ASK RUBIO – Off-Season Visits, Coach vs Mom, Is Senior Year Too Late?

Dear Rubio….

Hi Rubio. I wanted to take an unofficial visit this year but with my dad’s work schedule and my football schedule I couldn’t find the time to schedule one. I want to know if there is anyway to take a visit once football is out of season and how does one go about doing this?
-Big Headed Snapper

Big Headed Snapper….
The same exact way you would before….just call the football office and tell them you would like to visit. Need a refresher on how to get an UNOFFICIAL recruiting trip? Click HERE


Dear Rubio….

Ever since off season my coach has put me on the task to gain more weight. He has his own little  weight gain regiment, which consist of PB & J sandwiches , more portions during meals, and whole milk. I love it, iv gained about 6 or 7 pounds. My lifts have gone up, everything is going great. My mom does not love it. Last night she pointed at out that I look a little pudgy. She has been against this regiment since day one, she offered me an alternative. She would make me her own little diet for me, that would consist of more sleep, vitamins and other hocus pocus Doctor stuff that she says will help me gain weight, and a smaller waistline. What should I do?
-Snapper Swag

Snapper Swag…
Since it is working, I would continue with what your coach has going for you….BUT…..I would also listen to your mother, throw in some vitamins and increase your cardio to trim off the baby fat. You don’t want to look sloppy. Like I always say, put on some really tight white underwear and look at yourself in the mirror. If you feel like you want to throw up while looking at yourself, you might want to adjust the ol’ eating and training regimen.


Dear Rubio….

I have just finished my junior season of high school football and have dreams of playing college ball, as a long snapper. I picked up the craft 3/4 into the season and fell in love with it and have used videos from you and other coaches as my own source of coaching. Will the fact that I have only done the position for a few months affect how different colleges of different levels recruit me? Is the senior season too late? Could going to only two camps help me with exposure assuming I perform well? ( money is a little tight at the moment)

It might have a bit of an impact on your recruiting but not much. They want to know what you are doing now, not ten years ago. I have had several Long Snappers get full rides that never snapped in a high school game for one reason or another. I would highly recommend to get you the right exposure and not just smoke and mirrors. The senior season is in NO way too late. Read THIS blog on the waves of recruiting.

 Remember, if you would like to ASK RUBIO a question on any topic, just go ahead and send your question(s) to [email protected] with the subject line: ASK RUBIO.

Ask Rubio


8 Things Every Parent Can do to Help with Recruiting

Follow these easy steps to make your son and/or daughter a more recruitable athlete…


  1. Do NOT overstep your bounds. If I have said it once, I have said it a hundred times….the coach will be recruiting your son and/or daughter, NOT you.
  2. Be very supportive of your son and/or daughter. I know they are going through their teenage years and this one can be tough, but remember, you were once a teenager (even if they don’t acknowledge) and times can be tough.
  3. Make sure your son and/or daughter will actually have a chance to go to college. There are tons of hoops to jump through nowadays, and you want to make sure your child has them all covered.
  4. Create a nice, clean highlight tape that is available on YouTube. Remember, you do NOT have to be an award winning director to create a great video.
  5. Review possible questions that a coach might ask your son and/or daughter. Role play if you will. Make sure your child speaks clearly, slowly and is looking you in the eyes.
  6. Do research on schools and try as hard as you can to take some trips to the schools on NON sports days. Sure, every school looks amazing on game day, but that is not reality. It will only look like that about six weekends per year. Go to the campus on a Tuesday, see what is really like. Go during different seasons so you can truthfully understand the different weather the area might have.
  7. Be sure your son is getting the right type of exposure from the right people. Just because someone tells you something, doesn’t mean it is true. Ask around, ask other parents. Do your homework.
  8. Allow your kid to be on social media, but make sure they know you are monitoring them. Nothing personal to the athletes, but they are young and they are dumb (sorry, it’s true and the reason I know it’s true is because every single adult was also, you guessed it, young AND dumb once as well) and they will make mistakes. The only difference is that when an adult used to be young and dumb, only the people that saw them do something ignorant knew about it. Now, with the onslaught of social media, the world can know about it in less than a second. Even saying that, there are so many benefits to social media for them to be off of it (one of the first questions a coach will ask me, “is the kid on Facebook? Have him friend me so I can contact him”).



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Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 15 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.




Why Not Coach, Rubio?

One of the hardest habits I have to break on my Long Snappers has absolutely nothing to do with snapping. It has to do with that they/you call me. Like I have said, I am a private football coach that teaches Long Snapping. So, therefore, one would want to call me coach.

Please don’t.

“But Rubio (see how I am already training you here), you are a coach so we should call you coach.” True, but I am out with it.

Here are my reasons…..I won’t just coach you about Long Snapping. Anyone that has spent any time with me knows this for a fact. I make it a point to get to know each and every Long Snapper (and quite often their parents if they embrace) I encounter and my spray of Long Snapping is just a tiny aspect of what I actually do and teach. If you have been with me at a camp, lesson, event, on the phone, through Twitter, whatever and think all I do is coach Long Snapping, you seriously need to have your head examined.

Here are a couple images to show different things that I have taught my Long Snappers:)

Modeling poses with Drew Ferris (FL)
How to be a Harlem Globetrotter
How to send out a quality Twitter message with Harrison Elliott (Air Force)
How to be a table
And who can forget, getting ready for prom with Corey Gibas (Texas A&M)

Being an athlete (former, unless you count the domination of random Long Snapping contests, ping pong, wiffle ball and arcade basketball as maintaining my athlete title). I have had MANY experiences with coaches as I am sure you have as well. Now, I want you to think back to all the coaches you have had. Go ahead and think. Now, out of all of them, how many bring a massive smile to your face? Maybe ten percent….if you are lucky? I’m not talking about a smile because you “remember just how crazy Coach _____ was” but a legit, “man, Coach ______ was just a flat out great guy” type smile. Getting my point?

Most (not all, but most and this is my point….the bad ones leave a terrible taste in your mouth and I don’t want that stigma associated with me) coaches can coach but they can’t speak. What that means is that many/most coaches know the games in which they are leading but have lost, and choose not to gain, the ability to speak to another person/their player as a human being. Side note: pathetic and sad. 

What I like to do, and would have appreciated being done to me, is to treat each and every one of my Long Snappers like they are my own child. That is what I do….always. Is that what a coach will do….not always. 

Will I say some outlandish things every once in awhile? Yup. Do I speak like that to Alec, Cruz and Damon? Yup. Will I get in a Long Snapper’s face every once in awhile? When needed, yup. Am I mean or rude about it? Nope. No need to be. I can convey my point with words and not berating or yelling. In my opinion, those that yell and intimidate those that are younger (players on their team) are insecure and essentially really don’t know what they are doing. They need to yell to show their “power” and “dominance” because they can’t do it any other way. I am beyond out with that. (note: not all coaches are like this and if you are solid coach, I respect you and will give you a big hug the next time I see you)

You know that coach you had that did tackling drills all practice long? Guess what, he had no idea what he was doing. When you advance and have good, solid coaches (yes, they do exist and I have had several) you will rarely do tackling drills. Not because you don’t need to know how to tackle, but because you can learn without abusing your body, and often your demeanor and/or mentality, over and over and over again. I am beyond out with that. There is no need for it. How about speaking to the player and simply explaining what you would like them to do? If a coach can’t explain what they want a player to do in great detail and in a way that they (the player) can comprehend, maybe they shouldn’t be coaching.

Getting my point? I’m not saying that all coaches are evil demons that remind you of the Sergeant on Full Metal Jacket, but many are. It is not always their fault. Many have been raised that way in their sporting life, but one would think they would want to break that cycle. God knows I did.

Bottom line: You will have hundreds of coaches in your life, some will be great and some will be bad, but, I promise you this….you will only have one Rubio!




Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.