Is Your Son Ready for a Rubio Long Snapping Camp?

“Rubio, I’m nervous my son is not ready for your camp since he is just starting out”

“Rubio, all your camps have a ton of great Long Snappers and I don’t know if my son will be able to handle it”

“Rubio, how do I know if my son is ready for your camps?”

“Rubio, what skill level is required for your camps?

There are all very common questions that I get continuously throughout the year. The answer is simple: your child is ready. Now. Yup, now.

Here is the thing…Yes, there are many great Long Snappers at my camps, but do you know how they became great, by going when they weren’t great.

For every amazing Long Snapper you see, I can EASILY show you film of them being absolutely terrible. Everyone starts from somewhere. Like I always say, no one comes out of their mother snapping a .75. It takes time, it takes good form, it takes effort, it takes working hard AND smart. It happens. It always does.

Great example is Rubio Long Snapper Taybor Pepper of Michigan St. The first video is from 8th grade where he is, let’s just say, not really great. The second is from this past summer where he is, lets just say, phenomenal. (P.S. I could show you HUNDREDS of examples like Taybor)

Bottom line, there is no time like the present to get your kid to a Rubio Long Snapping campThe sooner I see him and get him going with the proper form, the better he will be in the long run. If he goes to someone who doesn’t know what they are doing first, I have to correct all of the mistakes then start building the form to greatness.


Happy Birthday Macaw!

Who is Macaw? Macaw is my grandmother and today she is turning 97 years old and I just had to give her a shoutout as she is a true legend……and one of the meanest people you will ever meet:)

This is from the first blog I wrote about my family (obviously three years ago)…

Macaw – My grandmother. She is 94. I think. She thinks. Anytime you ask her she bumps it  up simply to be the oldest person around. She hates when she is not the oldest. I always try to point out someone that looks older and tell her they are older (I don’t even know the person, just do it to keep her fired up). She then proceeds to hit me with her cane….which she really doesn’t need and only uses it for abusing her grandson…me:) Yet again, I embrace since hitting me with it keeps her spry.



No Matter Where You Are, Someone Gave You A Boost

Here is an article that I wrote for my local newspaper, The Lewiston Tribune, that I thought you would enjoy….

If you’re reading this, thank someone. I don’t care if it is a higher power, your parents, your kids, your neighbor or even the person you got the paper from, thank someone.

They deserve to hear it and you need to say it. Think about it: Without others, you are nothing. I don’t care how great an athlete, businessperson or student you think you are, you did not get there on your own.

You had help along the way. Everyone does.

A world-class Olympian sprinter doesn’t come out sprinting. They fall, they crawl, they walk, they jog and then they run. There are steps and there are always people assisting along the way.

A top-tier business owner didn’t get to the top on their own. I don’t care if you invented the perfect “widget,” you had help along the way. From someone teaching you to read, to someone showing you how to write, to the manufacturing of the “widget,” you had help. No one does anything completely on their own.

Those people who are assisting you have been there and they have done that. Usually, of course not always, people don’t just talk to talk. They talk for a purpose. They talk to be heard. They want to help.

You have been helped. You need to thank someone.

Then, after you thank that person or persons, you need to ask for more advice and really listen. The next step is key: Make a plan and don’t stop until you get there.

It doesn’t matter how tough the first part of your plan will be – never stop. Champions don’t stop until they get to the championship. That is why they are champions.

The great ones have taken advice from many along the way, they have implemented the advice, they made their plan and they did not stop until they reached their goal.

Everything is hard when you first start. Suck it up. Get over it. Learn from it. Move on and then dominate it.

If being a champion, in anything, was easy … everyone would do it.



Hey Rubio, What’s with VEGAS XXV?

I have been getting this question a lot lately. For those of you that are new to Rubio Long Snapping, you think everything is fine. For those of you veterans, you are a bit confused.

Simple answer: VEGAS XXV is simply replacing the name of the 13th Annual National Kicking and Snapping Event in Las Vegas on January 16-18, 2015. In May, you will have VEGAS XXVI instead of the 13th Annual National Kicking and Snapping Spring Event in Las Vegas on May 9-10, 2015. As you can clearly see, VEGAS XXV is just a tad less wordy and I think more powerful.

Bottom line, they are the exact same Event and you can expect an even bigger and better Vegas this year. Sailer and I have been working on a ton of details regarding January’s event and you will be amazed at the magnitude of the whole weekend. Get ready for greatness.

Key Points about VEGAS XXV

  • Open to ALL levels of Long Snappers
  • You do NOT have to be invited
  • You want to be in Vegas by 6 pm on Friday night for the 7:00 pm awards show.
  • Monday is a holiday so plan on staying so you don’t have to rush out on Sunday.
  • Hotel and Car Rental options are on the registration page.
  • It is an instructional and exposure camp. It is NOT just charting.
  • You will be taught on Saturday and compete on Sunday.


Rubio Long Snapper Quentin Skinner Gets Offer AT 13 years old!

Skinner, QuentinYup, you read that correctly….Rubio Long Snapper Quentin “Mad Dog” Skinner got his first full ride scholarship AT 13 YEARS OLD! Mad Dog (once you meet him, you will really understand the nickname) confirmed with me this morning. He is going into the 8th grade and he has picked up a full scholarship offer to Southern University in LA!

Mad Dog started attending Rubio Long Snapping Camps when he was in the 4th grade and has been a steady returner ever since. He averages .77 for a 15 yard snap, can bench press 280 lbs and squats 315 for a set of ten. His form is exceptional and he already passes the eye-ball test very quickly.

He is the real deal in every aspect and looks to destroy all Rubio Long Snapping records (Christian Yount of the Cleveland Browns, at one point, was the earliest to get offered when Boston College offered him his junior year. That record was broken by Blake Ferguson who was offered by LSU at the end of his sophomore year). Good luck breaking Mad Dogs record.

Here is some video of Mad Dog snapping at the FBU TOP GUN Camp this past weekend where he was selected to play in the Eastbay All- Star Game!

FYI: If you are keeping track, Coach Marty Biagi offered two Rubio Long Snappers (David Michael Carrell and Quentin Skinner) on the same day! The guy is obviously well ahead of his time.


Beware of Smoke and Mirrors

Below is an email I received from a parent in the Midwest this morning (names have been removed)…..

Hey Rubio, I wanted to drop you a quick email and share something with you. My son had the opportunity to attend one of the “other” national long snapping camps on Monday. The only reason we elected to do it was because it was an hour from our house and it was a day my son had free. 

In a nutshell very disappointing, minimal interaction and info for parents, minimal stretching and prep, my son had easily 300+ snaps with minimal instruction, correction, and one instructor for all long snappers.  After the camp my son got a text from the instructor inviting him to their “National Invite Camp” and he politely declined, partly because he has a college camp the same day. Normally I would encourage him to look big picture but my gut was telling me a lot of smoke and mirrors. What was advertised and what we received at the one day camp were two completely different things. 

At the end of the day my son’s comment was “Dad I am glad I’m a Rubio guy that camp was miserable.”

I guess the reason for my email is not to rip on the other guys but to send a big THANK YOU, for the continued great job you do instructing our young men.

As I have said before, many CLAIM certain things but rarely, if ever, do they actually back it up. Many will invite you to their “invite only” camps telling you what you want to hear but, what you need to realize, is that they invite EVERY SINGLE PERSON they see. If everyone is invited, how special is that invite?

Be sure to ASK AROUND before you waste your money and time.

Rubio Long Snapping Business Card


TOP 10 Things Heard at College Camps This Summer

As you know, Chris Sailer Kicking and I have been traveling the country this June running college camps. As it turns out, MANY of our athletes and their families have been doing the same. Throughout our travels, we (Sailer and I) have heard many interesting things from coaches, parents and players. All along, you (the families) have heard some things as well and have been telling us. Here are the TOP 10 Things Heard at College Camps This Summer…

  1. You Rubio guys obviously know what you are doing. There is nothing I can change – D1 Coach
  2. I was appalled at how poorly organized and ran this camp was. It DEFINITELY opened my eyes to how great your camps are. – Parent at a college camp Sailer and I were NOT running
  3. There was absolutely no instruction at all! The company that was running the camp was unbelievably bad. It came as a shock since they are supposed to be in competition with you. WHAT A JOKE! – Parent at a college camp Sailer and I were NOT running
  4. It is VERY obvious who the Rubio Long Snappers are at any camp we have been to this summer. They have the best form, they have confidence and the coaches ALWAYS gravitate right to them. Thank you – Parent at a college camp Sailer and I were NOT running
  5. We wanted the best instructors in the world and that is why we brought in Rubio and Sailer – D1 Coach
  6. Our staff has over 100 years of experience and we still contact Rubio to coach our Long Snappers – D1 Coach
  7. The more college camps my son goes to that you aren’t at, the more I appreciate Rubio Long Snapping – Parent at a college camp Sailer and I were NOT running
  8. The camp was terrible. All they told my kid to do was snap. They gave him NO instruction and didn’t pay attention to him, or any other Long Snappers at all. I appreciate you so much more now – Parent at a college camp Sailer and I were NOT running
  9. I almost feel bad for the Long Snappers that haven’t been to your camps. They are clearly not trained well, aren’t a part of the Rubio Long Snapping family and are, don’t want to be mean but, are getting crushed in all aspects of the camp – Parent at a college camp Sailer and I were NOT running
  10. You and Sailer need to run ALL of the college camps. – Parent at a college camp Sailer and I were NOT running

See you this fall! Expect camp dates to be coming out soon!

Rubio Long Snapping Business Card


Testimonials About Rubio Long Snapping (Continuously Updated)

Per NCAA rules, all names have been left off for privacy purposes. What you will see below is a testimonial, who said it, what state they are from and what year it was said in. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions: [email protected]

“A year ago I would have never dreamed of this (getting a full scholarship). A friend talked us into going to Chicago in July and it’s was the best decision my parents and I ever made. Thank you” Long Snapper – OH – 2014

“I just wanted to send you an email to say thank you for everything you’ve taught me at your camps that I’ve attended.  Just last week I committed to _____________ and will be long snapping for their football team.  Everything you’ve taught me has really helped me as a long snapper and a person, and I just wanted to say thank you so much.” Long Snapper – IL – 2014

“Rubio, First off, I wanted to thank you personally for the outstanding attention you give to EACH and every student at your camps.  The FBU camp was only at hit because of the following of amazing students that follow you  no matter where you go. Secondly, thanks for the constant encouragement you give to my son.  He has just recently started believing he can compete at the next levels.   I contribute this to you and your wonder ability to coach with such a positive attitude.  He just thinks the world of you, and wishes all his coaches were like you.” Parent – GA – 2014

“Rubio, First let me thank you for your work with these young men. I also wanted to thank you for the way you challenged my son with encouragement but reality of what he needs to do to get better. I have never seen him as devoted to ANYTHING as he is to long snapping. He has written on his wall TOP GUN and #1. You continue to challenge and change young men’s live and I thank you again for all you do with them and your willingness to be honest and truthful, while not compromising integrity.” Parent – NC – 2018

“Just wanted to say yesterday was our first camp!  Not only do we think that our son learned many things about long snapping, your talk about Social Media, speaking clearly and confidently and placing importance on academics are all great life lessons! Things we have already told him but coming from you guys probably means more.” Parent – OH – 2014

“Thank you for a great camp! I really enjoyed myself at my first long snapping camp.” Long Snapper – IA – 2014

“Just wanted to say thanks for the great camp.  We learned more in one morning of instruction than we have in years from others.” Parent – FL – 2014

” You have meant so much to our son, and for you to have the level of confidence that you do to afford him the opportunity to tell his story means a great deal to all of us.  I asked him yesterday what Rubio meant to him, and he simply said “everything!  I wouldn’t be a long snapper if it wasn’t for Rubio.”  Parent – GA – 2014

“Rubio, Thanks for spending the time with my son for some fine tuning in Lewiston.  His form, speed, and accuracy improved within the first hour.  And you instilled in him the confidence it takes to be the best.  He’s begun to see the opportunities that can come from hard work and attention to detail.  The world just got bigger for him, and I wish I would’ve brought him out to see you a lot sooner!” Parent – IL – 2014

“Rubio, I have committed to __________ University on a partial scholarship. Thank you for all of the help the last four years! I could not have done this without your instruction.” Long Snapper – 2014 – IL

“You are amazing…You have given snappers value and dignity, they deeply deserve. Keep up the great work.” Parent – TX – 2014

“I don’t have the words to properly express how much my wife and I appreciate the advice and help you’ve given our son over the last few years. If he never snaps a down in college football, I wouldn’t trade the experience he’s had for anything.” Parent – AL – 2014

“What did you do to my son at the California camp?  He’s on fire!!!!  Despite all our efforts regarding grades, friends, social network and overall dedication, he listened to YOU and your coaches and for that I’m so grateful!!!! Thank you for the awesome camp and all you do for these young boys!!” Parent – IA – 2014

“Rubio, I wanted to drop you a quick note thanking you for everything you have done for our son over the last three years.  Our son attended your first camp in March 2011 as a scrawny 150 lb. kid who had potential to snap the ball well at the high school level, and is now attending his last Rubio camp as a high school student this weekend with a scholarship in hand to play Division 1 football. Thanks again for everything you have done to build our son’s confidence and develop his long snapping skills – yes, in that order.” Parent – OH – 2014

I am glad the pipeline to Rubio Long Snapping will continue within the Hawkins family, please feel free to use me as a reference if the situation ever arises.  On behalf of my wife and the entire Hawkins family, we wish you and the Rubio family all the best.

“Hey Rubio, I just wanted to thank you for everything over the year and to where is has led me today. I have committed to _____________ and I couldn’t have done it without you!” Long Snapper – CA – 2014

“Hey Rubio, I would just like to thank you for all you’ve done for me and I have committed to ___________. Even though my parents never let me go to the Vegas events or a lot of camps I still consider myself a Rubio Long Snapper. You taught me everything I know about the correct Long Snapping form. I think the best thing about your camps is the encouragement you give young long snappers to never sell yourself short. Because I thought about giving up Long Snapping plenty of times but I would see a tweet of yours and become motivated. And now I can say I am a D1 football player. Something I thought about before long snapping was impossible.” Long Snapper – TN – 2014

“We are getting ready for my son’s signing at school!! We wanted you to know how much we appreciate EVERYTHING you have done for my son! Your knowledge & love for all your snappers is amazing!! Thank you for all you have done!!!” Parent – IL – 2014

“I just want to say THANK YOU!!! Thank you for not only the priceless long snapping instruction that you have given our Son but the unspoken life advice. Mark told me that our son called you and I just simply wanted to say thank you.” Parent – LA – 2014

“Rubio, we just want to say a big Thanks! for helping my son over the years at your camps! He’s learned so much and improved his skill thru your instruction and encouragement. Don’t ever underestimate how much influence you have on these young men. You believe in them and they know it. It makes them a better snapper but also it’ll make them better men! Thanks for helping my son get to the next level! We appreciate you!” Parent – MS – 2014

“I just wanted to thank you for the great instruction that I received from you at your camps. Although I only attended two of your camps, the things that I learned at these two camps helped me improve drastically in my long snapping abilities. During this past summer, I did very well at college long snapping camps and much of this success came from the things that I learned from you.I wanted to let you know of my college decision because i’m not sure if it would’ve been possible without your instruction. Thanks again for all of your help at the two camps I attended!” Long Snapper – MN – 2014

“I wanted to thank you for everything you have done for my son. Your camps have truly revolutionized how special teams is perceived. My son has improved so much and is working towards a real goal. This would not be happening if it were not for you. Our family is grateful.” Parent – NV – 2013

“I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate what you have done for my son both as long snapper and how much better he has become and how he has matured and gained confidence.” Parent – CA – 2014

“Rubio, Thank you for all the help that you have given our son since he started coming to your camps several years ago.  He is a better snapper and a better person for having been around you.” Parent – NC – 2014

“I attended the Las Vegas Camp and I just wanted to say thanks for putting on a great camp. I learned so much from the instructors and had such a fun time. I can’t wait for the next camp!” Long Snapper – CA – 2014

“I wouldn’t be where I am today without your instruction. Thanks for all you do for snappers everywhere.” Long Snapper – IL – 2014

“My wife and I can’t express how much we appreciate you and what you have done for our son.  We count the day we discovered you as one of our best!” Parent – IL

“I can not thank you enough for the coaching you provided me in football and life.” Long Snapper – IL – 2014

“I also wanted to use this letter to completely thank you for everything you have done for me. It is to the point where I don’t have the right words to express how much you have changed my life forever. I have always dreamed of the opportunities that I now have achieved. You have given me these opportunities, and taught me how to achieve them too. You have helped shape me into a better person on and off the field. I am forever in debt to you and the Rubio Long Snapping family that has brought me to this point. Thank you again for EVERYTHING.” Long Snapper – MI – 2013

“Rubio, thanks for everything you have done for my son since the day we met in that off-chance meeting when my son was in the 8th grade. More important than his long snapping skills, you have helped shape him into the fine young man he has become. As good as he is he never stops working at being better. Thanks again” Parent – CA – 2013

“Rubio, I just wanted to thank you for everything that you’ve helped me accomplish as far as long snapping goes. I couldn’t have made it to where I am without your teaching and your guidance, not only with snapping but with real life situations. I have just been offered by __________ and I couldn’t have done it without you! Thank you for everything that you’ve done for me!” Long Snapper – AR – 2013

“Thanks for all that you do for these young men and especially mine!  Thanks for lighting and stoking a fire for this skill within him.  Thanks for creating a way to learn this skill through repetition and hard work.  Thanks for creating a close, community of snappers and parents that make the entire process extremely rewarding.   In a world of what is in it for me, thanks for caring about the kids at a very unexpected and deep level. And finally, thanks for taking a shy, large, and rather quiet young boy and giving him a nickname for the ages, confidence in himself and starting him on a path towards being not just a longsnapper, but a GREAT longsnapper!” Parent – GA – 2013

“Rubio, Doesn’t the English language have a better way to say Thank You? Perhaps, You’re Appreciated. Maybe, You’ve Made a Difference. Ultimately, With Sincere Gratitude could be a little better. Regardless, we are thankful that you have come into my son’s life in a way that is tangible. Not just as a long-snapping instructor, but also as a person that keeps all of life’s challenges in perspective. You teach your students to be aggressive in pursuit of what they want out of football as well as life and never forget to appreciate the ride. My son has committed to a great situation for him and earned a college scholarship to snap, his dream come true. It likely would not have happened without your instruction on the football field AND your encouragement off the gridiron.” Parent – KS – 2013

“I want to thank you for all that you do and how you”ve impacted my son in giving him something to shoot for!  We”ve been to other camps, but nothing like what you and Sailer run” Parent – MI – 2013

“You told me the very first time we talked on the phone that you will make my the son the best his city has ever had. Well as of yesterday he is the only person to ever letter solely as a Long Snapper in the programs history. And is 1 of only 5 sophomores lettering this season. And 1 of 3 players to be awarded Subway Player of the Week twice. None of this would have been possible without you. From my wife and I…from the bottom of our hearts we thank you.” Parent – CA – 2013

“On behalf of my husband and myself we would like to thank you for the great camp yesterday.  Our son got a lot out of it because of the approach that you have for teaching. You can tell you were a teacher at some point in your career. My husband was a center and snapper for Virginia Tech and he was amazed at the way you were able to convey the mechanics of the snap to the kids. After attending we realized that whatever effort it takes to get there it is well worth it. Once again thanks for a great day and camp!” Parent – NJ – 2013

“Rubio, My son dresses out for his second home game for _____ this Saturday.  Seeing him on the field in uniform the first game was a proud moment for his entire family.  Matt would not be in this position absent your instruction and encouragement. The personal confidence my son gained from your instruction and camps cannot be measured.  His competition and evaluation at your camps, Vegas, and Top 12 gave him the confidence to know he was one of the best long snappers in the country.  Without this confidence, he would not be at ______.    This confidence carries over to other aspects of my son”s life and will continue to do so.  The lessons my son learned from your instruction (hard work, goal setting and achievement, discipline, motivation) are life lessons that will pay great dividends. My wife and  I thank you for your dedication and commitment.  Keep up the good work. Your work is changing the lives of young men, such as my son!” Parent – TX – 2013

“Rubio, Thanks for a great day yesterday – speaking on behalf of the many parents that I chatted with, we enjoy the camps as much if not more than the kids” Parent – CA – 2013

“I wanted to write to let you know that my son had an excellent experience at your camp this past weekend.” Parent – AZ – 2013

“You have helped me improve so much from where I was, even after I left doing all the drills you taught me. Your camp is definitely the best I have been to. I felt like it was very personal, and a great learning experience. What you have taught me I have been able to incorporate into my game situations.” Long Snapper – IL – 2013

“You were clearly meant to help kids achieve their goals and dreams wether as a snapper or otherwise. I think that is a true gift! You may not know each kids personal story but I guarantee you are helping these kids in more ways than you may even know!  My message to you is THANK YOU for helping my son maybe when you didn”t even know you were!!” Parent – CA – 2013

“Thank you so much for everything you”ve done for me. It”s amazing how many cool things I”ve gotten to do over these last four years.” D1 Long Snapper – OK – 2013

“If not for your camps, my son would not be where he is…forever grateful to you.” Parent – MS – 2013

“Thank you for all your help.  You have been a tremendous influence on him and we both have great respect for you.  He is living his dream of playing college football!” Parent – CA – 2013

“We have you to thank for helping him achieve his dreams!” Parent – CA – 2013

“Thank you for the confidence you instilled in my son the last 4 years , even though he has not continued long snapping the encouragement and confidence you helped instill in him allowed him to Pursue his other dream to become a commercial pilot” Parent – CA – 2013

“Chris was a major reason for my son to continue his education in college. His camps gave my son the ability to land a scholarship at a D2 school. I can”t thank Chris enough for his time and efforts to teach young kids a skill which will advance them in life” Parent – TX – 2013

“We”d like to again THANK YOU for taking the time to come and share with us.  You made a huge impression on the team.  Good words on being positive with teammates, and the confidence factor.” Coach – WA – 2013

“I just wanted to thank you for all of the postings and blogs.  They are well thought out and beneficial for all of us to read.  Little reminders, but very helpful!  Keep doing what you are doing!” Parent – TN – 2013

“Thank you not only for the skills you have taught on the field, but how you teach them off the field experiences” Parent – KS – 2013

“You are truly inspiring young men to greater levels in all phases of their lives.   Thanks for your dedication and devotion!” Parent – TX – 2013

“To say that my wife and I are thankful or grateful would be a massive understatement. We cannot thank you enough for what you have done for our son on the football field, but more importantly OFF the football field. He has taken your life lesson’s, quotes of the day, blogs and conversations to heart. You have been, and hopefully will continue to be a major influence in his life. Thank you very much. Major full embrace.” Parent – CA – 2013

“This whole experience is so much more than just snapping a ball and I want to say thank you for being such a dynamic person in the lives of these young men. Keep up the good work Rubio. :)” Parent – WI – 2013

“Thank you for the incredible instruction today. This was our son”s 2nd camp with you and we”d gladly make the journey from Oregon again to attend another Rubio/Sailer camp. Priceless!” Parent – OR – 2013

“Big thanks to Chris Rubio for a great camp in Chicago. How he involves the parents so they can then help their snapper is second to none!” Parent – IN – 2013

“I just wanted to thank you for a very well, run camp this past Saturday outside of Chicago.  This was our 1st camp with you and we were very impressed from the start of the day, through to the very end.  We really didn’t know what to expect coming in to it but we had a blast, especially our son.  He way the instruction was delivered with drills and with your examples – really seemed to resonate with the guys. We’re now “hooked” and plan on attending the September – Chicago camp and the Las Vegas session. Thanks again for everything, we’re big fans!” Parent – MA – 2013

“I can”t tell you how much I enjoyed watching you run your camp. I”ve worked with a lot of businesses over the years and it was a joy to watch such a well run business model. As a parent it meant even more to me to watch you relate to the kids. You spent time with, and encouraged every camper there regardless of their athletic ability. I cannot thank you enough for caring about all the kids. This was my son”s first camp, and he has only recently been exposed to long snapping. You really encouraged him to continue with your instruction and your enthusiasm. Thanks, and thanks again for all you do for our kids.” Parent – NC – 2013

“Rubio, I can’t thank you enough for everything you have done for my son. He would have never had this opportunity (going to college) without your help. Parent – MS – 2013

“Wonderful camp in Ga my 13 yr old loved it. We will be attending your camps over the yrs Thank you so much” Parent – GA – 2013

“Hey Rubio, I just wanted to thank you for all the help that you have given me through your camps. I don”t think I would be in the spot I am without all your help. I can”t say enough good things about your camp and I encourage every young long snapper to go to them. Once again thanks for all you have done” Long Snapper – NC – 2013

“I just wanted to take a moment to tell you just how impressed I was with the camp. My son said he truly enjoyed the experience, and couldn”t believe how much he learned in such a short time. I am embarrassed to admit I was questioning the cost versus value, but no more! I truly appreciate the enormous amount of information you provided yesterday and look forward to the next camp.” Parent – MD – 2013

“We really enjoyed the camp in Charlotte, NC and certainly learned a lot!!” Parent – NC – 2013

“Once again thank you for your time at the NC camp.  It was way more than advertised.  Fantastic job.” Parent – NC – 2013

“Excellent camp today. My son will return to a fall camp and Vegas. Thank you for instructing my son today. He loved your camp and instruction” Parent – CO – 2013

“Even as just the Camera Guy, not a player, i found your training very informative and I liked the way you worked with the kids and brought the parents into the mix.” Camera Man – CA – 2013

“We thought the Underclassmen Invite Event was spectacular.  It was, by far, the most comprehensive and professionally structured athletic camp we”ve ever attended.  Whatever the future holds for my son, we are so much more informed and better prepared to navigate the waters.  Thanks so much for inspiring our son to be the best that he can be.  I know you hear it all the time, but as parents, we couldn”t hope for more positive mentor for him.” Parent – TX – 2013

“I cannot thank you and Chris Sailer enough for all you do, and the life lessons these student/athletes will learn and use as the grow into adulthood.  You and Chris have made a positive contribution to these kids, that we as parents get to enjoy back two fold.”Parent – CA – 2013

“Rubio, I was at a camp a few weekends ago and after the camp a few dads came up and asked if I was a Rubio Longsnapper. I let them know that I was and they said they could tell just by the way I snapped and handled myself at camp. They said they could see how confident I looked while snapping and that they would be sending there sons to work with you. Thanks for all you do Rubio! See you soon!” Long Snapper – AL – 2013

“What my son learned at your camp has propelled him to be one of the best Long Snappers in the Northeast.” Parent – CT – 2013

“Thanks for what you do. You and Sailer are truly at the top of the kicking and snapping world.” Parent – CA – 2013

“Rubio, I just wanted to thank you and Sailer for the quality and professionalism of your camps. We have attended 3 of your camps and one that you ran on a college campus. All were run top notched, even the one on the college campus that you did not control the flow. Your planning and execution is very detailed, and as you put it, militaristic as times. We attended a D1 college camp this week, thinking it was run by the coaching staff. Come to find out, it was not. What a mistake we made. The camp was very unorganized, not the most professional operation I have ever seen, and it was very counterproductive for our Long Snapper. I think we set him back, by making this mistake. We had another camp scheduled in the near future at another college; we are canceling due to this camp being run by the same group as our bad experience.  My wife and I just wanted to say we were lucky to find you during our search for a long snapping instructor. We also want to thank you and Sailer for not only the football instruction, but the life lessons you share with all your snappers and kickers. You are preparing them for life beyond the sport.  It is no wonder that your relationships with your campers are long term.  Again, thanks for what you two do and we look forward to seeing you in the future. We are a proud member of the #Team Rubio family and supporter of #Team Sailer!” Parent – TX – 2013

“I learned a lot and it was very apparent why you are the best!” Parent – MN – 2013

“So I”m going to all these college camps, and it makes me realize just how much I miss you. You are going to be getting a big hug from me in California!” Long Snapper – KY – 2013

“Thanks again for your great program and solid instruction.  You made it seem like private lessons, even with dozens of kids at camp.” Parent – TX – 2013

“After attending several college camps this summer we have found that no one does it like Rubio… There is no comparison to the instruction, competition and ORGANIZATION of your camps. It’s also amazing how easy it is to pick out the Rubio snappers at each camp. Keep up the good work!” Parent – MS – 2013

“Having you in my son”s corner is a real blessing and we are very grateful for all you have done.” Parent – WA – 2013

“My son is a 2015 player here in Alabama. He was at the Alabama camp Saturday. He just decided he wanted to try long snapping about two weeks ago. He went to the camp scared to death that he would make a fool of himself. He left the camp with drills he won”t stop doing and confidence that I know will help him excel. He has set goals to be ranked one day and he is excited. Thanks for giving him confidence in just one day. I am a high school football coach and I have been to camps that killed a players confidence. Yours did the opposite and I appreciate that. I”m also excited to watch his progress and as a dad it makes me happy to see him so motivated. Good work sir.” Parent – AL – 2015

“After attending only one Rubio camp and purchasing your DVD,  I learned so much about my long snapping technique and improved my speed. I received a scholarship to __________ for Long Snapping. I just wanted to say thank you very much for all of your help and wish I went to more of your camps during high school. My two little brothers will be future Rubio camp members.” Long Snapper – NV – 2013

“You have made a huge impact in my life and I appreciate what you do for me!” Long Snapper – WA – 2013

“My son really enjoyed the camp yesterday. You made quite an impression on him and he picked up several snapping drills to work on. Though I was apprehensive to send a 14 yr old eighth grader to the camp, I”m very glad I did. We hope to see you in the future.” Parent – LA – 2013

“I wanted to personally thank you for all you”ve done for me.  You have been a great coach, patient, demanding, honest and most importantly always there when I needed you.  At one time during the recruiting period I had as many as 25 DI thru D3 schools wanting me because of my snapping skills which I attribute to you. Once again I can not ever thank you enough not only for the snapping experience but having met and worked with you over the years.” Long Snapper – CA – 2013

“You have had a major impact on my son that has not only changed the trajectory of his life, but given him a sense of responsibility and purpose. My wife and I cannot thank you enough.” Parent – CA – 2013

“Dear Rubio, Where to begin?  First and foremost, you and Chris Sailer put on the most incredible event this weekend in Las Vegas.  You made sure to educate the athletes, as well as the parents, on and off the field. The days flew by as they were jam packed with instruction, practice and most of all FUN.  You mentioned it is a goal of yours that everything run according to plan, and on time.  You exceeded your own goals in my opinion.  Your organization is a class act from start to finish. The athletes, the parents, your staff, every single person was a reflection of you and your commitment to excellence; I did not come across one individual who was less than the utmost in sportsmanship and character.  I cannot believe that you are not on the tip of every underclassman”s tongue that is serious about playing at the next level.  You have given my son the tools he needs to achieve his goals.  If any parents or coaches are in any way hesitant about utilizing the Rubio/Sailer team I am here to say RUN do not WALK to the next event; your son will be better for the experience, win, lose or draw.  I only wish I had known about Rubio sooner.  It is mind boggling to think what could have happened had my son started a few years sooner in this program. I am forever in your debt, you have my sincere gratitude for what you have done.” Parent – CA – 2013

“Rubio, Thank you for another great camp, Vegas is truly special.  Well done.  Thanks again, not only for improving the tangible aspects of his skills, but for the intangible aspects such as confidence building.” Parent – OH – 2013

“Rubio, thanks for another great weekend! As usual, I learned a lot, and walked away better than when I got there. Your camps leave no doubt that Rubio Long Snapping is the best in the nation, and I am proud to be apart of it.” Long Snapper – MS – 2013

“Thanks for another awesome camp. I learned a lot more and had a great time.  This was easily one of the best weekends of my life.” Long Snapper – CA – 2013

“Hi Rubio, Just wanted to say thanks for another great camp! My son has improved so much since he”s started coming to your camps! He thinks the world of you and is working hard to continue to improve and be the best! I have no doubt with your help and his continued hard work he will accomplish his goals! Thanks again for everything and we”ll see you at the next camp.” Parent – CA – 2013

“Rubio THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT you and Sailer do for these young men!  You have opened up an opportunity that others have never thought of.” Parent – MI – 2013

“Thank you very much for everything.  You and Sailer do an amazing job putting all this together!!” Parent – CA – 2013

“I want to pass along appreciation to you and your staffers for an outstanding weekend.  My son is at the stage where he doesn”t say much to me.  But he went on and on about the experiences of the camp.  And he was talking about the “next one” before we even got on the plane. And as a father I want to thank you for your assistance in his development.  He may still have a ways to go.  But when I think the first time he saw you was only 10 months ago, I am amazed by his progress. Thanks for all you do – not just for mine – but for all the kids.” Parent – LA – 2013

“I wanted to thank you for a wonderful camp. We had a great time and my son learned a great deal, some outside of the actual snapping fundamentals. You and your staff really went above and beyond in helping the players and also the parents.” Parent – WA – 2013

“Rubio, My son attended the NC camp on Saturday. I have attended several footbal camps both as a coach as well as a parent. Leading up to the camp, I took the time to read through as much a I could on your camps (website, social media, etc) and went in with pretty high expectations. I gotta tell you that your camp on Saturday shattered every expectation I had. It was the best run camp I have been to and the way you involve the parents as well as kids from middle school through high school was tremendous. Even though my son is only in 8th grade, he walked away from that experience excited about getting better as a long snapper. Keep up the great work and we will see you at another camp in the future.” Parent – NC – 2013


“Chris- I meant to send this Thank you last week after the NC camp. Jason and I want to thank you for the kindness you showed our son and instruction you gave him. While he was the youngest at the camp everyone treated him with the upmost kindness. It”s clear to see your organization is the Best!” Parent – NC – 2013

“JUST ONE! thats right just one session with Chris Rubio and my sons snapping ability improved dramatically Rubio”s one on one techniques were amazing and had a huge impact on my son it motivated him to succeed and corrected all his bad habits my son is now headed to college to long snap..what a ride! thanks again Rubio for all your help and belief in my son and MOST of all making him believe in himself!” Parent – ID – 2013

“Just wanted to drop you a quick email to compliment you on the camp we attended in NC earlier this month.  I wasn”t sure what to expect, and I walked away impressed with the quality of the experience my son and I had.  The subtle changes in technique you called out will make a substantial difference in my son”s skill over time.  In fact, I started to see improvement during the camp!  I most appreciated the way you welcomed parents and encouraged us to be part of the camp experience.  I learned a lot by listening and participating.  Looking forward to attending future Rubio camps!” Parent – NC – 2013

“Thank you for all you’ve done for our son. The time, money and effort that we have put into your camps have definitely been a great investment in our sons future. We have already seen the benefit of that investment and believe that there are still greater rewards yet to come.” Parent – MS – 2013

“Even though we just saw you a month ago, you made my son a better snapper yet again for having attended this camp. You educate the kids (as well as us parents) along the way, to the point that the kids who are working on their craft between Rubio camps gain confidence because they not only know that they are getting better, but they know WHY they are getting better.

“Good morning, Rubio! First, let me just say WOW… what a wonderful camp experience we had Sunday. I had zero expectations but was blown away with everything especially the “on field instruction”. I was getting heckled from some of my other “football moms” because they didn’t understand you weren’t just training my son, you were training me as well. Genius!” Parent – FL – 2013

“Mr Rubio I just wanted to say how impressed I was how you worked with those kids you have a true gift . That”s all my son has talked about since we”ve been again I wanted to thank you for allowing him to attend your camp!” Parent – GA – 2013

“Great camp!  We are truly enjoying this experience.  I really like how you involve the parents. Thank you for doing that.” Parent – MS – 2013

“I just wanted to thank you for an outstanding camp. My son & I learned a ton and we will definitely be back again!” Parent – NC – 2013

“Rubio – thanks for a great camp today in Georgia. My son learned a ton and is even more excited to continue his long snapping dreams. He was a bit intimidated with all the kids being much older. Once he got going he fell right into place. Thanks for making it comfortable for him. See you at another camp.” Parent – GA – 2013

“I had a great time at the North Carolina camp. I learned a tremendous amount” Long Snapper – PA – 2013

“Thanks for all you do for all the players and for being the role model that you are!” Parent – AL – 2013

“I just wanted to reach out and let you know how I appreciate your approach with the kids and with my son” Parent – WA – 2013

“Just wanted to send you a big Thank You for the deep snap training you have provided my son in the last 16 months.  We came to you late in his H.S. career and I am glad he did.  We came to you after his Junior football season.  It absolutely gave him a great framework in which to work.  Giving him the basics allowed him to fall back on your technique when he would need it.” Parent – TX – 2013

“Thanks again for all your instruction and support over the years, you were truly a great influence for him!” Parent – FL – 2013

“Thank you Chris Rubio for everything you taught me, you helped me become the best Long Snapper I can be and gave me all the exposure I needed.” Long Snapper – CA – 2013

“Always impressed and we all always learn something new!” Parent – TX – 2013

“I just wanted to let you know that I officially committed to _________. I also wanted to thank you because this wouldnt have happened without you.” Long Snapper – PA – 2013

“Thanks again for a great day and for doing a great job of building my son”s skills and confidence today” Parent – GA – 2013

“I just wanted to thank you for all the help and guidance you”ve given me” Long Snapper – TX – 2013

“I have to admit while I put work into it, it was your camps that gave me the foundation to be at that position” Long Snapper – NC – 2013

“Rubio, Thank you for another great camp in Illinois. I know my son (and I) really appreciated learning some new drills that could be practiced at home” Parent – KY – 2013

“Rubio, Thank you for another great camp.   A parents perspective:  Now that I”ve been to several of these camps, it kind of like going to a concert to see your favorite band.  You know most of the songs which you always enjoy hearing, but there is always a new song or an oldie that you don”t hear often that is mixed in.” Parent – IL – 2013

“I just wanted to thank you for the camp and also for getting the video up so quickly.” Long Snapper – IL – 2013

“Rubio, I would like to thank you for an excellent camp and a wonderful time that was well worth the trip I look forward to seeing you in the future.” Long Snapper – NY – 2013

“Thanks for everything this weekend! These camps get better and better every time! It feels good to keep improving.” Long Snapper – KY – 2013

“Thanks for a great camp yesterday.  Both Hayden and I got a lot out of it and look forward to the next one.” Parent – NY – 2013

“Holy cow! We have been blown away at the number of emails and letters my son has gotten in just the last two weeks! The list keeps getting longer!! Thank you so much for helping to get him this far” Parent – GA – 2013

“You were the one who helped me achieve a life-long goal of mine of playing college football. You have been a guy who has been in my corner of the ring from the start and I consider you as family, just like the rest of my “actual” family does 🙂 If there is anything I can do to help out with camps, or promoting Rubio Long Snapping, please let me know. I am one of your biggest supporters. Thanks again for everything Rubio.” Long Snapper – MD – 2013

“Your blogs are great stuff. You have no idea how much your quote of the day and blog help my son. He has to work very hard to get decent grades and for him it”s a grind and he is under a lot of pressure. Your messages help very much.” Parent – CA – 2013

“We absolutely love your blogs, tweets and the way you communicate. Keep up the excellent work!” Parent – IN – 2013

“All of that attention (my son received) is due to your program and the respect it has in the coaching circles. We can’t thank you enough for your honest and candid approach to my son”s development. He joins a long list of kids that will always credit you with their success, not only as snappers but as young men” Parent – OK – 2013

“Your camp was VERY informative. I feel the fee I paid was worth every penny. After the camp my son thanked me for taking him. If I had sum up the day in one word it be-IMPRESSED!” Parent – TX – 2013

“Camp was terrific!  I was very impressed with the day and your interaction with parents and young people.  Thank you for including the parents as you do.  That was really cool.  Thank you for mentioning Facebook and technology, etc.. and how things like that affect these young people’s future.  I tell him all the time, as I am sure most parents there do—but it is different coming from you as you can imagine.  Our experience was so great and even better than anyone told us it would be.  My son really felt like he learned a lot.  Thanks so much for what you do—this weekend was just great.” Parent – MS – 2013

“First, thanks for another great camp at Cedar Hill HS yesterday!  It was a day of fantastic teaching and competition.  Again, thanks for all you do with the kids.  What”s really cool is that it”s so much more than long snapping.  My son frequently talks about your quote of the day for example.  As parents we know that sports will be relatively short-lived, but the life lessons are enduring.” Parents – TX – 2013

“We will never be able to thank you enough.” Parent – NC – 2013

“Been a while and have done yourself proud. Time is a funny thing, however your message to the kids is timeless. Funny how what is truly important changes from year to year. Regardless, you give the boys the mind tools needed to succeed in life despite what they feel is most important. My prayer is that you continue to model what manhood means even when the boys might lose sight of the message you deliver. I did, and always will, appreciate the unheard message you speak of, that drives these young men to not only succeed, but exceed all of our expectations. God bless Chris, I hope that one day you will get a chance to really appreciate the difference you make.” Parent – IL – 2013

“I want to let you know how much you have changed our lives for the better. My son has found himself as a person through long snapping. He is a far cry from the shy boy of just a year ago. He liked football before but he now loves it You and your assistants have given him self-confidence and purpose. He went from a 2.7 GPA to a 3.8. In just 1 semester. Since coming to your camps and taking lessons, I have come to see the value of letting my son become a young man that makes his own choices and decisions. It was your ideas and comments in the film sessions that taught me this…” Parent – CA – 2013

“Awesome camp yesterday!   Our son learned a ton and really enjoyed it.  As parents, it was refreshing to be involved and learn while watching you connect to the kids and teach in a way that made it fun for the boys.” Parent – CA – 2013

“I wanted to say Thank You for a great day yesterday.  It”s obvious how much you love this and the kids.  The info was fantastic and my son is ready to get to work.” Parent – CA – 2013

“Thanks so much for all of your help and encouragement for my son over the past 2 years. He couldn”t have done it without you!” Parent – AR – 2013

“We appreciate your past and continued investment in the life of our son. We know that your instruction and incredible motivation has (and will continue to) help him succeed at the next level.” Parent – NC – 2013

“Thanks for everything you have taught me Rubio! The best instructor” Long Snapper – OH – 2013

“Thank you. We wouldn”t be signing today if we hadn”t stumbled across Chrsi Rubio at the LSU Specialty Camp 2 years ago. Signing Day is a great day to be #TeamRubio” Parent – TX – 2013

Thank you so much. You know that you have helped me get to today and you deserve just as much attention as all of us will get” Long Snapper – AL – 2013

“Thank you for everything you have done to help me get here Rubio” Long Snapper – MI – 2013

“Thank you so much for getting me to where I am today with all this love and scholarship you helped me earn. From the moment I stepped on that field at the first camp 2 years agao I woe all of this to you and I won”t let you down! I wouldn”t be anywere without you to this day. Thank you” Long Snapper – CA – 2013

“Thank you Rubio. You are creating leaders – not followers” Parent – TX – 2013

“We are forever grateful to you, thank you so much for being such an inspirational roll model for my son and making such a difference in his life” Parent – CA – 2013

“Thanks Chris for bring a mentor, friend, coach and unbelievable motivator for our son.” Parent – WA – 2013

“From the beginning from my freshman year and getting dominated by top ranked long snappers, (now D1 full scholarship long snappers), to competing in the finals rounds against, not if, the best Rubio long snapper EVER, it truly has been an interesting ride. I just want to say that these past four years have truly been amazing. What I have learned from you is unique, and you cannot find it anywhere else. I look forward to seeing you in Charlotte, NC, and continuing our communication throughout my college experience. Thank you so much again” Long Snapper – CT – 2013

“By the way, the Vegas event was beyond spectacular.  I have attended, organized and participated in athletic camps/clinics for 13 years (both as a coach and as a parent) and I can say your camps are by far the most well organized and structured I have ever seen.  From the instruction to the competition, to the personal access to you and the world class exposure for the athlete… absolutely have the best business in the industry.  You should get the Emmy for sports camps….”The Campy” for best all-around experience!Thank you for all you do for the kids and for the parents.  #TeamRubio” Parent – TX – 2013

“I can”t thank you enough for all you have done for me and how many doors you opened for my future. Thank you so much for everything.” Long Snapper – MO – 2013

“If my son never snaps a football past high school, this program is priceless becuase of the life lessons that Rubio teaches and the character that he insists that his students have. He isnt teaching them just to throw a ball upside down through their legs, he is teaching my son and all his kids how to be be solid human beings on the field, off the field and in the classroom” Parent – CA – 2013
“Just wanted to thank you for all that you put into last weekend at the competition in Las Vegas.  It was an outstanding job done by all that provided a most memorable experience for all the athletes.  I also wanted to let you know how much I appreciate all that you have done to contribute to such a tangible improvement in my son”s performance and most of all his frame-of-mind and self-confidence.  You have made a real difference in his life. Thank you!” Parent – CAN – 2013

“Thanks again for a great Vegas experience.  The format and instruction was outstanding!” Parent – GA – 2013

“I just wanted to thank you for a fantastic camp last weekend. It amazes me how much I continue learn with each camp.” Long Snapper – NC – 2013

“Rubio, thanks for another great camp! As a parent, I appreciate your efforts to build character as well as snapping skills. I’m also always impressed with your organization and how smoothly the camps run” Parent – MS – 2013

“You and your team of HARD workers never seem to disappoint! Thank you for all you do! This was a magnificent event!” Parent – MS – 2013

“I just wanted to thank you for a very informative and fun weekend.  The wealth of knowledge I acquired from you and your coaches is second to none. I look forward to working with you in the future. Thank you very much!” Long Snapper – NJ – 2013

“I can”t thank you enough for the drive you have given him to succeed in long snapping. The Las Vegas camp was well organized” Parent – CA – 2013
“Just got back home from the Vegas event.  Absolutely fantastic!  As a parent I was most impressed and pleased with the obvious character of the instruction staff that you assembled. Thank you for making character a priority.” Parent – GA – 2013

“You and Sailer run a fantastic event!” Parent – CA – 2013

“I just wanted to say how impressed I was of how you ran the camp this past weekend and how much my son has benefited from attending this one and the one back in the fall” Parent – GA – 2013

“Just wanted to let you know what a wonderful time we had last weekend.  The camps are such a good experience that I”m sorry we didn”t catch on to this whole thing sooner.  You do an amazing job organizing the event, I”m not sure how you pull it off.” Parent – WA – 2013
“Truly outstanding camp this past weekend..I wouldn”t expect anything less. Your instructors working with you were absolutely phenomenal. Again this was a priceless experience for my son!! Thank you for all you do with Long Snapping!!” Parent – FL – 2013
“Thank you again for everything!! I greatly appreciate everything you do for everyone, but especially my boys!!  They had a great time this weekend!” Parent – CA – 2013

“Hey Rubio, I just wanted to tell you thank you for all the help you have given me from the Chicago camps, and Vegas. Vegas was an amazing experience, and really helped build my skill and mentality/attitude. I have something to gain from each camp I attend, and just get better and better. I couldn”t be the long snapper  I am or most importantly the one I”m going to continue to become without you. Thank you again Rubio, and I couldn”t appreciate the opportunity you are giving me any more. Look forward to seeing you again in March” Long Snapper – IL – 2013
“Attending your camp last Nov in Dallas was great for my son. I”m not sure what improved more, his snapping or his personal self confidence. Thanks for what you do for your campers and our sons.” Parent – 2013 – TX

“Thank you for all the help and advice that you have given my son in the two previous camps. His success is a direct credit to you! ” Parent – SC – 2013

“We appreciate all you do for the sport and for the young men” D1 Coach – 2012
“You have been so much help Rubio. Without you I”d be lost. Thank you.” Long Snapper – FL – 2012
“Rubio, I am e-mailing you to thank you for all you have done. I have picked up two scholarship offers from _____ and _____.  Again I can”t thank you enough for making me a better long snapper and better person” Long Snapper – MO – 2012
“I brought my grandson to Lewiston for a private long snapping lesson this past summer.  I want you to know that it was probably the best value I have ever seen based on the results that followed.  This young man took on a level of pride and confidence that is hard to describe.  I fully believe that you were the most influential individual in his development and for that I thank you. In addition he has taken on an entirely different attitude about his education and the value of working just as hard in the classroom…..a blessing beyond description.   He is looking forward to more interaction with you in the future.” Grandparent – OR – 2012
THIS is great Chris…definitely words of wisdom! Thanks you so much for the positive impact you are making in the lives of our boys!” Parent – CA – 2012
“We are so grateful we found you.” Parent – VA – 2012

“Thank you Rubio for changing the lives of so many young men! Your influence, guidence, confidence, and instruction for these long snappers has been such a blessing! Thank you for helping to open up an entire new world for my son and so many others! We will be forever thankful to you and all of you have done for the art of longsnapping!” Parent – IN – 2012

“Thank you for everything. Without you I wouldn”t even know how to pick up a ball. Thanks Rubio.. Really wouldn”t know where I”d be without you right now. Not even as a snapper but a person also. You”ve always been there for me!!” Long Snapper – 2012 – AL

Chris Rubio knows it all guys. Listen to this man. Every thing he has told me has been true. School wise, recruiting wise, social network wise, and life wise. He is a great guy and he cares about each one of us as individuals, not just a way to make money. I love this man and he is one of my favorite idols in life.” Long Snapper – AR
“Rubio has been a wonderful, shoot from the hip mentor…. We have been very blessed having met him many years ago….he is a wealth of information” Parent – GA – 2012
“My son has fun and learns when he is with you—both important.  Most coaches can’t do both well.  Grateful.” Parent – CA – 2012

“Rubio, I just want to thank you for getting me to where I am today. We punted 68 times this year and I didn’t have a bad snap!” Long Snapper – 2012

“We have a lot of things to be thankful for at our house and one of those things is that we are thankful our son found you and your program. Your teachings of character first are an inspiration to kids and parents alike.” Parent – CA – 2012

“You run a great camp with an enormous amount of GOOD information. Your passion is infectious and stimulating. I thing the way you tell stories and relate to the kids, in there own language, make the camp fun and anything but boring.” Parent – MA – 2012
“Hey Rubio, I just wanted to write an email to tell you how thankfull I am of what you do and your knowledge of long snapping and your determination to always be the best coach you can be. I want to thank you also for your great attitude and enthusiasm hat made me excited about long snapping and always trying to gt better. I am done with my first season of college ball and I wouldnt be here without your help and I just wanted to say thanks. I hope all is well.” Long Snapper – GA – 2012
“Thank again for a fantastic Sunday- by far the best camp either of our kids has ever attended.” Parent – TX – 2012

“Thanks again for all of the help at the Dallas camp this past weekend, it was extremely beneficial.” Parent – TX – 2012
“Great camp today! My whole family learned a lot! Thanks to you and your staff! Very well run event!! Impressive!!” Parent – TX – 2012
“Thanks again for all your support for teaching my son to be the best” Parent – TX – 2012
“Want to say thank you. You gave my son faith and hope this year” Parent – FL – 2012
“You have a unique talent of leading and inspiring boys, as well as, their parents” Parent – CA – 2012
“Your wisdom and guidance has really inspired my son!” Parent – MS – 2012

“I wanted to let you know how thankful we are that our son met you and that we have become a part of the Rubio LS family.  His work ethic, attitude, and behavior have forever been changed by you and your teachings.  Our son has always been a good kid and hard worker, but we definitely can see him focused on doing what it takes to get to the next level, and more importantly, how he knows that his behavior can affect his ability to get there.  I know your guidance to these boys helps us parents out a lot, and I want to thank you again for that. Parent – KY – 2012

“I wanted to send a quick thank you for your time at the camp this past Saturday.  I, as well as my son, thoroughly enjoyed our time there, and got what I consider to be the best instruction he could receive.” Parent – NC – 2012
“I wanted to thank you for the great review and encouraging words you gave my son at the Roswell Camp yesterday. I have never seen my son as pumped up and jazzed about long snapping as he was after the camp yesterday.My son has been working hard on his technique, stretching and snapping drills and I believe it has paid off but the encouragement he received from you yesterday really did a lot to boost his self-confidence and keep him motivated. It meant a lot to him and to me.” Parent – GA – 2012

Thank you.”Rubio, thanks for another great long snapping experience in Georgia” Parent – MS – 2012

“I wanted me to let you know how impressed my husband was with you and the way things were run.” Parent – NC – 2012

“What you teach does work don’t ever let anyone say different.  You were and will be an inspiration to my son.” Parent – OK – 2015

“Thank you so much for hosting and helping my son yesterday morning.  He had a wonderful time and has a renewed energy and attitude about his snapping. His mother and I truly appreciate the positive influence that you have become in his life. If he never snaps a football past his high school career, your lessons of work ethic, scholastic integrity and self confidence will serve him well his entire life” Parent – KS – 2012

“Hey Rubio, I wanted to say thank you for everything. Because of you, I was able to play college football and get an education on top of that. I got to live a childhood dream and sign a professional contract and was able to fall back on my degree to get a great job. Just wanted to express my appreciation” Pro – 2012

“Since our son”s sophmore year in high school, Rubio has been his instructor and mentor. My son is now playing college football at a D1 level because of the skills and confidence he developed over the years with Rubio. Rubio is also a life saver for the parents and is available to communicate most anytime. Rubio will be in our lives forever!” Parent – CA – 2012

“Thanks for all you do, you are a great coach, teacher and mentor to a lot of young men.  You also have a lot for us parents to read & I enjoy all of it.” Parent – NC – 2012

“You are not only getting kids into college, you are changing lives. Thank you from the bottom of my heart” Parent – Canada – 2012

“Thank you for another positive camp experience.  Once again you exceeded our expectations with how professional, structured and informative the Chicago Camp was.  Over the past months that my son has been involved with your program, I have seen growth in his form and commitment to the position–I can see him striving to better himself.  My son walked away not only with valuable information, but what to do with the information–And for that I thank you.” Parent – IL – 2012

“Just wanted to say again how impressed I was with the camp this last weekend.  You have taken long snapping and dissected it into components for the kids (and the parents) to understand.  You are masterful at bringing in the parents and making them a part of the camp.Thanks for working with my son. I know we will be back for more. Parent – CA – 2012

“Dear Rubio, I just wanted to tell you a quick thank you for all of the inspiration and guidance you provide your players. My son attended your camp in July for the first time. I was fully prepared to expect this to be a one time event and hoped that we wouldn”t be disappointed. I can”te tell you how shocked I am still at the quality of instruction, but more so the daily inspiration and focus you provide through your technology outreach, and the multitude of video and instruction blogs is astounding. I now see that we will have our son attend camps when he can and as a family e look forward to your regular outreach, tweets. You are quite unique and neither of my boys have had such inspiration in their many seasons of sports. Thanks for being such a wonderful role model! Parent – CA – 2012

“I know that my husband already sent you our thanks but I also wanted to say thank you personally.  Not only for this past weekend camp but for all that you do for my son and all the other kids.  You truly are an example of someone who cares about the kids and wants what”s best for them.  I know that my son has come away not only with the knowledge and ability to snap but also how to carry himself as a person and to have confidence.  As parents we try to bring our kids up to understand what is right and wrong and teach them to be good human beings.  Having someone like you in their corner to help reinforce these ideas / teachings truly is a blessing. Thanks again for all that you do.” Parent – CA – 2012

“I want to let you know how much you”ve helped me, as a coach, understand and appreciate that aspect of the game. You”re doing great work” Coach – VA – 2012

“My wife and I can”t put into words what you have meant to our son over the last year or so since he became part of the Rubio family of snappers. The character and leadership skills that you promote and teach have really been a huge part of his development and his personal desire to strive for success in school,sports and life in general. Thank you so much for all the direction, coaching and advise you have provided him over the years” Parent – CA – 2012

“I continue to be so amazed by you, Chris, and all you accomplish.You have instilled in so many young athletes the most important aspects of playing college football. As a mother of one of those fortunate young men, I will forever be grateful to you. God Bless.” Parent – CA – 2012

“An incredible man, instructor, Long Snapper, mentor, friend, funny guy, father, etc., etc.!! So grateful for Rubio Long Snapping and all that he has brought not only to our son, but also to our entire family! I love that when I”m feeling confused or uncertain about anything Long Snapping related, I say “we need to talk to Rubio”. Thank God for him we don”t call all those times but when we do, it”s such a sigh of relief that yes, we have learned from all the blogs, we are seeing things correctly and we just need to continue on with all that we”ve learned! Thank you, Rubio for turning this almost 50 year old woman onto at least a part of football and an incredible interest in Long Snapping! We couldn”t be more grateful to you for all that you have done and continue to do for our family. My only regret? That we didn”t realize our son had a talent for long snapping before the spring of his senior year and that he would have had many years experience with you versus just one. Still grateful! Rubio, you”re simply the best!” Parent – GA – 2012

“Rubio.  As my son ran out onto the field tonight for his first College Football game, I can”t help but think it is all because of you.  Rewind back to October 2008 when my husband did an online search looking for some type of instruction for my son to learn the basics of Long Snapping.  Whose name popped up first?  Who was making their first trip to the east coast? Well, it was our lucky day because it was your name that popped up!  Who would have thought 4 years later, my son is living out his dream of playing D1 College Football.  Your phenomenal instruction paired with your genuine love for these boys is apparent in everything you do.   And most importantly, your availability to these boys is there 24/7 to help them get through the rough times as well. Rubio, my husband and I can not Thank You enough for what you have done for our son.  You not only taught him how to snap, your taught him so much more that many boys never have the opportunity to learn and experience.  To the Class of 2012.. So many wonderful bonds have been forged with our snappers and so many  wonderful friendships have been made. Thank you Chris Rubio!!” Parent – SC – 2012

“Hey Rubio, I just wanted to san thank you for everything you”ve done for me. I couldn”t have gotten to this point in my life without you.” Long Snapper – KY – 2012

“Thanks again for your leadership and the guidance that you provide to the long snapping family of snappers” Parent – NC – 2012

“Thank you so very much for my son”s success in the NFL. He never would have gotten this far without your training and encouragement, especially during his formative years. It is a success as much for you and your program as it is for him. Thanks again for your continued support of him in his endeavors.” Parent – CA – 2012

“Thanks for everything you”ve done Rubio. I wouldn”t be where I am without you” Long Snapper after receiving a full scholarship – GA – 2012

“My son is looking forward to Fall Camp!  Your fun-loving personality and coaching style really made an impact on him this summer. He mentioned just the other day that he “needed Rubio right now!” You have a special way with these young men!” Parent – NC – 2012

“Thank you so much for all the direction, coaching and advise you have provided my son over the years” Parent – CA – 2012

“Chris…We are so thankful we were told about your organization last November. Ten months ago my son was a skinny 9th grader who had never long snapped in his life. Fast forward to today and he has beat out two upper classman to earn the Varsity starting job as a sophomore. I am not sure what he is studying more, his school work or long snapping videos, but the good news is he is doing outstanding at both. Thanks for all you do and for making a difference.” Parent – GA – 2012

“Wanted to thank you for being a part of my son my son”s development. And, probably in a way that doesn”t pop into your head immediately because he hasn”t been to a camp since 5/11. That is for a specific reason … at that camp you challenged him to make a commitment … a commitment to being the best at what he wanted in life. Of course, in your broad message, there was an emphasis on being a long snapper. From that day, he decided to commit his full energies to being the best in the class room and on the OL. He has worked very hard ever since. Thank you” Parent – CA – 2012

“Rubio, this is ____”s dad, I don”t comment much on things but your latest Blog should be read by ever senior even if they are not going to college so much wisdom in it” Parent – TN – 2012

“I want to take a quick minute to thank you for your assistance during the recruiting process. Your knowledge and expertise are invaluable. I am looking forward to continuing to build a relationship with you, and woorking together in the future” D1 Coach – 2012

“Thank you so much for allowing my son to come to your camp. He learned a tremendous amount of knowledge and loved the personal approach you take with your athletes. As a Dad, I appreciate the influence of quality individuals on my son”s life. I just wanted to say thank you.” Parent – AL – 2012

“Thanks for all you have done for him…you”ve had a huge impact on him.  Much appreciated.” Parent – CA – 2012

“Last night I heard my son talking to his grandfather about you…He said: “Rubio gets such great results because he treats us all as equals. He doesn”t talk down to us or make us feel stupid for asking questions. He respects every snapper. He doesn”t want to be called Coach…we call him Rubio. He is our mentor, instructor and biggest supporter”. Parent – CA – 2012

“special thank you Rubio. You not only taught me how to snap, but how to be a better human being. You are the best at what you do. Period. #teamrubio” Long Snapper – CA – 2012

“Great Prodigy camp today! My son had an awesome time! Words can”t express how happy I am that my son has had the chance to meet and work with you! We are proud to be part of Team Rubio in South Fla!! Thanks again and we look forward to upcoming camps!! =)” Parent – FL – 2012

“Can”t tell you how much we thank you for what you do!!!!! I know you tell us it is your job but the time you take with the players and the confidence you build in them is phenomenal!!! Thanks again!!!!!” Parent – MS – 2012

“We owe you so much for getting him this far—you really gave him confidence and he really respects you” Parent – FL – 2012

“Thank you for all you have done to inspire my son to work toward his goal of long snapping.  He walks and talks a little more confident after each  Rubio camp. As a mom watching, it is a wonderful gift you have given me as well!!!” Parent – AZ – 2012

“It was a wonderful camp and he had a great time!! I”m looking forward to future camps! We will see you again” Parent – FL – 2012

“My boy had a fantastic time at your long snapping camp in Lombard, Il. yesterday.  You really fired him up” Parent – MI – 2012

“We would like to thank you for yours and Sailers wonderful and informative camp at California. You guys did a super job — as usual. We would like to thank you for your time with these kids — the two of you do an excellent job. Some of these kids may never have the privilege to play at the college level — however, with these camps and programs you have it will give them that upper hand.  The time you spend with these kids will help them to have have that opportunity.  The time and effort you put into your program will give them a lifelong experience and a future to look forward to. Again – thank you for allowing my son the privilege of being at your camps — we feel he learns even more at each and every camp.  Thanks again for a wonderful experience” Parent – IL – 2012

“It never ceases to amaze me how you run your camps – always top notch!  Your passion for not only the instruction but the kids is awesome.  You are making young men out of these boys, imparting more than football wisdom but life lessons. It’s difficult for kids to listen to parents, but you have an uncanny way of reaching the kids and I commend you for it” Parent – OH – 2012

“Chris Rubio is to young long snappers what Steve Clarkson is to fledgling quarterbacks — the guru; the font of knowledge; the last word; the ultimate reference on a resume.” Al Lesar,, 2012

“Dear Rubio, I want to extend my sincere thanks for a wonderful weekend in Sherman Oaks, CA at the Underclassmen Invite Event.  The whole weekend was run top-notch, just like your one day camps.  My son was thrilled to be a part of the event and has not stopped talking about everything he did and learned while there–not to mention the new friends he made. In short, the entire weekend was a great experience and learning opportunity, not only for Jeremy but for me too.  I met many wonderful parents who were very open and willing to answer any of my questions during the weekend. So again, thank you for hosting and running the Underclassmen Invite camp, my son looks forward to participating in the camp again in the future.” Parent – KY – 2012

“I can”t thank you enough for what you have helped me do, I have listened to you and got a D-1 offer. The private lesson in Idaho was huge” Long Snapper – AZ – 2012

“I just want you to know that I owe everything to you, you are are great teacher.  Anyway, you deserve the credit and I just wanted to let you know how appreciative of your time and efforts over the past couple of years I am.  I only wished I could have started with you sooner.  You are the best!” Long Snapper – CA – 2012

“Thank you for another outstanding camp.  So often I leave your camps realizing that even though my knowledge of long snapping is always increasing, that you have forgot more than I will ever know.” Parent – OH – 2012

“Rubio, First, thank you for a great weekend. The program was fantastic and the information you provided to both parents and kids was outstanding. My son”s sister plays volleyball in college and we went through three years of the recruiting process with her. However, in all honesty, we learned more about recruiting and how to properly prepare for the process this weekend than we did in three years with our daughter. Each session was well planned, extremely informative and the presenters couldn”t have been better. Thank you for including us.  Well done!” Parent – CA – 2012

“We have a scholarship in our pocket, thanks to your help and training!” Parent – TX – 2012

“Thanks for the continuous support and motivation.  It”s amazing how you can be so blatantly honest and still foster these young men”s self esteem.” Parent – VA – 2012

“We want to thank you for providing our son with an outstanding camp experience this past weekend. He has not stopped talking about it! It is great to know about all of the friends he made, the fun he shared and the insight he gained, not just as a snapper, but as a young man preparing to leave home for college. We appreciate all that you do.” Parent – OK – 2012

“Thank you for helping with the growth of our young men. Your program is more than just long snapping. Thank you!!” Parent – ID – 2012

“Chris Sailer and Chris Rubio are the best at what they do in the country. There is no doubt in my mind about this statement” Division 1 Coach – 2012

“Thanks for all your blogs, they really help a lot mentally.” Long Snapper – IL – 2012

“I wanted to thank you for the experience my son had at the Las Vegas camp….. Though he had a lot of trouble with hitting the targets and using his legs and the heat, he was proud that he was able to finish — and a lot of that had to do with being around you and the energy you put forth BETWEEN camps – blogs, postings, emails, information for and about your snappers (past and present) – it really inspired him to step up and compete and not drop off… He gets a lot of inspiration from you to continue to drive and you put it in a way that I sometimes totally miss when it comes to him….. he is really looking forward to seeing you in the future. We appreciate how you have helped our son and the effort you put forth and the results you generate by multiplying yourself and your approach through others and those that follow (also – my son has a younger brother (class of 2016) that snaps – you will see him in the future too)…. Parent – WA – 2012

“Well done Rubio for helping these boys get their dreams. We are all so blessed to have found you and become part of your Rubio family.” Parent – CA – 2012

“Proudest day of my life!! Commited to ___________! Thanks goes out to my whole family and Chris Rubio!!” Long Snapper – IL – 2013

“You have not just showed me how to be a good Long Snapper, but to be a good human being” Long Snapper – OH – 2012

“My son”s finally building confidence and I want to tell you, as a dad, I”m convinced that a lot of that development is due to you.” Parent – TX – 2012

“What you do for kids and their confidence is amazing.  You genuinely care about the boys and that is so great to see these days.  Even if they don”t go on to play in college the confidence you instill in them will last a life time. Continued successes to you and Sailer” Parent – CA – 2012

“Rubio has a special gift that allows him to encourage, motivate, and teach young men. My son is a better snapper and human being just by being associated with Rubio.” Parent – NC – 2014

“I just wanted to let you know I signed a scholarship to ________ University.  With out your help none of this would have been possible.  You helped turn a dream into a reality.  Thanks for all your help.  You area  great instructor and I wish you the best in the future.  Thank you again for everything Rubio.” Long Snapper – CA – 2012

“Thank you so much for helping him become the snapper he is today and the tools he learns from you to get better everyday.” Parent – CT – 2012

“You hear all the time about how great your instruction and camps are.  I had to drop you a note on how great the instruction at the one day camp in North Carolina was.  It is one thing to see how much information and instruction goes on at one of your camps.  It is an entirely different thing to see the effect it has on your son.  The improvement in my sons performance is not only recognizable in the “Pop” in his snaps, but the stop watch shows just how much of an improvement has occurred.  We finally put a stop watch on him today and we were quite surprised at the numbers.  So much so I had another coach run the stop watch.  Now my son has to toughen up the inside of his thighs from the impact of his arms when he snaps. I can”t tell you how thankful we are that we found you.” Parent – VA – 2012

“Rubio, I am writing to thank you for all you have done for us.  As my son has told you he has accepted a fullide scholarship to ______ University.  The reason I make that statement is because I know it would have not been possible without you or what your name and reputation means out there to schools.  My son had several other offers to ” walk on” or as a “preferred walk on” at several other schools .  I”m not saying this to gloat but just to prove the fact that every one of these coaches mention you by name and attribute their interest to you or your website (rankings). I could go on but I won”t.  It is this simple.  My son has worked hard and has been successful and that has assisted him in this wonderful opportunity.  But a lot of that would not have happened if it wasn”t for you and your camps.  Your camps are second to none and we know because we had been to others.  Nothing compares.  What I see as the most significant advantage to your camp is the competition.  My son knew this and seemed to work hard just to prove himself against the best competition and worked his butt off prior to every camp, especially the Vegas camp.  He was determined to finish in the top 12.  One of the recruiting coaches from a Division 1 school text my son to congratulate him on his performance before we even left the Las Vegas University campus.  That is how closely they follow you.  You have done wonder for my boys confidence .So your reputation, the reputation of your camps and the competition they bring are what assisted my son.  Lastly, my son was with you for just over a year and if you showed anyone the first video tape of him snapping and compared it a year later to his most recent tape the comparisons is unbelievable, that is what made me a true believer. I was really planning on keeping this short but the other thing you have done that is above and beyond is that occasionally my son, who takes his job of snapping very seriously, has emailed you a question when his snaps aren”t perfect during practice, about his hand placement or something similar.  He is trying to perfect his craft and you always respond immediately offering him advice and encouraging him.  I have no doubt he will probably email while in college just to fine tune things.  So that is just one more thing that sets you apart, it  is your sincere interest in the kids no matter what their skill level is.  For this we thank and in this day and age what a great feeling to get a free college education, at a great school and have no debt.  Just saying thanks does not do it justice but thanks for everything you have done for my son and our family.” Parent – CA – 2012

“Hi Rubio, Our son really got a lot out of the camp on May 6th. He learned so much and came home so motivated to get better! He seems to be more motivated in general. It”s great to see him excited about football again.  It”s been a real pleasure reading all your blogs — the information, the motivation, the inspiration. You do good work. Our family thanks you.” Parent – CA – 2012

“I just wanted to thank you for helping my son to have another fantastic experience at your long snapping event this past weekend. Each time he attends an event of yours he leaves with more knowledge to help him become better.” Parent – AZ – 2012

“I really enjoyed the camp! I learned a lot and it will help me so much for the future.” Long Snapper – NC – 2012

“My son and I were talking on the way home after the camp and we thought you should know how much we appreciate you and all you”ve done for him. It”s not everyday that you have an opportunity to meet a genuine and caring sole.  My son couldn”t have dreamed of doing as well as he did yesterday without you. Want to thank you for everything, you”re the greatest.” Parent – CA – 2012

“Rubio, just wanted to express our satisfaction with your camp we attended yesterday in Georgia.  Both my son and I felt it was an excellent, wellun camp and he came away with having learned a great deal which will help him improve his snapping skills.  From experience, this camp was heads and shoulders above your competitions!  Great experience!” Parent – SC – 2012

“Hi Rubio, I attended your last Texas camp and I really felt improvement in myself and my high school coaches have noticed also and they have asked me to snap for them on varsity as a sophomore! Of course my response was YES, But all the thanks goes to you. Without your instruction I never could have gotten to where I am now. Thank you so much Rubio.” Long Snapper – TX – CA

“Thank you again for the professional instruction and positive motivation you gave my son today at your camp. You have given him motivation and instruction that you really can’t buy.” Parent – CA – 2012

“Thanks Rubio for all you have done for my son! My husband and I really appreciate it!! You truly are the best in the business!” Parent – GA – 2012

“Rubio: Another great camp in Charlotte this past weekend. Again we get so much out of every camp, my son always walks away a little better” Parent – CT – 2012

“Want to thank you so much for all you have done and continue to do, not only for my son and in his life but again for all of us! You are a true champ and a blessing to so many” Parent – GA – 2012

“This past weekend was our first camp with your company and let me say we had a level 10 on a scale of 1-10 based on overall experience. We have been fortunate enough to participate In a lot of camps throughout the country with several different organizations and yours was first class. The professionalism, amount of information, time you took with each kid, will definitely bring us back to future Rubio Camps.” Parent – TN – 2012

“Thanks for putting on such a great camp yesterday. Way to keep it fun and informative.” Parent – GA – 2012

“Rubio,  just wanted to tell you guys that your camp was great . The camp was well run and very informative from on field instruction to recruiting. My son had a blast. Again many thanks to you and your awesome staff for a great experience we will definitely be seeing you at your future camps” Parent – GA – 2012

“Just when I thought that the level of instruction couldn”t be any better after Vegas I realized just how wrong I was.  The camp in Charlotte exceeded all expectations of what a camp should be.  The instruction, critique, involvement of parents, life lessons, recruiting, competition, and above all fun are what every camp should strive to be.  You and Chris Sailer have something that every longsnapper and kicker should strive to attend.  My son is so excited to work on what he needs to to be great and become a top “12” longsnapper that he spent 6 1/2 hours in the car ride back home talking about what, where and how he was going to become better before the next camp, football season and the event in Vegas next year.  He is working on a plan on how he is going to get there.  This is not just him but the inspiration and motivation that we as parents strive to teach our children.  You have helped to reinforce and validate the life lessons that we are teaching our children.  THANK YOU   My wife and I cannot say enough about the change that we are seeing in our son since becoming involved in your camps.  You will see us again and as often as we can with our oldest and starting next year his little brother. THANK YOU” Parent – VA – 2012

“Rubio, thanks again for a great camp yesterday.  My son had a great time and we both learned a lot as with the last camp” Parent – GA – 2012

“Hey we really enjoyed the experience this past weekend in Charlotte and Georgia. My son learned a lot and I can already see the difference. Thanks to you and the guys that helped run a great camp. There was a lot of good information and it was very informative.” Parent – GA – 2012

“Rubio, thanks for another great camp in Georgia this past weekend! My son had a great time and continues to learn” Parent – MS – 2012

“Rubio, my son felt so good about himself after his first camp with you on Sunday in Roswell. He has been getting so much conflicting instruction on long snapping from all of his coaches, none of whom were long snappers themselves. He was getting frustrated and was doubting himself. Now that he knows the “right” way to do it, he knows that he can truly be successful from now on. He is already practicing his form every day, and is excited about his next Rubio camp in July. He can”t wait to show you how much he”s improved from his first camp. We can”t thank you enough for helping him feel comfortable and confident in himself” Parent – GA – 2012

“Rubio, Just a quick note to thank you for another great camp!  My wife and I were so happy to see my son compete on his own against the older boys and how happy he was in doing well.  He truly loves to long snap and it has been amazing to watch him get better. Looking forward to seeing you again in the summer!” Parent – GA – 2012

“I wanted to thank you for running a great day for the snappers. I enjoyed learning about it along with the boys.” Parent – IL – 2012

“Thanks for all of your help and support and encouragement.” Parent – TX – 2012

“Rubio, wanted to tell you that I am committing to the University of __________ and thank you for all of the instruction that is allowing me to play college football.” Long Snapper – CA – 2012

“I”m so thankful for these Rubio Long Snapping “brothers” and for the bond that these long snappers have with each other, and with Rubio.. They all seem to be very focused, determined, goal setters, and better yet goal achievers! Couldn”t ask for better company for your son to be in!” Parent – IN – 2012

“Coach Rubio, Thank you for the truly professional instruction at the Illinois camp. We were very impressed.” Parent – IL – 2012

“We really enjoyed your camp this past weekend and look forward to more!” Parent – IL – 2012

“Rubio, my son will be graduating in two weeks.  The four years really flew by. Thank you for all you did to make him a better snapper and a better man.  It is people like you that you meet along the way that help shape young men”s lives. Thank You!! Continue to do what you do best.” Parent – MI – 2012

“My son attended your camp at Montini this weekend and had a great experience.  Thanks for making him feel so welcome.  You run a great program and have a terrific niche” Parent – IL – 2012

“Thank you for offering your knowledge, enthusiasm, and support through your camps! You have helped us as parents understand” Parent – IL – 2012

“Thanks for teaching me the proper technique of longsnapping at the camp last Sunday. I learned a lot and had a great time.” Long Snapper – OH – 2012

“Thank you for giving my son a great experience. This was a terrific day. It was a very good learning experience.” Parent – IL – 2012

“I just wanted to say thank you again for everything; I learned so many new ways to improve from you” Long Snapper – KY – 2012

“My son loved today”s camp so much 4/15 at Montini HS in Chicago that he wants to come back in July. Thank you for making him feel so comfortable. He really learned alot.” Parent – IL – 2012

“Just wanted to take a minute and let you know your Spring Long Snapping Camp was the best camp I have every attended. Having two boys, I have been to a lot of camps over the last ten years and by far your camp excels over them all. The camp was well organized and well taught. I think it was great that you incorporated the parents in to your training and video session. Since your camp, my son has me filming his long snapping and watches his snapping over and over for form. It’s cool that you have given him something to be motivated about and excel.” Parent – IL – 2012

“My son only got to attend one of your camps but what he learned there helped him get this scholarship. His velocity and accuracy were much improved after he adapted to your techniques. I feel like if he had been able to attend another camp or two last summer that he might have gotten even more attention. I thought that you”d want to know that what he learned from you made a big difference.” Parent – KY – 2012

“Thanks for all your help and exposure!” Parent – IL – 2012

“Thank you very much for taking time out of your day to coach. It really helped me to improve, and I feel like I have greatly progressed in my ability. I look forward to attending your camps and continue to improve” Long Snapper – IL – 2012

“Thanks again for your positive influence – it is contagious.” Parent – TX – 2012

“Rubio, Thank you for all of the blogs you”ve posted on your website. I have been offered a walk on spot at _________ thanks to your blogs. I have not been to one of your camps, but you have helped me tremendously. Thank you” Long Snapper – 2012

“You guys have given my son the tools and confidence to never give up and for that I can”t thank you enough!!” Parent – FL – 2012

“You are a true professional” Parent – FL – 2012

“I didn”t get a chance to thank you personally for all that you do for these boys. It was an outstanding camp” Parent – TX – 2012

“I want to thank you again for getting my son into your Dallas camp this past weekend.  His eyes now light up when you talk to him about long snapping.  Thanks again, you are making a difference in my son’s life.” Parent – TX – 2012

“Another great camp, Bravo! One of the many things I love about the camps and the instruction is that they are consistent  and they always reinforce your basics. My son and I always learn something new to add to his work outs and he always walks out of the camps a little bit better then when he entered.” Parent – CT – 2012

“My son had a great experience today…we learned so much about his technique and how he needs to improve” Parent – TX – 2012

“Thanks for today with my son! He learned a lot today and so did I. He has been to several other snapping camps and this one by far was the best! He will be in Las Vegas and more. He is pumped and motivated. Thanks!!” Parent – AR – 2012
“Thank you for what you have done over the past three years. Your camps are something special to a whole lot of people.” Long Snapper – TX – 2012

“Rubio, I just want to personally thank you for all that you do for these kids, you are a true Hero to not only these kids but to us the parents as well.” Parent – CA – 2012

“The Instructional and Competition Camps that have helped refine my long snapping form, accuracy and speed have been the Chris Sailer Kicking/Chris Rubio Long Snapping Camps” D1 Long Snapper – AK – 2012

“I just wanted to let you know that I am going to continue my snapping career at __________ University next fall. I just want to thank you for the opportunity to work with you because you taught me a lot in just one day.” Long Snapper – IL – 2012

“I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to talk to my BUS 101 class yesterday.  They always get so much out of out and it is great to see them interested and engaged. You “wow” them every time.” Professor – ID – 2012

“Thank you very much! Couldn”t have been able to go to college without your help. Really appreciate everything you helped me with and all your hard work!” Long Snapper – CA – 201

“Your camps have a great impact on young men. I wish we had discovered you earlier.” Parent – TX – 2012

“we are very proud of what you have done in the world of Long Snapping!!  You have opened many doors for many young athletes…pioneering the way!  No one up till now has been able to do that!!” Parent – SC – 2012

“Chris, if my son hasn”t told you yet, he signed and sent the NLI this morning to _______. Thanks again for all you”ve done to coach him up and get him the visibility he would never have had coming out of Alaska.  Your college connections and your willingness to make calls on his behalf were essential to his recruitment.  He is truly a Rubio Long Snapping product and is very proud to be associated with you. You do an amazingly outstanding job with training the boys and the recruiting process” Parent – AK – 2012

“Thanks for everything you have done for my son over the past year.  I never knew there was such a Longsnapper sub-culture until we discovered Rubio.  What a great fraternity of boys who support each other even though they are all hoping for virtually the same position! Wish we had started earlier.” Parent – IL – 2012

“I can”t thank you enough for everything you”ve done for me Rubio. It was a dream to play college football and you helped me make that into a reality. My family is so grateful and we would recommend you to anybody, thank you so much. I just officially signed!” Long Snapper – MD – 2012

“I wanted to thank you for being such a Pro! Your camps are run so well. The information you provide makes it so easy as a parent. Most camps are run so poorly and attendees are left wondering what to do next. Thank you!  See you in the Spring!” Parent – GA – 2012

“I officially committed to __________! I couldn”t have done it without you. Thank you for everything that you”ve done for my family and I” 2012 Long Snapper

“I think what you do for long snappers is amazing. I was a long snapper (back in the day) and I only wish this type of coaching was available then!” Parent – IL – 2012

“Rubio, I wanted to thank you for the great camp you put on in Vegas this past weekend.  It was extremely organized and you had an EXCELLENT staff of long-snappers on hand.  The young men you chose to assist with your camp were all outstanding in character and worked really well with the kids. My husband and I were very impressed with all of them.  Also,  my son had a great time and learned a lot.  Your camps, watching the older snappers, and experiencing the final competition have all inspired him to work harder and make himself better.” Parent – KY – 2012

”I would like take a minute and congratulate you on a great weekend event. This was our first trip to the Vegas Event and we were impressed with the way it was ran. The college and pro guys that you had in place to help those young men were impressive on their own and that reflects greatly on you” Parent – GA – 2012

“I just wanted to say THANK YOU!  It was our first time at the Vegas camp and it was incredible.  We really appreciate all the time and effort you put in to helping these boys.  I was amazed at all the talent you brought in to help the boys with the drill work.  It was a great experience.  My son is already talking about wanting to come back in May.” Parent – IL – 2012

“It was a pleasure to meet you.  Great event, well run, and tremendous venue, UNLV!! My son was impressed with the competition, the coaches and the talent” Parent – TX – 2012

“Coach Rubio, i just like to thank you for having camps and competitions like you do. I had a absolute blast at Vegas and i hope to see you again soon! I learned a tremendous amount of knowledge and made many friends in Vegas. I always had a hard time in high school getting made fun of for being a long snapper but at this camp it was nice to find out there are so many snappers who love snapping just as much as i do. Snapping is my passion and each day God provides me with i take full advantage of it to snap a football. Thank you again for all you do in the world of snapping you are an inspiration to me and i am sure to the entire snapping community! Keep doing what you do! Have a blessed year and continue to create and mold great snappers for the future of football!” Long Snapper – MS – 2012

“I wanted to thank you for your continued mentorship of my sons. I said this in the note I sent you along with the check, but what you continue to do and mean for both of my sons is far more valuable to me, and I believe to them as well, than what you teach them about snapping a dead animal in between their legs. To me, your program and what you do for them in the long run of their lives has little, if anything, to do with getting them a scholarship or an opportunity to walk-on and play college football. That is a unique and often unachievable dream – even if you are a great long snapper – there is so much luck and other factors working against the achievement of that dream. The true value of you and your program is the unique ability and talent you have to be able to reach teenage boys through the vehicle of your long snapping teachings while teaching them how to become good men. It is a truly remarkable gift that you have that I have seen play out again and again for more than 4 years now for those parents and kids who are open to receiving what you are really offering to them. To me, that is your true value and is priceless in helping mentor my sons in how to become good men. Your long snapping skills and teachings on the field are the best, but what you teach my sons off the field is even better. I cannot ever thank you for that enough” Parent – CA – 2012

“I have to be selfish and just thank you so very much for ALL you do and have done for my son and thereby our family! Rick was so great at texting me from Vegas to let me feel that I was a part of it. Heard nothing from my son which was great because it meant he was either in camp or having the time of his life with some great friends that he has made because of your incredible program. I continue to be amazed by how you put together such an incredible experience for these athletes but also how you support, mentor, encourage and set such a great example for them by being a man of character and integrity. It”s so hard to believe that a little over a year ago, my son attended his first camp. Had he not tried out for the position in football (I thought a coach encouraged him but it was his idea) and then followed up with your camps, we wouldn”t have the interest he is enjoying from colleges right now. As I stress about it all, I find comfort in reading your wonderful blogs over and over again. My husband”s had to continue onto a business trip from Vegas and texted me how sad he was that this might be my son”s last Rubio camp and how much he has enjoyed them along with what it has done for their relationship. All of this would not be happening without you. We look forward to a continued relationship with you and are so grateful to have found you. Thank you!!” Parent – GA – 2012

“Rubio, I just wanted to make sure that I personally thanked you! I can”t tell you how much I appreciate the specific instruction that you have given me. Now when I look back at my old long snapping videos (Pre-Rubio) they are really just ridiculous and laughable” Long Snapper – IN – 2012

“Thank you the outstanding experience that you facilitated for the athletes in Las Vegas. It was an amazing thing to behold. You left my son with both a very positive taste in his mouth & a very clear picture of what he needs to be doing. Thank you again for all you have done.” Parent – CAN – 2012

“Rubio, I just wanted to send you an email to thank you for everything. The vegas camp was incredible. It was organized and executed very well, the set up was fantastic.” Long Snapper – GA – 2012

“Sending my son to your camp was the best present we gave him for the holidays.  You managed to do 2 things in 8 hours that his school coaches have not been able to do in 2 years.First, as the long snapper on his team, my son was never taught how to long snap.  He was put on the field to do a job without any coaching.  I guess they figured as long as he got the ball to the right person, it really didn’t matter how he did it.  After 1 day at camp with you, he now knows the right way to long snap and what he needs to do to improve. Second, and most important, you gave him confidence.  I truly believe that the lessons taught by coaches cross over into everyday life.  You opened my eyes to what a positive impact a truly good coach can have.  I only wish my son could have such a great coaching experience from every coach” Parent – CA – 2012

“I wanted to let you know how impressed we were with the Las Vegas camp.  My son was extremely happy to attend.  His comment was that he learned more at this camp than anywhere else.   Once again we Thank You for the excellent camp and look forward to the NC camp.” Parent – VA – 2012

I just wanted to thank you for a great weekend for my son. He has never been to a long snapping camp or competition.  He said he learned so much this past weekend. Thank you again and thank your staff for a very wellun program of professionals.” Parent – NV – 2012

“I was very impressed by the level of competition, organization and atmosphere that extended from check in through the finals. I am very happy we were able to attend” Parent – WI – 2012

“I wanted to let you know myself as well as my son were very impressed with yourself, your entire staff and the quality of the National Vegas Camp. He had a great experience and learned more in one of your camps than all of his other camps combined.” Parent – IL – 2012

“The 10th Annual Event weekend in Vegas was fabulous – so well organized and run with precision.  My sons had a great time learning and gaining valuable experience.  Thank you both so much for the way you run your business – very professional yet feels like a big family!” Parent – GA – 2012

“Thanks for another unforgettable weekend. I thought everything about the camp this weekend was fantastic. The coaches there were especially great. They really help me a lot and gave good advice about recruiting and college snapping in general.” Long Snapper – IL – 2012

“Thanks for a great weekend! This was my son”s first Rubio camp, but certainly not his last. I would also like to offer my highest compliments to the staff of instructors. Wow! They really took the guys under their wings and took a personal interest in seeing them improve. Very best regards and I look forward to seeing you again soon.” Parent – KS – 2012

“I wanted to take a minute and thank you again yesterday”s camp, it has completely changed my son”s outlook on what it takes to be a good longsnapper. Your camp is by far one of the best that he has attended in terms of knowledge and skills gained. Your ability to teach, the talented staff and organization of the camp are outstanding as well. It is as if you have created  a group of “Longsnapping Disciples,” and it is amazing to watch. In fact, he now considers himself one of those “Disciples.” We look forward to working with you in the future” Parent – CA – 2012

“It is on rare occasion that you meet someone in your life that makes such an incredible impression on your family. You, Rubio have exceeded in doing that. Keep up the incredible work that you do leading, teaching, mentoring and bringing such joy and laughter to so many young men and their families. Regardless of my son”s future as a long snapper, you have changed his life and we are so grateful to you for that!” Parent – GA – 2012

“What a great day. My son learned alot today and came away with much more confidence. Thanks for all you do.” Parent – CA – 2012

“Thanks for making my dreams come true. I honestly can”t imagine where I”d be without your help and guidance.” D1 Long Snapper after a Bowl Game – OK – 2012

“You have had a great impact on my son and for that and the kindness you shown for the past several years I will always be grateful. I say THANK YOU for your support.” Parent – LA – 2012

“Thanks for all the help with my scholarship. Couldn”t have done it without you!” Long Snapper – GA – 2012

“Chris just wanted to thank you for the opportunity that you have given to my son to play football at a division 1 level. It has been a great 5 years for our entire family.” Parent – CA – 2011

“My son committed to __________ University.He will be the starting Long snapper as a freshman. A great accomplishment for him. Would like to thank you again for all your help. Couldn”t have done it without you” Parent – OR – 2011

“Thank you so much!  We will never be able to repay you for what you’ve done for my son (& us).  Certain people you meet in life make such a positive impact.  You are one of those people!  I’m so glad we met.  You are such a fantastic influence on my son” Parent – IL – 2011

“thank you for the wonderful camp in Charlotte. My son was definitely inspired by working with you” Parent – NC – 2011

“let me say that the camp and instruction were invaluable and I wish we would have attended one of your camps before now.” Parent – GA – 2011

“Rubio, Thank you for an outstanding camp in NC. My son thoroughly enjoyed all the instruction he received along with getting to meet and talk with the other long snappers along with the competition. He also enjoyed the personal conversation and instruction he received from you. He is working on his form daily. I can honestly say that my son learned more on his form and the details of long snapping in one day that he had learned in the four years since he started long snapping. Thanks again for all you do and for the opportunity in Vegas and they don’t call you the long snapping guru for nothing!!!” Parent – NC – 2011

“Great to meet you and your staff—I can’t tell you how impressed we were with how the camp was ran.  My son learned so much and was completely blown away with how much you were able to help his snapping.  We talked about it the entire rest of the weekend.  I also enjoyed talking with the other parents. This was our first camp of this kind and my son had never received any formal training when it came to long snapping.  We look forward to following you through the various social media outlets.  Just wanted to thank you again for an awesome experience that I know could pay off for my son in his future.” Parent – NC – 2011

“I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your time this past Saturday in Charlotte.  I have been to other camps in the past but learned far more from you in that one day then from the other camps.” Long Snapper – NC – 2011

“Thanks for running a firstate camp in NC.  My son really enjoyed the experience and will definitely be back for more, beyond Vegas” Parent – OH – 2011

“After long snapping for four years now it was great for him to for the first time actually get some instruction on this vital skill. He enjoyed the day and looks forward to working on his technique.” Parent – NC – 2011

“Rubio –  I’m sure you get a ton of these e-mails, but thought I’d let you know that my son, just began long snapping this past year. Long snapping was always something his brother did until this year.  After attending your camp Saturday in NC, that has now changed, as he is excited, motivated, and looking forward to working at it to be the best he can be.  Thanks, for your instruction, motivation, and work with my son and all the other kids.” Parent – VA – 2011

“It never ceases to amaze me whether you have 20 kids or more, you run your camp so professional, on time, structured, amazing instruction, and full for fun for the guys!  There has never been a time where we haven”t recommended your camp to anyone who has shown any interest.  Thanks for doing such a great job with these young men.” Parent – SC – 2011

“Thanks for a outstanding day in Charlotte. My son came back re-energized by the experience.” Parent – SC – 2011

“This weekend was tremendous watching Rubio Long Snappers on TV, every game we turned to seemed to have one of your guy”s making great snaps. Thanks for all you do for these guy”s” Parent – WI – 2011

“Thank you so much for all that you have done for the LongSnapping position and the thousand of lives that you have changed. You have made DREAMS come true for many young men.” Parent – GA – 2011

“Hi Rubio, I just wanted to send you a note to say Thank You!  The long snapping camp you led in October was great.  It really was unlike any other camp that we had attended before.   I really appreciated the extra time and effort you spent in explaining the key drills and techniques to the parents. I”m attaching a picture I think you might like of how he”s been able to really improve his follow through. Thank you for your awesome instruction, your motivational blogs, and your dedication to long snapping. We are really glad that we met you and are looking forward to the upcoming camp in Las Vegas” Parent – IL – 2011

“Love your personality and coaching style” Parent – CA – 2011

“I am either crying from laughter or from just the sake of crying in your blogs….thank you Rubio, for EVERYTHING you have done/continue to do…for everyone of your “boys” Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family..and to the entire Rubio Snapping families! God Bless! You have touched each of our lives in such a huge way!” Parent – IL – 2011

“I always look forward to your blogs. I hope you realize you have something very special with what and how you and Sailer approach this business.  There are so many coaches/camps out there that are just about churning numbers but you both really care and you attract people with the same commitment.  What a great environment for the boys to grow.” Parent – GA – 2011

“Great blog once again rubio! And im thankful for you Rubio. Without you i would be operating a forklift in the booneys of north Texas!” Long Snapper – TX/ID – 2011

“Our son is new to this long snapping business, but my wife and I have been amazed by the sense of family that we feel from all the families we have met so far and especially Rubio himself. He teaches, inspires and makes the boys laugh…. Great stuff. We are thankful to be involved.” Parent – CA – 2011

“Thanks for your continued communication and motivational messaging. You are awesome and we really are thankful that we found you!” Parent – GA – 2011

“Chris Rubio was a teacher in his previous life and knows how to motivate the boys to believe in themselves. The kids come away not only being great long snappers, but ready to take on whatever life has to offer them with confidence and humor.” Parent – CA – 2011

“We know your camps will give him great instruction as well as exposure!  I wish we had known about them before this past summer!” Parent – OH – 2011

“Thanks for being such an AWESOME teacher! I heard you mention during one of the film sessions yesterday that you used to be a teacher and that just confirmed my suspicions.  One of my very first thoughts when I was listening to you speak at the LSU camp was “This guy REALLY knows how to break it down” not just for the player, but for the parent also.  I LOVE that you teach the parents how to help our Long Snappers get better at home! Seriously, from one educator to another, you have a gift….and I’m so glad my Long Snapper is learning from the BEST.” Parent – TX – 2011

“Rubio: Just thinking ..started with you my freshman year about this time. What a ride. Thanks for everything you have done for me. Hard to believe its been around 30 camps and every one was great. You know I”m proud to be a Rubio Snapper and represent that training every time I play. Know there is still more to come , but wanted to make sure you know how much I appreciate everything you have done.” Long Snapper – SC – 2011

“The camp was great and well worth the money … and the 8 hour drive to Dallas.  I only wish that we had found you in my son”s junior year, rather than his senior year. Thanks for a wonderful experience!” Parent – LA – 2011

“Yesterday was the BEST day ever. It was a gorgeous fall day, the leaves were turning colors and we were on campus at ________. It was a big day for the recruits. They were all there from all over the country. As we paraded behind the team through the campus, then walked through THE TUNNEL onto the field to watch practice, I stood on the field & thought to myself, none of this would be possible without you, Rubio. THANK YOU!! My son”s life will forever be changed by what he is about to experience at ______. Through you teaching him Long Snapping, he is about to take the journey of a lifetime!! We can”t thank you enough!” Parent – IL – 2011

“Rubio….you are simply the best….not only at long snapping….but, also at leveraging social media. I embrace” Parent – TX – 2011

“I want to say I thoroughly enjoyed attending your camp with my son as well as the blogs and tweets. I also want to commend you on the interest you take in these kids. Yes, this is how you make a living but you go way above and beyond for these kids…THANK YOU” Parent – KY – 2011

“Chris Rubio is a true professional. Thank you for your instruction and guidance today thank you for your help. See u soon” Long Snapper – CA – 2011

“Congratulations on the award honors. You have done GREAT things for these unknown heros of the game.” Parent – ID – 2011

“GREAT blog, best ever to me” Parent – CA – 2011

“My son really enjoyed the camp–says he learned so much” Parent – FL – 2011

“I consider you to be the most knowledgeable and caring coach that my son has worked with through his Long Snapping career and at this point ever will. We have always enjoyed your insight, humor and guidance both on the field and in the classroom at the Camps my son and I attended of yours.” Parent – KS – 2011

“Congrats on the award you have done more for getting the position exposed than anyone ever. Well deserved I hope everyone really understands the impact you have made. It has been monumental. Sorry to ramble. In the 4 years we have been involved the quality of the position has multiplied. Your program has everything to do with it. Really think where would the position be without you promoting it? Would it be listed on NO! Would all these scholarships be happening NO!MONUMENTAL! You made and make a big impact.” Parent – AZ – 2011

“Saw the exciting news about the Rubio Award.  Congratulations!  This will go a long way towards increasing the visibility of deserving athletes.” Parent – NJ – 2011

“You”re a great mentor for these boys.” Parent – CA – 2011

“My son and I had a great time at your camp. I was very impressed and loved how you included the parents. My son came home so excited and motivated about long snapping. I have never seen him so excited about something. It was a great experience for him. He already told me he wants to be at every camp you have in the area from now on. This was truly a positive experience for him and me” Parent – CA – 2011

“Thanks Rubio, couldn”t have done it without your help! I appreciate it so much, you”ve made me the snapper I am today! I can”t thank you enough!” Long Snapper – OH – 2011

“I wanted to give you some feedback on what I thought of the camp Sunday. I have been to many “camps” over the years, both for myself and for my son”s.  Your camp was, by far, the best camp I have ever attended!  Being a first timers to your program, both my son and I, wanted to keep an open mind of what to expect.  We are both very happy to tell you that every expectation we had was exceeded! You have a great program and I am very happy that my son is able to be a part of it starting his Freshman year.  With his hard work and you guidance he might just make that Top 12 group one day. Again, thanks for all you do and we”ll see you in Vegas” Parent – CA – 2011

“Thanks again for another great Fall Camp Chris! The chance to learn and gain knowledge, get the experience, and take the steps needed to follow through to the next level in such a positive environment is truly rejuvenating Rubio! He continues to work hard to perfect his form, build his body and mind, has a great attitude and love for the game, loves you and the proven techniques you”ve developed and applied in that “RUBIO SWAG” like no other in such a positive way it boarders “true religion” that we both adore and respect in a twisted way” Parent – CA – 2011

“Read through some blogs. Love them! They are informative, real and personable.” Parent – CA – 2011

“I also want to thank you for all you do. We are proud to be a part of Rubio Long Snapping. Not a day goes by without one or all of us talking about one of your blogs or tweets. You will always be a part of our family.” Parent – GA – 2011

“Just want to say congratulations to YOU for putting so many great snappers out into the world but more importantly for being such a great role model. I”m sure they are better human beings from this experience” Parent – CA – 2011

“Rubio, I appreciate everything you have done to help me with my snapping career. Besides snapping you have molded me to become an overall better human being. You have made such an impact on me. Everything that you have taught me in the past 2 years will stick with me for the rest of my life” Long Snapper – CA – 2011

“Rubio Long Snapping camp is already paying off.  My son easily beat out three others for the long snapping job.” Parent – NJ – 2011

“I can”t thank you enough for preparing me for Saturday. I have full confidence in myself now more than ever. Couldn”t have done it without you” Long Snapper – WA – 2011

“Wow, did my son”s college career fly by! Healthy and doing all the snaps for the home opener Thursday night.  Thanks for helping him get this far.  Couldn”t have done it without your help.” Parent – MI – 2011

“Fantastic blog!!! Gave me goosebumps!!” Long Snapper – IL – 2011

“GREAT Blog, one of your best!!!!!” Long Snapper – 2011- IL

“Excellent blog! My heart started beating, brought tears to my eyes!” Parent – CA – 2011

“Seriously Rubio, this is my favorite blog. Well done. I could feel it way down deep. Every snapper needs to read and embrace.” Parent – CA – 2011

Fantastic read!!! As always well done.” Parent – GA – 2011

“Just wanted to thank you for working with my son the other day. His consistency has improved dramatically over the the past few weeks. His snaps are looking simply beautiful. He is snapping with a lot of confidence at this point. Something that is very important heading into the football season. Thank you” Parent – OR – 2011

“Great influence— You are touching the future. This advice is applicable for more than long snappers brother. Not even football but other sports too. Life Lessons. SUPER well Done” Parent – CA – 2011

“just listened to the “what you do” podcast. Real good stuff, not only for LS for any athlete.” OK – 2011

“Thanks for all the training and confidence you have instilled in him this off season. I proudly put the Rubio sticker on the truck this morning and am ready to go.” Parent – VA – 2011

“My family and I can”t even begin to thank you enough for all that you have done for my son and our family this past year a half. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Parent – CA – 2011

“Your blog does wonders for the kids” Parent – CA – 2011

“Thanks for encouraging my son. He thinks the world of you” Parent – TX – 2011

“Hi Coach Rubio, Just wanted to let you know that our son found out today that he will be the starting LS for the ________ this season.
I wanted to sincerely thank you for all of your help!  God bless you and your beautiful family always!” Parent – CA – 2011

“Our boy _____ is going to be the starting Long Snapper at the University of _______. I thought of you because i don”t think he”d be there, matter of fact I know he wouldn”t be there, if it wasn”t for you and all the amazing coaching, on and off the field, you have done for that kid. I just want to tell you how grateful we are and how excited and proud we are. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Parent – FL – 2011

“We can”t thank you enough for your instruction and encouragement!” Parent – AR – 2011

“I really wanted to give you a HUGE thank you. Without football this place (his college) would not have been as easy to get into, and honestly I don”t think I would have even considered coming here. But due to the exposure from your camps and all the excellent coaching you gave it was made possible. I truly believe everything happens for a reason, and I know that I am meant to be here, football or not. Also, I not only want to thank you for teaching me everything there is to know about long snapping and making me much better, but for the mentoring outside of football you gave me and all your other students. Your optimism and great outlook on life helped me EMBRACE everything I used to dislike. I believe I will become a better man for knowing you and taking the lessons you taught and using them in my life” Long Snapper – IL – 2011

“When my son first met you, I knew immediately that you were different from any other coach (sorry) he’s ever encountered.  Well, since then it’s been quite a ride for my son. He escalated so fast (athletically & mentally) & made so many wonderful relationships that will last his whole life.  All through Rubio Long Snapping. You, the 2012 guys, Sailer, the college guys in Vegas.  For my son, meeting them, well, I just can’t tell you what that in itself, has done for my son. As a parent, I have always told him to hang out with the winners.  You are a winner. You not only taught him how to Long Snap, got him a full ride to the college he thought he never could go to, but most importantly have been teaching him life lessons all along the way.  There are certain people you meet that REALLY make a difference in your life & you most definitely are one of those people.  I have seen such a change in him this last 1 ½ yrs, that is priceless.  He’s always been a happy kid, but add this happiness & a boat load of confidence & even to him &, well, it’s just more than a parent could ever ask for in their child! And as for me, I got to watch all this & was lucky enough to be a part of all this. Through all this traveling & practicing, our relationship has gotten much stronger.  I think, better than his scholarship that you got him, the best part for me is this relationship with my son.  We can (pretty much) talk about anything, which is what is so important to me.  To communicate with your kids, I think is key.  We always had a great relationship, but we are closer now than ever!  We laugh so hard about things & these things are usually things that you have said or done. THANK YOU for giving my son such wonderful direction in such a crucial time in a teens life” Parent – IL – 2011

“It just gets under my skin that Long Snappers are so under-appreciated!!!  Thank you for how much YOU are changing that view!!!!” Parent – TX – 2011

“You keep up the great work and continue to mentor and inspire the future generation of snappers, and more importantly, the next generation of great young men. You do a fantastic job!” Parent – IL – 2011

“I remember our first phone conversation about 2-1/2 years ago.  I had talked with several other snapping coaches around the country in my attempt to find the right guy for my son.  I found you on the web, and you were the last one I spoke to.  I remember getting off the phone and telling my son later that day that I had found our man.  Shortly after that, we were on the ground with you on the other side of the country at the park for a private lesson.  My son was jacked at his marked improvement by the next afternoon.  He showed up in California already believing in himself, but I know that from that weekend he was truly inspired and determined that he could/would make it to D-1 football. Thanks for what you taught him about snapping.  But equally if not more importantly, thank you for who you are…for challenging, taunting, and loving these boys to believe in themselves and rise to their God-given potential…especially my son!  I absolutely love your joyful, fun-loving sense of humor, and your love for the boys that are placed into your care.  For these reasons, I have got to be among your greatest of admirers! I hope that you live out half of these qualities with your wife and sons, and in so doing you will be a blessing to many of your generations after you. Blessings to you Chris!” Parent – GA – 2011

“Thank you so much for your continued support and mentoring.  We all appreciate you so much.” Parent – TX – 2011

“I start camp tomarrow at __________, and just wanted to thank you for everything, you have made me the long snapper i am today.” Long Snapper – CA – 2011

“The camp I attended in Dallas was the most beneficial snapping camp I have ever experienced. I really enjoy long snapping and instruction from you.” Long Snapper – NM – 2011

“Thanks so much for the awesome job you do with these young men.  The education you offer on long snapping is phenomenal and unrivaled but the life lessons you weave in with your blogs and talks will be remembered when their hair is gray” Parent – GA – 2011

“Rubio, I”ve found that your name is mentioned on a daily basis in our home and just wanted to share with you how grateful we are to have found you.  Although we have never met (I have to stay home with our daughter and horses), I am so impressed with your approach, motivation and dedication to these young men.  I find that you are that mentor I have been hoping my son would find in his life.  Thank you not only for putting these incredible camps together for these young men but for giving it your all in more ways than one:  your time, individual attention, motivation, inspiration, website, youtube videos, rankings, etc. are changing lives!  Please express my gratitude to your wife and children as well for I know they make many sacrifices so that you can be there for our children.  Personally I love your sense of humor, blogs and tweets.  Thank you for the time and dedication you give to us all!” Parent – GA – 2011

“Thank you so much for your continued support and mentoring.  We all appreciate you so much” Parent – TX – 2011

“Thank you for being such an influential part of my life and getting me to and providing me the ooportunities that I have at my college, and meeting great guys all over the country. Thanks a ton Rubio, you are a good man” Long Snapper – IL – 2011

“some may ask how i got through basic… some may say it was through hard work and dedication. others ask how i dealt with the pressure. its all because of the essential skills learned from Chris Rubio Long Snapping” Long Snapper – CO – 2011

“Tomorrow I report to camp. Thank you for all your help in finding a new school. YOU ARE THE BEST!” Long Snapper – IL – 2011

“My scholarship is all because of you” Long Snapper – NC – 2011

“Great recruit class once again…keep it up. You are influencing so many lives it”s got to be majorly overwhelming.” Parent – IL – 2011

“Rubio, just wanted to say thank you for all that you have done for my son. You have helped my son grow in so many ways; has a better sense of direction, goals, confidence and college football in his future.  He has made new friends from all over and I truly believe, some of which are going to be life long connections. I know long snapping is your livelihood and it is business yet, as I watch you run your clinics, I see a person who really cares.  Despite the fact you have done 500+ clinics- your presentation is still fresh. Your enthusiasm is so contagious and inspirational to all. Hope you never lose the pixie dust! You are a straight shooter, wonderful coach, role model, and not a bad snapper yourself…. and just a good person. I have had the pleasure of getting to know some of your “rubio regulars”–  all have the greatest respect for you. You are doing something right!  More importantly, your influence/training goes well beyond long snapping and helps young boys prepare for the many trials of life. I know we have many Rubio years ahead  just wanted to say thank you!  It has been a great summer because we found Rubio!” Parent – MD – 2011

“Great camp today Rubio. We will definitely be back! I highly recommend this camp to anyone. Rubio is such a great communicator!” Parent – TX – 2011

“My son and I attended our first Rubio camp 7-15 in Ga., and were simply impressed with many things we saw compared to other camps we have been to. Your interaction with the kids and your passion for the skill to name a couple.” Parent – GA – 2011

“Great camp.. This was our 1st Rubio camp…had fun! My son really leaned a lot! Highly recommend…Thank You”  Parent -TX – 2011

” I think we told you this already, but just in case we didn”t, a non-Rubio snapper parents told us, “We hate to see Rubio Snappers at a camp when we go because we have never seen a bad Rubio Snapper.  They are all so good.” Thought you would enjoy this!” Parent – SC – 2011

“Rubio, Thanks for the great camp in GA this week!  My son really likes it and loves you!  He was so excited and seeing all the older boys puts a smile on his face.  He hasn”t taken off the shirt since Friday!” Parent – GA – 2011

“Another great camp” Parent – TX – 2011

“One of these days I hope to repay you for ll you”ve done for my boy” Parent – CA – 2011

“Rubio – many thanks – This was my son”s second camp and I know he gained a great deal of confidence. Only wish we had found you earlier. But will not make the same mistake with my younger son.  Look forward to Vegas.” Parent – NC – 2011

“Thank you for all of your help at the GA camp.  I learned a lot and had a lot of fun” Long Snapper – GA – 2011

“I just wanted to say thanks for all that you taught me and my son today.  Your camp was very informative and everything I learned will help me work with my son.” Parent – IL – 2011

“just want to thank you for the time and instruction you”ve put into my son and all the boys with great twitter messages, blogs and all you do” Parent – AK – 2011

“I was almost in tears! This blog is absolutely phenomenal!!!! You covered things that you can”t Google for answers” Parent – IL – 2011

“I report Wednesday to start at my college. I just want to thank you for everything, without your advice and instruction I wouldn”t be in the incredible situation I am in” Long Snapper – TX – 2011

“As I”ve said to you before, it isn”t only the snapping skills that you give these boys, it”s life skills.” Parent – CA – 2011

“Thanks for the fantastic camp. Literally 1000x better than another camp I have been to. I can”t explain how great of an experience it was meeting and getting to know all those other snappers.Once again, thank you for an experience of a lifetime” Long Snapper – IL – 2011

“From a first time parents perspective, I really appreciated how you kept us informed about what was going on and explained the drills to us.  The film review/critique was very helpful” Parent – NJ – 2011

“Having a camp sold out is a true statement to how far your program has come since my older son came through your program. I remember you having 4-6 snappers at camps back then and now your sold out 3-4 weeks before the camp starts.  Positive feedback of a job well done.  You’ve done a great job not just teaching the fundamentals of snapping but promoting snapping as the specialty position it should be…” Parent – GA – 2011

“Thanks for all the help. I really appreciate it. I couldn”t have done it without your help.” Long Snapper – IL – 2011

“I was at the Alabama camp and i have learned more from that one camp then i have in my life” Long Snapper – TN – 2011

“”Coach” Rubio (I will explain later): I want to first of all express appreciation and gratitude for what I (actually – my son) experienced during our brief day together at the Oregon camp……We were exposed to so much and left with so many takeaways that I can”t believe it was all accomplished in a single day….. We have an entirely new view and knowledge base for what it really means to be a successful longsnapper…..
As for the greeting at the beginning of this email….. at the camp, you told the players and parents to call you “Rubio”  rather than coach or Chris – in watching you work and play with the boys — and how you are able to convey so much meaningful data in so little time and have it stick shows a skill and passion that only the best coaches and teachers possess – many can go through the motions and “coach a position” – you bring a love and awareness and energy that draws the players in – at all ages – a rare gift….. Thank you for that…….You will see us again.” Parent – OR – 2011

“My son will be attending ______ as a preferred walk on simply because he attended your Vegas competition and you recommended hm.
After a disappointing football season his senior year, we were looking for a LS camp that my son could attend. I came across several online but yours stood out especially seeing how many of your LS’s were going on to play at college level. We decided to attend the competition in Jan. 2011 and it was the best decision we ever made and best money we ever spent. Although my son only attended this one camp, you and your program have had a huge impact on his football future. Being a LS for a team with a losing record didn’t exactly bring him much recognition. He had always wanted to go to college and play ball but realized that was probably not going to happen. Now this is where you come in, by simply recommending him, my son will be attending __________! Your recognition, expertise and respect from college coaches are valid and true. Everything you say and preach on your website is accurate. I can attest to it. I truly believe my son would not have been a preferred walk on at _______ if it were not for you and your program. A heartfelt thank you to you for the opportunities you give LS’s and for your passion in what you do. It is evident you love this and were meant to do it. Keep up the great work!” Parent – VA – 2011

“By the way, since the camp we went to last time in Chicago, and since he has been to other snapping camps, your camp is by far the most educational for snappers. As a parent, I have always tried to not stay at practices and camps because of all the politics in schools that are played. But the way you encouraged parents to stay and the way you trained parents on how to work with our kids was one of the most beneficial things I have ever been a part of. Your camp (and the book we bought from you) has really allowed me to have confidence in training with him.  So since your camp and your encouragement for parents to be part of the training process, I decided to stay and watch at some other camps he”s attended in Michigan and I cannot believe how much your camp really does blow anything else out of the water. So I just want to thank you for that.” Parent – MI – 2011

“My son attended the U of A and TN camps this past weekend that you directed. He learned so much in that short time and appreciated the extra tips you gave him at the end of day two. He feels like he learned more the past two days than he has since he started snapping.” Parent – TN – 2011

“My son and I have learned more in just two camps with you than we did in three years of others camps.” Parent – GA – 2011

“Just saw my son for the first time after his lesson with you. All I can say is “WOW” You did such a great job with him. He looks smooth, consistent, relaxed and fast. You did an amazing job with him!!! Thank you” Parent – SC – 2011

“This is a great perspective; for an athlete, a parent or even a coach” Parent – Canada – 2011 Referencing THIS blog.

“Thank you for working with my son and being a part of him achieving his dream” Parent – CA – 2011

“Congrats on the good news about all your snappers— I so wished that I knew about you 4 years ago!” Parent – MD – 2011

“As usual.  Awesome blog.  And, as usual, can be applied to so much more than long snapping/sports.” Parent – Canada – 2011

“I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for my son. All of the offers he has received are because of you. I can”t tell you how much my family appreciates you and all that you have done for us” Parent – GA – 2011

“I just want to let you know that I appreciate the opportunity to attend the 9th Annual Snapping Event. It  was a honor to be in attendance with so many great long snappers. You and your staff always put on a professional first class event. I am a better snapper and person for it, Thank you. Hope to see you again soon.” Long Snapper – LA – 2011

“My son really enjoyed the instruction and competition in Vegas.  The instructors were first class and provided great feedback. We are both looking forward to the next event. Thank you and all the instructors for a great experience.” Parent – OK – 2011

“Just wanted to say thanks.The National camp in Vegas was outstanding.You and Chris S  are outstanding teachers and create a very positive and up beat atmosphere for everyone.The staff members were first class as well. My son has improved so much in a short amount of time. Thanks again for all your hard work.” Parent – OR – 2011

“I just wanted to drop a line to thank you and your staff for a great experience. My son learned a lot this weekend. Again thank you for your time, instruction and ability to put on such a great event” Parent – AZ – 2011

“Thank you for a great Vegas! I can’t thank you enough for all you do for my kids and all the kids” Parent – CA – 2011

“Your blog was not a good one, but a GREAT one. Every parent of an athlete needs to read it. Great job” Pro Athlete – 2011

“Just wanted to say “Thank You” for what you do and how you do it.” Parent – CA – 2011

“Chris, wanted to say I thought the camp was great this weekend.   This was our first time there.  We found the event to be extremely well-organized, to the point, and that the instruction time on Saturday and competition time on Sunday were as advertised.  We look forward to returning in January.” Parent – CO – 2011

“My son has committed to be the starting long snapper for _____________. Thank you for all your encouragement and assistance” Parent – NV – 2011

“Had a wonderful time and great experience at the camp this weekend in Vegas. Thanks!” Parent – CA – 2011

“Wow what a weekend! We are still in shock! Thanks for all you do and caring so much for all these boys!  We are very fortunate to have found you Rubio!” Parent – CA – 2011

“Thank you for all that you do for my son” Parent – IL – 2011

“Great job at camp – my son learned a lot and had a great experience.” Parent – CA – 2011

“Hey Rubio, Vegas was awesome, the competition, coaches, and friendship was amazing! I had the time of my life there, and I want to thank you for giving the opportunity for it. I”ve came a long way thanks to you and I sincerely am grateful for you. Thanks again for the awesome experience” Long Snapper – TX – 2011

“Great camp in Vegas! Many thanks as always….you are the best!” Parent – CA – 2011

“Thank you so much Rubio. You already know this, but all my success is what you turned me into. Thank you sir” Long Snapper – CA – 2011

“Rubio, Thank you again for a phenomenal Vegas once again!!! Had an amazing time and look forward to seeing you again very soon!!” Long Snapper – IL – 2011

“Thanks for a great camp in Vegas. Each one gets better” Parent – IL – 2011

“Coach Rubio, just wanted to say I had fun at the Vegas Camp. You have helped me a lot with my technique and spiral.” Long Snapper – IL – 2011

“Rubio, Just wanted to let you know how pleased we are with you and your camp. Great value, priceless instruction and excellent customer service! I believe my son has great potential and thanks to you, he is starting to see it for himself.” Parent – GA – 2011

“Dear Rubio, Thank you so much for all the help you have given me during the past two years. Working with you has been such a positive impact on my and on my recruiting process. In my college essay, I talked about the way football is shaping the man I am to become. You are such a big part of that. I look forward to the next four years. I promise that you will never hear that I didn”t give my best effort. I will make you proud!” Long Snapper – TN – 2011

“We know that this would never have been possible without the help and instruction you have given to my son over the years.. so THANK YOU RUBIO!!” Parent – CA – 2011

“Rubio, You have know idea how he looks up to you and how you have positively influenced my son in the short time he has know you. Thanks for you support and I will keep you posted on he progress. Thanks again for what you do for the young men.” Parent – GA – 2011

“You do far more than instruct. Thank YOU very much. You never cease to come up with more ways to inspire” Parent – CA – 2011

“Thank you and Sailer for being such positive mentors to the boys and my son. Not enough men like you out there” Parent – GA – 2011

“My son really enjoyed your camp this past Saturday.  He already has aspirations of winning the snapping competition at your next camp here in Charlotte! Thanks again for a great day!” Parent – SC – 2011

“My son loved your camp and I can”t believe how much it has benefited him. :). I am thoroughly enjoying your blogs…especially on “coach” and “parent involvement” and of course the guy in the airport” Parent – GA – 2011

“Mr. Rubio, Thanks for working with my son at your camp yesterday. You all had some excellent information that will help him with his training going forward. The couple of hours spent reviewing the film and recruiting information is very impressive. I was pleased with your camp and I am sure he will be attending more of your camps in the future.” Parent – TN – 2011

“Rubio, Thanks for all of your hard work on Sunday. My son enjoyed meeting you and felt that he learned a lot during the camp” Parent – GA – 2011

“Hey Rubio, Just a quick note to Thank you for an outstanding camp. The instruction you provide is second to none.  Even though we have been to many camps, my son continues to learn something new each time.  He is so fired up after this camp because for the first time in over a year, he left there without a limp and his knee cap is still visible..haha.  Thank you for being sensitive to his individual need.  My son will continue to work on the drills you advised him on and he will be ready for Vegas!!    Thank you again for providing the “best long snapping instruction” there is.” Parent – SC – 2011

“Chris – I enjoyed meeting you yesterday in Atlanta.  My son learned a lot and is extremely  motivated to work hard to get better.” Parent – GA – 2011

“Got a lot of good information out of your camp today! Thanks for everything, and I look forward to seeing you at a future event.” Long Snapper – GA – 2011

“Rubio, You and your people where dead on.  Everything that was told to me at your clinics was RIGHT on.  You can use this letter as a testimonial or have any perspective client of yours contact me at anytime, I am that big of a believer in you. Today, my son received an e-mail from ______________ Special Teams coach requesting my son”s services at their school.  It happened just as you told everyone at your last clinic in LA. They heard about my son from you.  What a great reputation you have.  This was a personal e-mail from the coach and not just a form letter. The HUGE fact is that Matt”s name is out there, mainly because of you. We can not thank you enough.  I know you are a busy man and I am not the type to bother people, but I felt the need to pass this on to you.   Everything that was told to me in the classroom or that I read on your web-site has come to fruition.  My only regret is that we had not heard of you earlier in my son”s career. Once again Rubio, you are a man of your word and your word is solid.  Like I said, we have not committed to anything and we have not even contacted the coach, but just the fact that this program reached out to us, and my son”s name is out there on people radar, because of your reputation, is as they say “Priceless” to my son and myself.  Just to see the look on his face when he was reading the coaches e-mail was unforgettable.  Sorry for the long correspondence but I just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your services and efforts” Parent – CA – 2011

“There should be a way to make this required reading for anyone that has a child who is being recruited for any position…in any sport!” Parent – Canada – 2011

“The snappers I have had contact with that have attended your camps speak very highly of your instruction. Keep up the good work” D1 Special Teams Coach

“Your camp and personal instruction is top notch for these young impressionable gunners!  I as a Father appreciate your positive influence for us all! College is coming fast and you have a proven system” Parent – CA – 2011

“Thanks for the motivational message for our young people” Teacher – ID – 2011

“Rubio, just wanted to let you know that after battling through injuries and going in and out of starting positions, I have earned my scholarship. I couldn”t have done it without you. Thank you” Long Snapper – MI – 2011

“Thank you for all of your help and coaching this past year. I could not be where I am now without you.  Thank you for all the help.” D1 Long Snapper – FL – 2011

“Rubio- I wanted to let you know that I received a preferred walk-on offer from the University of ________ about 6 weeks ago and committed on the spot. Thank you for your help with my development.” Long Snapper – VA – 2011

“My son loves your camp (as you are the best) and is hoping to see you at Bama in June” Parent – TX – 2011

“Thanks for being such an inspiration to my son” Parent – ID – 2011

“Thank you Rubio, I appreciate you so much for getting me this far” D1 Long Snapper – IL – 2011

“Dear Mr. Rubio, I wanted to email you to thank you for all that you have helped me with. The new snapping form has extremely helped my speed and overall snapping performance! I am doing my drills everynight. I feel like I am improving tremendusly. Thank you for that!” Long Snapper – ID – 2011

“I really enjoy following you on Twitter and your blogs – great info you give us……thanks!” Parent – GA – 2011

“I can’t wait until Vegas!  I have so much fun when we go.  I have met life – long friends there & I’m the parent!!” Parent – IL – 2011

“Hey Rubio I wanted to let you know that I will be going to _________ University next year.. I can”t thank you enough for all of the advice and coaching you gave me over the past years. I am really excited for the next four years of college.” Long Snapper – CA – 2011

“Thank you for all you’ve taught my son.  You’ve given him a drive that is just so much fun to watch & he has benefited incredibly from this.  I am so glad we met you.  You are an incredible person & teacher!  THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING.” Parent – IL – 2011

“I wanted to send you a thank you for your camp.  My son went to one in Illinois, in the fall of 2009 and then went to Vegas in January of 2010 and placed 3rd there.  From that Vegas trip we learned about the NCSA Sports and enrolled my son and he had many opportunities open up to him. He has been invited to play for the University of __________ as their Long Snapper and will most likely be starting his freshman year as their full time long snapper.  He also had other colleges offer him this opportunity. I again want to thank you for your camp and all the opportunities that it opened for my son.” Parent – IN – 2011

“Rubio, I have committed to ________________ University as a long snapper. I want to thank you for the instruction you gave me in your camp. I learned more in your camp in a day than I had learned in my entire long snapping career” Long Snapper – NC – 2011

“The camp was great. I”ve been using those drills and my snap is a lot more consistent” Long Snapper – IL – 2011

“I read all your blogs and they are great!!!! You are doing an exellent job! Thanks for all the great info. :)” Parent – CA – 2011

“You are the most incredible mentor I have EVER encountered … please keep doing what you are doing because you sincerely enhance and empower lives with the gifts that you”ve been given” Parent – CA – 2011

“I love this Rubio thank you for sharing it with me. Very inspirational” Long Snapper – AZ – 2011

“Thanks Rubio for the blog. My son hears that kind of stuff from me all the time, but you know how kids listen to their parents. NOT. But coming from you (cause he really looks up to you) will be just what he needs. Again, thanks for all you do, not just on the field training, but all the real life training you do for my boy” Parent – CA – 2011

“Just read your last blog. Got me so pumped up I did another set of drills. Very inspirational” Long Snapper – IL – 2011

“Thanks so much for all your tremendous help” Parent – GA – 2011

“Hey Rubio, I had my spring game yesterday on ESPN 3. I had 12 punt snaps, 6 pat/field goals, a tackle and nearly had a fumble recovery (even though I know that close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades 😉 It was a great day for my family and me, and I just wanted to take the time to thank you for everything you have done for us. I can”t even begin to tell you the profound impact you have had on my life. You”re right when you say that you are far more than a coach: you are a mentor and a role model. It”s hard to believe how things have fallen in place for me, and I know that you have played a huge role in the shaping of the man I am today. None of this would have been possible without your positive reinforcement, and it seems you have squeezed out every ounce of potential I have within my sub-six foot body. The things you have taught me exceed far beyond the long snapping world and, for that, I thank you.” Long Snapper – VA – 2011

“Rubio thanks for all your help with my son we are going to be a perf walkon at ull which is univ of _________” Parent – LA – 2011

“I committed to __________ and I am signing on Tuesday morning. Thank you for all of your help. I couldn”t have done it without your help. I really appreciate everything you”ve done” Long Snapper – 2011 – AZ

“Thanks for your time yesterday. You gave my son a lot of great instruction along with inspiration to working harder and improving his long snapping.” Parent – OR – 2011

“I wanted to thank you for everything that you have done and continue to do for my son and everyone else who wants to succeed at longsnapping.  My son has such determination and enthusiasm for longsnapping, it is so wonderful to see it in his eyes.  He is such a joy to have as a son, and has made me so very proud of him. I thank you again, for everything!  You have played such an important role in his life. Parent – IL 2011

“The best part about Rubio is his integrity and knowledge. I am appreciative of the way he conducts himself and the way he encourages the athletes. I enjoyed the way Rubio spoke to the parents in encouraging how we can be coaches with our athletes. That has really improved my ability as a parent to help my son. He practices almost everyday now. Before the camp he had not snapped for 3 weeks. We were both inspired and encouraged that we can do this together. Thank you. ” Parent – MI – 2011

“Thanks for everything Rubio….I couldn”t have done it without you” Long Snapper – GA – 2011

“I am going to print THIS out and put it on my wall so I can read it every morning when I wake up. HUGE WIN!!” Long Snapper – TX – 2011

“”Rubio, my son had a great time last Sunday at your camp, he is very pumped about this and he has practiced every night since he got home. I had no idea there was so much to long snapping! My son is REALLY looking forward to May in Vegas and wants to work hard between now and then so you can see an improvement. Thanks!” Parent – OH – 2011

“I LOVE THIS BLOG…It is so true and it inspired me this morning…well done. You are one smart guy!” Parent – CA – 2011

“Rubio- Just had to send you and email and let you know how appropriate your blog was today.  We have been following your blog which has had been great for answering questions and also, dealing with life.  I encourage him to re- read different things in your blog which I think were written just for him.  I have encouraged him and told him this wont be easy, but if he works hard, improves and continues to work with you, I have no doubt in my mind he could be a good college snapper.  I think he has had trouble seeing that.  I have been sending him texts and ask him if he has read your blogs and especially the ones that I think will help him.  Well, today, he sent me a text and asked me if I had read your blog. I had not yet (sorry, I was busy taking out wisdom teeth!!).  After I read it, except for the part about wisdom teeth-given, I thought it was exactly what he needed to hear!! Hopefully, he did hear what you said.  Thanks for being there for the boys not only for the snapping, big part, but for the life lessons that they need to hear. Thanks again for all you do, and keep it up!” Parent – TX – 2011

“Liked the piece on Talent very much.  Great lesson for all areas of life” Parent – CO – 2011

“Just wanted to say I had a great time at your camp today. I learned a lot of great things and I can”t wait to show you my results in the future.” Long Snapper – WI – 2011

“Thanks so much for allowing me to come to the camp; I learned so much and I had a great time. I feel like you got me on the right track so I can improve my snapping abilities. I really appreciate all of your help and special interest in me.” Long Snapper – 2011 – IL

“It was my pleasure to meet you on Sunday in Chicago.  I was very impressed with the talented group of students.  Your step-by-step instructions are by far the best I have ever been exposed to. I look forward to meeting you again. By the way, where the hell were you when I was long snapping? Parent – OH – 2011

“it was another great camp in Sherman Oaks a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to let you know what long snapping
has meant to me as a father. My son is young for his grade and most other lineman have 40 to 80 lbs on him at our school. He sat most his Freshman year and it was frustrating for us both and of course there is no long snapping culture here as they used the center to muscle back knuckle balls. I saw an opportunity and after your first camp he was hooked. dragging me to the park and gym 5 days a week snapping, watching endless you tube footage ect. At last years H.S. summer practice when the long snap try outs started my son caused such a stir that all the coaches Varsity included stood and watch my son as he dominated that position. my son had a season of perfect snaps and secured his spot as a player. Thank you!” Parent – NV – 2011

“I was very impressed by the quality of the camp and the delivery style of your presentation – the kids seem to hang on your every word, well done!” Parent – OH – 2011

“I just wanted to thank you for all of the valuable information that I was able to learn at your camp today.  The other camps I”ve attended have told me that I need to use my legs more, but you were the first person to actually show me how to do it!  I told my dad that this was by far the best teaching camp that I”ve been to.  I look forward to more Rubio camps in the future!” Long Snapper – IL – 2011

“Your camp was a great experience for him and myself as well.” Parent – IL – 2011

“Our previous Long Snapper went to the TOP 12 Camp and anyone who goes to that Rubio camp is legit. We like Rubio Long Snappers cause we know they can get the job done” D1 Coach – 2011

“Thank you so much for a fantastic camp.” Parent – IL – 2011

“Rubio you put on another outstanding camp as usual. You have truly blessed our family. Thanks so much for the time and effort you put in” Parent – CA – 2011

“First of all, thank you for another wonderful camp!  Your lessons and camps are a highlight in my son’s (and MY) life!  My son always comes away a better snapper and a happy young man!” Parent – CA – 2011

“Rubio, Thank you for an awesome camp.  As a High School coach for the past 22 years I have never seen an individual skills camp run the way you and Chris Sailer run yours.” Parent – CA – 2011

“Loved the NIKE camp Rubio– but most of all loved the way you motivate these kids in all aspects of life !!!” Parent – CA – 2011

“Thank you so much for all you do to inspire these kids.” Parent – CA – 2011

“Others will never come close to the personal service you give to your clients.  Your only problem is that there is only one of you!” Parent – CA – 2011

“Rubio, want to thank you so much for correcting my form and getting me ready for my pro day.” Pro Long Snapper – KY – 2011

“Rubio, your blog is fantastic! Well done” Pro Long Snapper – CA – 2011

“The tip you gave me might be the best piece of advice I”ve ever gotten. I was on point today. Averaging .72 on the hip. Thanks” Pro Long Snapper – IN – 2011

“Chris, I have to thank you for all the help you have given my High School program with all the tips you have given me over the years. We have placed a snapper to the next level the last three years. Your blog is also a great source of help!” Parent – UT – 2011

“It”s (son”s success) has everything to do with your leadership, mentorship, skill and unique ability to make him a better snapper, more importantly, a better person. I am eternally grateful…  Thank you” Parent – CA – 2011

“Hey Mr. Rubo, I”ve never been to a long snapping camp or competitions or anything, but I would like to thank you for all of the long snapping advice you have put on facebook in the past. I live in North Carolina and played organized football for the first time this past season for my senior year on my high school team. I was trying to figure out what positon to play and decided I wanted to be a long snapper after I watched some college football on television. So I went outside and started snapping at a pine tree in my yard. After a lot of practice I won over my high school team”s starting position at Long Snapper. After a sucessful season, I was recruited by ________. I signed my letter of intent as a preferred walk-on.. It”s a dream come true after just one year of organized football. So thank you for all of the tips and advice that helped me along the way.” Long Snapper (someone who I have never actually even met!!!)- NC – 2011

“Excellent post!  Love the way you broke each element down” Pro Agent – PA – 2011

“That was an GREAT Blog, I love it. Keep them coming.” Parent – CA – 2011

“Your camps pay off and really work…so glad we found you” Parent – VA – 2011

“Full scholarship for my son as a long snapper. Two years at your camps made the difference.” Parent – CANADA – 2011

“We feel that attending your camps has prepared my son for the next level.” Parent – MO – 2011

“Rubio, could not be more happier with my son”s desire to keep learning from you! Thank you!!” Parent – CA – 2011

“Well,  soon our youngest son will be off to college. You have coached both of our sons not only with their snapping skills but     also with the life skills needed to continue playing at the college level.  You have been a significant part of our family for over a decade and will be for many more!  THANK YOU, for being a part of the village that helped raise our boys!
It’s a good thing we don’t have a girl . . . if we did, she would be a Rubio Long Snapper too!!!” Parent – CA – 2011

“Rubio, Thanks for everything you do! As I”ve stated before, you make my life much easier based on your evals and video. Stay in touch” D1 Coach – 2011

“I enjoyed reading your blog. I was a long snapper in high school. I am glad you are doing what you are doing to inspire these kids. If I had a role model like you when I was a kid I may have prepared for college and tried to hook on as a snapper somewhere. Keep up the good work.” Parent – 2011 (Anonymously sent to me after reading Rubio Long Snapping blog)

“Hey Rubio, I never got to say thank you for all you have done for my boys. Without you we would not be in this position. It”s absolutely amazing that I have not 1, but 2 kids that are going to play for a major D1 school on a full ride. I would of never thought that was possible.” Parent – CA – 2011

“Chris, I”ve spent my entire adult life in the sports business, as a D1 baseball coach; Asst Olympic baseball coach (Italy); & MLB Player Agent; I currently represent NBA coaches & MLB managers & coaches; So I think I know and understand what a quality, effective coach is when I see or meet one. You and Chris Sailer both have an amazing gift as contemporary coaches who definitely connect with young athletes. I have spoken with many of the other people across the nation who teach/coach LS & kickers, either @ clinics, lessons, in person, or by telephone.  Most of them are amateurswhen compared to you. My son and I feel incredibly fortunate to have had you as a Long Snapping coach and mentor for the past 5 years.  You are in the top 1% of coaches I have ever met, played for, represented professionally, or have known during my lifetime ” Parent – CA – 2011

“Hello Rubio, Just thought I would drop you a line and tell you my son signed today as a long snapper. I know he didn”t have much time to work with you but the time that he received instruction from you was very valuable. Thank you for everything you have done for my son and everything you do for long snappers.” Parent – AL – 2011

” Thank you Chris, you have been such a HUGE part of my son”s career.” Parent – IL – 2011

“You are a good and honest man and there are few like you” Parent – IL – 2011

“As my son signs his National Letter of Intent and Full-Ride Scholarship Agreement today to attend and play football for a D-1 BCS Conference school, I am reflecting back on that chance meeting we had when my son was a 5’3”, 115 lbs 8th grade boy practicing his snapping for his Pop Warner football team on a random Sunday afternoon. From that point forward until today and beyond, through your training, motivation and personal attention to him you have been and continue to be instrumental in training and perfecting his long snapping skills. Beyond that, through your long snapping teachings you have taught my son valuable lessons that he will carry with him and that he will be able to draw upon for the rest of his life in whatever he does. Lessons like the importance of quality practice over quantity repetition. Working hard and being diligent, yet having fun while you are doing it. Seeing the big picture while practicing and perfecting specific detailed drills. The importance of being positive, encouraging, enthusiastic, passionate and having fun in what you do in order to get better and become the best. The confidence in knowing that you will perform at the highest level when you have prepared yourself through hard work and quality repetition. The importance of being confident that you will do your job, yet be humble in your achievement. All of these attributes and more you continue to teach my son. You are truly his mentor and you have become my dear friend. My family is grateful and blessed for all that you have done and continue to do for my son.” Parent – CA – 2011

“Just wanted to let you know my son received a scholarship and signed yesterday. He will be the starting Long Snapper for the 2011 season.
Thank You !!! For all of your instruction we would not have considered attempting to long snap at the collegiate level without your program !!!” Parent – TN – 2011

“Thanks to Chris Rubio, the long snapping instructor for Rubio Long Snapping and Chris Sailer Kicking, I am what I am now.” D1 Long Snapper – GA – 2011

“Thank you Rubio for all the coaching and promoting” D1 Long Snapper – PA – 2011

“Thanks for me teaching so much over the past few years” D1 Long Snapper – NY – 2011

“Rubio is widely considered the leading long-snapping instructor in America” – USA – 2011

“Thank you for an amazing experience!! He had the time of his life! Camp was so much fun and so well organized. Thanks for all you have taught him in such a short amount of time!!! From the first minute he met you, he was fired up. You changed him. You are so good for him!!! The coach specifically said he spoke to only you about my son and since you recommended him it was all he needed to hear.” Parent – IL – 2011

“thanks for the well run event. My son enjoyed his first competition. It was a great learning experience” Parent – VA – 2011

“Your influence has changed my son”s life” Parent – IL – 2011

“I wanted to tell you GREAT CAMP! My son and I really enjoyed the experience. I have seen a new fire in my son about his snapping since we”ve been home. You will see us at more camps to come.  Thank you to you and your staff!” Parent – ID – 2011

“_______ (D1 college) came to my school today to see me. He said he looked at my profile page and said that was enough for him” Long Snapper – IL – 2011

“On behalf of my son, my wife and I thank you again for another exceptional National Long Snapping Event in Las Vegas.  The camp was very well organized, the student-instructors did a great job with the boys, and the competition was excellent.” Parent – CA – 2011

“I wanted to take the opportunity to say, THANK YOU !  You put on one of the most Professional and well run camps I have been to in the last several years.  Frankly you inspire me and I’m sure I speak for my son as well.” Parent – WA – 2011

“Hey Rubio, Another GREAT Vegas! They just keep getting better….thanks for everything” Parent – CA – 2011

“Thanks again for all of your help. By far the best LS Camp I”ve ever been a part of” Long Snapper – NC – 2011

“I cannot say enough good things about your camp this weekend. I don”t know you did it, but you did. I was really impressed. It was worth every penny. We will definitely be back.” Parent – LA – 2011

“Rubio another great camp, didn’t expect anything less than perfect from you and your staff, on time, great instructions/instructors  awesome fields, awesome weather, of course you had nothing to do with the weather LOL J… what a great bunch of kids you had  , my son has created some lifelong friends. Who knows he may play against some of these guys in the future you never know.
You have done so much for my son I can’t thank you enough” Parent – AZ – 2011

“I know my wife has told you this, but I wanted to reiterate it and thank you for your coaching of my son.  His high school experience was so miserable, they nearly sucked all his passion for the game out of him and certainly didn”t encourage him to improve or pay any attention to Special Teams in general.  Seeing him the past month at your lesson and camps, I finally saw his interest return and enjoy being around the football field and smiling on the filed again.You”ll probably remember that I was very skeptical in the beginning of guys being able to play D1 ball and get scholarships with your program, but we”ve literally seen your business explode since we came into it and boy was I wrong!” Parent – CA – 2011

“Rubio, just wanted to say thank you again for helping my son get to the next level.  Your camp has been a big part of all of our lives for the last 4 years” Parent – AZ – 2011

“Rubio, I did not get the chance to say hello or goodbye but I did want to send you another note of thanks.  My son had an awesome experience and continues to grow and learn as a long snapper.  I was very impressed, but not surprised, at how well run the camp was.  We will definitely see you in May, actually twice, in GA and again in Vegas!” Parent – GA – 2011

“Rubio-I wanted to thank you for the event in Vegas. I could see how much work you and your entire staff put into that event and I am sure you are wiped out and hopefully will get some rest. My son and I had a great time while we were there.  We appreciated the instruction that you and your staff provided and being able to see all the different snappers at one camp is a vital part of the learning process as well. Thanks again!” Parent – TX – 2011

“I did not get a chance to talked with you this weekend but I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all you have done for my boys the past 6 years I know my son would not have went to college with out your help and on to the NFL and with my other son you have been great with him and I really appreciate everything” Parent – TX – 2011

“Thanks for an awesome weekend – can’t wait until May” Parent – CA – 2011

“Rubio, Great Event this weekend, i was amazed at the talent. Now i see the things we have to do to get to the top.  Lots of hard work. Thanks, for what you do, it”s completely awesome.  In my 18 years of coaching football you rarely find a person who is tuned in to all his players, no matter age, size or where he comes from.” Parent – CA – 2011

“Rubio, Thanks for everything, over the weekend. Getting involved with you has been the best thing my son has ever done.   You have created such a postive enviroment for our kids. Long Snapping requires dedication away from your camps.  The kids have to work at it all year round.  Your attitude stays with the kids.  You provided the incentive and commitment that keeps our kids working.” Parent – IL – 2011

“Thanks so much for everything you have done for my son” Parent – TN – 2011

“I wish everyone was like you Rubio. You are a straight shooter” Parent – OK – 2011

“Thanks again for great weekend!  You by far are the best in the business, and I love the organization with which the camps are always run.” Parent – GA – 2011

“Rubio, My son has attended several of your deep snapping camps over the last several years. He got his 4th D1 scholarship offer yesterday. We felt like they were going to offer him so he has waited and he got the offer. This was the school that he had dreamed of playing for. He has four D1 scholarship offers and numerous invited walk on offers. This would not have been possible without the skill development and the drills that he learned at your camps. I know that I nor his high school coaches could not have helped him develop these skills. Your camps and his hard work has paid off. I wish I knew how many thousand balls he has snapped into that net and how many times we have laughed at your likeness on the net. My son will never forget your encouragement and the friendships that he has made at your camps. Rubio, I wanted to thank you personally for all that you have done for my son.” Parent – MS – 2011

“I know you already know this but i”ll say it anyway.  Your Prep Camp was amazing, the way you ran things and are so organized is what i”ve been looking for.  Most camps don”t give you a tenth of the instructions that you gave.  My son and I are very excited for the upcoming events and years we will be going to your camps for coaching and valuable lessons you will teach him. Thanks again, and looking forward to tons more opportunity to spend time with you.” Parent – CA – 2011

“I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate the session you and Chris Sailor held for the veteran snappers and kickers at the camp in Georgia. You and Chris were so incredibly helpful with your insights, and answered the many questions that have come up more recently in the recruiting process. Thank you so much!” Parent – NC – 2011

“I must tell you I am very pleased with all the communication you have provided for this event and information on your website (including all info on facebook). What I have read, it seems like your camps and events are very well run. We are looking forward to the event. I only wish we knew about Rubio Long Snapping a couple years ago! Your hard work is definately paying off and so great to have found someone with a great passion for long snapping and helping athletes advance to the college level.” Parent – VA – 2011

“I am very thankful that another one of your long snappers turned us on to you.  What a difference you have made in our lives. Thanks for all you do for these kids!” Parent – CA – 2011

“Great blog! It was great to read how you started it all. Keep them coming!!!!!!!” Long Snapper, IL, 2011

“We were so impressed with you and the lesson!!! He and I loved it!! I love your teaching style and your focus on details, you are worth every penny!! Again looking forward to seeing you soon. You are much more than I ever expected and I can”t believe you had my son long snapping after only a 30 min session!” Parent – CA – 2010

“Anyway, thank you very much for your time at the lesson. You squeezed more information into 1 hour than I thought possible. My son was wiped out and so pumped up at the same time” Parent – CA – 2010

“My son has been working hard so I though I would reward him and take him to another company”s camp about  2-1/2 hours away in wisconsin. I thought it would be a good warm up for Vegas. Well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  what a disappointment. Going to that camp confirms that you are the best at what you do hands down. The competittion was about 1 minute and very uneventful. It  was as if they just wanted your money, put there time in and then sent you off.The only good that came out of the camp was my son got to know meet another one of your long snappers and I probably sold two dads on going to your next local camp in Chicago. On the way home my son said it plain as day,  “Dad, that was NO fun.” Thought you should know. Also,  I believe when your a coach part of coaching is not only developing a kid athletically but also developing there character. Thats what makes your camp fun but also provides the incentive for the kids after they leave to continue to workhard. Thanks for all you do for all the long snappers. One other thing, I never thanked you for going out of your way to visit with my Dad.  He talks about that camp and meeting you all the time.  He is coming to Vegas with us and is excited. You didn”t have to do that and I wanted you to know how much I appreciate it.” Parent – IL – 2010

“I know you see and teach a lot of kids. But as I sit here at the stadium waiting to see my boy come out on the field, whether he ever plays or not, I just wanted to thank you again for all you have done for him and our family. You made him feel special. Thank you.” Parent – CA – 2010

“I follow your web page and I think it”s great you have coached / mentored another bumper crop of fine young LS”s. You should feel proud and honored to have influenced so many young lives in such a positive way. Again, my thanks to you. He received the national attention due to your coaching and reputation.” Parent – IL – 2010

“Thank you so much for all you have done for my son!!!  He is ecstatic about his opportunity to play at the next level and we are so thankful for the training and exposure you and your program have provided.  We couldn”t have gotten there without you!” Parent – AZ – 2010

“Thank you Rubio couldn”t have done it without you and I”d like to thank you for everything. I know the school I chose is a perfect fit for me and the coaches are awesome there. Once again thank you for everything Rubio.” Long Snapper – NJ – 2010

“I wanted to thank you again for instructing my son so well last Sunday.  He walked away from your camp feeling excited about what he had learned from you. Thank you again for all your help.  He really enjoyed every minute of it!” Parent – AL – 2010

“My son was awarded most improved player on the JV team.  As the coach was introducing, he mentioned that my son played every single offensive play this season without a bad snap including all shotgun, field goal, extra points and punts. All of that is a result of your great mentoring of all those kids – I thank you for all you do for them.” Parent – CA – 2010

“I just wanted to say thank you for everything you have done for me Rubio. It means a lot of my family and myself” Long Snapper – GA – 2010

“Rubio, Thank you again for the great camp today and positive instructions for my son.  As I mentioned to you as we were leaving, we attended a different camp last December in Nashville and I found your camp to be far better in instruction, information, and the amount of strong competitors. One of the aspects that stood out to me the most as I watched was the care you have for your students and the positive relationship you have with the multitude of repeat attendee”s to your camp.   Thanks again for your help today.  It was a pleasure meeting you and I wish you continued success” Parent – GA – 2010

“Thanks for your support of my son. He has gained immensely from your instruction and inspiration over the 4 camps and Vegas Showcase last  year. I know that he considers you his most important mentor.” Parent – NC – 2010

“Thanks for a great camp at Roswell on Sunday. My son learned so much during the day and he is definitely interested in attending more of your camps in the future.” Parent – GA – 2010

“You do a wonderful job of making snapping fun, my son really enjoys being part of your program. You have been and are a great help to Tucker and we really appreciate it.Thanks again for your work ethic as an example to these boys; you do everything when you say you will, and to post results and videos in two days for all the snappers is amazing. Thank you for your commitment to excellence.” Parent – GA – 2010

“The Georgia camp was just amazing! My son really got a lot from it and is already starting utilize the tools he learned.  The camp was a great experience for the entire family.  We were a little nervous about coming just because he almost had zero experience and no training, but what he learned was extremely helpful and went a long way.  He went in with the attitude “I know I”m not good, but all I can do is my must and learn”.  I think he came out with a little more confidence and a real fire about long snapping.” Parent – MO – 2010

“Thanks for a great camp today.  Both my boys enjoyed it as expected. They both came away with a lot more confidence.” Parent – GA – 2010

“Dear Rubio, My son participated in many of your camps, lessons, and National Events in Vegas.  While all were impressive, one never knows the effectiveness until it comes time to apply the skills you have taught him.   Sure, he showcased his skills at the high school level, but I am talking about how he would perform in a NCAA D1 environment. For my son, there were numerous “proof is in the pudding” moments.  Here are a few:

·         My son was offered a “preferred walk-on” spot at the D1 school of his dreams mainly due to his relationship with your program
·         As a  true freshman, he beat out the incumbent senior  (not a Rubio student) to earn the starting Long Snapper position
·         His first college snap, occurred in a major NFL stadium , inside the 5 yard line, in front of a very noisy opposing student section, whereby he nailed the snap, then went on to make a solo tackle on the return man.
·         He’s had 62 great punt snaps this season, many coming against teams ranked in the Top 25 and at very imposing stadiums with 90,000+ attendance
·         This week, the school awarded him a scholarship that starts in spring.

You not only taught him the necessary technical skills needed to become a great snapper, but also gave him the ability and confidence to perform under great pressure.
THANKS!!!!!!” Parent – CA – 2010

“Hey Rubio, I just want to let you know my first year in college has been great. I was a travel redshirt this year and second string. I just want to thank you again for all you have done for me.” Long Snapper – 2010 – VA

“Thank you for all you do & we want you to know that our son is getting several interests from various colleges. The most recent indicated they were interested in offering a scholarship because of his versatility. We are so grateful to you & others that have such positive influence on our son. Words just can”t say how his mother & I feel toward you & the others.” Parent – GA – 2010

“Rubio- I wanted to tell you how much my son and I enjoyed the camp in Dallas.  We both learned a ton about long snapping technique as well as the overall process. I think you do a great job with the boys and I like the fact that you try to make each person the best long snapper they can be!” Parent – TX – 2010

“Rubio, Wanted to let you know my son enjoyed the camp again. I cant believe the improvement he has made since March. He started at center on his middle school team and once the coaches figured out he could long snap at 10 yards punting became a huge weapon for them .He didn’t have any bad snaps I was shocked he was very consistent.” Parent – TX – 2010

In regards to having great pressure snaps in a major loss from a D1 long snapper “Win some and lose some, but the snaps were easy cause I learned from the best” D1 long snapper – ID – 2010

“Thank you again for bringing the Long Snapping Camps to our part of the country.  Had a great time yesterday and we continue to be impressed and amazed what you do with these boys.  The difference from the start of the camp to the end of the camp on a lot of these snappers was amazing.  You have a true gift in teaching Long Snapping.” Parent – SC – 2010

“We owe all of this to you. As you can see, you were his first true long snapping coach. Although he may not say it, I know how much he admires you and finds you to be a great role model. The top twelve and event elite did more for his confidence then I can tell you. After spending time at an “other camp”, I can assure you that you are the real deal…period. I”ll be happy to tell anyone this,along with all of the reasons why.” Parent – IL – 2010

“I chose not to talk to you about this at the camp Sunday because you had far more important things that needed your attention … like coaching the proper L-S techniques, etc
I know that I am not alone when I say I really appreciate the fact that you are all about being at your camps and teaching them yourself.
We have been to other good camps, don’t get me wrong, but It is troubling to see the trend that is to simply send a few good local college players to do the actual teaching. A good college player does not necessarily make a good teacher… I love seeing the accomplished college players helping at the camps, but they should simply not be teaching without being supervised by the camp-directors or founders.
My son came away with renewed enthusiasm, some great new ideas about how to become a better long-snapper and most importantly a big smile on his face.” Parent – NC – 2010

“Rubio, I would like to thank you for the years of instruction that you have provided.  Since last May, I have taken your critique and worked tirelessly to perfect my skills. Over the summer, I attended numerous camps and the Rubio Long Snapping students certainly are a cut above the rest; a true testament to your efforts.  I accepted the scholarship offer to ______ because I felt it was the right fit both academically and athletically. With thanks to you (and my family) my ever-lasting goal of playing college football is becoming reality.” Long Snapper – NY – 2010

“Hi Rubio,
I just wanted to let you know, that I have accepted a full athletic scholarship offer to the University of ________ to play Tight End, and I will also be their long snapper. I was recruited and offered for the tight end position, but being able to long snap allowed me to rise up over all the other athletes. I can”t thank you enough for all you knowledge and how much you have taught me.” Long Snapper – PA – 2010

“Also, I wanted to compliment you on how you handled that kid who was on the verge of tears. Your response was perfect! I have coached dozens of teams at all levels of youth sports, and I know that you can make or break a kid in how you respond. I don”t know if he is any goood or not, but your excellent response will make a huge difference!” Parent – CA – 2010

“I can”t thank you enough for all that you did for my son. If it had not been for you my son would never have signed a scholarship at a D1 School.” Parent – MS – 2010

“Rubio, thank you for everything you have done for my son. The camps and the exposure that came from them was great but the fact that you stayed in touch with my son between camps and the phone calls you made on his behalf mean even more. Thanks again for helping my son reach a goal that seemed improbable a few years ago.” Parent – AZ – 2010

I have been meaning to catch up with you for some time.
First, I wanted you to know how much my son enjoyed your Top 12 camp. It was no doubt a once in a lifetime experience for him. Getting the boys together by themselves and allowing them to bond or spend time with each other without family distractions is a great idea. I can tell that my son considered this trip very special.  I think he will remember this fondly for the rest of his life.
Second, I hope you know how much you have meant to my son over the relatively short period of time he has known you.
When he first met you last December, he had just finished his first season of long snapping and was just another one of thousands of high school long snappers simply playing football because he loved the sport. He was extremely raw and never had any formal instruction.  I believe his high school coach gave him an old DVD to watch.  In less than 7 months you transformed him from anonymity into one of the best high school long snappers in the country.  Yes, he did work his tail off.  But truth be known, he could not even have come close to this accomplishment without you.  For this, I thank you very much.
The extremely high level of respect that you garner from all of these young men across the country is quite remarkable. You have a tremendous talent and gift that you are able to communicate to these kids that few others possess. My son is not the easiest kid in the world to win over. I have heard him talk about you to his friends, other long snappers, parents, teachers, and coaches. His respect for you is tremendous.
From what I understand, he is no exception.  The other kids across the nation feel the same way.  Many have the ability to teach at a high level.  Few command the respect and adoration that you obtain from your students.  I hope that at least one of my younger two sons follow his older brother”s footsteps down the path of long snapping.  The only way for me to feel more blessed that you have crossed paths with my son is for you to cross paths and influence two of my sons.” Parent – GA – 2010

“I wanted to follow up and thank you both again for a super weekend.  My son and I had a blast yet again, and every year gets better.  You guys do a great job with your personal instruction as well as having some of the top college players/instructors in the country.  I was happy to give an interview, but wanted to send an email also.As a parent of a 2012 Sophomore, I only wish we had started earlier than we did.  We have been with you guys for almost two years now, and the benefits are beyond the just the great instruction.  Your attention to detail in every aspect of your program make it the best on the country.  The thing my son and I like the most are the personal relationships you have forged with us, through the camps and also through all of the social media like Facebook, Twitter, etc.  Keeping that line of communication going throughout the year makes us feel like we are part of something special.  You do a great job of balancing your product and promoting competition among the kids that keep them excited all year.  If anyone is not following you via Facebook or Twitter, they are truly missing out on one of the best elements of your program.  Thank you for your candidness, objectivity and sincerity in your instruction and communication.  Thank you also for all that you have done to help my son grow as a LS and as a young man.  It is great to have influences like the two of you beyond what we can give them as parents.”Parent – GA – 2010

“We just want to pass along our Thanks for such a great National Event!  Once again, it was run flawlessly.  Our son comes away from these camps with more and more enthusiasm each time.The addition of the “games” on Twitter was a big hit with the snappers….and the parents.  Can”t wait until May!”Parent – SC – 2010

“Rubio — I can not thank you enough for the instruction and confidence that my son has gotten through participating in your camps. We will always be thankful that we were introduced to you and CSK and the exposure that my son received from this relationship. The result is a scholarship to a major division one college!  He could not have done it without you!”Parent – MS – 2010
“I can”t tell you how much I appreciate your help during and as a follow-up to the camp !!Not only are you a very good teacher and motivator, you are also a true gentleman !I know that you have hundreds of “campers” but I wanted to thank you for treating Jackson and me as if we were the “only” ones. This is one of the greatest contributors to the continued success of your business.We are big fans of you personally and professionally.”Parent – AL – 2010

“Man you are fast.  By the time I got home, you had already made the update.  This shows just how professional you & your company are.” Parent – TX – 2010

“Wow, today it has just “sunk” in how much you have done for my son and even for ME! I just want to thank you for all the knowledge and information that I have absorbed while at all your camps, from your website, and emails, etc.” Parent – NC – 2010
“Thank you again for being what you are to my son.  I hope you really get what you do and are for him.  He has flourished,  since starting your program, in more ways than just snapping HARDER Jand that is something that will be part of who he is forever.  Just know I appreciate you a whole bunch!!!!!” Parent – TX – 2010

“Like all parents, I can”t say enough good things about the camp, how it was run, and certainly the expertise you showed (and shared) with the guys.  My son really will be a better player because of the few hours spent yesterday.  I would like share a lot more with you, but like you, time is short.Also, I am tremendously impressed with how fast you updated the camp info on the web.” Parent – TX – 2010
“I can”t tell you how pleased I was with the camp you conducted in Georgia last week.  The drills and instruction you provided are already being utilize by Jackson during his off-season program.”Parent – MS – 2010

“As always, we appreciate what you have created and feel honored to be a part of your success.”Parent – CA – 2010
“Thanks so much for all of your great instruction, it really helped him achieve his goal of continuing his football career at the next level.”Parent – AZ – 2010

“Just so you know, we are very happy that we were fortunate enough to find you.”Parent – SC – 2010
“Third and finally I just wanted to tell you and Chris Sailer. that I appreciate everything you guys have done to help me out in my career.  I had an absolutely awesome time every time I came out to California great guys and people all around. Thanks again for everything you guys have done I can”t tell you how much I appreciate it.”Long Snapper – KS – 2010

“He (we) have learned a lot since our first snapping camp at Alabama last June. I have to give you all the credit for creating a drive in my son. When we left that camp he was determined to be the best snapper he could be. You do a great job of connecting with the guys and have a real gift when it comes to instruction.”Parent – MS – 2010

“As we sit back and reflect on the past year, we are so grateful that we met you and are so appreciative of what you have done for our son. Thank you.”Parent – SC – 2010

“What I really enjoy at your camps, and most noticably at this one, is the comraderie among the competitors.  While they are out to beat each other, they still exhibit wonderful sportsmanship and are very supportive of each other.  And that begins with you.  You can tell each and every one of these kids has the utmost respect for you and the the counselors.  And you guys enthusiastically show the same for them.  A terrific envioronment in which to learn.”Parent – IL – 2010

“Another well run and worth while camp, congratulations.  I can only imagine the planning and organization that goes into putting on an event with those many participants.  You run on time and there is never any chaos.  Both you and Sailer should be quite pleased with the business you have developed. It is great to see the camaraderie that has developed among the snappers in his class and with your student instructors.”Parent – CA – 2010

“Enjoyed your event, as always, first rate!” Parent – AZ – 2010

“I”ve been keeping up with the EVENT all weekend through the website. You guys have done a phenomenal job, especially with communication. Thanks for all the updates.I am impressed how up to the minute everything was.Great stuff. Honestly, I believe your camp has done more for building his confidence and motivating him than any other camp or event I can think of.  Now, he truly believes his goals are attainable. He”s got his mind set on doing what it takes to play football at the next level.  Thanks so much” Parent – TX – 2010

“Thanks for a great and rewarding weekend in Las Vegas!  This was by far the best organized and quality two day experience my son has had learning the proper techniques for deep and PAT/FG snaps.  As a Dad it is very gratifying seeing my son continue to grow in ability and confidence as a result of your teaching techniques.  The other wonderful experience is getting to meet other Dads (and Moms) and to follow the growth and development of their sons.  We are looking forward to your next camp(s) and are excited about the 2010 football season when my son can continue to fine tune his skills on the field with the Varsity team!”Parent – NC – 2010

“Thanks J again for all you have done for him.  I really wanted to be able to tell you that in person but it didn’t work out so I hope you know that I sincerely appreciate you and what you have done for our son in SO many ways.  He and I both think you are amazing.”Parent – TX – 2010

“This event was SOOO well organized!  Thanks again!!  I”m still on Cloud 9 from it all!”Parent – NC – 2010

“Rubio thanks once again for an awesome camp as usual. My son seems so comfortable being around all of you guys. He has made some long time friends as well. Thank you”Parent – 2010 – AZ

“Congrats on an A+ camp…. Fabulous job….wonderful camp” Long Snapper – 2010 – TN

“Thanks for all that you did. WONDERFUL CAMP. Look forward to seeing you again”Long Snapper – 2010 – GA

“I would like to thank CSK and Chris Rubio in particular for their professionalism, work ethic and support for the last 4 years. My son first started working with Rubio in the 8th grade. My daughter played travel ball softball, earning a D-1 scholarship and I am currently on a D-1 football staff so I can speak intelligently regarding youth camps/combines and the various promises made by those running the camps. CSK and LS are in a league of their own. As I said, I’ve seen and listened to dozens of coaches in two sports as my kids attended their camps and nobody comes close to the level of professionalism of CSK and LS. Both Rubio and Sailer are extremely knowledgeable in their fields and are excellent coaches.One of their best qualities is they are honest and upfront with their assessments and brutally honest in their reviews of the kids efforts. They do not promise anyone anything but exposure from their time with CSK but are the most well connected group of youth coaches I’ve ever seen. Their camps and lessons are always extremely well run/organized and on time. This is no easy feat considering their last combine had over XXX attendees. Their camps are always productive and competitive and light years away from the typical t-shirt/picture and handshake of so many skills camps.Their reputation with collegiate coaches is second to none and that is because of the quality athletes they deliver. This goes back to their practice of being honest in their evaluations and not simply taking your money. I’ve witnessed Rubio on several occasions tell a young man exactly what he thinks of his efforts and abilities and whether or not he can compete at the next level.I would encourage any parent who wants to support their son in kicking/longsnapping to contact CSK. They are both excellent coaches who will give your son an outstanding education in either field and will work tirelessly in an effort to promote those that have the ability to compete at the collegiate level. If anyone has any questions they can contact Rubio and he’ll put you in touch with me.”Parent – 2009 – CA

Hey Rubio….. I absolutely LOVE the twitter thing. I have been getting the updates via phone and my son has too.This is one of the best things for our kids. Your daily motivational quotes, updates on what others are doing, and the successes of others are great. It helps to keep the boy”s minds on their goals. Thanks soooooo much!Parent – NC – 2009

“Coach Rubio,
Thanks for the detailed feedback. I”ve been to a lot of camps for all my sports since I was little, including all my positions in football, but I honestly have to say, your camp in Charlotte was the most technically informative, thorough, and fun in the shortest amount of time. I think we got a lot accomplished, and I know I learned a lot. (I”ve been practicing and doing the drills already so I can move up the ranks in Las Vegas.) Your response time to my questions and the quality of your feedback is unbelievable. I really appreciate it and am hopeful that it (along with the hard work I”ll put in to improve) will help land me in a good place for college. You have a great coaching style, too. You definitely don”t hold back, but you deliver your message in the most constructive and motivating way. I”ve had a lot of coaches, and not many can do that.” Long Snapper – 2009 – NC

“I appreciate all that you’ve done with my boys. They have tremendous respect for you as an individual and really take what you have to say to heart.”
Parent – NC – 2009

“Thanks for a great camp in Mooresville. Your instruction has helped my son tremendously.”
Parent – NC – 2009

“Thanks for a great camp. You”re an awesome instructor, and I learned a lot of things I need to correct in my snapping technique! I”ll be working on them over the next few weeks and beyond.”
Long Snapper – VA – 2009

“Good being with you in Charlotte. Thanks for putting strokes into my son, but also into my younger two sons as well. They enjoyed it, were inspired…I appreciate the shots of attention…you know how huge it is for young men to be validated by the warriors. I know that you know that…and thanks.”
Parent – NC – 2009

“I can”t thank you enough for everything you”ve taught me I am truely excited about everything”
Long Snapper – LA – 2009

“I really can”t express my gratitude for what this is doing for not only him but all other 5 siblings. They are all believeing that you can achieve anything. Your programs have been VERY significant in this great schedule and involvement that we as a family take part in togeather everyday. Our 11 year old Daughter works right along side all the boys, but she wants a less important role on the team, she wants to be the QB. Thanks again for your help.”
Parent – ID – 2009

“Hi!I just want to thank you for the great experience our son had at your camp in Dallas. He learned a bunch and felt like he gained a great experience from attending. We hope to catch up with you at another camp this summer or in the fall.Again, thanks for your time and expertise. It was a great experience and he hopes to keep improving!!
Parent – PA – 2009

“Hi Rubio,I wanted to thank you for yet another extremely well run Camp in Dallas on Sunday. You have an awesome way of remembering each boy”s name and knowing exactly what you tell or say to them and using it to enrich the video sessions, that is very impressive. The video sessions are great because the boys can hear what you have to say about each participant and use it for their own good. The recruiting session you did this time was spot on information that not only the boys need to hear but very good for parents like me where this is the first time sending a child off to college.
Thank you for your honest critique on my son. He gets so much out of your camps, from getting back to the basic fundementals of Snapping to knowing exactly what he needs to work on and how to do it ~ and…he always leaves with more confidence.
Also thanks so much for sitting with us at lunch, my son really enjoyed that a lot. I really meant it when I said that we are glad that we found you.
I was going to add that the way you run your organization is top notch and the way you relate to the boys makes them feel like they have an instant friend that is truly interested in doing something positive for them. That is so important at this time in their lives. So just know you are appreciated for all you do for my son. We look forward to Vegas next month and California in July and hopefully a time or two in between.”
Parent – TX – 2009

“You have taught him so much about Long Snapping but most importantly you taught him to have fun doing it and to be proud of what you do. ”
Parent – GA – 2009

“We just wanted to say “thanks” for everything, so far. In the past couple of weeks our son has received communications from several top universities, with your name attached to both, as a reference. This is truly a big deal! You can”t imagine the look on our son”s face, opening the envelopes. So, from the bottom of our hearts, “thanks”!

We”ll see you in Vegas, in about a month.
Parent – IN – 2009

Thanks, again, for EVERYTHING. “I am EXTREMELY grateful are an important part of my son”s life, a mentor/friend/great coach…you have no idea” Parent – CA – 2009
“Thanks for all of your help over the years, he would not even have the chance if not for you.”
Parent – MS – 2009

“none of it would have possible without you and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts”
Parent – CA – 2009

“I just committed and I really appreciate your help. Through my long snapping and my high school career, I dont know how I could have done it without your help. Really shows how great of a special teams service you guys really are. Thank you for all of your help.”
Long Snapper – MD – 2009

“hey rubio just wanted to write and tell you i appreciated the opertunity in 07 to attend your camp. i learned so many new techniques and i appreciate everything. I signed a scholarship with old dominion university and i wanted to tell you i felt your camp helped me and had alo to do with me signing thank you from me and my parents”
Long Snapper – CA – 2009

“Just wanted to thank you for the help you offered to my son with his long snapping during your recent clinic in So Cal.We took the pointers you offered from my son”sfilm analysis and he has been working hard with regular practice to really improve his weaknesses.He has already been offered a walk on spot at a Division 2 college and is being actively recruited by two of the top junior colleges in Northern California.That”s why I”m writing now, he went for a workout yesterday at one of the Junior Colleges and the Special Teams coach challenged him to a long snapping test right on the spot with several players on the team watching.He had my son do 5 snaps from the goal line with a target of hitting the goal post (12 yards) — he then had him do 5 snaps from the PAT hold line (15 yards).My son hit the goal post (NO PAD AROUND IT–just the 8 inch stem pipe) 4 out of 5 times on BOTH TESTS — and just missed on the other two. While they weren”t timed, when they hit the goal post it rang like a bell and the players watching were like “whoa–we got a long snapper!” So I took that as a good sign.The Coach was impressed and indicated to my son he would have an excellent chance to start as a Freshman if he goes to this school.I really give you a lot of credit for buidling Daniel”s confidence and inspir ing him to take his work ethic to another level which allowed him to produce these “results under pressure”He still has work to do to get to his goals, but he has come a long way since your clinic and I just wanted to thank you for all you do for guys like my son.”
Parent – CA – 2009

“Congratulations to you for all the recent national attention you have garnered for Long Snapping. It is impossible to fully explain to you how fortunate we feel to have put our son under your guidance so early in his Long Snapping career. We could not have picked a better coach.”
Parent – NC – 2009

“Just a quick note to let you know that our son has accepted a package to play at Assumption College in Worcester MA. We are very excited and can”t thank you enough for all you have done. Thanks again and good luck in the future.”
Parent – MA – 2009

Parent – CA – 2009

“Once again words don”t express how thankfull Anne & I are to you and your coaching. He wouldn”t be here without your insight and help.”
Parent – WA – 2009

Less than 3 1/2 years ago, my son and I met you at a park in Newport Beach for our first lesson.
Today, my wife and I stood by as my son signed a College Scholarship Letter of Intent to play Division 1 football, a long time dream of his.
Thank you for the many lessons, camp, competitions and words of encouragement. Packaged together, they took my son to the pinnacle of high school long snapping.
My son will still need you as he says he will be working harder the next four years to reach his ultimate goal of snapping in the NFL.
Thanks again for all the visible and behind the scene work you did for my son and the rest of the Class of 2009.
Parent – CA – 2009

“Just a quick note say how much I was impressed by how your camp in Las Vegas was run. It was extremely organized. The skills were broken down and taught in a progression. I observed each player to receive some “one on one” time from your instructors and yourself. I do believe you knew every players name, I don’t know how but you did! Your passion for this unique but vital part of football was clearly evident and it was infectious with the players. I am a high school and club rep coach and I recognize a good practice when I see one.
My son enjoyed the experience thoroughly; he learned a great deal and is motivated to improve. He was very excited to see his results that you posted so quickly and he sees his potential and how it can be realized with hard work and commitment. What more could a coach and a father ask for from a skills camp?
We will be back next year for sure!” Parent – CANADA – 2009
Rubio, first I forgot to tell you what a great camp Chris and you ran.
It was incredibly well organized and everything ran on time and smoothly. You and your team did a fantastic job. Congratulations. He really looks up to you. You have inspired him to work really hard to be a better long snapper.
Parent – PA – 2009

“Congratulations on a great camp! My son is already looking forward to the May event. Regardless of what happens with his football career, you and your program are helping my son become an even better person and student than he already was. I am sure that years from now he will look back and consider you to be one of the more influential and important people that helped shape and influence the person he becomes in his adult life.”
Parent – CA – 2009

“Wanted to say thank you for a well run and worth while event this weekend. ”
Parent – CA – 2009

“Thank you for the encouragement my son came home with, he came home mad (that”s motivated man). He felt like he was better than he showed and he felt like he should have made the top 12 finale. So Monday here he comes in the room with his new “goal sheet” to get ready for the next camp and go against the best of the best. Knowing his mind set and the fact he puts all his goals on paper and reads them everyday he”ll be ready.
He had a great time and had the opportunity to meet some other great kids from around the country. Be ready for e-mails! Thank you again for all your hard work with all the young men. Not just football, but their preperation in the game of life. See you at LSU if not before”
Parent – LA – 2009

“My son and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the great National Snapping Event in Las Vegas this past weekend.I feel it was very informative for my son, and you and your staff were fantastic to work with.We look forward to seeing you again in May, if not sooner.Thanks again for all you do for my son.” Parent – AZ – 2009
“First of all I need to thank you and congratulate you and your staff on this years camp. It seems to get bigger and better every year. Thanks for all you and your staff do, its a great program. Keep on doing what you all do, it is working.”
Parent – AZ – 2009

“Thanks Rubio for all of your help, it”s made a big difference”
Parent – HI – 2009

“I want to say we had a fantastic experience at the Vegas camp this past weekend and we look forward to more with you”
Parent – CA – 2009

“Wanted to say that the camp was GREAT!. Some great instruction from top name college players and great competition. My son met and made some new friends from around the country and learned a great deal from the college guys. It is nice that you have them come work with the high school guys as it allows them to see where they need to be for the next level. Looking forward to May and next Jan!”
Parent – GA – 2009

“Keep up the awesome work. You guys are THE BEST.”
Parent – TX – 2009

“Just a quick note to say thanks for a great camp. With 5 kids at home, we tend to be big on orginization & not wasting time or effort. I was over joyed at the way this camp was run. The kids were not idle for more than a few seconds if at all. For our first foray into the snapping world, this will not be our last. Our son only started snapping mid-way into the season & with wrestling going on now, has had minimal time to practice. he came away from Vegas with new desire & drive (& a healthy dose of humility) to work on his craft. also I wanted to give you a bit of info for his profile when you get to them. Thanks for getting the results up so soon ! ”
Parent – CA – 2009

“Okay…this is why we love you so… tell it like it is and you
really can relate to these kids! Love it! THANKS Rubio!”
Parent – NC – 2009

“I really enjoyed the parent session/college recruiting tips session. That was extremely helpful to me. Thanks again for such a great weekend. ”

Rubio, Six camps, about 15, 042 miles and more then 30 highlight films later we”ve finally done it. I”m going to college in the big time. I say WE”VE done it because I would not have been able to et thisf ar without your help. Since my first camp sophomore year I was amazed at the wealth of knowledge you have about snapping. I can truthfully say I am lucky to have been able to learn from someone of your caliber. You have probably forgotten in all of your years of experience than I could ever hope to learn. You are more than I could have ever asked for ina snapping coach and a friend. You have helped make me who I am and and you are the reason I can play at such a top quality school. I can”t thank you enough for everything you have done to help me along the way. – LONG SNAPPER, 2009, IL
“I wanted to let ya”ll know that even though i only attended the long snapping camp one year that, i learned more with ya”ll camp than i ever did throughout my whole career as a snapper” – LONG SNAPPER, 2009, LA

Coach Rubio,
I have to tell you how much fun I had at the camp on 10/11. This was the first camp I attended with my son and husband and I must tell you I had a lot of fun. My husband has told me how much you care about all of the boy”s and after seeing it first hand I must tell you I”m impressed. I enjoyed every aspect of the day and by days end I felt connected with both you and all of the other parents. I”m so impressed by the “family atmosphere” and the fact that the parents from all over the Midwest and beyond, all seem to become friends.
I can”t thank you enough for all of your help and guidance. My son really looks up to you, and I think you are a great role model. My son has become much more confident in his skills and I love being the long snappers Mom. I just want to say thank you again, you have had a major role in our sons success. – PARENT, 2009, IL
Rubio, Thanks for all you do for the position and the sport! My son and I wish we would have hooked up with you much earlier. – PARENT, 2009, IL

I want to thank you for yesterday”s camp for my son.  He walked away with a lot more confidence and in knowledge in his snapping. – PARENT, 2009, IN

Chris Rubio: Hope all is going well with you and your family,looks like thing are going well with your business. Just wanted to let you know (with out our son”s knowledge) whats going on with him he graduated in May 09 and is enrolled in grad school playing his fifth year.So far so good he”s getting a good deal of interest from pro scouts (just not any Texas teams ha ha) I wanted to let you know how much we appreciated the things you have done to help him in his endeavors at long snapping you have had a lot more of a impact than you”ll ever know believe me I see things you showed and taught some yrs ago being used every day in his routine. I think this is a list of the scouts that have cone to at least one practice to see our son since the beginning of the season. Carolina ,San Francisco,New Orleans,St.Louis,Indianapolis,New England,Minnesota,Washington PS.  This is not about Justin its about YOU! PARENT, TX, 2009

I will say am very impressed with the quick response. I emailed two of your competitors last week ands still havent heard from any of them. Well, Idont need to look anywhere else for my sons long snapping!
Parent, ID, 2009

“Chris , i can”t begin to put into words the positive impact you have had on my son”s life the past 4 years, and we are both very grateful for it ”
Parent, CA, 2009

Long Snapper – MS – 2008
“Hey Chris,
Just wanted to give you an FYI. This weekend my son went to a Passing/Linebacking camp sponsored by __________ at UNLV. What a joke. Registration was a nightmare and half the scheduled events never took place. CSK could teach these guys a lot. Keep up the good work.”
Parent – CA – 2008

“Finally a little ink for an often overlooked position. 🙂  Wouldn”t have happend without your help and coaching. So from a very proud dad, thank you….thank you for your commitment and passion to the game and to helping
kids get better.  Looking forward to April!  See you then.”
Parent – WA – 2008

“We wanted to send you a message and let you know how much our son enjoyed the Nike Long Snapping Event that he recently attended.  This was the first event he had ever attended so we didn”t really know what to expect.  He was extremely pleased with the instruction and instructors.  It was obvious as parents, that you and the other instructors really care about helping the players improve.  It is amazing how much our son picked up during the course of the weekend.”
Parent – GA – 2008

“I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for what you do.  I know that this is your business, but I feel that it is more than that to you.  You really care about these kids.  You are very honest with them, but also know the right things to say.  This has been the best program that DJ has been to.”
Parent – VA – 2008

Great job in Vegas!!! It was awesome to experience the event first hand and see you and your team work with the athletes and interact with the college coaches. Very impressive!!!
Parent – CA – 2008

“We wanted to thank you for putting on such a well organized, well taught camp in Las Vegas.  Sean learned a lot, and the demo by the staff at the end was inspiring.”
Parent – WA – 2008

“I want to thank you for the great camp you and all the staff put on.  The camp was really first class.”
Parent – OH – 2008

“Chris, thanks so much for putting on the event in Las Vegas.  Michael and I had a great time.  It was run professionally and I think all of the boys got a lot out of it.  I know Michael did.  As you know, Michael is top rated with other camps and have been to a bunch of their camps.  They are good, but Michael and I both agree that you are great!  A great teacher and the boys have fun while they learn from you.  You should be proud of what you and Chris Sailer have built.  We will definitely stay with you and your camps. Again, thanks for all you do.  Michael and I agree that you are super and we appreciate your honesty and your sincere concern for all of these snapper prospects to be the best they can be.
Parent – GA – 2008

“Thank you for everything you have done for Ryan in the past year.  He really enjoyed your camps and I wished we would have started with you sooner.”
Parent – FL – 2008

“Thanks for the instruction and professionalism that you and your staff provided at the 6th Annual Event.  I can say beyond any doubt that my son Adam is a vastly improved long snapper for having attended.  He now knows where he compares with his piers and more importantly has been provided the tools to improve.  I have read the reviews yet I was and still continue to be amazed at how well the camp was run and at the amount of training that you were able to accomplish in such a short time.  The huge turnout of college coaches on Sunday afternoon was testament to the respect that you and Chris Sailer have earned among them.  I have no doubt that you will continue to attract and cultivate the best snappers and kickers in the country.”
Parent – VA – 2008

“I can”t say enough about the event, it was so well organized compared to some camps that we have attended at colleges.”
Parent – OK – 2008

“Rubio, Thanks to you for the exposure that your camp has given me. I am beginning to get some attention from D-1 Coaches now thanks to Chris Rubio and Chris Sailer Kicking.”
Long Snapper – MS – 208

“I just wanted to thank Rubio for the exposure that he has brought to my son! My son played on a 4A state championship team ( 14-0 nevada) and did not get any intrest from any colleges out of high school. Two years after he graduated high school he met Chris Rubio by luck. Within a week of meeting Rubio he had been contacted by apx. 20 colleges. I want to be first in line to tell both Rubio & Sailer what a great service they are doing for our kids. Although my son had never been to one of Rubio”s camps, Rubio was willing to do this for him. The Las Vegas camp was only his second camp with Rubio, but he has improved greatly with Rubio”s instruction. Once again thank you Chris Rubio!!!!”

“Thanks again for a great camp and the individual attention you give to all the guys.”
Parent – North Carolina – 2008

“CSK/Rubio is without peer when it comes to exposing a kicker/punter/LS to college ST coaches. There is no equal, period. Just look again at their alumni throughout the college and pro ranks; no other organization can compare.
My son first came to a CSK/Rubio camp in our local area. He was not known, nor was there an expectation on my part that he would automatically be in a “top” group. In fact, he did OK, but did not necessarily separate himself from the pack. He took Rubio”s instruction/critique and worked hard to improve. He next went to the May Vegas camp and did quite well. Not because of the money I paid, rather because he worked his tail off; specifically working on what Rubio told him he needed to improve on. He did well enough in Vegas to be invited to the LA camp. Each camp he attended, he made significant improvement. He went in with the mindset of what can I do to get better; listened to Rubio, then committed himself to improvement. The only guarantee Rubio ever gave my son was that if he would listen to his instruction and fully dedicate himself to work-on the things that he told him to work on; he would improve. That”s exactly what has happened and my son had an outstanding 07 football season. As a direct result of Chris Rubio; his fantastic instruction and his incredible credibility within the collegiate ST coaching ranks, my son now has an opportunity to continue his football career playing college ball. Talent isn”t enough in this day and age; dedication, commitment and lots of sweat equity will basically get you to home plate…along with all the others. Rubio is the differentiator. We are thankful for the opportunity to learn and the exposure that was provided through CSK/Rubio”s proven credibility.
I  would strongly advise any parent, who has a son who wants to improve his skills to become the very best he can be attend as many of these camps that they can possibly afford”
“Las Vegas was great for Josh, he got a good look at what it will take to get to the next level. Congratulations on the turn out and for putting on a fabulous and well organized event!”
Parent – TX – 2008

“Like I said a year or so ago, Its so much fun watching your business grow and become the 800 pound gorillas in the industry.”
Parent – CA – 2008

“I am writing to thank you for all of your assistance w/ my son. You showed him the proper mechanics of snapping and blocking.  I thank you for all of your good work. Keep it up!!! It is nice to see that you have not only have given back to long snapping……. you have made it better!!! Great Job!!!!…
Parent – TX – 2008

Las Vegas was great for Josh, he got a good look at what it will take to get to the next level. Congratulations on the turn out and for putting on a fabulous and well organized event!”
Parent – CA – 2008

“I had a great experience over the weekend and thanks for the opportunity in the 3rd group. I learned a lot and feel myself developing as a snapper. I loved the competitiveness in that final lesson. I never thought a group of snappers could love competition as much as any other position player. There was a lot of talent this weekend and it was a great experience. Thank you….”
2009 Long Snapper, CA
Parent – AZ – 2008

“I am writing this e-mail to thank you soo much for the event in Vegas and giving me the opportunity to come up there. I have to admit I was nervous about meeting you and the counselors but all of you were so welcoming, kind, and very helpful and it was awesome to finally meet you in person. I learned a lot at the event as you and the counselors walked around helping each and every one of us with the drills. ”
Long Snapper – CA – 2008

“Thank you for your time, effort and professionalism.  CSK is truly in a league of its own!”
Parent – FL – 2008

“You do a great job of evaluating talent and help the boys achieve there goals and what you have done for both my boys I will always thank you. ”
Parent – TX – 2008

“My name is Carl Winckler and I coach at Western Branch High in Chesapeake, Va.  DJ Skinner plays for us and I would like to say how much I enjoyed accompanying him to your camp in Las Vegas.  It was an AWESOME experience!!!  DJ thinks the world of you and learns something from you each time he attends.  He can”t stop talking about how he admires you.  Thank you for making a difference in his life.   You have established a goal for him to strive for. Once again thank you for all that you do for DJ.  Your expertise makes our team even better.”
High School Coach, VA. 2008

“Chris first of all I would like to thank you for the camp it really helped me I haven”t really had a coach and so this has helped tremendously.”
Long Snapper – CA – 2008

“None of the people I have met so far have the knowledge, experience, or teaching capability that you do. Aaron never would have gotten this far without your help, and he will never get any better unless you continue to teach him. Thanks for everything you do for us”
Parent of a D1 Long Snapper, CA 2007

“It all started at your great camps.”
Parent of a D1 Long Snapper, NV 2007

Thank you for helping me get to where I am at now. Without your help SJSU wouldn”t of even thought about giving me an opportunity.”
D1 Long Snapper, CA 2007

“This just came out today and I thought you might like to know since you share in this as well.  Zach was selected First Team All Southwest Junior College Football Conference (SWJCFC) Long Snapper by the conference coaches.  He’s worked hard for this honor and you’ve played a major role in this accomplishment.  Not only have you taught him well, you’ve inspired him to keep getting better. ”
Parent of JC and soon to be D1 Long Snapper, TX 2007

“Thanks Chris – you”re a great mentor for Tyler and we appreciate it.”
Parent of a D1 Long Snapper, CA 2007

“You are really giving kids an opportunity to improve their lives by giving them an education that some of them could never afford. They will never forget that and alway have a special place for you in their hearts.”
Parent of a HS Long Snapper, CA 2007

Affter attending your camp he came back with a renewed enthusiasm for football.  This is the first time he has not started for the team he plays on(size at V level is a problem!) and was thinking about not playing on the varsity this year.  He has found a home long snapping and so far after 4 games has managed about 16 snaps all without issues!!! Thanks for your camp and Matt”s renewed enthusiasm.
Parent of a HS Long Snapper, IL 2007

Your boy, Matthew, did extremely well in the past three games as well as in the upset victory over Iowa. he is getting off the snap like a rocket, sprinting down field in a sub five forty and disrupting some return teams. You have done an Phenomenol job with him and I will be forever thankful for you in my son”s life. He has total confidence in you. He is facing some difficult comments by a special teams coach with inferiority complexes but because of your strength and belief in him, he has risen above. You can be extremely proud of the job you have done and I thank you for all the effort above and beyond. There will always be a place in my family and our hearts for you.
God bless you
A very proud father,
Parent of a D1 Long Snapper, Iowa, 2007

Thanks man you had so much to do with his success. We appreciate all you have done and continue to be there for him. He talks a lot about you and has you in his mind when under pressure. Thanks again…dr”
-Parent of a D1 Long Snapper, Arkansas 2007

“Joe worked real hard but without your camps and coaching his dream would have been just that!”
Parent of a D1 Long Snapper, FL 2007

“I just wanted to tell you how much Ty & I enjoyed the Top 12 camp. We both felt it was an intensive 3 days of work. Having the opportunity to compete against that caliber of snappers, along with the fundamental drills you taught should take everyone of those young men to a higher level of snapping.
In addition to the improvements Ty has made while attending your camps, he and I have always came away with at least one drill to add to our workout routine. This has helped Ty improve his snap times, accuracy and footwork.
Thanks for your devotion and promotion of long snapping.”
-Parent of a HS senior, Atlanta,GA 2007

“Thank you for helping me develop into a better snapper, you and the chris sailer kicking website played a big part in exposing me and giving me plenty of oppurtunities to continue playing football in college.”
-Division 1 Long Snapper, Florida, 2007

“Thank you again for helping him to become a better long snapper and especially for the pub.  Your program is outstanding, I only wish we had known about you earlier.”
-Parent of JC Long Snaper, 2007

“I would like to personally thank for you for the private instruction that you gave Chase in the summer of 2006 at the University of Hawaii. I can say without a doubt, that Chase attending your instructional event was THE TURNING POINT for him as far as getting him to the next level and for the constant motivation that he has acquired. Chase and I often review the video that we took ofyour instruction and I am still impressed with your teaching skills and format. You are responsible for putting Chase in a position to continue to play the game that he loves and to continue his education. Again Chris, thank you for things you have done for Chase, it is truly amazing at how a weekend can change a lifetime and this has been evident in Chase”s case. ”
-Parent of a High School Senior, HI 2007

“On behalf of Nolan and our family, we are honored to speak on behalf of Chris Rubio and Chris Sailer and what they have done for our son.  Nolan came to Chris Sailer Kicking early in his sophomore year and immediately connected with Chris Rubio and the long snapping program.  As parents we were unsure of where this would lead but along with Nolan made a serious commitment to long snapping.  Fast forward to 2007 and Nolan has just committed to play for a major university on FULL SCHOLARSHIP.  If it weren’t for Chris Rubio and his techniques, expertise, instruction, reputation and dedication to the art of long snapping Nolan would not be playing for a division 1 football program.  Chris is more than just a long snapping instructor he’s a master at it.  Just take a look at the list of past and present recruits and you’ll see the success of his program.  It’s with deep appreciation and gratitude we have for Chris Sailer Kicking that we say THANK YOU.  We hope to make you proud for years to come!”
-Parent of a High School Senior, CA 2007

What can I possibly say? Thanks for:
– Making every snapper feel like they are most important to you.
– Running a true world-class event (and making it look easy to do).
– Going above and beyond expectations.
– Infusing the guys with your passion.
– Going 100 percent, 100 percent of the time.”
Parent of a High School Senior, NC 2007

“This by far is the best events my son as ever participated in.”
Parent of a High School Junior, KS 2007

“I just wanted to personaly thank you for all your help at the camp in vegas. I cant wait for the camp in May and i will work hard until then. Thanks again for all the tips, I learned ton and had alot of fun at the camp. Thanks again for everything!”
High School Junior, New Mexico 2007

“Just wanted to drop you a line and congratulate you and Sailer on a first class camp. Your organization and instruction was commendable. Jake learned a lot and is now challenged to become a D1 snapper. That you for challenging my son and showing him what goes into making a true long snapper. I would whole heartedly recommend your camp to any long snapper wishing to improve themselves.”
Parent of a High School Sophomore, IL 2007

“Thanks for putting on an outstanding camp experience this weekend. From a parent”s perspective, it was impressive to see how well your students have done, but also to see their quality as role models. We”re very glad to be part of your program.”
Parent of a High School Freshman, CO 2007

“Rubio, I would like to thank you for all of your efforts in putting on the Las
Vegas event. I was totally impressed with the quality of the instruction and the instructors. The exposure to college coaches these boys are getting is impressive. I appreciate the one on one attention you have given my son Michael. I have seen a dramatic improvement in his ability and his desire that I directly attribute to your encouragement. Again, thank you!”
Parent of a High School Junior, AR 2007

“I am not much for words, but you two guys operation is waht I consider as professionalism from top to bottom. The camp you provide and run is excellent. I wish we would had known of you guys a couple of years ago.”
Parent of a High School Senior, TX 2006

“It has been a surreal experience for me to watch him perform at this level, especially being an alumn of the school. The camps and work that you have personally provided to him has been invaluable in his achievement.  I am sure he will continue to work with you in the summer camp and whenever possible.  I cannot thank you enough. ”
Parent of a D1 Snapper, KS 2006

“Thanks for everything you have done to support Corey during the entire recruiting process. You never made a promise you did not keep, or a committment you did not follow through on.”
Parent of a High School Senior, CO 2006

“Chris Rubio, of Chris Sailer Kicking, is simply the best long snapping instructor in the world. He is a gifted instructor; an expert in the technique, art, and science of long snapping; and the number 1 resource the nation”s top football programs look to when they need to find long snapping talent. His track record of developing long snappers for the collegiate level is unparalleled. The value received from attending Chris Sailer Kicking & Long Snapping Camps far exceeds anything we could have hoped for.”
Parent of a D1 Snapper, TX 2006

“I highly recommend the Chris Sailer National Long Snapping Competition. Long Snapping Instructor, Chris Rubio, is a role model for athletes because of his talent, motivation, and encouraging manner. As a Long Snapper, my son”s skills greatly improved from attending this competition and, as a result, he earned a full athletic scholarship to an outstanding Division 1 College.”
Parent of a D1 Snapper, CA 2006

“You are by far the most knowledgeable person when it comes to long snapping we have meet.”
Parent of a D2 Snapper, Florida 2005

“I have never been to a combine, camp or competition as well run as the one that you and Chris Sailer put on. It ran on time, followed the schedule, and delivered what was promised better than any event that my son has participated in or that I have gone to in my role in the media and following college football recruiting. I was wondering about the promise of coaches attending the finals, but I have to admit that I haven”t seen that many Division I, I-AA, II, III, and JC coaches in one place other than the AFCA Convention.”
Parent of a D1 Snapper, Oklahoma 2005

“I really wanted to just say thanks for all of your help. My son would not be close to where he is today without you. You are a great teacher, coach and mentor. Rarely does my son look forward to a workout; he does with you, because it is you. Thanks again.”
Parent of a D1 Snapper, California 2005

“Your attention to detail along with the genuine care shown toward the kids has set you apart from the rest. As parents we sometimes worry about the people that come into the life of our kids that have influence, such as teachers, coaches, etc. We pray that some of them will have a positive influence. I”m proud to say that Scotty has met you and that you are part of that circle of influence. Your passion for helping the boys was evidenced by you and your staff”s willingness to teach, instruct, and coach the group throughout the weekend.”
Parent of a High School Snapper, Louisville 2005

“My son has been to other football and baseball camps and we both thought that your camp was the best he has been to. Other snapping camps he has gone to have not been as helpful and the staff not nearly as knowledgeable as yours was last weekend.”
Parent of a High School Snapper, Texas 2005

“Chris, words cannot describe my gratitude. You have played a very major role in Ed”s success. Without your training and guidance we wouldn”t even be talking football beyond the high school level. You have helped hone his skill to D-1 level.”
Parent of a D1 Snapper, Ca. 2004

“I just wanted to write to you to tell you and your staff thank you so much for the camp you put on last weekend. You guys did an excellent job with coaching and teaching everyone the in and outs of snapping.”
Long Snapper, Kentucky 2004
“Congratulations to both you and Chris Sailer on a job well done at the Las Vegas Kicking/Snapping Competition. The event was well staffed, ran smoothly and was very organized. There was very little down time so the participants kept warm and on-track. The talent was excellent and from all parts of the US and the number of coaches in attendance was impressive.”
Parent of a D1 Snapper, California 2004

“My son is an invited walk-on to one of the most prestigious football programs in the nation thanks to your program. I can”t say enough good things about the long snapping instruction, and exposure that your camps and competition offer. Thanks for all you do to help get these kids exposure that they would otherwise not get. Your program is invaluable to long snappers wanting to go to the next level.”
Parent of a D1 Snapper, Texas 2004

“In a relatively short amount of time Chris Rubio has become the # 1 authority on coaching and evaluating long snappers throughout the country. When a coach wants a long snapper, they know to go through Chris Sailer Kicking and contact Chris Rubio. I would highly recommend to any long snapper wanting to be seen by college coaches to attend the National Kicking Combine in May and the National Kicking Competition in January.”
– Special Teams Coach. D1A 2004


The Parent of a Long Snapper

At first, you were confused. You were definitely no expert on football, but you did know the basics. And, within those basics, you knew that no one actually wanted to be a long snapper. So, when your 8th grade son came up to you and said he might want to go to a long snapping camp, you were baffled. You were going to be the parent of a long snapper?

You remember the moment like it was yesterday. Your son, who was always a decent athlete, guided you through the website (yes, an actual site devoted to long snapping) as though he had studied it for hours. He knew all the ins and outs of the site, he was trying to “hook” you into registering him. You appeased your sons zeal. You still weren’t sure on the whole process until Bruce came over. Bruce was your son’s best friend. They had been friends ever since they had the same kindergarten teacher. Your son was the good athlete who was very intelligent while Bruce was a very good soccer player that had more looks than common sense. Wits aside, Bruce was a great kid that always landed on his feet (and used them). Anyway, he came over (during the long snapping propaganda ceremony that your son was putting on) and chimed in.

Bruce was actually going to the same camp, but as a kicker. Your son and Bruce were both headed off to high school and already had planned how to stay united. Since the local high school’s soccer team was, to put it nicely, sub-par, Bruce decided to forgo soccer and just become a kicker for the football team. Bruce would be the kicker and your son would the snapper. It was perfect. They were inseparable off the field and now would be the same on the field as well. You were going to be a parent of a long snapper?

You caved after hours of persistence from your son and Bruce (actually like ten minutes). You sent your soon to be high schooler off with Bruce to the camp. Bruce went to his side of the field, your son went to his. Bruce learned how to kick, your son learned how to snap. You were becoming a parent of a long snapper?

This went on for years. Camp after camp. To say the process was smooth is not accurate. The first year, the coach couldn’t care less about your son and his “position” on the team. For Bruce, it was not much better. Freshman teams aren’t really a juggernaut on offense so there were little opportunities for the two boys to shine. That, and the fact that your boy was, average at best with his snapping, made life a bit tough during snapping season (which is year round).

Sophomore year was big for the boys…well, a boy. Bruce really grew physically and with his kicking. Puberty high-fived him and guided him into the weight room where he put on about twenty pounds of muscle that he used simply for kicking. He was becoming a monster on campus and on the field. Even though, he was “only” a kicker, he was still regarded as “that guy” on the team. Bruce, only a sophomore, was already starting to dominate the kicking camps. Life was good, no great, for him.

For your son, things were more challenging. Puberty eluded him at first. A tad thin, gawky even, your boy simply couldn’t put on weight. Muscle was not even close to hitting his frame. You would have been happy with even some fat. Nothing would stick to his bones. Frustrated was an understatement. The one thing that kept your son going: his snapping. He kept at the camps, he worked on his form, he loved the camaraderie. He was part of a group…almost a gang. You met parents. You didn’t mind the camps. It was becoming fun for you as well. You were becoming a parent of a long snapper?

Junior year flew by and so did the notion of your son being thin. He filled out very well and looked like an athlete. Camps became more frequent and social media allowed you to stay connected to other parents of long snappers. You even became very good friends with Bruce’s parents. It was hard not to since the boys were always together and you had a common denominator to discuss. Bruce’s recruiting took off, he flourished at the kicking camps and was even offered a couple scholarships to major universities. All the while, your son snapped the ball to “the star.” Bruce was the stud kicker and your son was “the kid who snapped it to Bruce.”

As popular as Bruce became at school, on the recruiting sites and on blogs, he never forgot your son and how “his” key plays during the game, started. Bruce knew were the play started. Your son and Bruce practiced non-stop throughout the year. Your son snapped the footballs, a random kid would hold and Bruce would kick it long and far. Day in and day out, week in and week out, camp after camp, Bruce and your son were a team. You were the parent of a long snapper.

Senior year comes along and wouldn’t you know it, your son’s football team was doing well, very well. Games were like parties, everyone knew about Bruce and you were part of the whitewash. The crowd cheered for every kick like it was a game winner. No matter if it was a P.A.T. or a 50 yarder, the other parents roared congratulations to Bruce’s parents after each and every time Bruce was on the field. You sat right next to them and congratulated them just as everyone else did. And, after every kick, which, of course meant a great snap from your son, Bruce’s parents, almost in unison, would look your way and simply mouth the words “thank you.” They never said it out loud, but you knew they meant it from the bottom of the hearts. They knew their son’s success was directly correlated to all the time Bruce and your son spent together at camps, on the field and watching games on TV. There was no kick made without a snap. You were the parent of a long snapper.

Well, wouldn’t you know it, the team made the championship game. Everyone was excited, BEYOND excited. The kids, school and the town were overflowing with excitement. Everyone wanted to see a perfect game. Unfortunately, Mother Nature couldn’t care less. The early December game meant chance for rain and that seemed to be simply what would happen on that Saturday night.

Your son and Bruce did some extra practice that week. You and Bruce’s father went with them. You both created as many wild scenarios as possible. Nothing would surprise them. By Wednesday, when the weather report made it clear that rain would be a legit possibility, you even brought a gallon of water to saturate the footballs so your son could simulate a wet snap. Your son was not a fan of this drill and never really could manage to create his perfect snap. You were definitely the parent of a Long Snapper.

Now it is game night and the weather was cooperating, thus far. It was cold, very cold, but no rain at all. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth is how the score went all game long. The teams were very evenly matched. You were a quiet fan, but even found yourself cheering out loud at several points in the game.

The game came down to the final five minutes and wouldn’t you know it, the sky decided to open up and cleanse the players. When the first drop hit your jacket, your heart sunk fifty miles and you couldn’t breathe. On cue, your son looked up at you and you could see him swallow and look at you with his big, brown eyes. His look seemed to say “Not this, anything but this. Please dad, make the rain stop.” Your eyes welled up, emotions grabbed you, there was nothing you could do expect yell to him, “You got this!” You are the parent of a Long Snapper.

The rain came down in buckets. It seemed to increase by the minute. The game become sloppy. No one had any footing, no one could run, no one could throw, it was becoming ugly. Somehow, the football gods blessed your son’s team and allowed them a big run off the right tackle. The running back burst off the end and was gone for a 60 yard pickup. He eventually was brought down on the opposing team’s ten yard line. Everyone was so excited, they barely realized the clock was almost out. There were three seconds left. There was time for one play from the ten yard line.

The coach was not an ignorant man. He motioned for Bruce. You saw it, Bruce’s parents saw it. You looked at each other. Emotions overflowing. You all nodded at the same time with the look of “here we go.” Your boy looked at you, you heart was pounding, The rain was pouring and that only added to the wetness coming from your eyes. You tried to remain strong for your son’s sake. It was almost too much.

All the years of training, all the hours, all the camps, should make this moment easy for your son and Bruce. Your son set up on the ball, the overly saturated ball, he wiggled his fingers. You knew his routine, you were the parent of a Long Snapper.

The snap came out quickly, it was not a tight spiral. You gulped. Your worst nightmare. Time stopped. The ball rotated. The ball flew over the holder’s outstretched arms. You almost vomited. You felt a thousand eyes look at you. You tried to stay focused on your son. You didn’t look anyone in the eyes. You felt as though you were spiraling into an abyss. Your son just had a bad snap.

Trying to avoid every fan’s eyes, you finally caught a glimpse of your son and noticed a yellow flag on the field. You hoped, you prayed, for it to be on the other team. It was! It turns out the nose guard illegally hit your son just before the snap and that is what caused the wayward snap. You looked around and noticed no one was looking at you now. Bruce’s parents patted you on the back. You got closer to them. You and them, just like Bruce and your son, were a team.

The game winning kick cleared the field goal posts easily. Your son’s snap was perfect. It was just like the countless other snaps you had seen him execute at camps, in the garage, in the front driveway, in the backyard, in the street and on the field. You are the parent of a Long Snapper.

The crowd swarmed Bruce’s parents in the crowd and as they made their way onto the field. It was a mass of humanity and it converged on to the hero of the game, Bruce. Hundreds of people chanted his name, they lifted him up, he won the game. He made the game winning kick. He won the championship. He did it all.

You avoided the masses and went to the spot on the field where your son snapped the ball. He was there, waiting for you. You hugged him as hard as anyone ever held someone they loved and were proud of. As you opened your eyes filled with tears, you caught Bruce’s parents looking at you. They were just twenty yards away but it might as well have been twenty miles. You were with your son, the Long Snapper, isolated from everyone and they were with their son, the kicker, the hero of the game, being mobbed by hundreds. Twenty yards away, your eyes met and you clearly saw Bruce’s parents, who clearly understood the process, mouth the words to you, “Thank you!”

You ARE the parent of the Long Snapper.

Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 14 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


Should College Football Players Be Compensated?

My local paper, The Lewiston Tribune, asked me to write an article on my opinion about the whole unionization of college football and if college football players should be paid. Here it is…..

It’s about time!

That was my reaction when I saw the Northwestern University football team won the right to form a union. The Nation Labor Relations Board made a groundbreaking decision that will impact college athletics for years to come.

Right off the bat, I will tell you that I am biased on this topic. I played football at UCLA in the mid to late 1990s. I have been on the other size of Oz’s curtain and I know what it is like.

I have had this argument (should college athletes get paid, do they deserve more, etc.) with friends and family in the past and will have it many more times in the future.

Bottom line, YES, I do believe college football players should get paid and be able to form a union to protect themselves. If they don’t, who will?

The NCAA? Not too sure I would jump on their shoulders and cheer too loud for them. They say it isn’t about the money but, in reality, it’s all about the money. On every angle you look at this topic, it’s all about the money.

If it is not about the all-mighty dollar, why do universities sell jerseys with their team’s top players’ numbers on them? Why not just wipe out that process altogether and sell No. 00 jerseys? Answer: No one would wear that number because it’s not related to a college athlete.

The colleges and universities know they aren’t selling jerseys; they are selling their top QB, RB or DL. It’s obvious. It’s too obvious.

It’s also obvious the top athletes who are making the colleges millions don’t see one dime of the money. Nothing.

How many No. 2 football jerseys do you think Texas A&M sold prior to Johnny Manziel’s last two highlighteel seasons? I would bet none.

Now, how much money do you think they estimate Manziel has brought in to the university in less than two years?

Ready for the answer … $37 million! All money that the university would have never seen had it not been for their star athlete playing the game of football.

And that money will keep on coming into the college while he plays in the NFL because he attracted fans and fans spend money. The more fans, the more they will spend and the more the school will spend to make the school look better (FYI: Texas A&M is about to finish adding 20,000 more seats to its stadium) and attract more boosters and students.

Go ahead and check to see schools’ application numbers after they do well in football. They always rise because the school gets more television exposure and students want to go to a wellecognized school with a winning team.

But the argument goes, a kid in college shouldn’t get that money since they are usually not very mature and would blow it right away. Fine, put it away and give it to them when they are off to the pros or graduate (that will really pick up graduation rates). I am all for that and think it could easily work.

One argument is that football players get paid by having their education covered and even a scholarship check to boot. There are a lot of holes in this argument.

Yes, just like a student on academic scholarship, a football player’s schooling is paid for. That is where the correlation ends.

You see, a student on academic scholarship has to be a top-tier student. That is all. Don’t get in trouble, keep your grades up and represent the university well and you’re good. Plus, they have the ability to get a job when they are not in class.

A football player on scholarship has to do all of those things, without having time to get a job AND has to play football. Big deal you say? It’s just a game you say?

Think about it like this, an average college football player’s schedule looks something like this during season …

  • Work out at 6 a.m.
  • Class from 8 a.m. to noon
  • Physical therapy from 1 to 2 p.m.
  • Meetings from 2 to 3 p.m.
  • Practice from 3 to 6 p.m.
  • Training table (mandatory dinner with the team) from 7 to 8 p.m.
  • Tutoring from 8 to 10 p.m.
  • Do it all again the next day.

A college football player simply has no time for anything else. They don’t have time for a job. No job means no money.

But they get scholarship checks from the university, you say? That check is nothing. It is so bad that even the NCAA admits that a “full scholarship” does not cover the basic necessities for a college athlete. My check at UCLA back in the late ’90s was approximately $800 per month. My rent alone was $450. After bills and food, there was NEVER any money left. Trust me, I was not buying anything crazy or anything at all. I wasn’t going to Disneyland every day, or ever. Without help from a parent, a football player on scholarship doesn’t survive.

With inflation and rent price increases, this check has increased to around $1,300 now. Ask any player living in L.A., and this barely covers rent and a few bills and meals.

In doing research for this piece, I spoke with several current college athletes and every single one said what they get is not even close to enough. They often will go without eating meals in order to save money to make sure the bills are paid. (fyi: since this article was written, the NCAA has adjusted to allow unlimited meals to college athletes less than two weeks after Connecticut guard and Final Four Most Outstanding Player Shabazz Napier made headlines by saying he often goes to bed starving)

One must wonder if the heads of the universities athletic departments or the NCAA are having to skip breakfast in order to make sure they have gas in their car to get to job/practice?

My bet is no.

Can you see how much time the athlete must dedicate to football? This is why they are so adamant about getting to be a union. So they can have some rights. So they can eventually get some compensation for being on the field and getting beat up all year long and risk life-altering injuries.

Anyone can do it? Not true. Only a certain few have the ability to do it.

To be a college athlete, to maintain the highest standards on the field and in the classroom takes a special person and that special person should be fairly compensated and protected.



New Rubio Long Snapping Target

Over the past decade, I have been using the Rubio Long Snapping Target at all my camps and events across the country.

At regional camps, the Long Snappers go through a bracket type competition while at my Vegas Events, they go through a much more intense full on testing format where they compete against all and not just one other Long Snapper.

At every camp, I have noticed the Long Snappers keep getting better and better (mostly because they are coming younger and younger) and, in turn, the scoring on The Target has gone through some major changes. Battles in the bracket style format go much quicker (not a lot of wasted opportunity) and the overall scores in Vegas have skyrocketed.

A top score in Vegas used to be in the low teens and not is not an uncommon to see high teens, low 20’s, high 20’s or even in the 30’s. This is just crazy. I mean really insane.

Finally, after speaking it over with Chris Sailer of Chris Sailer Kicking and some of my senior staff members, I have decided The Target needed to be revamped. This new target will make things a bit more difficult but I do believe it will give me more of a true feeling of the abilities of each and every Long Snapper that goes head to head with it. It won’t be about simply hitting the target. It will be about hitting the exact spots a Long Snapper should be hitting.

Scoring will also be adjusted with a 3 pointer will be only in red areas and 2 pointer only in yellow. No points for in between any more.

I know some (many) of you might be flipping out right now but I truly believe this is for the best and you will be fine. Trust me.

With no further adieu, I present to you, the new Rubio Long Snapping Target for the rest of 2014 (take some time to really inspect every aspect of it and it’s gloriousness) and beyond…..

April Fools Target



12th Annual Spring Event Info

The 12th Annual National Snapping Spring Event in Las Vegas, NV run by Rubio Long Snapping is a little over a month away.  While many Long Snappers are taking this time of year off, those that seriously want to play in college and know what it takes are working harder and smarter than ever.  Those dedicated Long Snappers will be in Las Vegas on May 10-11, 2014 ready to impress and gain the most valuable national exposure in the nation.

Here is some useful information for those attending and those that are still considering attending…

  • It is open to all. This NOT an invite only camp. This camp offers a great experience to kickers, punters, and long snappers of all levels.  Expect a wide range of talent from beginners to the best of the best from around the world in the Classes of 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, Junior Colleges and 4-Year Transfer Students.  The best of the best, The “Event Elite”, selected from the Spring Event will be invited to attend the “TOP 12″ and “Event Elite” Camp in June. To attend, just email [email protected]
  • Event Date: May 10-11, 2014
  • Arrive Friday May 9th.  The earlier that you arrive, the more well rested you will be for the weekend.
  • Plan on being at camp until 5PM Sunday May 11th.  There is no way of knowing if you will make the Finals Round Sunday until you and all other participants have completed the initial round of charting Sunday morning.  Whether you make the Finals Round or not, you should plan on staying on watching the Finals Round.  Get the full experience from the camp!
  • Friday Small Group Sessions (3:00 – 4:00 & 4:00 – 5:00) are OPTIONAL.  These were designed to knock some rust off, get rid of jet lag legs, and gain confidence heading into Saturday.  If you can make it, I highly recommend you attend. To register, just email [email protected].
  • Location: Las Vegas Outdoor Soccer 1400 N. Rampart Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89128
  • There is no bleacher seating.  Bring chairs or buy some cheap chairs if you would like to sit while you watch.

Why May? May is also known as “Evaluation Period” for college coaches.  This is a very HOT time for recruiting for all classes.  May offers maximum exposure.  Chris Sailer and myself will be handing 100′s of calls after this event.  Recruiting Boards will be set based on results and our evaluations.  Want to be offered a scholarship at those college camps this summer?  Attending this camp is how they will know about you!

  • The 12th Annual National Snapping Spring Event gives you a chance to make the “Event Elite”.  There is NO set number of specialists that will be selected.  The number selected is based on the number of participants that can compete at that VERY HIGHEST LEVEL.  They will be selected to join the “TOP 12″ at the most prestigious Invite Only Camp in the world…The TOP 12 & EVENT ELITE CAMP.
  • Think you are good enough to make the “Event Elite” well now is the chance to prove it.
  • It is no surprise that from the 12th Annual National Snapping Event in January that the “TOP 12″ are already getting major attention and full scholarship offers.  Who will be next?
  • The Spring Event in NOT an Invite Only Camp.
  • Come prepared to enjoy your experience.  Do NOT put to much pressure on yourself.  Come with open eyes and ears.  Learn from your instructors and your peers.  Look around and take it all in.  Watch other groups.  Watch the college and pro demo.  Attend the Meetings.  There are so many things to learn and that you can and will benefit from if you take advantage.  Leave the camp with goals and a motivation to work harder than ever!


  • Saturday – Instructional Day.  You will get plenty of reps.  Pace yourself.  There will be a lot of live snapping. Your group numbers will be emailed to you about a week prior to camp.
  • Sunday – Competition Day.  You will be charted.  You will be filmed. You will be tested. You will be timed.  Your competition start time will be assigned to you at Check-In Saturday.
  • Saturday Meetings are the the Group Rate Hotel – JW Marriott.  I highly advise that participants and their parents attend.  Get there early and enjoy. To book your hotel room.  CLICK HERE


  • What makes Rubio Long Snapping the best in the business?  1st National Camp Ever for Long Snappers.
  • Chris Rubio is physically at EVERY camp associated with Rubio Long Snapping.
  • Chris Rubio is the ONLY one that handles the evaluations and rankings for the Long Snappers.  Same holds true for Chris Sailer with the kickers and punters with Chris Sailer Kicking.
  • Talk to any college coach in America or any Long Snapper that has been to multiple camps and will see that Rubio Long Snapping is the place to be for the best possible instruction and exposure.  Our advertising is word of mouth.  Come see for yourself!  See you in May!

Rubio Long Snapping Commits


Rubio Long Snapper Chris Longo Earns Scholarship to UCLA

Long time Rubio Long Snapper and TOP 12er Chris Longo has been put on scholarship at UCLA!

Longo started all games last season and performed well enough to earn himself a full scholarship. Longo has been with Rubio Long Snapping since 2009 and has gradually gotten better over time. He is built very long and can rip the ball back to the punter. He came off a knee injury two seasons ago and battled to win the starting job.

Congratulations to Chris Longo and his family!


Working Hard is Stupid….

…if you aren’t working smart as well.

You will never get better if you simply are trying to outwork your opponent with your body. You need to outwork them with your body, as well as your brains.

If you are doing the wrong thing over and over while busting your butt, you will NEVER get better.

You will get worse. Considerably worse.

You will get frustrated because you aren’t improving and then there is often no recovery. No fix. You will spiral out of control. You try to work harder and harder but just end up getting worse and worse.

Sadly, I have seen it countless times with athletes. (Just one more snap turns into fifty more bad snaps and you just made your form go to the dumps)

More often than not, I have to fix an athlete that has been overworked. They had a “coach” who thought they knew what they were doing and just ended up hurting the athletes body, mind, chances & future. (Doing anything over and over and over shows no thought process and will not benefit you….cough, cough: just snapping non-stop at a camp)

The athlete should have been working smarter. Not counting the reps but making the reps count.

If you are going to just work hard, I feel sorry for you because you are going to have a very, very long road ahead of you in life.



Rubio Long Snapping In The News (Continuously Updated)

Here are articles that mention Rubio Long Snapping specifically. You want exposure, go through

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper Nate Adams and his commitment to Maryland

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper Alan Lucy and his commitment to Rutgers on scholarship

Click HERE to read a story about Phil Steele All-American and Rubio Long Snapper Scott Thompson of NC State

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper Wyatt Smith and his scholarship

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper Drew Howell at Oregon

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper Aaron Golub

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper Blake Ferguson and LSU

Click HERE to read a story on Rubio in the New York Times!

Click HERE to read a story on Rubio Long Snappers Kelly Mason and Seth Combs

Click HERE to read a story on Rubio Long Snapper Chris Fitzpatrick of Northwestern

Click HERE to read a story on Rubio Long Snapper Bryce Haynes of Ohio St.

Click HERE to read a story on Rubio Long Snapper Zach Wade committing to Auburn

Click HERE to read a story on Rubio Long Snapper Hunter Varga

Click HERE to read a story on the spring Texas camp

Click HERE to read a story on Rubio Long Snapper Dallas Noriega

Click HERE to read an article on Rubio Long Snapper Bobby Daggett

Click HERE to read an article on Rubio Long Snapper Jerred Sonneborn

Click HERE to read an article on Rubio Long Snapper Adonis Smith

Click HERE to read an article on Rubio Long Snapper Cole Mazza

Click HERE to read an article on Rubio Long Snapper Jerred Sonneborn

Click HERE to read an article on Rubio Long Snapper Cole Mazza

Click HERE to read an article on Rubio Long Snapper Drew Ferris of the Florida Gators

Click HERE to read an article on Rubio Long Snapper Chase McIntyre and his commitment to Appalachian St.

Click HERE to read an article on Rubio Long Snapper Jeff Overbaugh of San Diego St.

Click HERE to read an article on Rubio Long Snapper Evan Jacobsen of New Mexico

Click HERE to read an article on Rubio Long Snapper Jeff Overbaugh of San Diego St

Click HERE to read an article on Rubio Long Snapper Patrick Greene of the Utah Utes

Click HERE to read an article on Rubio Long Snapper Aaron Brewer of the Denver Broncos

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper Jacob Hummel (CA, ’13)

Click HERE to read a story on the Nike Fall Camp in NC

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper Ryan Parris (AL, ’15)

Click HERE to read a story on Rubio Long Snapper Tommy Sullivan (IL, 2014)

Click HERE to read a story on the Nike Fall Camp in IL

Click HERE to read a story on Rubio Long Snapper Gabe Miller and his visit to Nebraska

Click HERE to read a story on Rubio Long Snapper Emmett Odegard (CT, ’13)

Click HERE to read a story on the Nike Fall Camp in CA

Click HERE to read and watch a story about Rubio Long Snappers Jeff Palmer & Drew Howell of the Oregon Ducks

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper Jerred Sonneborn

Click HERE to read a article on a couple Rubio Long Snappers

Click HERE to read an article on Rubio Long Snapper Taybor Pepper of Michigan St.

Click HERE to read a article on Rubio Long Snapper Reid Ferguson of LSU

Click HERE to read an article on Rubio Long Snapper Gabriel Miller discussing Nebraska

Click HERE to read a Los Angeles Times article on many Rubio Long Snappers

Click HERE to read a article on the Rubio Long Snapping camp in IL

Click HERE to read an article on Rubio Long Snapper Justin Drescher of the New Orleans Saints

Click HERE to read an article on Rubio Long Snapper Reid Ferguson of LSU

Click HERE to watch a video form on Rubio Long Snapper Gabriel Miller

Click HERE to watch a video from on Rubio Long Snapper Scott Sypniewski

Click HERE to read a review of the Rubio Long Snapping camp in IL

Click HERE to listen to an interview podcast on Rubio Long Snapping from The Football Coaching Podcast

Click HERE to read a SouthBendTribune article on Rubio Long Snapper Gabriel Miller and Nebraska

Click HERE to watch a TV interview on Rubio Long Snapper Gabriel Miller

Click HERE to read a article on Rubio Long Snapper Mike Lizanich committing to Tulane on scholarship

Click HERE to LISTEN to a radio interview with Rubio Long Snapper Cole Mazza

Click HERE to read a article on Rubio Long Snapper Gabriel Miller committing to Nebraska

Click HERE to read an article on Rubio Long Snapper Gabriel Miller committing to Nebraska

Click HERE to read a article on Rubio Long Snapper Cole Mazza

Click HERE to read an ESPN story on Rubio Long Snapper Adonis Smith

Click HERE to read an article on Rubio Long Snapper Cole Mazza committing to Alabama

Click HERE to read a article on Rubio Long Snapper Cole Mazza committing to Alabama

Click HERE to read a article on Rubio Long Snapper Scott Sypniewski committing to Michigan

Click HERE to read a article on Rubio Long Snapper Cole Mazza

Click HERE to read an article on Rubio Long Snapper Scott Sypniewski committing to Michigan

Click HERE to read a article on Rubio Long Snapper Cole Mazza being offered by Alabama

Click HERE to read a article on the increase of scholarships for Long Snappers.

Click HERE to read a article on the Nike Spring camp in GA

Click HERE to read article on the Nike Spring Camp in NC

Click HERE to read a article on Rubio Long Snapper Cole Mazza and his decision

Click HERE to read a article on the Nike Spring Camp in IL

Click HERE to read a article on the Nike Spring Camp in TX

Click HERE to read a article about Rubio Long Snapper Jeff Overbaugh and his full ride offer to SDSU

Click HERE to read a Bakersfield paper story on Rubio Long Snapper Cole Mazza receiving his offer

Click HERE to read a story on Rubio Long Snapper Cole Mazza picking up an offer his junior year!

Click HERE to read a story on Rubio Long Snapper Taybor Pepper committing to Michigan

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper Taybor Pepper and Michigan

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper Taybor Pepper committing to Michigan

Click HERE to read a story on the 10th Annual National Snapping Event in Las Vegas

Click HERE to read an ESPN story on Rubio Long Snapper, Chris Rubio Award Winner and Notre Dame Commit Scott Daly

Click HERE to read a Chicago Tribune story on Rubio Long Snapper, Chris Rubio Award winner & Notre Dame Commit Scott Daly

Click HERE to read an Los Angeles Times article about Rubio Long Snapper & TOP 12er Chase Dominguez

Click HERE to read a article about Rubio Long Snapper Jeff Overbaugh and the other specialists at San Diego St

Click HERE to read a article on Rubio Long Snapper Jeff Overbaugh committing to San Diego St on full ride

Click HERE to read an article about Rubio Long Snapper and TOP 12er Kameron Canaday and his scholarship

Click HERE to read a story on Rubio Long Snapper and TOP 12er Scott Daly, his mom and Notre Dame

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper and TOP 12er Reid Ferguson heading to LSU

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper Zach Koepp of Washington State

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper and TOP 12er Trent Frix committing to Air Force!

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper Scott Daly winning the Long Snapper of Year Award

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper Brendan Lopez of Washington Huskies heading to dental school!!!

Click HERE to read a story about the dominance of Rubio Long Snappers in the state of GA.

Click HERE to read a article about Rubio Long Snapper and TOP 12er Reid Ferguson

Click HERE to read an interview with Michigan St Head Coach about how solid Rubio Long Snapper Matt Giampapa has been

Click HERE to read a article (subscription) on Rubio Long Snapper and TOP 12er Taybor Pepper

Click HERE to read a article (subscription) on Rubio Long Snapper and TOP 12er Taybor Pepper

Click HERE to read a article on the Nike Fall Camp in TX

Click HERE to read an article on Rubio Long Snapper Nathan Gibbs at Youngstown St.

Click HERE to read a article on the Nike Fall Camp in IL

Click HERE to read an Associated Press article on Rubio Long Snapper Andrew Fowler at Stanford

Click HERE to read about Rubio Long Snapper Drew Howell at Oregon

Click HERE to read a article on the Nike Fall Camp in CA

Click HERE to read a Los Angeles Times article on the top Southern California Long Snappers.

Click HERE to read a article on Rubio Long Snapper Matt Cincott

Click HERE to read an article on Rubio Long Snapper Andrew Suter of Oklahoma St.

Click HERE to read a article on Rubio Long Snapper Jeff Overbaugh

Click HERE to read a article on Rubio Long Snapper Scotty Thompson of NC State

Click HERE to read an Los Angeles Times article about the Chris Rubio Award

Click HERE to read a story on Rubio Long Snapper Tanner Gibas of the Kansas Jayhawks

Click HERE to read a story on Rubio Long Snapper Scott Daly and his journey to Notre Dame

Click HERE to read a story on Rubio Long Snapper Matt Giampapa and his starting role at Michigan State.

Click HERE to read a story on Rubio Long Snapper Matt Fortin of the University of Virginia

Click HERE to watch an interview with Rubio Long Snapper Bryce Haynes of Ohio St

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper Scott Thompson

Click HERE to read a Baton Rouge newspaper about Rubio Long Snapper Reid Ferguson committing to LSU.

Click HERE to read a story on Rubio Long Snapper Scott Thompson and his impact at NC State

Click HERE to read a story on Rubio Long Snapper Chris Fitzpatrick committing to Northwestern

Click HERE to read a story on Rubio Long Snapper Reid Ferguson committing to LSU

Click HERE to read a story on Rubio Long Snapper Reid Ferguson committing to LSU

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper Scott Daly dominating the Notre Dame specialists camp

Click HERE to read the the story about the 9th Annual National Spring Snapping Event in Las Vegas

Click HERE to read the ESPN story about the 9th Annual Spring Event in Las Vegas

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper Reid Ferguson and his offers

Click HERE to read a story of top ranked Rubio Long Snapper Bryce Haynes and his committment to Ohio St.

Click HERE to read a article on Rubio Long Snapper Reid Ferguson and his San Diego St offer.

Click HERE to read a article on the Nike Spring Camp in GA

Click HERE to read a article on the Nike Spring Camp in NC

Click HERE to read an article on Rubio Long Snapper and TOP 12er Chris Fitzpatrick

Click HERE to read a article about Rubio Long Snapper Matt Giampapa committing to Michigan St.

Click HERE to read and listen to a interview about Rubio Long Snapper Scott Daly

Click HERE to read a story about the Nike Spring Camp in TX

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper Chris Fitzpatrick visiting Northwestern.

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper Scott Daly on ESPN.

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper Scott Daly commiting to Notre Dame

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper Grant Meersand visiting Northwestern

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper Scott Daly commiting to Notre Dame

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper Taybor Pepper visiting Illinois

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper Kelly Mason with Kentucky

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper Greg Hohenstein visits Northwestern.

Click HERE to read a story about Rubio Long Snapper Zach Koepp of Washington St.

Click HERE to read a story on Rubio Long Snapper Brandon Taylor headed to LSU

Click HERE for a article on the Nike Spring Camp in IL

Click HERE for a story about Rubio Long Snapper Brendan Lopez of U of Washington.

Click HERE for a article on Rubio Long Snapper Brandon Taylor committing.

Click HERE for the article after the Nike Spring Camp in CA (2011)

Click HERE for an article onf Rubio Long Snapper Scott Sypniewski

Click HERE for an ESPN article on Scott Daly

Click HERE for an article on Rubio Long Snapper Scott Daly

Click HERE for an article on Tanner Gibas and his committment to Kansas

Cllck HERE for an article on Bryce Haynes.

Click HERE for an article on Rubio Long Snapper Harrison Elliott

Click HERE for an article on why you should be a Rubio Long Snapper

Click HERE for an article on Rubio Long Snapper Rick Lovato

Click HERE for an article on Bryce Haynes committing.

Click HERE for an article on Rubio Long Snapper Tanner Gibas on Scout. com

Click HERE for an article about Rubio Long Snapper Brandon Taylor

Click HERE for an article about Rubio Long Snapper Bryce Haynes.

Click HERE for an article on Rubio Long Snapper Brandon Taylor (2011, LA) and his recruiting.

Click HERE for an article on Rubio Long Snapper Corey Adams of Kansas St

Click HERE for a article on the Nike Fall Camp in GA

Click HERE for an article on Rubio Long Snapper Corey Adams of Kansas St.

Click HERE for a Los Angeles Time article about long snappers and Thanksgiving.

Click HERE for a article on the Nike Fall Camp in TX

Click HERE for a article on the Nike Fall Camp in CA

Click HERE for a article on the Nike Fall Camp in IL

Click HERE for a article that talks about Rubio and his long snappers.

Click HERE to read an article from the Wall Street Journal about a long snapper realizing his dream that mentions Chris Rubio

Click HERE to read about Brendan Lopez and Jeff Palmer receiving All Pac 10 Academic Honors.

Click HERE for a article on Bryce Haynes

Click HERE for a article on Bryce Haynes

Click HERE for a article on Mike Crispi

Click HERE for an article about Peter McBride

Click HERE for an article on Corey Adams of Kansas St

Click HERE for a article on Zach Ewan

Click HERE for a article on the 8th Annual National Snapping Event sponsored by Nike in Las Vegas.

Click HERE for an article about Corey Adams of Kansas St.


The Aaron Golub Story

As you saw several days ago, Rubio Long Snapper Aaron Golub (MA, ’14) committed to Tulane as a preferred walk-on. You might have saw the post on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook and thought “just another one of Rubio’s guys that is going to college, no big deal.” You would have been wrong, beyond extremely wrong.

What you most likely don’t know is that Aaron has NO vision in his right eye and very limited vision in his left. He is legally blind.

He is legally blind and he is headed to college to play football!

Golub started with Rubio Long Snapping in July of 2012. I was contacted prior to the camp by his father, Bob, and was told of the situation. I said it would not be a problem, I would always have someone catch the ball for him and, if he so desired, even he could come out and be right next to Golub if he so desired.

The first camp for Aaron was not the finest showing I have ever seen from a first timer. Ok, I am being nice….he was bad, real bad. (please view below)

But, the best part about Aaron, and his father, was that they were both like sponges. They soaked every single thing I said up and were planning on putting it to good use. They obviously did and did it well. They even came to camp with a pair of modified glasses/goggles that Aaron carries with him to show people exactly how normally sees. It is amazing . For reference, close one eye and then make a fist with a hole that size of a dime and put the opening to your eye…that is Aaron’s continuous view.

Aaron never got frustrated and never gave up. He shot me text after text, clip after clip, asking which stance looked better, how his form was coming along, what else did he need to work on. The good had drive and wouldn’t stop until he reached his goal and, most likely, silenced the countless people that told him he wouldn’t be able to do what he wanted because of his “disability.”

They were all proven wrong and he was right. (please view below)

This journey is not over for Aaron and he still has a lot to prove and I know he can do it. Huge embrace to Aaron as he has turned himself into a D1 Rubio Long Snapper in less than two years. I am very impressed with and proud of him.

So, you still have an excuse why you can’t do it?




Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the world. Rubio has been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


Big Day for the Rubio Long Snapping Family

As great as all of the signings were today (sorry if I exploded your social media feeds), it was what many of you didn’t see that really filled my heart (below are just a couple).

We all know that today, signing day, is a big deal (don’t worry, if you are a senior and you didn’t sign today, there is still A LOT of time left) but we also need to remember that it takes more than just the Long Snapper or me to make it all happen. True, some have much more control and power over the situation but it is all a massive group effort with family, coaches, friends, teammates, teachers, girlfriends and restaurants all chipping in. I salute everyone involved and can’t wait for it to keep on going for this class until August.

The last two are actually from college Rubio Long Snappers that just watched what happened today and embraced. It seems as though the Rubio Long Snapping family just continues to grow and support one another. LOVE IT!

Thank you, also, to everyone that had kind words today to me and my Long Snappers. It was definitely a great day for Rubio Long Snapping!

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Update on Delta and Veteran’s Day Incident

r4ubio5As I am sure you know, I had a little issue with Delta a couple days ago. I was upset about it and, gathering from all of your comments to me through Twitter, Facebook and the blog, you were all a little steamed as well.

Here is what happened after the blog was made public (please note: I am someone who, when gets going, REALLY gets going)….

  1. On Monday, I sent it directly to their Twitter account, their Delta Assist Twitter account, I emailed them off their comments section on their website and their comments section from the CEO’s section of their website.
  2. On Tuesday, I received an email from Delta saying that the CEO’s, Richard H. Anderson, personal secretary would be calling very soon and they were upset with what occurred.
  3. Later Tuesday, Delta’s CEO’s personal secretary called me (trust me, you could tell this was the head man’s right hand assistant on the horn), left me a message and gave me here direct line to call back. I called back and here is what happened…
  • Richard had read the blog through my emails and was very disturbed with what had occurred. The secretary then proceeded to say Richard wanted to pay me back for the baggage fees for the retired soldier (I said a very nice gesture but, instead, donate that money to the Wounded Warrior Project)
  • I found out that although, it is true, they don’t offer retired servicemen/servicewomen free bags, the check-in staff at every airport has the right to make a judgment call to offer free luggage and “this was the biggest no-brainer of all time
  • They do offer currently serving servicemen/servicewomen free bags AND UP TO EIGHT family members, flying with them, to have free baggage as well. I thought that was pretty darn impressive.
  • Richard was moved by the blog and is very, very sorry this had occurred and they would be contacting their agents throughout the country to let them know how to handle this from now on, that they do have a judgement call and to use a bit more common sense.

All in all, even though I am upset the original incident occurred, I am very impressed with how Delta, and especially Richard H. Anderson, stepped up in the end.

Side Note: Don’t let anyone ever tell you one person can’t get something done.Double Side Note: I, in no way, feel this was a one man situation and, I KNOW, many, many members of the Rubio Long Snapping family made the final outcome of the situation, a reality. Thank you.


What’s the deal? And on Veteran’s Day!

I fly a lot. Everyone knows this. On those flights, I see tons of things, some good and some bad. What I just saw, baffled me.

I just checked in for my Delta (FYI: I love Delta and they love me, but what I just experienced left a very bad taste in my mouth) flight from Dallas, TX to Salt Lake City, UT to Lewiston, ID. As I am checking, I notice an Army man with a service dog next to me. Pretty cool in general, but even better when it is Veteran’s Day and you can look over to give them a nod or verbalize a thank you.

Anyways, I am checking in my three bags and I hear the guy ask the attendant if he gets a free bag with his Army ID? She said, “are you currently serving?” His response was “No, I am retired.” Her response was “Oh, I’m sorry, only currently serving military men and women get free bags and how would you like to cover the cost of the bag?”

First of all, why only current servicemen and women? If this guy is retired, that means he has gone through the whole deal and put in his “time.” This needs to be changed.

Second, on Veteran’s Day? Seriously, this aspect of their baggage service needs to be rectified, but how about bending the rules a bit on a major holiday HONORING these great men and women that serve(d) our country?

Third, I covered the cost of his bag, said thank you very much and walked to my flight.


How to Contact the Shockley Family

As we all know, Rubio Long Snapping lost a member of it’s family yesterday when Scott Shockley passed away.

The outpouring of condolences have been amazing and I am truly seeing just how much of a family Rubio Long Snapping has become. From Twitter and Facebook alone, the support for the Shockley family is huge but many are asking what else they can do for the family.

I spoke with Scott’s father this morning and he said if anyone would like to send personal condolences, please send them by email or personal mail to:

[email protected]

1633 Flyway Drive
Marietta, Ga. 30068

Below are just a sample of what I saw from social media yesterday that filled my heart. Yesterday was extremely tough for everyone and, I hope, reminded everyone just how special each day is.




















