Dealing with Pressure

As I have mentioned in one of my previous Long Snapping blogs that discussed my first snap, I am an over-thinker. And, in being so, I know that it can get you into a lot of trouble in Long Snapping, sports and life in general. When I was playing, I quickly realized that I needed to be able to calm my thinking and just focus (while not thinking) on the task at hand. This can be hard to do, especially when you start thinking about not thinking. Thankfully, I had a Meyers. 
What is a Meyers you ask? Meyers is a human (allegedly) that was an offensive guard when I played at UCLA (key word: offensive). He is, by far, the meanest man I have ever come across in my life. I could devote an entire year’s worth of blogs simply to him and I guarantee half of the stories you would swear are fake when they are all dead on true. He was approximately 6’6″, 350 lbs, with a gap in his teeth that could hold 35 cents (no dimes), skinny legs, a barrel chest (jacket size: 60), sweated so bad he would have to change his entire uniform at half and had a chip on his shoulder the size of Vermont. 


Meyers crushed this person…
then went after his family…
and then had ribs….
Anyway, Meyers and I were in cahoots (thank the Lord) and I requested he be right next to me on p.a.t.s. This was good and bad. It was bad for a couple reasons. First, Meyers would yell (imagine an angry trucker that was raised by wolves) at the defensive players which in turn made them upset and want to crush me (remember, I played when you could hit the Long Snapper). Never really understood why they would take out their frustration on me, but they did. Meyers was also famous for letting a defensive player get about half way past he and I, simply so he could try to really take out their knee and/or break their leg. Meyers didn’t seem to care that he would essentially slam the guy into my knee as well. I tried to explain this to Meyers and he just grunted and told me to shut up. I embraced and thanked God he was on my team. 

The good about Meyers was that it gave me someone to talk to and that is how I handled my nerves. From the time I got out to the huddle (we huddled on field which was great for TV time) to the time I snapped a perfect ball, I spoke to Meyers. I would ask about plans after the game, if he was hungry, what was his favorite movie and why he was so sweaty. He really hated the sweaty comment and would always proceed to tell me it was because he was an actually player and not a Long Snapper. Of course, I would ask why he was so sweaty the most:). The point is, by speaking to Meyers, it took my mind off the task at hand. I knew I worked right (not just hard) at practice and I knew was capable. The only thing that would stop me was, well, ME. I would be so enthralled with the conversation and what would come out of Meyer’s mouth, that the play would be over before I even had a chance to think about it. Did it work? Yup. I never had one bad snap in college.

Right about now you are thinking, “But I don’t have a Meyers, so what should I do?” Couple things have worked with my Long Snappers over the years. I advised one of my Long Snappers before each snap to look into the crowd, find the best looking girl and point directly at her. He was a major over-thinker and this helped him immensely. He would break the huddle, walk slowly to the ball while looking to the crowd. Given, in being a Long Snapper, he was built like a god and looked like Brad Pitt’s better looking brother, so t
he ladies already loved him. Once they figured out what he was doing, they would clamor to be the “one.” This method worked perfectly for him in Long Snapping and with the ladies.

Another thing that has worked for my Long Snappers is to simply get down with your perfect form, get your hands on the ball and say something absurd. From “sexy avocado” to “flapjack wilson” to “Rubio is sexy.” A Long Snapper will be so intrigued with the off the wall statement, they will forget about thinking…which is always a good thing.

If you are prepared correctly and have worked right, there is no reason to think during the game. Couple great examples of this are John Wooden and Phil Jackson. Both coaches are legends and were the best ever in college and the pro’s that basically did NOTHING during a game. Seriously, if you ever watched an older UCLA game or a modern day Lakers game, those two didn’t even look like they were paying attention or could care less. Why? Because they prepared their team correctly before the game. The bottom line is you want to make sure you are prepared enough before the game that there is no need to think during the game.

Got you thinking now, don’t I?


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.




When I was recruited to play at UCLA, they didn’t offer scholarships to Long Snappers out of high school (thank goodness for guys like this). It was standard issue that a snapper walked on and, when they started, some schools would give you a scholarship. I say some because many still didn’t do it. All together now: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Ah, that felt good, now back to business.

When the starter in front of me graduated, I knew the job (and scholarship) were mine so I proceeded to walk right into the head coach’s office to ask the question, “so, um, what exactly do I need to do to be put on scholarship?” Mind you, the coach at time was Terry Donahue. Coach Donahue was/is a legend at UCLA and in the college football world, while I was a walk on Long Snapper at a time when Long Snapper’s were lower than the guy who invented skinny jeans for men.

Needless to say, that didn’t stop me. I walked right in (during my appointment time…he is the head man for God’s sake) and asked the question. He respected me for my bluntness and for being specific. I am a thinker and I wanted to know exactly what I needed to do for the job/scholarship and he was a busy man that didn’t need to bantering back and forth with a Long Snapper (almost hurts me to put Long Snappers in that tone, but it was true… the time).

So, I started and was flawless during Spring Ball (one of his requirements). I made all of the “voluntary” workouts during the summer (another) and performed like a champ during Fall Camp (this one was key). I did exactly what he asked and, after the first game, I walked right back into his office (yes, I made another appointment) and asked, “Hey Coach, I did every single thing you’ve asked of me….do I get the scholarship?” His answer, “Yes and thanks for coming in. I might have forgotten.”

First of all, well done to me. Second, FORGOTTEN!?!?!?!?!?! You kidding me? Thank God I did go in and ask. Imagine if I didn’t? Don’t get me wrong, I am sure I would have eventually been put on, but the stress of waiting could have been detrimental to my success at UCLA. It would have been just one more thing for me to worry about and that is something no one needs. Bottom line, asking helped me and helped me a ton.

If you want something, ask. If you want to know about something, ask. Seems easy enough, but many people, speaking to the youngin’s out there, never do it. And, if they do ask, they don’t ask correctly.

So, how do you ask? Simple. You ask the person you want the answer from and you request specificsIf you want to know why you are not starting at your high school or college, you would ask why you are not starting? WRONG. You need to ask why you are not starting and what exactly you need to do in order to get the starting job. Then, you will know the specifics. 

If your coach just kinda grunts and says to simply beat out the guy in front of you, then you need to respond with “I feel that I am better than him right now so I need to know exactly what I need to do to prove it to you.” At this point, the coach will have to give you a very specific answer to simply get you off his back. Please note that you were never rude in the way you asked. That is key. You upset a coach or back them into a corner and they will feel threatened….that is not a good thing.

As you can see, yet again, the ball is in your court. If you want something, just ask…but be specific. Leave no chance for someone to give you an open-ended answer. Be specific with your question and they will be specific with their answer.

You want to know what you need to do in order to be the starter, just ask but be specific. You want to know what it will take to be put on scholarship, just ask but be specific. You want to know if the best looking girl will go on a date, just ask but be specific (and mention you’re a Long Snapper…ladies love that). You want to know how to switch from being a Long Snapper to a kicker, don’t ask!

Hope this helps and if you have any questions, you know what to do:)


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.





You are born. You know nothing. Not up from down, not night from day, not good from bad. You are completely dependent upon others. You are fed, clothed and bathed by someone else. Where you go from here is not up to you. This is your beginning and you have no control. 
You are growing up. You observe. You are beginning to know right from wrong.  You ask questions. Lots of questions. You are becoming you. You are forming opinions. You are creating thoughts. You are, slowly, taking your steps into life. 
You are you… you think. You are big. You are the smartest you will ever be….so you think. You are in great shape. You have found love. You have lost love. You will find it again. You now question instead of asking questions. You are eyeballing life and sprinting full speed at it. You know it all….so you think.
You are different. You look different. You act different. You are not who you thought you would be. You listen. You learn. You wait. You ask. You find out. You get answers. You are growing. Life is now coming to you and not the other way around. You wish it would pause. It never does. It is coming faster and faster. You breathe. Your heart pounds. Faster. You breathe. 
You are you. This is it. You observe more while speaking less. You have lived. You wish you had listened more, loved more, laughed more, learned more, lived more. This is your ending and you suddenly realize………you had all the control. Don’t waste your life. It will be gone in the blink of an eye. 

Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



An Unfair-y Tale

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a person named Frank. Frank was just like any other person his age, he spent a great deal of time day-dreaming. Thoughts would pierce Frank’s mind like a knife and he would be forced to wrestle them into either the real world or let them float on by.
One day, a particular vision came into Frank’s head about being someone and doing something very few people in the world could do. Frank thought about being a top athlete and knew it was the thing for him. Frank told his good buddy, Dan, and they both proceeded to devour any bit of information they could about the subject and decided it really wasn’t that hard. They both could definitely do it and would go full speed into the process. They had the means and the desire. Nothing would stop them in fulfilling their dream to be a great athlete.
They started with a lesson. They both enjoyed the time with the instructor. The instructor was personable, made everyone feel welcome and definitely made sure everyone acquired some knowledge about the sport. Unfortunately, Dan was not so into it as Frank was, but that did not stop Frank and the lessons continued for both. Frank had a goal and they would achieve it.
Day after day, month after month, year after year, Frank would summon Dan to do the drills. To focus with him. To read with him. To stretch with him. To eat with him. To watch videos with him. To go to camps and combines with him. Dan did exactly what Frank wanted, if for any reason, to keep the relationship alive. After awhile, Frank could feel that Dan was drifting away from their dream and decided to look the other way and pretend it simply was not true. Hear no evil, see no evil was Franks’s motto. If they were this close, there is no way they could stop!
Camp after camp, Dan became less and less interested and it became more and more like work instead of fun. Dan even contemplated telling Frank he was burnt out and done, but did not want to hurt Frank’s feelings and/or lose the relationship. You see, at one point, they were actually the best of friends. But now, they were almost enemies. Frank didn’t even notice since he was so focused on the goal of being a top tier athlete.
Finally, after several years of lessons, camps, combines, events, films, trainers, stretching, eating, working out and countless hours of drills, Dan had had enough. Dan was not feeling well mentally or physically and was done. Done. He wanted no more. It was not fun anymore. It was not even tolerable. It was treacherous and was something that became dreaded. This thing that was once exciting and new, was now bland and exhausting. It was becoming obvious to all around, especially the instructor, that Dan simply was not into it anymore.
Something needed to be said and it needed to be said now. After one particular camp, the instructor pulled Dan to the side and asked Dan if he would like him to say something to Frank. Dan looked down, paused for quite some time, rose up with tears in his eyes and said, “No, that’s ok. I will speak to him. He’s my dad.”

Please note: this is a fictional story that I have made up. However, it could be very true and I don’t want to ever see it happen. This is why I always keep my lessons, camps and events fun and loose yet still extremely productive. I am firm believer in a happy athlete will be a good, if not great, athlete. Like I have stated before, one must wonder if my top kids are smiling because they are the best or are they the best because they are smiling?

Parents, please make sure your kids are happy with their athletic endeavors. Yes, you must push them and keep on them, but you must also support them and make sure they are following their own dreams and not yours.


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.




Are You Helping or Hindering Your Athlete?

There is a very simple, tiny little factor that can make a terrific athlete (Long Snapper in this case) an absolute disaster. It isn’t something you can touch, buy or even give to someone. It is a feeling and it is often brought about by a person that loves the athlete the most. The feeling is TENSION and the person(s) often inflicting it are the PARENTS.

Athletes can be tense from self inflicted pressure (rarely) or, more often than not, from an outside source (parent/guardian).

An athlete that is working, truly working (camps, lessons, doing drills on their own, watching film, etc) to become the best KNOWS what rides with each “step” they take in life. They know the implications, they know the ramifications and they know the factors that will enable them to reach their goals within their sport. They got it. Trust me, they know. They do need a little motivation now and again (notice I say motivation which means being positive and not negative) but they do not need to be harassed.

When a parent rides an athlete and nags them, they will make them tense. Very tense. Being tense is not the same as pressure. Pressure is something that every athlete, and person, will have to deal with in life. It is a given. Whether it is a game winning snap, a public speech, a deadline or making your paycheck stretch, you will experience some sort of pressure….so why would you want to add on to that pressure for your son/daughter with tension?

So, how do you know if your athlete is tense? How do you know if your athlete is really into his/her sport and doing it because THEY want to or because YOU want them to? Here are the two biggest ways I have noticed…..
1. Sit back and see who approaches who to get some practice in to get better. Are you asking THEM to get some work in or are they asking YOU? If you find yourself pressing the issue, you might want to pull back a bit. Odds are they are doing it for you, are stressed out and are filled with tension.
2. After each particular key play (a snap in this case) do they focus on what they are doing or do the immediately look up to see your reaction? If an athlete tends to look up immediately for approval from a parent, they are usually running very tense and will never be fully happy or succeed to their fullest extent.

So, what should you (a parent) do? Watch your kid in sports, let them see you NODDING in approval, let them hear you giving them PRAISE and being POSITIVE.

Or don’t.

The choice is yours.

I have been working with top athletes for over a decade and I have NEVER seen one perform better when they are tense. If you simply don’t have the ability to nod (side note: you seriously might want to work on that) I recommend just staying back a bit. Definitely come and support your child but just keep a good distance. Instead of watching from the sideline, watch from the top of the bleachers. Don’t even let your kid know where you are sitting. Spread out. You’ll still be able to see what is happening and relay back to them what you saw.

An athlete will ALWAYS excel at a higher level when they are confident and relaxed. There is enough pressure on them at the camps, competitions, events and games without someone else adding tension to the equation. Be supportive, not suffocating and watch the results skyrocket. No matter how independent a non-adult athlete feels they are,  they will always follow your lead and feed off of you.  Be worth following.


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



What Makes a Long Snapper Great?

Rubio-Ad.jpgI work with hundreds of Long Snappers per year and often get asked the question, what makes a Long Snapper great? The answer is something that I should be able to (don’t worry, I can) spray out to someone pretty darn clearly and with the utmost precision for a couple different reasons.

First, I rank Long Snappers for a living on so I probably should know what I am talking about and not just go off something like a ball hitting a target. It would be pretty ignorant of me to completely demolish a Long Snapper’s ranking simply because he missed a target by a quarter of an inch (would you punish a quarter back if he was aiming for the center of a receiver’s chest, but was off a quarter inch….didn’t think so). So much goes into the art of Long Snapping, but very few actually know what it entails.

Second, I get asked by coaches of all levels that exact question (what makes a Long Snapper great? in case you already forgot) simply to challenge me. They are actually testing me and want to hear what I say to decide if I actually know what I am talking about. Can you imagine asking a world class chef why his food is so tasty and he responds with “um, well, it is hot and, um just tastes good.” You would not trust him and definitely would not think he knew what he was talking about.

My answer needs to be precise and broken down so the average Joe can understand. For some reason, not everyone is as into Long Snapping as I am so I try to stay away from getting too technical. I know it is pathetic and sad, but it is what it is. I will work on the people I meet and you do the same. Hopefully, sooner than later, enough of us spraying can enable people to see the light and figure out that the “center just doesn’t do the snapping for punts too.”

Those of you on my e-mail list have already received something similar to this, but I thought I might make it even clearer. Here, in my opinion, is what makes a Long Snapper great……

SPEED – This is easily one of the top things everyone sees when they watch a Long Snapper and it should be. How fast is your snap from 15 yards? We are talking from the instant you start your snap (that is when the defender can get moving) to the instant it hits the punter’s paws.   You are looking for something below .78. Most top tier Long Snappers nowadays flirt with the high .6s. Obviously, the quicker you are the better your rank and the more people/coaches/agents will be drawn to you. Easy way to judge speed is to simply watch the ball from the side about ten yards away. Does the ball have an arch or is it still rising when it hits the punter? Arch is bad, rising is good….told you I would break it down for you:) Check out this video of Rubio Long Snapper Tanner Gibas (2011, CA – headed to Kansas) and how his ball is rising:

Please note on this video: Gibas is basically trying to kill the person catching the ball. I love this (sorry Mr. Sue) because I ALWAYS teach my Long Snappers to snap the ball through the punter and not to him. Mr. Sue actually looks like he is trying to defend himself. I love it! Sorry, yet again Mr. Sue.The average high school Long Snapper hovers around the 1.0 second region. Most high school coaches don’t care simply because they just want the “ball to get there” (sound familiar to all of in the high school world?). The average college Long Snapper is mid .6s to high .7s.The pros are usually right around the same as college but they just don’t ever miss. They are like machines.

ACCURACY– This is usually the third thing someone notices about a Long Snapper. How accurate are you when snapping. Meaning does the punter/holder have to move around a lot to catch your snaps. Best possible location is the right hip (for a right footed punter). Even though some punters like the ball at their chest, this is actually not that great of a spot since they (punters) have to turn the ball over and, for some reason, they can have troubles with this process. A great Long Snapper is not going to make their punter/holder move. Good way to test this is to have someone catch your snaps from about 15 yards away while sitting in a lawn chair. How many footballs in a row can you snap without making that person move? Five, ten, fifteen, fifty? Anything less than ten and you need some work in my book.

Here is a good example of a Rubio Long Snapper, Scott Daly (2012 – IL – Starting at Notre Dame now), showing some very solid accuracy. The ball is in the same spot on all snaps.

CONSISTENCY– This one is a bit tricky to understand since everyone always tries to lump it in with accuracy. Little bit different since consistency, in my eyes, means the ball staying the same speed the with each and every snap. Basically, you and the punter/holder/kicker are trying to create a rhythm. Given, the whole process starts with the most important person on the team, the Long Snapper. Your snap needs to be a good, consistent tempo at all times. It is very hard for a punter to get a rhythm with a Long Snapper if one snap is a rocket and the other is a floater. If you snap a .75 that is great, but is it like that every time? Varying your time from .7 to .8 is a massive valley to cross and can screw up the timing of everything. It is similar to seeing fast ball, fast ball, fast ball, change up…it would screw you up. Big issues with this category come when a Long Snapper has to snap and block.

Below is a great video for consistency from Rubio Long Snapper Reid Ferguson (2012, GA, now at LSU). When you watch this masterpiece, note how the speed is almost identical on every single snap. It almost looks like one snap, cut and pasted over and over again.

SIZE– This is either the first or second thing someone notices about a Long Snapper. Even before you snap a ball someone is going to judge you on your looks. Think about it. You ever look at the old time Cadillacs and say, “Man, I bet that thing hauls!” Not even close. You see a massive ride that isn’t going anywhere quick (quite comfy though).How big are you? How strong are you? Are you built well? Do you pass the eyeball test? If you got off a plane to visit a college coach, what would be the first thing he thought when he saw you? Size and look of your body is a big thing with colleges and, therefore, a big thing with me.Given, not everyone is 6’4″ and 250 lbs so you have to do the best with what you got. How would you look in just your underwear? If vomit is making its way to your mouth right now, you might want to hit the elliptical and some weights. If you are undersized you will need to make up in other ways to compensate (grades, perfect form, blocking, speed of ball, attitude, aggressiveness). Perfect example would be someone like Rubio Long Snapper Scott Thompson (2011, CA – headed to NC State). He is not a giant, but uses his solid Long Snapper frame….meaning massive butt and legs which is a good thing for a Long Snapper:)…exceptionally well. Watch this video to see Scott really utilizing his backside almost like a trebuchet…love it!

Ideal Long Snapper frame? Rubio Long Snapper Nick Boyle (2011, NJ – headed to Delaware) is pretty darn close:

Yours truly and Nick Boyle
Please Note: I am not a small fellow (over 6 ft tall and above two turns on the scale)
and Nick is making me look like a child.

ATHLETICISM– how athletic are you? Can you move down field? Would you be able to divert the punt returner or even tackle him? Are you light on your feet or are you causing the ground to shake…in a bad way? Solid athleticism can really help out a ranking if you are under and over sized. It is not a deal breaker, but man oh man can it help a Long Snapper that is battling against another one in the coach’s eyes.

On that note, I can reflect back on quite a few Long Snappers that are beyond sub-par athletes (think doing a layup, mind you with no one around, and launching it well over the backboard….not even kidding) that are exceptional at Long Snapping.

BLOCKING– how well do you block? “My HS coach does not require me to block” doesn’t fly with me. It shows toughness and coaches will want to know if you can block. You say the school/coach you are getting recruited by does the spread punt….awesome! What happens if/when that coach leaves and the new one wants to see you block since he is doing the pro style? You aren’t going to say “sorry I don’t block” you are going to do exactly what you need to do to get/keep the starting spot.

Blocking is a major selling point for a Long Snapper. You can jump up the rankings very quickly by being able to snap AND block. Like I always say, there are thousands of people that can snap a ball, and there are thousands that can block, but there are very, very few that can actually snap AND block.

Look at this video of Rubio Long Snapper Samuel Rodgers (2011, PA – headed to Syracuse) and how his snap is the exact same (phenomenal) when he is blocking. Such a huge win to be able to do both.

SPIRAL– This one is pretty basic. Either your ball spirals or it doesn’t. You can look at this one two ways. 1) Scientifically: tight spiral cuts through the wind due to less resistance. 2) Caveman: Bad spiral is hard for the punter, who is already fighting an uphill battle since they aren’t a Long Snapper, to catch. How well does your ball spiral? Having a very fast snap and little to no spiral will crush your speed, your ranking and the opinion of you in a coach’s eyes. Just think if someone didn’t know a ton about Long Snapping, wouldn’t a nice, pretty spiral be something that catches their eye? The answer is undoubtedly YES.
MENTALITY– This is a huge one for Long Snappers and can absolutely crush you. Being a Long Snapper is extremely challenging because you essentially can never obtain a rhythm. A lineman misses a block and he has about forty seconds before he can redeem himself. You might have to wait for twenty to thirty minutes.  You snap a perfect ball, jog off the field and have to wait for a large chunk of time to get back in there. The only time you are on the field a ton is if your team is great (pats) or terrible (punts).How well do you handle pressure? Look at the picture below. Would that bother you or would you thrive on it?

Being a Long Snapper is a difficult position. If it was easy, quarterbacks would do it:) Coaches and I need to see how well you handle pressure and awkward situations. When you are playing in front of 100,000 people are you going to tell them all to shoosh? Nope. Didn’t think so.

When you combine all of these factors with a solid work ethic, you will get a Long Snapper that is simply a juggernaut. See, that is the trick. Finding someone that has all the attributes AND is willing to put in the time and effort. When you mix them all together you will obtain something along the lines of this (turn your volume WAY up so you can fully embrace)…..

For those of that don’t know (welcome back from living under that rock you have been calling home for the past 8 years), in the video is long time Rubio Long Snapper Christian Yount. He is someone that got into Long Snapping simply to get a spot on the bus. After hearing his HS coach tell him to “not even bother with Long Snapping since no one goes to college simply for that”,  Christian accomplished the following….

  • He went out and received a full scholarship to UCLA during his junior year (first to ever do that)
  • He was the only member of his HS team to get a full ride (the irony on this simply delicious)
  • He started all four years at UCLA
  • He was a two time Playboy All-American (the first one to ever be chosen)
  • He was selected to the Senior Bowl
  • He played in the NFL for the Tampa Bay Bucaneers, Cleveland Browns and the New England Patriots.

To top it all off, and in the Long Snapper way, Christian is a superb human being. Combine it all and you have a Long Snapper that is, well, great.

Told you I could answer the question:)



Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.