How to Focus Prior to a Rubio Long Snapping Camp?

If you are considering attending a Rubio Long Snapping Camp, or are already signed up, you will want to make sure you are prepared. One of the ways to prepare is to clear your mind, focus, concentrate, and wipe out jittery nerves. Here are some suggestions.



  • Create some clear camp goals ahead of time. How will you determine if you’ve had a successful camp if you don’t have goals?
  • Recognize you are not going to camp to show what you know you are going to find out what you don’t know.
  • Prepare yourself physically to build your confidence. Run sprints, stretch. Get your body ready and your mind will follow.
  • Know what to expect. Read and ask questions. You don’t need the added stress of the unknown.
  • Focus on the successes of your sporting career. Remember and picture those moments of victory and success as clearly and as detailed as possible in your memory.
  • If you can, talk to someone who has experienced a Rubio Long Snapping Camp.

These are some solid ways to get you mentally prepared for camp. Just remember, if you pay attention and follow through with instructions, you are extremely likely to improve your skills and knowledge. It is just the “how much” that is in doubt. Good luck and enjoy camp.


The Mental Focus it Takes to be a GREAT Long Snapper…

Even in non-game winning situations, the Long Snapper is under some pretty high pressure. He has to be concerned with getting the snap count right, making a perfect snap and engaging a block all within seconds. What is the best way to handle the pressure?

For many it takes getting into the right “state” or frame of mind. Most of us go through life letting outside events or other people have control of our frame of mind. It is important to know that YOU can control your state. It is critical for a Long Snapper.

Some will use a physical signal to put themselves in the proper state. It might be a chest pound or a smack to the side of the helmet. This physical signal tells the brain it is time to focus.

Once in the right state of mind, a Long Snapper can recall all of the perfect snaps in previous games and practice. He can quickly focus thoughts on positive energy and visualize a perfect execution. With practice he can break down the elements of a perfect snap in to several steps that are quickly and precisely executed.

Getting into the right state is part art and part science. It is a combination of positive attitude, determination, and self-confidence. It starts with that physical trigger that creates a level of focus and the proper state. It ends with yet another perfect snap.

Want to learn more? Visit our website and find out how Rubio Long Snapping trains Long Snappers to carry this type of focus and frame of mind.