Rubio Long Snapper Michael Morovick Earns Scholarship!

Long time Rubio Long Snapper Michael Morovick has been put on full scholarship at Oregon St.!

Michael is the second Morovick to come through the Rubio Long Snapping ranks to earn a full scholarship. His older brother, Danny, was the Long Snapper for the Washington Huskies from 2006-2009.

Morovick, a junior at Oregon St., is known for being quite possibly the most athletic Long Snapper in the Pac 12.

Congratulations once again to Michael Morovick!

Who’s next?


Key Questions to Ask a College Coach

I have been getting a lot of emails, texts and calls about what to say to a college coach once you get a hold of them or they of you.  Some pretty basic questions to ask, but, I have to warn you, you might not like the “answers.”

Question you should ask but WON’T get a straight answer:

Player – Coach, are you recruiting anyone else at my position?

This is a great question but more likely than not, the coach will lie to you and say no one else. And, they have no reason to tell you. Think about it, would you be completely honest with a girl if you asked her to prom and she asked if there was anyone else you were considering asking? Didn’t think so.

Questions you should ask and NEED to get a straight answer: 

Player – Coach, if I am preferred walk-on, when exactly will I report to camp, does this include my admission to school and when exactly when will I be put on scholarship?

Major questions to ask and you definitely need to find out the answers. You want to be brought in asap and if you aren’t, you need to find out why. Most likely they have another guy they didn’t tell you about and this could be an issue moving forward. Next, you want to make sure it is very clear when you will be put on scholarship. Is it going to be right after your first start? Is it going to be a semester after your first start? Is it going to be when the senior graduates? Is it going to be one year after you start? Use the word exactly and find out the specifics with the coach. Don’t let them fluff an answer.

Question you want to ask but SHOULDN’T EVEN BOTHER expecting a straight answer:
Player – Coach, will you be there all four/five years I am in school?

The coach will answer YES but there is no way he is being completely honest with you. If something better coaching wise comes up, they are gone (and they should be…this is their job and their livelihood). Remember, never, ever choose a college based on the coach.




Athletes at All Levels Can Get Use Out of Twitter

Here is an article that I had published in my local paper, The Lewiston Tribune, a couple week ago, that I think you will enjoy. Embrace:


Last Wednesday, the Lewiston Tribune printed an article by longtime coach Nick Menegas. The article spoke of social media, Twitter to be specific, and the negative effect it has on today’s athlete and society.

I read it and was confused. Although there are some negatives with Twitter, as there are negatives with anything, there are also tons of great aspects about it that I would like to shed some light on.

Who am I and why listen to me? I was a long snapper (the guy who snaps the ball to the kickers) at UCLA. I am now a private football coach who is based in Lewiston. I train long snappers at camps across the country.

That is merely one aspect of my job. I also rank them and help them get to colleges. Last year, I had over 75 of my long snappers go on to play college ball. I am a very avid user of social media. I encourage my athletes to appropriately use social media to stay connected and promote themselves.

Twitter (think of it as merely mass texting in which you get texts/info from those you choose to follow) is a great thing that can be a valuable asset for people and businesses. In the Lewiston sports world alone, think how much easier it would be for parents if the local high school had a Twitter account to immediately announce highlights, pictures, scores and players during the games to family members who maybe can’t be in attendance at every single event. Imagine simply looking at your computer or cellphone and getting updates about your son’s/daughter’s game since you couldn’t make it all the way up to Coeur d’Alene. Wouldn’t that be great?

Twitter can be used improperly, of course. Just like anything, put it in the wrong hands, bad things can happen. Can it hurt an athlete’s image? Absolutely. Here is the best part about Twitter: If I am a parent and I don’t like what “Joe Athlete” is saying on Twitter, I simply don’t follow them. If I don’t follow someone, I don’t know what they are saying and it doesn’t affect my children or me.

Twitter can also benefit professional athletes and their fans. Coach Menegas mentioned how all he knew about Jim Brown was what he read about him on the sports page. That is true, but why wouldn’t you want more from someone who you admired? Imagine how much more he could have benefited from Jim Brown if he was allowed a bit more into his personal life. Maybe see him as more than just a jock? Maybe showing a fun personality? Maybe hearing Jim Brown offering up advice on football or life? Maybe hearing his thoughts on a movie, a restaurant, a game, etc.? Maybe making him more accessible and therefore more human?

And, in saying that, imagine how much Jim Brown could have benefited from Twitter. More fans mean more endorsements, which, in turn, would mean more money for him and his family.

Twitter, and social media in general, should not only be utilized by professional athletes. Social media needs to be embraced whole-heartedly by the youth. It is a way for them to follow their dream school, maybe a college athlete they like, a coach they would like to contact (the NCAA has not sanctioned against this, so why not utilize it?) or even have a conversation with other fans.

The world of sports, like the rest of the world, has changed drastically since the days of just reading about your favorite athlete in the paper. Think about it. You now have several all-sports channels on TV and radio. And, with Twitter, the sports world has become even more visible and immediate. Society wants things now and Twitter allows that for the fans and the athletes.

The world is advancing, changing and getting quicker. It is not stopping and either you get on the train or be prepared to get ran over.

“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.”

– Benjamin Franklin


Can My Social Media Profiles Affect the Recruiting Process?

In this day and age of Social Media with almost all high school students on Facebook, Twitter, etc. college football coaches are no exception. So, what does this mean for potential recruits? It means you must always be aware of what your public facing social profiles look like. Just like in the corporate world during the hiring process, college football coaches are combing the major Social Networks to see what they can find out about a potential recruit. They are doing their due-diligence in order to make the best possible choice of student athletes for their particular University.

Social Networks in many cases are the perfect venue to showcase your talents on the field, but in some cases can be the most damaging off the field.  Players should represent themselves online as they would offline to avoid any potential issues with college coaches following them on the various Social sites.

A common place to create a problem or controversy is the way you “comment” on your peers leaving comments on your Social profiles. Always, think before you reply back to ensure you are not leaving yourself open to negative feedback,  potential controversy or negative press. Photos are no exception either. Often coaches scroll through potential recruits Photo streams to see if they can find any “red flags” during the recruiting process. Always be careful with regards to the photos you post on your Social profiles.

Bottom line is coaches are watching and players need to be conscious of this. The online term for this is Reputation Management. Make sure when you are “googled” you are represented the way you want to be!

Rubio Long Snapping


New Avenues for Small Town Athletes

I thought I would share with you an article I wrote the Lewiston Tribune that was published today. Enjoy:

If you are a high school athlete reading this, you live in a small town. It may not be the smallest of towns, but it is a small town nonetheless. Twenty years ago, it would have been extremely tricky for you to get recruited by a college. That is no longer the case.

Recruiting is much different now than it was 20 years ago. Before, it was all on your coach and what he/she could do for you. And, since you are in a small town, a coach would degrade your talent as being just the best of what is available. Sad, but true. With less people, usually comes less talent. That is simple math.

Therefore, the athlete has to prove to the college coach that he/she is not only the best in their small town, but they are also one of the best in the country and that the coach should undoubtedly recruit them for the next level.

Nowadays, with the proper use of technology, athletes can easily expose or “sell” themselves to colleges across the country. No matter if you are from a small town or a big city, the playing field is equal for all athletes on the Web. Technology allows even the smallest-of-town athletes to reach the biggest of city universities – instantly and for free.

Athletes can create a YouTube channel to highlight their games, practices and improvement over their careers. An athlete can create a Facebook and/or Twitter account to get in contact with a coach and send them film.

All of the above is fine and dandy, but if you still aren’t a top-tier athlete you won’t get past hello with the coaches.

Once you have set up your social media outlets to get your recruiting process going in the right direction, you need to let your current coach know that you are serious about playing sports in college. Let them know you have the desire to push yourself to do what it takes to play a sport at the next level. Your coach will also be able to contact coaches on your behalf and give you some insight into the whole recruiting process.

Plus, if you have expressed your desire to the coach and shown you have talent, he/she is undoubtedly going to remember your name if a college comes into their office recruiting another athlete. “Oh yeah, Sally is a great right fielder. You should also check out my pitcher Julie.” Now your name is in the coach’s head. They will ask for film (you will simply send them your YouTube link) and now your recruiting starts to pick up speed.

If you are really serious about your athletic ability, you need to look into a very good personal coach that specializes in your exact talent. A high school coach is good but they have to focus on the whole team and not just one athlete. They will often tend to know a little about a lot, while a specialized coach will know a lot about a little (think one particular position or aspect of the sport). Plus, your personal coach, if he or she has been around the block and has put other athletes into college, will have many contacts as well that can help you out in the recruiting process.

Every college will hold camps during the summer that athletes can attend to learn and prove themselves. These camps are less for learning (too many athletes attending) and are more for tryouts. You do not need to be invited to but it helps if you are so they know who you are going into the camp. You really want to focus on these camps between your junior and senior years. However, I would highly recommend going between sophomore and junior years to get your name in their head and get a trial run of what the camp will entail.

To be invited, simply have your current sports coach contact the school and say they think you should be invited. If your coach isn’t really motivated to help you, contact the school yourself. Give them some simple stats and let them know you are very interested in becoming a _____ (mascot of your choice). You are now in the school’s recruiting database and will now start to receive mail from them on a regular basis. Once you get to the camp, you must dominate.

Remember, an immediate knock on you as an athlete will be that, being from a small town, you aren’t playing against top talent simply because there aren’t as many athletes. Now, at the camp, you will be head-to-head with the actual top talent from all over the country. This is the moment when either you prove you have the ability to be playing with the big dogs or are simply the best of the average.

It is all on your shoulders at this point. Yes, you are an athlete from a small town, but you have set yourself up to be on the big stage.

Do you have the talent to be there?


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



Can I Change my Mind after a Verbal Commitment?

The high school football recruiting process can be a lengthy one, and you may be thrilled to finally receive an offer to play at one of your top choice schools. It’s common to feel pressured to respond to offers quickly, and in many cases, you’ll do this by making a verbal commitment. This is when you tell the recruiter or coach that you are planning to play at their school. However, this verbal commitment is not a binding one. The only binding commitment is signing a written contract.

There are some cases when you may want to change your decision after making a verbal commitment. Maybe your dream school came back with a surprise offer that you would rather accept. Or perhaps the scholarship you thought you were getting from the school you made a verbal commitment to wasn’t as generous as you first thought. After making your verbal commitment, it’s important to do your research and make sure this is the school you actually want to go to. If you decide otherwise, politely let the school know you have changed your mind and will be pursuing other options next year.

Contact Rubio Long Snapping for more information on Verbal Commitments.


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



Rubio Long Snapper Matt Bayliss Commits to the University of Texas at San Antonio

Rubio Long Snapper Matt Bayliss (OK, ’13) has committed to the University of Texas at San Antonio as a preferred walk-on!

Bayliss, a TOP 12 member, is a massive talent that turned down several other smaller school scholarships and larger school preferred walk-ons. He chose UTSA for it’s location, solid fan base, move of conference and staff. He should compete for a starting postion immediately in San Antonio.

I am very proud of Bayliss as he has come with his snapping. He has always had the length and now he has the form that enabled to get this opportunity. Great person and I wish him the best.

Congratulations to Matt Bayliss!


Rubio Long Snapper Ryan DiSalvo of San Jose St. earns Scholarship!

Rubio Long Snapper Ryan DiSalvo has been told he will be put on full scholarship next fall!

DiSalvo started his entire freshman year without flaw and was rewarded with a full ride. DiSalvo is an excellent Long Snapper and person. He has a massive frame and listens extremely well.

I could not be more proud of this former TOP 12 Long Snapper. Way to go DiSalvo!!!


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



New College Camp Announced!

Rubio Long Snapping and Chris Sailer Kicking will be running the University of Washington’s Specialist Camp on June 17, 2013 in Seattle, WA.

The Huskies will be the 6th college camp we will be running across the country. Others that we will be running are LSU (June 1 and July 13), Texas A&M (June 6th), Alabama (June 8th), UCLA (June 10th) and Oregon (June 15th).

As with all college camps that we are running, you will need to register for it on their website and not ours.

See you this summer!

Best of the Best


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



Rubio Long Snapper Joe Marvin of Penn St. Participates in a Wonderful Event!

Rubio Long Snapper Joe Marvin of Penn. St participated in the THON Event this weekend at Penn St.

According to the THON website, “THON was first organized in 1973 by a group of students looking to add excitement to a dreary February in central Pennsylvania, and for a way to give back to the community. Today, Penn State’s THON continues to be the longest dance marathon in the country lasting 46 hours. THON has grown to engage more than 15,000 students each year and has inspired other university, high school, middle school, and elementary school students across the nation to start dance marathons of their own all in the hopes of conquering pediatric cancer!”

This is obviously an absolutely terrific cause and I am impressed and proud that Joe would be a part of it. Well done to Rubio Long Snapper Joe Marvin!


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



Rubio Long Snapper Adam Mueller of UConn earns scholarship!

Rubio Long Snapper Adam Mueller of UCONN has earned a full scholarship for his Long Snapping!

Mueller, an Illinois native, was a 2010 graduate that finished off his high school career as 5 Star Long Snapper and ranked 8th in the country. He chose UCONN, redshirted and has been starting ever since. He is a very technically sound Long Snapper with incredible form and excellent determination.

When Mueller texted me to let me know about his scholarship, he said “I’m officially a scholarship player now! Couldn’t have done it without you. Truly appreciate everything and all the instruction. I learned from the best.”

Great text, great Long Snapper and great person. Congratulations to Adam Mueller!


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



Rubio Long Snapper Reed Buce commits to UCLA!

Rubio Long Snapper Reed Buce (AZ, ’13) has committed to UCLA as a preferred walk-on!

Reed is rated the #6 Long Snapper in the country and a member of the 2012 TOP 12! He is a terrific Long Snapper with great form, solid frame and wonderful attitude. UCLA has always been a dream school for him, so he couldn’t pass up this opportunity. Buce looks to compete for the starting job immediately in Westwood. He will be joining Rubio Long Snappers Chris Longo and Jay Weneta for the Bruins.

Once again, congratulations to Rubio Long Snapper Reed Buce!


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



And the Signing Day Lists Continues for Rubio Long Snapping…

The list of Rubio Long Snappers who signed with 4 year Universities last week continues to grow. Check out the latest 5 Long Snappers and their commitments:


Adonis Smith

A 2013 graduate of Cedar Hill High School in Cedar Hill, Texas, Adonis Smith is a consistently accurate Long Snapper with great form and a sprinter’s speed, who has been named all-district. Smith is committed to Air Force.

See a Review of Adonis Smith


Jerred Sonneborn

A 2013 graduate of Gonzaga Prep School in Spokane, Washington, Jerred Sonneborn is a highly-coachable player who is always willing to put in the work and becomes a better Long Snapper with every snap. Sonneborn is committed to Washington State University.

See a Review of Jerred Sonneborn


Sean Corcoran

A 2013 graduate of Bishop McNamara High School in Forestville, Maryland, Sean Corcoran is an accurate, consistent Long Snapper who displays topnotch form, and comes with an exceptional academic record. Corcoran is committed to Penn State.

See a Review of Sean Corcoran


David Riehle

A 2013 graduate, David Riehle was homeschooled, but played football for the Buena High School Colts in Sierra Vista, Arizona as starting Long Snapper and center, as well as playing both inside and outside linebacker. Riehle is committed to Dakota State University.

See a Review of David Riehle


Justin Vining

A 2013 graduate of North Gwinnett High School in Sugar Hill, Georgia, Justin Vining is a powerful Long Snapper with excellent form, who takes coaching well and responds well under pressure. Vining is committed to Georgia Military College.

See a Review of Justin Vining


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



The Rubio Long Snapping Signing Day Recap Continued, 5 MORE Player Commits…

Yes, the list is still growing with Rubio Long Snapping Commits from National Signing Day. These 5 players are taking their talents to the next level…


Chase McIntyre

A 2013 graduate of West Henderson High School in Hendersonville, North Carolina, Chase McIntyre has proven himself a consistent Long Snapper, as well as playing starting center. McIntyre is committed to Appalachian State University.

See a Review of Chase McIntyre


Chris O’Risky

A 2013 graduate of North Posey High School in Poseyville, Indiana, Chris O’Risky is effective in multiple positions, serving as starting Long Snapper, starting center and starting defensive end both his junior and senior years. O’Risky is committed to Eastern Michigan University.

See a Review of Chris O’Risky


Graydon Peterson

A 2013 graduate of Whitefish Bay High School in Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin, Graydon Peterson is an honor student and all-around player, serving as starting Long Snapper and starting center, as well as reserve defensive tackle. Peterson is committed to Dartmouth College.

See a Review of Graydon Peterson


Caleb Longest

A 2013 graduate of Duncan High School in Duncan, Oklahoma, Caleb Longest is a total package Long Snapper with good size, good form and good movement. Longest is committed to Northwestern Oklahoma State University.

See a Review of Caleb Longest


AJ Hantak

A 2013 graduate of Rockwood Summit High School in Rockwood Summit, Missouri, AJ Hantak is a tall, sturdy, athletic Long Snapper who moves the ball with both accuracy and speed. Hantak is committed to Eastern Illinois University.

See a Review of AJ Hantak


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



Signing Day Dominance Continues with these 5 Rubio Long Snappers…

Rubio Long Snapping continues its National Signing Day dominance with the signing of these 5 Long Snappers to their colleges of choice. Rubio Long Snapping is proud to be a part of these young men’s success thus far and on to the next level! Full Embrace…

Austin Orr

A 2013 graduate of Cathedral High School in Lebanon, Indiana, Austin Orr served as starting varsity Long Snapper since his sophomore year and played on two state championship teams. One of Tom Lemmings “Top Prospects,” Orr is committed to Howard University.

See a Review of Austin Orr


Trey Lamastus

A 2013 graduate of Neville High School in Monroe, Louisiana, Trey Lamastus is a consistently accurate Long Snapper, and winner of the Nike Spring long snapping camp in Texas in March 2012. Lamastus is committed to the University of Louisiana at Monroe.

See a Review of Trey Lamastus


Nick Walter

A 2013 graduate of Pickerington Central High School in Pickerington, Ohio, Nick Walter has played as starting Long Snapper since his sophomore year and starting center since his junior year. Walter is committed to Miami University of Ohio.

See a Review of Nick Walter


Trevor Morgan

A 2013 graduate of Whitewater High School in Fayetteville, Georgia, Trevor Morgan is an all-around athlete. Along with serving as starting varsity Long Snapper, Morgan is a 1st string wide receiver and backup quarterback. He is committed to the University of Memphis.

See a Review of Trevor Morgan


Justin Greene

A 2013 graduate of Copperas Cove High School in Copperas Cove, Texas, Justin Greene is a smooth, precise Long Snapper with good form and a hard snap. Greene is committed to Air Force.

See a Review of Justin Greene


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



Rubio Long Snapping Signing Day Dominance Continues…5 more Commits!

Rubio Long Snapping continues it’s dominance from National Signing Day this week. Check out these 5 Long Snappers and their college choices. Each of these fine young men have dominated in the High School ranks and look for that to continue in college. Full Embrace:


Brendan Turelli

A 2013 graduate of Arcadia High School in Phoenix, AZ,  Brendan Turelli has had college-level skill as a Long Snapper for most of his high school career, and has been named all-city, all-division and best lineman. Turelli has been offered a full scholarship from the University of Wyoming.

See a Review of Brendan Turelli


Mike Lizanich

A 2013 graduate of Pinnacle High School in Phoenix, Arizona, Mike Lizanich is a Long Snapper with a near-perfect high school record, including several game-winning field goal snaps. He has been named all-state and all-Arizona. Lizanich is committed to Tulane University.

See a Review of Mike Lizanich


Tucker Etheridge

A 2013 graduate of Blessed Trinity High School in Roswell, Georgia, Tucker Etheridge is a Long Snapper who throws one of the fastest, most consistent snaps in the country. He was a two-time winner at the Nike Spring Camp for long snappers in Georgia. Etheridge is committed to Louisiana Tech.

See a Review of Tucker Etheridge


John Wirtel

A 2013 graduate of Mount Carmel High School in Chicago, Illinois, John Wirtel is an accurate Long Snapper with great velocity, and a dual-season athlete also plays varsity baseball. Wirtel is committed to the University of Kansas.

See a Review of John Wirtel


Matthew Cota

A 2013 graduate of Eagle High School in Eagle, Idaho, Matthew Cota sports a perfect high school Long Snapping record, and also played starting left guard for the varsity team. Also an academic, Cota was selected for the Idaho High School Activities Association’s all-academic team. Cota is committed to Boise State.

See a Review of Matthew Cota

Stay tuned for profiles on the next 5 Rubio Long Snapping commits from National Signing Day…


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



National Signing Day 2013 – Rubio Long Snapping Dominates

National College Signing Day for 2013 has concluded and once again Rubio Long Snapping is in the middle of the action.  Alabama, USC, Nebraska, and Michigan top the list of schools that have received commitments from Rubio Long Snappers.

6′ 2″ 241 lb. Cole Mazza from Bakersfield, CA committed to the Crimson Tide as one of 25 commitments to the nation’s number one college football program.  Originally committed to UCLA Mazza de-committed from the Bruins when it became clear that he was the number one long snapper prospect for D1 college football programs.  Chris Rubio isn’t surprised noting in an interview with Alabama website that “I can honestly say I have never seen such an overall dominant performance by a long snapper.  There was no doubt he was the best in the country. Mazza is as good, if not better, than advertised. If he continues at this pace with his snapping and his attitude, there is no telling how far he can go.”

Other promising Rubio Long Snapping alumni include Zach Smith to USC, Chase Domiguez to Utah, Gabriel Miller to Nebraska, Scott Sypniewski to Michigan. Brendan Turelli to Wyoming, Mike Lizanich to Tulane and Tucker Estheridge to Louisiana Tech.  In all thirty two Rubio Long Snapping alumni committed to major college football programs reaffirming that when it comes to Long Snapping Rubio leads the pack.  Click HERE for the complete list and visit for more details on upcoming camps and the value of being a talented high school Long Snapper.

To see a full list of Long Snappers that have gone through Rubio Long Snapping and went onto college, and beyond, click HERE and enjoy!

Rubio Long Snapping


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



Rubio Long Snapping January in Review

To say January was a “busy” month for Rubio Long Snapping would be the understatement of the Long Snapping world! The month was filled with player commitments, current college player success stories, alumni in the NFL Playoffs and The National Event in Las Vegas!

In just the month of January, Rubio Long Snapping had over 10 players commit to Universities. Some of those players include: Jerred Sonneborn (Washington State), Zach Smith (USC), AJ Hantak (Eastern Illinois) amongst many others.

Many Rubio Long Snappers continue to excel beyond high school and into their respected colleges; here are a few players that just recently accomplished great things at their schools:

  • Joe St. Germain – Recently earned a Full Scholarship at Virginia Tech University after a flawless Redshirt Freshman season.
  • Jeff Palmer – Set a record at the University of Oregon for playing in 52 games straight.

Off the field stories are always a popular topic for Rubio Long Snappers and January was no different click here to take a look at a great story from Tyler Schmidt, click here.

The National Event in Las Vegas was a huge success with Cole Mazza taking the title. Click Here for a recap of the event.

Finally to cap it all off Rubio Long Snapping Alums competed at the highest level of the sport and on one of the biggest stages the NFL Playoffs. Aaron Brewer (Broncos), Jonathon Weeks (Texans) and Nick Sundberg (Redskins) were all featured in the playoffs this year. Here is more about the three…Click Here.

We aren’t slowing down in February either, stay tuned for the upcoming announcement of the final Top 12’er!


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



Rubio Long Snapper Rick Lovato of Old Dominion Earns Award!

Rubio Long Snapping Rick Lovato of Old Dominion was named to the College Sporting News Fabulous All-American Team!

As you can imagine, this is quite an honor for a true sophomore but very well deserved. TOP 12 Long Snapper Lovato has been flawless in two seasons for the Monarchs.

Lovato is a tremendous Long Snapper and person with a very bright future. He started with Rubio Long Snapping in 2009 and was a late pickup for Old Dominion that panned out beautifully!

Congratulations once again to Rubio Long Snapper Rick Lovato!


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



Rubio Long Snapper AJ Hantak commits to Eastern Illinois!

Rubio Long Snapper AJ Hantak (MO, ’13) has committed to Eastern Illinois on half scholarship!

AJ has a terrific frame for a Long Snapper and is very smooth throughout the process. Long arms and easily can pack on the pounds. I expect great things from him as he plays on Saturdays for the next four years.

When AJ contacted me to let me know of his commitment, he ended with this and I love it “I can’t thank you enough for all you have done for me and how many doors you opened for my future. Thank you so much for everything.”

Congratulations once again to AJ!


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.
