The Dozen Most Common Questions I Get About Long Snapping

1. What makes a Long Snapper great? The answer is HERE

2. How do you make a highlight tape for a Long Snapper? The answer is HERE

3. How do I know when to attend camps? The answer is HERE

4. Do I, or my son, need private lessons for Long Snapping? The answer is HERE

5. How do I get exposure as a Long Snapper? The answer is HERE

6. What is the difference between a walk on, a preferred walk on and a scholarship? The answer is HERE

7. What does the recruiting process of a Long Snapper look like? The answer is HERE

8. How do I get recruited as a Long Snapper? The answer is HERE

9. Should I make my highlight tape available on YouTube or on DVD? The answer is HERE

10. How should I hold my hands on the ball when Long Snapping? The answer is HERE

11. What is Gray Shirting? The answer is HERE

12. And, last but not least, why do you not need to call Rubio “coach?” The answer is HERE




Congratulations to the next Event Elite Member: Chris Nieto!

Did you figure out the clues?

Next EVENT ELITE: splash of actress that was asked to put them (evening/morning  band) on & flowery athlete mishap spot + a thing fish dont have

(CHRIStina Applegate, the actress, was sprayed about in PM DAWN’s, evening/morning band,  song, 2:26 in, and Derek ROSE injured his KNEE + fish don’t have TOES…… Therefore, Chris Nieto )

Congratulations to Rubio Long Snapper Chris Nieto (CA, ’14) on being the next member of the EVENT ELITE! The EVENT ELITE will be joining the TOP 12 to form the invite only, TOP 12 and EVENT ELITE Camp this summer.

Nieto is built extremely long, is athletic and has a major upside due to his frame and quick hands. He has the potential, if he works right and hard, to easily be a scholarship Long Snapper.



Caption Contest!

Found this pic and couldn’t pass it up! The difference with this contest is that Sailer is also opening it up to his kickers on his blog. Given, I demand the Long Snappers produce better and more responses than the kickers.

The contest will end on Thursday, May 23 at noon pst. All captions must be submitted on this blog!

Let the games begin….

Caption This_Rubio


Congratulations to the next EVENT ELITE member: Joe Lang!

Did you figure out the clues?

Next EVENT ELITE member: name of a very obscure and bleary river in the northwest and an early inventor of cold, fast footwear.

(An obscure/bleary, another word for shadowy, river in the northwest is the Shadowy St. JOE river in Idaho. Then, Lange were the first manufacturers of plastic ski boots)

Congratulations to Rubio Long Snapper Joe Lang (WA, ’14) on being the next member of the EVENT ELITE! The EVENT ELITE will be joining the TOP 12 to form the invite only, TOP 12 and EVENT ELITE Camp this summer.

Lang is built very well, snaps with great aggression and is extremely coachable. Tell him to do something and simply consider it done! …..FYI: I have not told him about his hair yet:)



Congratulations to EVENT ELITE Member: Nate Hawkins!

Did you figure out the clues?

EVENT ELITE: first name of a guy who used to “regulate” with some G and a splash of the last name of a 71 year old REALLY smart guy.

(Warren G and Nate Dog sang a song called regulate: Nate. Then, Stephen Hawking is a 71 year old genius: Hawkins

Congratulations to Rubio Long Snapper Nate Hawkins (OH, ’14) on being the next member of the EVENT ELITE! The EVENT ELITE will be joining the TOP 12 to form the invite only, TOP 12 and EVENT ELITE Camp this summer.

Nate is beyond accurate, consistent and all-around solid with his Long Snapping. Built well and handles pressure like a champ!

Nate Hawkins Event Elite


Happy Ranksgiving to the class of 2015 Long Snappers from the 11th Annual Spring Event!

The rankings are completed for the class of 2015 Long Snappers that participated in the Rubio Long Snapping 11th Annual National Snapping Spring Event in Las Vegas!

This class has the potential to be the best in the history of Rubio Long Snapping


  • My rankings are NOT done just from the Target
  • My rankings are NOT done from some mathematical formula.
  • My rankings ARE done by me and only me. That is why I am at all my camps.
  • My rankings are based off of this blog I wrote about what makes a Long Snapper great.
  • If you would like anything added to your profile page, simply email me ([email protected]) the information and consider it done.
  • All Long Snappers are ranked after their first fall camp of their freshman year in high school.

A Long Snapper has the ability to adjust their ranking anytime I see them LIVE, not on video.

For the rankings for the class of 2015, please go HERE


Congratulations to EVENT ELITE Member: Garrett Frum!

Did you figure out the clues?

EVENT ELITE: last name of a guy that people that hover at beaches after people leave LOVE & a splash of how you’d describe a Bandersnatch

(people that hang out at beaches after people leave would be people with metal detectors. Pioneer of metal detectors was Charles GARRETT. Then, a Bandersnatch was described as frumious in the peom Jabberwocky by Louis Carroll. Splash of frumious would be FRUM. Therefore, Garrett Frum!)

Congratulations to Rubio Long Snapper Garrett Frum (CA, ’14) on being the next member of the EVENT ELITE! The EVENT ELITE will be joining the TOP 12 to form the invite only, TOP 12 and EVENT ELITE Camp this summer.

Frum is a very smooth Long Snapper that snaps a nice, strong ball that is easy to catch. He is built well and moves well on his feet. Tons of upside on this So. Cal. Long Snapper.

Garrett Frum Event Elite


Congratulations Event Elite Member: Mitch Hardy!

Did you figure out the clues?

EVENT ELITE member: baseball player that got paddled in a movie that reminds you to watch the leather & some young chaps that are sleuths

(Matthew McConaughey’s character says “to watch the leather” in the movie Dazed and Confused. The baseball player that gets paddles is named MITCH. Some young chaps that are sleuths would The HARDY Boys…..Therefore, Mitch Hardy!)

Congratulations to Rubio Long Snapper Mitch Hardy (WI, ’14) on being the next member of the EVENT ELITE! The EVENT ELITE will be joining the TOP 12 to form the invite only, TOP 12 and EVENT ELITE Camp this summer.

Big Mitch Hardy is improved immensely in the past couple of years and is very well deserving of this honor. He is large, snaps the ball hard and with a ton of confidence. Hardy has one of the best personalities in the country…always positive and listening!

Mitch Hardy Event Elite


Rubio Long Snapper Tim Hernandez Commits to Sacramento State!

Rubio Long Snapper Tim Hernandez (JC, CA) has committed to Sacramento State as a preferred walk-on!

Tim is a solid Long Snapper with tremendous personality. Large man that is very coachable and snaps a good, crisp ball. He spent a year at a JC to really fine-tune his skill and it paid off.

Congratulations to Tim Hernandez!



Congratulations to Event Elite Member: Blake Ferguson!

Did you figure out the clues?

EVENT ELITE member: sound of bad taste + an old athlete issue and northern birds wish they had it + splash of character in Grumpy Old Men.

(“Blah” would be the sound you make when you taste something bad + an old athlete would have aches. Blah + Aches = Blake. Then, northern birds would be cold and want to be warm, they could be warm with fur. Then one of the characters in Grumpy Old Men was Gustafson. Fur + Splash of Gustafson = Ferguson)

Congratulations to Rubio Long Snapper Blake Ferguson (GA, ’15) on being the next member of the EVENT ELITE! The EVENT ELITE will be joining the TOP 12 to form the invite only, TOP 12 and EVENT ELITE Camp this summer.

Blake is a long time Rubio Long Snapper and the current #1 for the class of 2015. He was flat out dominant all weekend in Vegas and this honor is well deserved!

Blake Ferguson


Congratulations to Event Elite Member: Justin Garza!

Did you figure out the clues?

EVENT ELITE member: Another way to say you barely made it and a POSSIBLE nickname of Rocky Dennis’ “step-dad”

(Another way to say you barely made it would be to say you were Just In Time…Justin. Sam Elliott’s character in Mask was named Gar. His possible nickname would be Garza.)

Congratulations to Rubio Long Snapper Justin Garza (CA, ’14) on being the next member of the EVENT ELITE! The EVENT ELITE will be joining the TOP 12 to form the invite only, TOP 12 and EVENT ELITE Camp this summer.

Garza is an extremely intense Long Snapper that moves beyond well on his feet and snaps a rocket back to the punter. Great attitude.

Justin Garza


Congratulations to Event Elite Member: JC Everett!

Did you figure out the clues?

EVENT ELITE member: 1st part of a store that sounds like it is worth less than a dollar and if you were to go 570240 inches up but take away a letter

(A store that sounds like it is worth less than a dollar is JC Penny because of “penny” First part is JC. Then, a place almost nine miles (570240 inches) high is Mt. Everest. Take away a consonant “S” and you have everett)

Congratulations to Rubio Long Snapper JC Everett  (AR, ’14) on being the next member of the EVENT ELITE! The EVENT ELITE will be joining the TOP 12 to form the invite only, TOP 12 and EVENT ELITE Camp this summer.

JC is a terrific Long Snapper that is built like a brick house. He is strong and snaps the ball with incredible speed. He might have the quickest hands in his class. Great attitude and he does exactly what you tell him to do.

JC Everett


Congratulations to Event Elite Member: Wyatt “Tucker” Smith!

Did you figure out the clues?

EVENT ELITE member: Hemorrhoids would be an occupational hazard of this job minus a consonant and this character’s wife was a liar (so was he) w/ good balance.

(A trucker sits all day and, therefore can get hemorrhoids. So, take the “r” off trucker and you have TUCKER. Then, Angelina Jolie played Mrs. Smith in Mr. and Mrs. Smith. One scene has her balancing on a chair cleaning drapes. She was an undercover agent and so was her husband. Bottom line, last name Smith.)

Congratulations to Rubio Long Snapper Tucker Smith (he also goes by Wyatt, but Tucker worked better for my clue) (MS, JC/14…originally a 2013 but since he is a JC he had the option of staying another year and he obviously took it) on being the next member of the EVENT ELITE! The EVENT ELITE will be joining the TOP 12 to form the invite only, TOP 12 and EVENT ELITE Camp this summer.

Tucker is headed to his second JC year and is an absolute phenomenal Long Snapper. Snaps well below .7 on a consistent basis and is built like a D1 athlete already. Keep a very close eye on him as he could get picked up at anytime since he is a qualifier out of high school.

Tucker Smith


Happy Ranksgiving to the Class of 2016 Long Snappers from the 11th Annual National Spring Snapping Event in Las Vegas

The rankings are completed for the class of 2016 Long Snappers that participated in the Rubio Long Snapping 11th Annual National Snapping Spring Event in Las Vegas!

Be ready to see a new #1 Long Snapper


  • My rankings are NOT done just from the Target
  • My rankings are NOT done from some mathematical formula.
  • My rankings ARE done by me and only me. That is why I am at all my camps.
  • My rankings are based off of this blog I wrote about what makes a Long Snapper great.
  • If you would like anything added to your profile page, simply email me ([email protected]) the information and consider it done.
  • All Long Snappers are ranked after their first fall camp of their freshman year in high school.

A Long Snapper has the ability to adjust their ranking anytime I see them LIVE, not on video.

For the rankings for the class of 2016, please go HERE



YouTube Videos are Up from the 11th Annual National Snapping Spring Event in Las Vegas

ALL of the Long Snapper’s YouTube videos are now up from the 11th Annual National Snapping Spring Event in Las Vegas on the Rubio Long Snapping YouTube Channel!

To see your video, simply click the link above, look below the main video and click on the 11th Annual Spring Event playlist and find your name. Every single Long Snapper’s video will be embedded onto their profile page within two weeks.

Please feel free to use the video at your discretion. You will get a new video from me at every single Rubio Long Snapping camp you attend (besides Prep Camp).

Rubio Professional


Congratulations to Event Elite Member: Seth Combs!

Did you figure out the clues?

EVENT ELITE member: Someone with a sigmatism wouldn’t like his first name and if you think I do this in the morning, you have some issues.

(A sigmatism is another word for lisp and anyone with a lisp wouldn’t embrace saying the name Seth due to the TH ending and I would never comb my hair in the morning)

Congratulations to Rubio Long Snapper Seth Combs (IL, ’14) on being the next member of the EVENT ELITE! The EVENT ELITE will be joining the TOP 12 to form the invite only, TOP 12 and EVENT ELITE Camp this summer.

Seth is a tremendous Long Snapper with excellent form and athletic ability. The bigger he gets, the better he will be.

Seth Combs


Happy Ranksgiving to the 2013 Long Snappers from the 11th Annual National Snapping Spring Event in Las Vegas

The rankings are completed for the class of 2013 Long Snappers that participated in the Rubio Long Snapping 11th Annual National Snapping Spring Event in Las Vegas!

Be ready to see a new 5 Star Rubio Long Snapper…


  • My rankings are NOT done just from the Target
  • My rankings are NOT done from some mathematical formula.
  • My rankings ARE done by me and only me. That is why I am at all my camps.
  • My rankings are based off of this blog I wrote about what makes a Long Snapper great.
  • If you would like anything added to your profile page, simply email me ([email protected]) the information and consider it done.
  • All Long Snappers are ranked after their first fall camp of their freshman year in high school.

A Long Snapper has the ability to adjust their ranking anytime I see them LIVE, not on video.

For the rankings for the class of 2013, please go HERE



Congratulations to Event Elite Member: Christian Samarzich!

Did you figure out the clues?

EVENT ELITE member: German K/P w/ good amount of sun & pitcher/barman for the Sox + 2nd smallest planet + result of Toxicodendron radicans

(German K/P is Chris Sailer, who is beyond German, + a tan = Christian. Then, pitcher/barman for Sox was Sam Malone of the TV show Cheers + 2nd smallest planet is Mars + result of Toxicodendron radicans, which is poison ivy, would be itch….so Sam+Mars+Itch = Samarzich

Congratulations to Rubio Long Snapper Christian Samarzich (CA, ’14) on being the next member of the EVENT ELITE! The EVENT ELITE will be joining the TOP 12 to form the invite only, TOP 12 and EVENT ELITE Camp this summer.

Samarzich is a work horse with good frame, solid build and always improving. You ask him to do something and consider it done.

Christian Samarzich


Congratulations to Event Elite Member: Kyle Murphy!

Did you figure out the clues?

EVENT ELITE member: last name of an American hero with good aim & last name of WHERE a smooth, slightly chubby lefty used to hit the ball. (Chris Kyle is an American hero that is know for his ability as a sniper and Tony Gwynn played for the San Diego Padres and they used to play at Jack Murphy Stadium)

Congratulations to Rubio Long Snapper Kyle Murphy (NC, ’14) on being the next member of the EVENT ELITE! The EVENT ELITE will be joining the TOP 12 to form the invite only, TOP 12 and EVENT ELITE Camp this summer.

Kyle has a tremendous frame, moves very well on his feet and is dripping with potential. Some fine tuning and he could easily be top 5 in his class!

Kyle Murphy


Major Positive Vibes to Rubio Long Snapper Thomas Newberg

Everyone needs to send out some major positive vibes to Rubio Long Snapper Thomas Newberg (TN, ’16).

He was involved in a car accident last night (he is fine) and is pretty banged up. When you see the photos, you will realize just how lucky he is. He was sitting right where a Ford F-150 made impact (yes, back seat behind passenger) and suffered only a cut above his eye and a bruised hip and collarbone.

Newberg 2

Why was he not more injured?


He is lucky to be alive and please send positive vibes his way. I have spoken to his mother and he has already tried to get into his Long Snapping stance and is still planning on being at the Underclassmen Invite Event in late June.

Please, please be safe tonight and, for the love of all that is holy, BUCKLE UP!