick and always improving.

Notables: Jake Arugello, Sully Devericks, Adam Masura, John Mora, Leroy Orozco, Jack Ritchie, Camden Sten, Joe Wells

TOP 2022 and beyond LONG SNAPPERS

Michael Orona

Michael Orona is a thick Long Snapper that can already get the ball back in the mid .8s. Very good attitude.

Brenden Smith is an athletic Long Snapper that listens well, is coachable and really close to having it all click. Strong hands.

Chase Martin is a 2023 Long Snapper that snapped with great force and power.

Konner Hawkins is a 2026 Long Snapper with form that is on par with a Varsity Long Snapper AND HE IS IN FIFTH GRADE!!!


As you know, at every Rubio Long Snapping camp, the Long Snappers are tested to receive an RSI score. This is the most accurate and fair way to test a Long Snapper. Here are the RSI Scores from the CA Camp…..

Aguilar, Ryan 19            30.56 2019 – JC
Alvarez, Max 19            39.11 2019 – JC
Arguello, Jake 21               3.33 2021
Avalos, Ayden 20               3.41 2020
Barcelos, Nick 20                      – 2020
Bergeron, John 20            32.53 2020
Borak, James 20            16.30 2020
Bowden, Peter 19            35.21 2019 – JC
Bugni, Bryan 20            14.46 2020
Cappasola, Declan 21                      – 2021
Carmer, Mitch 20            16.85 2020
Casasante, Nicholas 20            10.34 2020
Devericks, Sully 21            13.48 2021
Dixon, Danny 19                      – 2019 – JC
Dreyfuss, Jack 22               3.23 2022
Duffy, Brendan 20            25.64 2020
Estrada, Aaron 20            10.98 2020
Farfan, Sean 20            21.79 2020
Felt, Bryce 20            34.67 2020
Fiene, Robert 18            38.67 2019 – JC
Freeman, Wyatt 22               9.78 2022
Gonneville, Andrew 19            38.67 2019 – JC
Greep, JT 21               3.85 2021
Grimes, Patrick 18            34.21 2019 – JC
Hall, Nathan 20            14.10 2020
Hawkins, Kameron 20            43.48 2020
Hedberg, Nathan 19            41.56 2019 – JC
Heid, Trevor 20            25.64 2020
Hutton, Mason 21                      – 2021
Kellams, Bryce 22                      – 2022
Kent, Chris 21            11.54 2021
Landherr, Jack 19            44.29 2019 – JC
Martin, Chase 23            15.46 2023 – 2025
Masura, Adam 21            37.18 2021
Medford, John 21                      – 2021
Meza, Arturo 18                      – 2019 – JC
Mora, John 21            18.75 2021
Munoz, Michael 20            33.78 2020
Nguyen, Valentino 21            25.32 2021
Orona, Michael 22               6.90 2022
Orozco, Leroy 21            17.24 2021
Peterson , Mason 19            10.23 2019 – JC
Prim, Bryce 21                      – 2021
Raab, Jacob 18            34.21 2019 – JC
Rea, Brian 19            20.45 2019 – JC
Rhodes, Matthew 19            26.32 2019 – JC
Ritchie, Jack 21            21.95 2021
Rosette, Aidan 19            22.37 2019 – JC
Rubio, Cruz 20            44.29 2020
Salazar, Jack 20            36.71 2020
Salom, Davis 20            11.54 2020
Samarzich, Simon 19                      – 2019 – JC
Short, Andrew 22               6.25 2022
Smith, Brenden 22               6.38 2022
Sten, Camden 21               9.57 2021
Tibbetts, Benjamin 22                      – 2022
Tokos, Matthew 18            39.13 2019 – JC
Tokos, Michael 20            29.49 2020
Villarreal, Tony 20            29.87 2020
Wells, Andrew 20            29.87 2020
Wells, Joe 21            13.19 2021
Weneta, Nathan 19            35.21 2019 – JC
White, Cody 20                      – 2020
Wiysel, Joseph 19            30.26 2019 – JC

Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 14 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.