Consider Which Parent to Take With You On Trips

Yup, you read that correctly. An athlete should be very careful when going on an official (school pays for the trip and you only get five of them) or an unofficial (athlete/parents pay for the trip and you can take as many as you’d like) visit when deciding who goes with them.

Let me break it down for you….

If you are going to a school as a football recruit and aren’t exactly ideal size, you might want to leave your 5 foot tall mother at home. The mom’s height will spook the coach since they will think “Oh man, this kid is done growing.

On the other hand, if you are undersized and your dad is a giant, definitely bring him since the coach would think “Ok, kid doesn’t pass the eyeball test right now, but he has the same genes so he will get there in some time

Remember, coaches will already know what you can do through my rankings and by speaking with me. But, they will like to see how you pass the eyeball test, so don’t give them negatives to think about when recruiting you.


Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years,  Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



Here are the RSI and TARGET SCORES from the VEGAS XXVI Event on May 9-10, 2015. Each Long Snapper was tested on The Rubio Target. The RSI is their scores divided by their average speed. Each Long Snapper can receive bonus points for a faster average snap speed. The top 12 overall RSI scores advanced to the finals. The highest possible score on the Target is a 48. Thomas Fletcher had the highest RSI in the history of Rubio Long Snapping.

VEGAS XXVI (our May Event) is the second largest Long Snapping camp in the world. The first was VEGAS XXV in January.

To truly say you are the best, you have to compete against the best. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact



Alexander, Dylan 23.75 19
Aloma, John 29.49 16
Anderson, Koltin 12.5 11
Anthony, Enzo 11 11
Arroyo, Ross 6.82 7
Arroyo, Travis 32.21 27
Assel, Brock 7.84 8
Badgley, Ryne 14.14 14
Baldeck, Matt 16.09 14
Bartholomew, Nick 5.68 5
Bauman, Josh 15 12
Bentley, Brendan 16.62 14
Biby, Blake 10.86 10
Black, Dylan 8.64 8
Blaylock, Aaron 30.89 23
Block, Cody 26.63 17
Calcagno, Joe 19.72 14
Caldwell, Noah 4.79 8
Cantrell, Dan 26.05 19
Casillas, Mark 25.6 21
Castro, Dylan 13.39 9
Caughman, Ty 3 3
Cesear, Jake 8.33 7
Clore, Chris 25.7 21
Comaroto, Peter N/A N/A
Costa, Chris 13.09 11
Cotton, Joseph 9.24 7
Crum, Grant 26.83 19
Culbertson, Ryan 35 28
Davidson, Callen 24.72 20
Davis, John 28.59 20
Davis, Kyle 27.87 20
Day, Shaffer 0.99 3
De Rosier, Charles 10.31 10
DeLucia, Ryan 15 12
Den Bleyker, Johnny 34.34 22
Diffee, Darren 30.24 19
DioGuardi, Brett 25.85 18
Drzik, Hunter 27.33 19
Durham, Nate 14.98 10
Dye, Dusty 21.8 13
East, Grant 5.43 5
Eatherly, Geron 39.72 23
England, Hunter 19.04 16
Enrico, Jared 19.33 13
Estrada, Aaron 13 14.77
Fletcher, Thomas 56 34
Foley, Matt 38.89 26
Freeman, Harrison 32.84 21
Fuqua, Jacob 28.22 18
Gaines, Ron 12.88 11
Garcia, Matt 6.41 6
George, Brad 5.1 5
Gibbs, Kyle 26.06 16
Gibson, Jake 23.08 16
Gifford, Blake 21.56 13
Grant, Zac 43.29 32
Groff, Tanner 0.99 1
Hall, Mitch 23.05 14
Halper, Jack 17.07 17
Hammontree, Noah 22.78 18
Haney, Jack 30.29 19
Hantz, Gabe 12.39 10
Hawkins, Kameron 1.9 2
Hayes, Kolin 25.62 16
Hernandez, Curtis 27.18 20
Hess, Jake 11.25 9
Hinders, Ross 32.91 26
Hoffman, Harrison 37.95 27
Jacobson, Jarrod 6.77 8
Jaffe, Grant 24.92 15
James, Clay 18.27 17
Jenkins, Eli 10.86 10
Johnson, Damon 36.87 24
Kemp, Peyton 20.98 15
Kirkegaard, Conner 34.87 23
Klotz, Stephen 24.33 22
Klusman, Logan 31.02 20
Korinek, Skyler 22.75 19
Kragero, Carter 26.09 22
Lanser, Seth 10.75 10
Lawless, Paul 3.19 3
Lawver, Caleb 18.4 15
Letter, Jon 30.91 19
Low, Nick 26.74 23
Luvai, Ian 24.05 15
Mast, Shiloh 23.46 17
McAbee, Sean 15.78 15
McCullough, Roen 15.25 13
McCully, TJ 3.33 3
Meyer, Scott 43.67 29
Michaelsen, Alex 29.7 24
Miller, Grant 14.13 13
Mimoun, Jacob 17.13 14
Montgomery, Jax 23.13 24
Morales, Steven 17.04 15
Munoz, Jacob 32.3 21
Munsey, Jack 15.29 13
Murphy, John 9.3 8
Newberg, Thomas 25.19 18
Newton, Roderic 10.98 10
Nichols, Ty 10.71 9
Noth, Devin 21.94 15
O’Conor, Kyle 44.88 32
Odegard, Emmett 23.54 17
Paez, Kobe 16.41 14
Pagel, Jake 21.89 15
Pedrozo, Jude 29.53 22
Penza, Cameron 19.76 17
Petrucci, Kyle 6.97 6
Piatt, Colton 23.44 14
Pladson, Wyatt 11.62 10
Potter, Jacob 19.94 14
Powell, Kyler 28.01 23
Propst, Jack 27.16 19
Quiggle, Jackson 26.81 17
Racina, Nate 18.29 13
Ramos, Joseph 8.53 7
Ratliff, Anthony 31.66 20
Reeves, Austin 29.67 19
Reiter, Donald 40.98 27
Reiter, Ross 35.9 23
Richardson, Bodie 9.57 9
Rickard, Matt 9.57 9
Riddle, Campbell 14.73 14
Rios, Gabe 10.41 13
Rivera, Gabriel 17.58 13
Robinson, Bradley 21.23 15
Robinson, Parker 7.05 6
Rodriguez- Trammel, Noah 21.71 18
Romanowski, Ben 32.3 24
Rouse, Brannon 24.1 17
Rovetti, Nick 3.84 4
Royal, Greg 20.91 17
Rubenstein, Jacob 19.15 13
Ryan, Eric 13.54 13
Sablan, Trevor 8.4 7
Sainsbury, Briant 18.82 16
Samarzich, Simon N/A N/A
Sammut, Jacob 23.71 14
Sasser, Bryant 16.5 14
Schneider, Alex 15.29 13
Scott, Colin 10.46 9
Scott, Roli 8.08 8
Seacat, IV N/A N/A
Shackelford, Riley 22.61 16
Shannon, John 32.31 18
Skinner, Quentin 34.46 25
Skrobot, Gabe 32.02 27
Stevens, Scott 13.75 11
Smith, Tommy 23.8 20
Somers, Sean 3.37 3
Stephenson, Quinn 11.76 10
Stewart, Cole 22.77 16
Stubbs, Hayden 17.56 17
Suter, Rhys 6.47 6
Tabel, Ethan N/A N/A
Tamayo, Adrian 4.9 5
Tamayo, Robert 4.21 4
Taylor, Billy 9.75 8
Thomas, Karson 24.78 18
Thomas, Phillip 23.63 19
Tokos, Matt 3.03 3
Toothman, Andrew 12.64 12
Vaughn, Jacob 8.23 7
Vey, Carson 32.93 24
Walsh, Koby 32.22 21
Walsh, Ryan 12.94 11
Walsh, Scott 21.62 20
Watkins, Bradley 29.17 18
Watson, Brendan 17.5 15
Weneta, Nathan 21.22 17
Wilcox, Richard 16.47 11
Williams, Patrick 30.12 26
Williams, Paul 17.07 14
Willis, Bleu 13.95 12
Wirtel, Steven 40.58 23
Wissinger, Nicholas 8.98 8
Wojciechoski, Mike 4.16 4
Workman, James 21.23 15
Wyatt, Ben 33.53 21
Yelich, Jake 14.45 12



Fletcher, Thomas 56 34
O’Conor, Kyle 44.88 32
Meyer, Scott 43.67 29
Grant, Zac 43.29 32
Reiter, Donald 40.98 27
Wirtel, Steven 40.58 23
Eatherly, Geron 39.72 23
Foley, Matt 38.89 26
Hoffman, Harrison 37.95 27
Johnson, Damon 36.87 24
Reiter, Ross 35.9 23
Culbertson, Ryan 35 28
Kirkegaard, Conner 34.87 23
Skinner, Quentin 34.46 25
Den Bleyker, Johnny 34.34 22
Wyatt, Ben 33.53 21
Vey, Carson 32.93 24
Hinders, Ross 32.91 26
Freeman, Harrison 32.84 21
Shannon, John 32.31 18
Munoz, Jacob 32.3 21
Romanowski, Ben 32.3 24
Walsh, Koby 32.22 21
Arroyo, Travis 32.21 27
Skrobot, Gabe 32.02 27
Ratliff, Anthony 31.66 20
Klusman, Logan 31.02 20
Letter, Jon 30.91 19
Blaylock, Aaron 30.89 23
Haney, Jack 30.29 19
Diffee, Darren 30.24 19
Williams, Patrick 30.12 26
Michaelsen, Alex 29.7 24
Reeves, Austin 29.67 19
Pedrozo, Jude 29.53 22
Aloma, John 29.49 16
Watkins, Bradley 29.17 18
Davis, John 28.59 20
Fuqua, Jacob 28.22 18
Powell, Kyler 28.01 23
Davis, Kyle 27.87 20
Drzik, Hunter 27.33 19
Hernandez, Curtis 27.18 20
Propst, Jack 27.16 19
Crum, Grant 26.83 19
Quiggle, Jackson 26.81 17
Low, Nick 26.74 23
Block, Cody 26.63 17
Kragero, Carter 26.09 22
Gibbs, Kyle 26.06 16
Cantrell, Dan 26.05 19
DioGuardi, Brett 25.85 18
Clore, Chris 25.7 21
Hayes, Kolin 25.62 16
Casillas, Mark 25.6 21
Newberg, Thomas 25.19 18
Jaffe, Grant 24.92 15
Thomas, Karson 24.78 18
Davidson, Callen 24.72 20
Klotz, Stephen 24.33 22
Rouse, Brannon 24.1 17
Luvai, Ian 24.05 15
Smith, Tommy 23.8 20
Alexander, Dylan 23.75 19
Sammut, Jacob 23.71 14
Thomas, Phillip 23.63 19
Odegard, Emmett 23.54 17
Mast, Shiloh 23.46 17
Piatt, Colton 23.44 14
Montgomery, Jax 23.13 24
Gibson, Jake 23.08 16
Hall, Mitch 23.05 14
Hammontree, Noah 22.78 18
Stewart, Cole 22.77 16
Korinek, Skyler 22.75 19
Shackelford, Riley 22.61 16
Noth, Devin 21.94 15
Pagel, Jake 21.89 15
Dye, Dusty 21.8 13
Rodriguez- Trammel, Noah 21.71 18
Walsh, Scott 21.62 20
Gifford, Blake 21.56 13
Robinson, Bradley 21.23 15
Workman, James 21.23 15
Weneta, Nathan 21.22 17
Kemp, Peyton 20.98 15
Royal, Greg 20.91 17
Potter, Jacob 19.94 14
Penza, Cameron 19.76 17
Calcagno, Joe 19.72 14
Enrico, Jared 19.33 13
Rubenstein, Jacob 19.15 13
England, Hunter 19.04 16
Sainsbury, Briant 18.82 16
Lawver, Caleb 18.4 15
Racina, Nate 18.29 13
James, Clay 18.27 17
Rivera, Gabriel 17.58 13
Stubbs, Hayden 17.56 17
Watson, Brendan 17.5 15
Mimoun, Jacob 17.13 14
Halper, Jack 17.07 17
Williams, Paul 17.07 14
Morales, Steven 17.04 15
Bentley, Brendan 16.62 14
Sasser, Bryant 16.5 14
Wilcox, Richard 16.47 11
Paez, Kobe 16.41 14
Baldeck, Matt 16.09 14
McAbee, Sean 15.78 15
Munsey, Jack 15.29 13
Schneider, Alex 15.29 13
McCullough, Roen 15.25 13
Bauman, Josh 15 12
DeLucia, Ryan 15 12
Durham, Nate 14.98 10
Riddle, Campbell 14.73 14
Yelich, Jake 14.45 12
Badgley, Ryne 14.14 14
Miller, Grant 14.13 13
Willis, Bleu 13.95 12
Stevens, Scott 13.75 11
Ryan, Eric 13.54 13
Castro, Dylan 13.39 9
Costa, Chris 13.09 11
Estrada, Aaron 13 14.77
Walsh, Ryan 12.94 11
Gaines, Ron 12.88 11
Toothman, Andrew 12.64 12
Anderson, Koltin 12.5 11
Hantz, Gabe 12.39 10
Stephenson, Quinn 11.76 10
Pladson, Wyatt 11.62 10
Hess, Jake 11.25 9
Anthony, Enzo 11 11
Newton, Roderic 10.98 10
Biby, Blake 10.86 10
Jenkins, Eli 10.86 10
Lanser, Seth 10.75 10
Nichols, Ty 10.71 9
Scott, Colin 10.46 9
Rios, Gabe 10.41 13
De Rosier, Charles 10.31 10
Taylor, Billy 9.75 8
Richardson, Bodie 9.57 9
Rickard, Matt 9.57 9
Murphy, John 9.3 8
Cotton, Joseph 9.24 7
Wissinger, Nicholas 8.98 8
Black, Dylan 8.64 8
Ramos, Joseph 8.53 7
Sablan, Trevor 8.4 7
Cesear, Jake 8.33 7
Vaughn, Jacob 8.23 7
Scott, Roli 8.08 8
Assel, Brock 7.84 8
Robinson, Parker 7.05 6
Petrucci, Kyle 6.97 6
Arroyo, Ross 6.82 7
Jacobson, Jarrod 6.77 8
Suter, Rhys 6.47 6
Garcia, Matt 6.41 6
Bartholomew, Nick 5.68 5
East, Grant 5.43 5
George, Brad 5.1 5
Tamayo, Adrian 4.9 5
Caldwell, Noah 4.79 8
Tamayo, Robert 4.21 4
Wojciechoski, Mike 4.16 4
Rovetti, Nick 3.84 4
Somers, Sean 3.37 3
McCully, TJ 3.33 3
Lawless, Paul 3.19 3
Tokos, Matt 3.03 3
Caughman, Ty 3 3
Hawkins, Kameron 1.9 2
Day, Shaffer 0.99 3
Groff, Tanner 0.99 1


VEGAS XXVI – Snap Speeds

Here are the snap speeds from the VEGAS XXVI Event on May 9-10, 2015. These are the averages of a 15 yard snap timed by Rubio. The clock starts as soon as ANY part of the Long Snapper moves and stops as soon as the ball makes contact with the “punter”

VEGAS XXVI (our May Event) is the second largest Long Snapping camp in the world. The first was VEGAS XXV in January. To truly say you are the best, you have to compete against the best. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact


Alexander, Dylan 0.82
Aloma, John 0.71
Anderson, Koltin 0.84
Anthony, Enzo 1.14
Arroyo, Ross 1.05
Arroyo, Travis 0.75
Assel, Brock 1.00
Badgley, Ryne 0.95
Baldeck, Matt 0.78
Bartholomew, Nick 0.84
Bauman, Josh 0.82
Bentley, Brendan 0.87
Biby, Blake 0.81
Black, Dylan 0.88
Blaylock, Aaron 0.85
Block, Cody 0.78
Calcagno, Joe 0.78
Caldwell, Noah 0.85
Cantrell, Dan 0.83
Casillas, Mark 0.87
Castro, Dylan 0.86
Caughman, Ty 0.98
Cesear, Jake 0.69
Clore, Chris 0.85
Comaroto, Peter N/A
Costa, Chris 0.87
Cotton, Joseph 1.74
Crum, Grant 0.81
Culbertson, Ryan 0.78
Davidson, Callen 0.97
Davis, John 0.87
Davis, Kyle 0.76
Day, Shaffer 1.08
De Rosier, Charles 1.03
DeLucia, Ryan 0.78
Den Bleyker, Johnny 0.67
Diffee, Darren 0.72
DioGuardi, Brett 0.76
Drzik, Hunter 0.75
Durham, Nate 0.72
Dye, Dusty 0.75
East, Grant 0.96
Eatherly, Geron 0.70
England, Hunter 0.84
Enrico, Jared 0.78
Estrada, Aaron 0.90
Fletcher, Thomas 0.64
Foley, Matt 0.69
Freeman, Harrison 0.79
Fuqua, Jacob 0.73
Gaines, Ron 0.89
Garcia, Matt 0.98
George, Brad 0.98
Gibbs, Kyle 0.69
Gibson, Jake 0.83
Gifford, Blake 0.93
Grant, Zac 0.79
Groff, Tanner 1.02
Hall, Mitch 0.71
Halper, Jack 0.95
Hammontree, Noah 0.89
Haney, Jack 0.77
Hantz, Gabe 0.82
Hawkins, Kameron 1.73
Hayes, Kolin 0.78
Hernandez, Curtis 0.92
Hess, Jake 0.82
Hinders, Ross 0.78
Hoffman, Harrison 0.76
Jacobson, Jarrod 0.91
Jaffe, Grant 0.74
James, Clay 0.84
Jenkins, Eli 0.91
Johnson, Damon 0.65
Kemp, Peyton 0.72
Kirkegaard, Conner 0.74
Klotz, Stephen 0.86
Klusman, Logan 0.72
Korinek, Skyler 0.85
Kragero, Carter 0.74
Lanser, Seth 0.93
Lawless, Paul 0.83
Lawver, Caleb 0.88
Letter, Jon 0.75
Low, Nick 0.87
Luvai, Ian 0.79
Mast, Shiloh 0.81
McAbee, Sean 0.93
McCullough, Roen 0.83
McCully, TJ 1.20
Meyer, Scott 0.72
Michaelsen, Alex 0.84
Miller, Grant 0.89
Mimoun, Jacob 0.86
Montgomery, Jax 0.95
Morales, Steven 0.89
Munoz, Jacob 0.67
Munsey, Jack 0.76
Murphy, John 0.87
Newberg, Thomas 0.86
Newton, Roderic 1.00
Nichols, Ty 0.83
Noth, Devin 0.71
O’Conor, Kyle 0.79
Odegard, Emmett 0.78
Paez, Kobe 0.89
Pagel, Jake 0.71
Pedrozo, Jude 0.82
Penza, Cameron 0.86
Petrucci, Kyle 0.85
Piatt, Colton 0.76
Pladson, Wyatt 0.80
Potter, Jacob 0.79
Powell, Kyler 0.82
Propst, Jack 0.76
Quiggle, Jackson 0.77
Racina, Nate 0.83
Ramos, Joseph 0.80
Ratliff, Anthony 0.68
Reeves, Austin 0.78
Reiter, Donald 0.73
Reiter, Ross 0.70
Richardson, Bodie 0.92
Rickard, Matt 0.91
Riddle, Campbell 0.98
Rios, Gabe 0.93
Rivera, Gabriel 0.86
Robinson, Bradley 0.77
Robinson, Parker 0.90
Rodriguez- Trammel, Noah 0.88
Romanowski, Ben 0.82
Rouse, Brannon 0.75
Rovetti, Nick 1.05
Royal, Greg 0.88
Rubenstein, Jacob 0.89
Ryan, Eric 0.88
Sablan, Trevor 0.89
Sainsbury, Briant 0.80
Samarzich, Simon N/A
Sammut, Jacob 0.76
Sasser, Bryant 0.84
Schneider, Alex 0.75
Scott, Colin 0.91
Scott, Roli 1.17
Seacat, IV N/A
Shackelford, Riley 0.78
Shannon, John 0.69
Skinner, Quentin 0.73
Skrobot, Gabe 0.86
Smith, Steve 0.80
Smith, Tommy 0.80
Somers, Sean 0.98
Stephenson, Quinn 0.90
Stewart, Cole 0.76
Stubbs, Hayden 0.85
Suter, Rhys 0.91
Tabel, Ethan N/A
Tamayo, Adrian 1.23
Tamayo, Robert 1.29
Taylor, Billy 0.77
Thomas, Karson 0.75
Thomas, Phillip 0.78
Tokos, Matt 1.21
Toothman, Andrew 0.86
Vaughn, Jacob 0.87
Vey, Carson 0.72
Walsh, Koby 0.78
Walsh, Ryan 0.88
Walsh, Scott 1.05
Watkins, Bradley 0.70
Watson, Brendan 0.98
Weneta, Nathan 0.79
Wilcox, Richard 0.78
Williams, Patrick 0.75
Williams, Paul 0.88
Willis, Bleu 0.82
Wirtel, Steven 0.70
Wissinger, Nicholas 0.95
Wojciechoski, Mike 1.20
Workman, James 0.75
Wyatt, Ben N/A
Yelich, Jake 0.75



Fletcher, Thomas 0.64
Johnson, Damon 0.65
Den Bleyker, Johnny 0.67
Munoz, Jacob 0.67
Ratliff, Anthony 0.68
Cesear, Jake 0.69
Foley, Matt 0.69
Gibbs, Kyle 0.69
Shannon, John 0.69
Eatherly, Geron 0.7
Reiter, Ross 0.7
Watkins, Bradley 0.7
Wirtel, Steven 0.7
Aloma, John 0.71
Hall, Mitch 0.71
Noth, Devin 0.71
Pagel, Jake 0.71
Diffee, Darren 0.72
Durham, Nate 0.72
Kemp, Peyton 0.72
Klusman, Logan 0.72
Meyer, Scott 0.72
Vey, Carson 0.72
Fuqua, Jacob 0.73
Reiter, Donald 0.73
Skinner, Quentin 0.73
Jaffe, Grant 0.74
Kirkegaard, Conner 0.74
Kragero, Carter 0.74
Arroyo, Travis 0.75
Drzik, Hunter 0.75
Dye, Dusty 0.75
Letter, Jon 0.75
Rouse, Brannon 0.75
Schneider, Alex 0.75
Thomas, Karson 0.75
Williams, Patrick 0.75
Workman, James 0.75
Yelich, Jake 0.75
Davis, Kyle 0.76
DioGuardi, Brett 0.76
Hoffman, Harrison 0.76
Munsey, Jack 0.76
Piatt, Colton 0.76
Propst, Jack 0.76
Sammut, Jacob 0.76
Stewart, Cole 0.76
Haney, Jack 0.77
Quiggle, Jackson 0.77
Robinson, Bradley 0.77
Taylor, Billy 0.77
Baldeck, Matt 0.78
Block, Cody 0.78
Calcagno, Joe 0.78
Culbertson, Ryan 0.78
DeLucia, Ryan 0.78
Enrico, Jared 0.78
Hayes, Kolin 0.78
Hinders, Ross 0.78
Odegard, Emmett 0.78
Reeves, Austin 0.78
Shackelford, Riley 0.78
Thomas, Phillip 0.78
Walsh, Koby 0.78
Wilcox, Richard 0.78
Freeman, Harrison 0.79
Grant, Zac 0.79
Luvai, Ian 0.79
O’Conor, Kyle 0.79
Potter, Jacob 0.79
Weneta, Nathan 0.79
Pladson, Wyatt 0.8
Ramos, Joseph 0.8
Sainsbury, Briant 0.8
Smith, Steve 0.8
Smith, Tommy 0.8
Biby, Blake 0.81
Crum, Grant 0.81
Mast, Shiloh 0.81
Alexander, Dylan 0.82
Bauman, Josh 0.82
Hantz, Gabe 0.82
Hess, Jake 0.82
Pedrozo, Jude 0.82
Powell, Kyler 0.82
Romanowski, Ben 0.82
Willis, Bleu 0.82
Cantrell, Dan 0.83
Gibson, Jake 0.83
Lawless, Paul 0.83
McCullough, Roen 0.83
Nichols, Ty 0.83
Racina, Nate 0.83
Anderson, Koltin 0.84
Bartholomew, Nick 0.84
England, Hunter 0.84
James, Clay 0.84
Michaelsen, Alex 0.84
Sasser, Bryant 0.84
Blaylock, Aaron 0.85
Caldwell, Noah 0.85
Clore, Chris 0.85
Korinek, Skyler 0.85
Petrucci, Kyle 0.85
Stubbs, Hayden 0.85
Castro, Dylan 0.86
Klotz, Stephen 0.86
Mimoun, Jacob 0.86
Newberg, Thomas 0.86
Penza, Cameron 0.86
Rivera, Gabriel 0.86
Skrobot, Gabe 0.86
Toothman, Andrew 0.86
Bentley, Brendan 0.87
Casillas, Mark 0.87
Costa, Chris 0.87
Davis, John 0.87
Low, Nick 0.87
Murphy, John 0.87
Vaughn, Jacob 0.87
Black, Dylan 0.88
Lawver, Caleb 0.88
Rodriguez- Trammel, Noah 0.88
Royal, Greg 0.88
Ryan, Eric 0.88
Walsh, Ryan 0.88
Williams, Paul 0.88
Gaines, Ron 0.89
Hammontree, Noah 0.89
Miller, Grant 0.89
Morales, Steven 0.89
Paez, Kobe 0.89
Rubenstein, Jacob 0.89
Sablan, Trevor 0.89
Estrada, Aaron 0.9
Robinson, Parker 0.9
Stephenson, Quinn 0.9
Jacobson, Jarrod 0.91
Jenkins, Eli 0.91
Rickard, Matt 0.91
Scott, Colin 0.91
Suter, Rhys 0.91
Hernandez, Curtis 0.92
Richardson, Bodie 0.92
Gifford, Blake 0.93
Lanser, Seth 0.93
McAbee, Sean 0.93
Rios, Gabe 0.93
Badgley, Ryne 0.95
Halper, Jack 0.95
Montgomery, Jax 0.95
Wissinger, Nicholas 0.95
East, Grant 0.96
Davidson, Callen 0.97
Caughman, Ty 0.98
Garcia, Matt 0.98
George, Brad 0.98
Riddle, Campbell 0.98
Somers, Sean 0.98
Watson, Brendan 0.98
Assel, Brock 1
Newton, Roderic 1
Groff, Tanner 1.02
De Rosier, Charles 1.03
Arroyo, Ross 1.05
Rovetti, Nick 1.05
Walsh, Scott 1.05
Day, Shaffer 1.08
Anthony, Enzo 1.14
Scott, Roli 1.17
McCully, TJ 1.2
Wojciechoski, Mike 1.2
Tokos, Matt 1.21
Tamayo, Adrian 1.23
Tamayo, Robert 1.29
Hawkins, Kameron 1.73
Cotton, Joseph 1.74


Article & Rankings for the Class of 2018 Long Snappers from the NC & GA Camps

The rankings are completed for 2018 Long Snappers that participated in the Rubio Long Snapping Spring Camps in NC & GA!

Long Snappers in this class came out from FL, TN, SC, OH, VA & GA to get the best instruction and most exposure for young Long Snappers in the country.

Next update opportunity will be at the Rubio Long Snapping spring camp in IL on April 12th.


  • Jarrett Key was phenomenal in GA. He is a Long Snapper with a great attitude, form and the sky is the limit for him.
  • Parker Lefton was tremendous in GA. Ball was tight and he was snapping with excellent form.
  • Noah Turner was the top 2018 Long Snapper out of the NC Camp. He has great form and is snapping the ball with excellent confidence.
  • Keaton Prevette has improved a ton and doesn’t seem to be slowing down.
  • Owen Phillips came out and really impressed me with his speed.
  • Griffin Hicks was solid all day long in NC.
  • Clay James looked very good in GA. He has great form, is very coachable and headed in the right direction.

Notables: Max Durschlag, AJ Covan, Zach Hawkins, Spencer Mills, Bryson Enoch, Phillip Hatcher


  • My rankings are NOT done just from The Rubio Target
  • My rankings are NOT done from some mathematical formula.
  • My rankings ARE done by me and only me. That is why they take a good amount of time. (Think of it this way, it takes MONTHS to build a Rolls Royce but only hours to build an average car)
  • My rankings are based off of this blog I wrote about what makes a Long Snapper great.
  • If you would like anything added to your profile page, simply email me ( the information and consider it done.
  • All Long Snappers are ranked after their first fall camp of their freshman year in high school.

A Long Snapper has the ability to adjust their ranking anytime I see them LIVE, not on video.

For the profiles section, simply go to click PLAYER PROFILES, click which class, click LONG SNAPPERS and find your name.


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years,  Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.



What Coaches Will Ask a Recruit

Everyone always wants to know the key questions a coach will ask their son/daughter when they are getting recruited and the truth is, it’s the basics…

  • “So, what’s up?”
  • “How is school?”
  • “How is the weather?”
  • “How are your grades?”
  • “Would you be interested in coming to _____________ to get your degree and play some football?”

Right now, you are thinking “this is a joke, Rubio.” No, it is not. The coach is not looking to solve the world’s problems by speaking to your kid. He is simply trying to see if your kid is a moron or not.


They just want to hear the athlete speak, make sure he/she is not an idiot and someone that can operate on their own without mommy/daddy speaking for them.

So, you want to prep your kid? Just speak to them.


2015 Spring Rubio banner


Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years,  Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


5 Things a Parents Should Be During the Recruiting Process….

Your child will need you more than ever during this period. This will be extra challenging as they are a teen and know it all. Therefore, you must remain supportive and on their team. Guide them in the right direction but let them walk the path.

There will be tons of pamphlets, camps, emails, directions and communication. A teen usually has too much on their plate to manage it all. This is where an adult’s organization skills can hopefully relieve some pressure off the athlete.

Practice with your child the conversations he/she will have with the coaches and recruiting coordinators. It looks terrible when a coach asks an athlete a question and the athlete looks to mommy or daddy for the answer. Even worse is if mommy or daddy simply answers for the athlete.

Not every athlete is going to attend the top D1 schools in the country. If your son wants to play, there are literally hundreds of schools out there with teams. Find several that aren’t necessarily on your radar and embrace them. There is something out there for everyone.

The coach doesn’t want to talk to you. Trust me, I speak to them all the time. They are recruiting the athlete, NOT you. Like I have said a hundred times, when you (the parent) were dating your spouse, did you want to date them or their parents? Exactly. Stay in the background and let your son/daughter be a big boy/girl. This goes for interviews with sports writers, as well. Let the athlete speak for themselves.

Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Rubio has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today, Deadspin and countless other publications.

Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world, Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 14 years, Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 1,000 Long Snappers earning full scholarships and preferred walk-on opportunities to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


Top Two JUNIORS Already Offered!

Shannon, John

John Shannon

Yup, you read that right. The #1 and #2 Rubio Long Snappers for the class of 2016 (still only juniors), John Shannon (Army & West Virginia) and Johnny Den Bleyker (UCLA), respectively, have been offered full scholarships!

Den Bleyker, Johnny

Johnny Den Bleyker

This trend of offering juniors started in 2005 when Rubio Long Snapper Christian Yount (Cleveland Browns) was offered by Boston College his junior year at the Spring Vegas Event. Now, year after year, a top junior Rubio Long Snapper has been offered a full scholarship.

So happy for these guys and for all of the Long Snappers that have been picked up or will be picked up. The Rubio Long Snapping family and it’s dominance just keeps on growing and growing and growing.

It’s real simple, if you are a Long Snapper looking to get to the next level with the best instruction and most exposure, the only answer is Rubio Long Snapping.



3 Things That Will Upset a Coach

Starting a text with “I have a question

  • JUST ASK! Now, you have wasted the coach’s time and have put him in a bad mood right off the bat. Just come out with your question right off the bat. All he is going to say is “Ok” and then you are going to ask the question. He will be busy enough, so he doesn’t need to double up questions.

Starting a text or email with “I know you are really busy but….

  • If you know the person is busy, why are you bothering them? You will just end up upsetting them. You don’t want to be known as that kid.

Bragging to them about meaningless things

  • There is no need to tell them you are the top Long Snapper at your high school. We should hope so for the love of all that is holy. Definitely no need to brag about being the top Long Snapper at a camp that had ten kids at it. That would be like Sailer bragging he has more hair than me…not really saying much:)




Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years,  Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


Sad, But True

There once was a Long Snapper that went to visit his favorite college in the fall. He took his father. His father spoke too much. Rubio told the father to stop talking to the coaches as they would want to talk to the son and not the father. Rubio told the the father it was like when he was dating his wife. Did he want to hang out and speak with her or her parents? He said he got it.

The Long Snapper got a tour of the weight room and the locker room from the coaches. The father kept talking.

The Long Snapper was asked questions by the coaches, the father answered.

The coaches offered the Long Snapper a preferred walk-on spot. The kid was ecstatic. The father reached out, shook the coaches hand and said we will take it. The kid didn’t speak.

The father called Rubio after this and said “they” had committed to their dream school as a preferred walk-on! Rubio congratulated them and hung up.

Two minutes later, Rubio’s phone rang, he answered it. It was the head coach of the college that had just offered the Long Snapper a preferred walk-on spot. The coach asked Rubio what he knew about the dad he had just encountered. Rubio told him all he knew. The coach replied with “love the kid and his ability to snap but we are going to pull the offer because we can’t stand the dad and don’t want to have to deal with him for four years.”

The offer was pulled. The Long Snapper did not go to a four year university.


p.s. Yes, this is a true story.



Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years,  Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


What a Preferred Walk-On Needs to Ask

You got a preferred walk-on spot to a major university? That is great news BUT know what you are getting into….

  • They (coaches/school) will most likely try to bring in more than one preferred walk-on. They will do this for competition. ASK IF THEY ARE BRINGING SOMEONE ELSE IN
  • They will want you to get on campus soon. ASK WHAT IS THE EARLIEST YOU CAN BECOME A MEMBER OF THE TEAM. You will want to get there asap to get a jump on the rest of the athletes that will be competing with you for the scholarship.
  • They will tell you that you can earn the scholarship. ASK EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED TO DO IN ORDER TO EARN THE SCHOLARSHIP (use the word EXACTLY so you can hold them to it)
  • They will tell you that you can be put on scholarship immediately if you start. ASK EXACTLY WHEN YOU WILL BE PUT ON SCHOLARSHIP. Will it be after the first game you start, the next quarter/semester, or the next year? (Yes, use the word EXACTLY again so you can hold them to it).






5 Key Points for the Class of 2015 Long Snappers

  • You still have a long way to go with recruiting. Breathe, relax, take a chill pill. Read THIS ten more times. Laminate it. Memorize it. Breathe. Every single year, I will have a couple Long Snappers get picked up in August of their senior year. Yes, the August that is about 8 months from now. TONS will happen between the time you read this and August. Like I always tell everyone, this is probably your first time going through the recruitment of a Long Snapper…just think of how many times I have done it.
  • You should be attending every single Rubio Long Snapping camp this spring that is near you (yes, VEGAS XXVI as well)….just like normal. Those that take their foot off the gas because “they are committed” end up really struggling as they enter college. Trust me, I have seen it hundreds of times. Nothing will piss off a coach more than recruiting a kid and he isn’t VERY ready when he steps on campus.
  • In the summer, you should attend the Rubio Long Snapping College Camp for College Long Snappers to see how really compare to Long Snappers that are already in college. Welcome to the real world my friends.
  • Be someone to be followed and lead by example. Don’t be the guy that future Long Snappers ask “What ever happened to ________ and why didn’t he ever pan out?”
  • Be SMART and end your high school career strong. Be nice to everyone on the way out and be ready to move on.

PS….DO NOT EVEN THINK YOU SHOULD BE CONSIDERED FOR MY STAFF UNTIL YOU HAVE PROVEN YOURSELF IN COLLEGE. Until you arrive on your college campus, you should be busting your butt so you can dominate at the next level. Doing well in high school is one thing, doing well in college and in the NFL is a whole new ball game.




Chris-Rubio-2Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the biggest and best resource for Long Snappers in the country. Offering the best instruction and most exposure in the world. Rubio Long Snapping can help you to become the best snapper you can be!

In just 12 years,  Chris Rubio, President and Owner of Rubio Long Snapping, has become the #1 Long Snapping instructor in the country and the go-to man when a college coach needs a Long Snapper. Colleges from across the country rely on “Rubio’s” word day in and day out on who the best Long Snappers are in the country. Rubio Long Snapping has assisted in over 300 Long Snappers earning FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to major colleges and universities just for Long Snapping and many into the NFL as well.


ASK RUBIO – Redshirting in High School? Best Looking on 90210? Potential NFL Long Snappers? Liking Sailer?

Dear Rubio…

1) What are your thoughts about holding back/red shirting a high school student athlete for the sole purposes of giving them an edge athletically against their peers? 2) Also I need your 90210 expertise to settle an argument, Valerie right? (Tiffani Amber Thiessen)

It would depend on when you hold the athlete back. If it is done sooner in life, I feel that is better. When you get into the high school years, it could really mess with their demeanor as they will be losing a lot of friends at that point. Bottom line, if you are going to do it, do it EARLY.

As for the 90210 question (great one by the way), I have to go with Valerie (Tiffany Amber Theissen). How could I not after her dominant performance as Kelly Kapowski on the hit TV show Saved by the Bell!??!?!? The lady was one of my first crushes (as I have a feeling I speak for millions of other men my age as well that grew up in the 80’s and 90’s)



Dear Rubio….

You have explained to us how you are able to recognized college long snappers out of high schoolers, but what do you see in college snappers to be potential NFL Long snappers? Also, how can a snapper adjust to be a more appealing prospect?
-BGSU Long Snapper

Christian Yount

–BGSU Long Snapper….
There are a couple differences between a college Long Snapper and an NFL Long Snapper: Size (NFL Long Snappers usually are right around the 240+ range), Accuracy (an NFL Long Snapper might not always be the fastest Long Snapper you have ever seen but they should RARELY, and I mean RARELY miss….think two out of 100) and Blocking. The last point, blocking, is a massive aspect that kills a lot of guys chances at the next level because they either never did it in college (thank you spread formation) and can’t get used to it quickly by the pro day. The speed jump from high school to college is quadrupled from college to the NFL. Not being able to keep up with that jump is what kills hopes and dreams of a college Long Snapper trying to make the NFL.

At the Rubio Long Snapping College as well as the NFL Free Agent Camp, we will work on blocking a ton to make sure each Long Snapper is a more appealing prospect.



Dear Rubio….

Sailer and Rubio at UCLADid you like Sailer when you guys played together at UCLA?

Yes, I actually did BECAUSE he never acted like a “kicker” 🙂 He would get back, do his little step thingy and kick the ball. IF he missed, he would never blame me (not that he could, I was throwing pearls back there) and just go to the next kick. He had very much a lineman attitude and, ironically, used to always hang out with me and the lineman.




Remember, if you would like to ASK RUBIO a question on any topic (honestly, it shouldn’t be on Long Snapping since you can find almost all questions answered on my blog and on, just go ahead and send your question(s) to with the subject line: ASK RUBIO.
Ask Rubio


Rubio Long Snappers in The National Championship Game!

Haynes, BryceIt seems that every single year, there is a Rubio Long Snapper in The National Championship game and this year BOTH teams will have one!

To make it even more interesting, both will have a former #1 Rubio Long Snapper.

Bryce Haynes, The Ohio State Long Snapper, was my #1 for the class of 2011. He has been extremely dominant throughout his career at Ohio St. with his academics and athletics.

Carew, TannerTanner Carew, The Oregon Ducks Long Snapper, was my #1 for the class of 2014. He has started as a true freshman and already recorded several tackles. He was also an Army All-American last year.

Also on the Oregon Ducks, you will find Rubio Long Snappers Devin Melendez and Connor Johnson.

You know me, I am pulling for a tie game with a lot of punt snaps but I am betting that won’t be the case. I guess I will have to settle for several pat and field goal snaps.

Congratulations to these fine young men and their respective teams. May the best team win!


2015 Spring and Summer Camps

Here we go, you have seen what others say about Rubio Long Snapping and now is the time to get involved. Here is a list, and explanations, of the Rubio Long Snapping spring and summer schedule for 2015


Spring and summer Long Snapping Camps are open to ALL levels Long Snappers. You do NOT have to be invited to attended any spring or summer Rubio Long Snapping Instructional Camps. These Long Snapping Camps are open to Long Snappers from 8th grade (younger with permission from Rubio) through college. The winners of each camp receive a FREE admission to the May Vegas Event put on by Rubio Long Snapping (travel and accommodations excluded). Please note: these camps will sell out quickly!

These camps are one day camps that offer instruction, film and classroom session, Long Snapping Discussion, NCSA recruiting meeting, Nutritional Discussion and Competition. Attending these camps gives you top notch instruction and the chance to be added to the Rubio Long Snapping Player Ranking Section of the website.

Why attend? To get the best instruction and the most exposure possible in the world as a Long Snapper, to be ranked with Rubio Long Snapping, to receive a Rubio Long Snapping shirt, To be filmed for YouTube (Long Snappers),To have the chance to win FREE admission to the Chris Sailer Kicking and Rubio Long Snapping National Spring Event in May in Las Vegas (travel and accommodations not included)

  • March 1, CA – SOLD OUT! (please email for the the wait list as spots tend to open up)
  • March 15, TX – SOLD OUT! (please email for the the wait list as spots tend to open up)
  • March 28, NC – SOLD OUT! (please email for the the wait list as spots tend to open up)
  • March 29, GA – SOLD OUT! (please email for the the wait list as spots tend to open up)
  • April 12, IL – SOLD OUT! (please email for the the wait list as spots tend to open up)
  • July 11, IL
  • July 23, TX
  • July 25, NC
  • July 26, GA
  • July 29, CA

You can register for any Rubio Long Snapping spring and summer camp HERE


As you know, the Vegas Events are the biggest and best Long Snapping camps in the world. They are truly a national event to see how you compete against the best in the nation, and world. The May Event, or VEGAS XXVI, is the second largest Long Snapping camp we run (VEGAS XXV in January is the biggest). The main difference is the weather and there are less seniors since many have already stepped onto their college campuses for their next stage of their life.

The Vegas Events are NOT an invite only camp. They are first come, first served. Long Snappers ranging from 8th grade – JC are allowed to attend.

This is the SUPER BOWL for Long Snappers. No other kicking event comes close to the exposure offered by the National Snapping Events. Rubio Long Snapping is, by far, the most credible recruiting source for Long Snappers in the country. The “TOP 12” and “EVENT ELITE” is the list to be on if you are seeking national exposure. From the Vegas Events, the Rubio Long Snapping Staff will select the “TOP 12” Seniors/JC & the “TOP 12” Underclassman (January) and “Event Elite” (May). Over 90% of the “TOP 12” have received full ride D1A scholarships in the past. Over 99% members of the “TOP 12” have gone on to play college football. In addition the “TOP 12” Underclassman will be invited to attend an exclusive summer camp to train and compete amongst that elite group.  The Competition Finals Round Winners (FG, Punt, and LS) will receive FREE Rubio Long Snapping Camps for 1 FULL YEAR. (Excludes transportation and Hotel). The Vegas Events offer the best exposure possible for Long Snappers. Rubio Long Snapping have personal relationships with over 100 D1A Universities and many more at other levels. This is your chance to get recognized on a national scale. Rubio Long Snapping work very closely with,,, etc. and have also been featured in Sports Illustrated, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, Deadspin, etc.

  • VEGAS XXVI Prep Camp, May 3, CA
  • VEGAS XXVI, Small Group Sessions, May 8 – SOLD OUT! (please email for the the wait list as spots tend to open up)
  • VEGAS XXVI, May 9-10

You can register for any Rubio Long Snapping VEGAS EVENT HERE


For the second year in a row, Rubio Long Snapping and Chris Sailer Kicking will be teaming up with FBU to run their specialists portions of their camps. FBU is the world’s largest football training service and has hired us to handle their Long Snapping section. It is an honor and we are proud to do it again. It is a top notch organization that benefits countless athletes across the country.

This year, Rubio Long Snapping will be running more camps in order to hit more areas around the country. To be able to do this, I will only be at certain locations. The locations in italics are camps that I will personally be at this spring and summer. Those not in italics, will have two senior Rubio Long Snapping instructors in attendance (staff members that have been with me for well over 30 camps). They will follow the same format as myself and report directly to FBU and yours truly.

We will be choosing the two Long Snappers that will participate in the US ARMY ALL-AMERICAN BOWL at the FBU TOP GUN CAMP in Ohio on July 16-18. Chris Sailer Kicking will also be selecting the East Bay Youth All-American for the Class of 2019 (Freshman All-American Bowl) and 2020 (8th Grade All-American Bowl) at the FBU TOP GUN CAMP in Ohio on July 16-18. You MUST be invited to the TOP GUN camp by performing well at one of the regional camps prior to the TOP GUN Camp. Bottom line, you will have to do well at one of the camps, that the Chris Sailer Kicking staff  is in attendance at, to pick up an invite from myself and/or one of my senior instructors.

You will need a code to register for an FBU camp, and since you are a Rubio Long Snapper, you will have it right now: CR15. Use this code to register now for an FBU camp as they will sell out.

  • April 24-25, Central Florida
  • May 1-2, North Carolina
  • May 1-2, Dallas
  • May 15-16, New Jersey
  • May 22-23, Atlanta
  • May 29-30, South Florida
  • June 5-6, Chicago
  • June 5-6, San Francisco
  • June 19-20, Los Angeles
  • June 19-20, Houston
  • July 10-11, Ohio
  • July 16-18, Dublin, Ohio, TOP GUN CAMP (this is the camp where the US ARMY BOWL ALL-AMERICANS, FRESHMAN ALL-AMERICANS & 8TH GRADE ALL-AMERICANS will be selected)


  • June 29-30, CA

This camp will be ONLY for 4 year university college Long Snappers AND Long Snappers entering into a 4 year university. 1st year JC and freshman, sophomores and juniors in high school can NOT attend this camp.

This will be a very high level camp that will be run similarly to the TOP 12 and EVENT ELITE camp. Cost of the camp will include hotel, transportation to the fields and the instruction. This camp is built for Long Snappers looking to dominate the college camp and get ready for the NFL.

You can register for the Rubio Long Snapping College Camp HERE


  • March 3, CA

You (the specialists) asked for it, you got it. They (NFL coaches) asked for it, they got it. As you know, Chris Sailer and myself have always run the biggest and best exposure camps for high school Long Snappers and kickers. Now it is time for us to move completely into the NFL realm to give the needed exposure to our college athletes.

Chris Sailer and myself have been asked COUNTLESS times to run a free agent camp since it is something that has been lacking for quite some time in the world of specialists. It is now time. This one day camp will be a showcase for NFL coaches. There will be little coaching (you shouldn’t need a ton if you are at this camp) as this camp will all be about exposure. NFL coaches and personnel will be on hand to personally see the Long Snappers in action.

In order to attend this camp, you must be out of college and be eligible for the NFL draft.

You can register for the NFL Free Agent camp HERE (spots will be limited)

Rubio, Saban and SailerCOLLEGE CAMPS

Rubio Long Snapping will be in charge of several university led college camps across the country. These are camps that the universities put on and have us run. You will register through THEIR site. Here is the list, so far, as more will be added once the dates are finalized…

  • Alabama, June 6
  • Texas A&M, June 8
  • Oregon, June 13
  • UCLA, June 18
  • LSU, July 19
  • USC, TBD


This camp is open ONLY to those invited personally by Chris Rubio. You are chosen to attend this camp by performing extremely well at either the January or May National Snapping Events in Las Vegas. Do NOT sign up for this camp unless you have been formally invited by  Rubio. Former “TOP 12” and “EVENT ELITE” members includes countless college and NFL players, All-Americans, NFL Pro Bowlers and Super Bowl participants.

Top 12 and Event Elite - 2014Some Long Snapping “TOP 12” Alumni: Christian Yount (Cleveland Browns), Justin Drescher (New Orleans Saints), Aaron Brewer (Denver Broncos), Jon Weeks (Houston Texans) to name a few.

The “TOP 12” is chosen after the January Event (VEGAS XXV) and the “EVENT ELITE” is chosen after the spring Event (VEGAS XXVI). There are obviously 12 chosen for the “TOP 12” and there is no set number for the “EVENT ELITE”. Those that deserve it and are top of their class in May, get chosen…it could be one, it could be 20.

The success rate of those we have been selected in the past that go on to play college football (most on scholarship) is over 95%.

Invites go out after each Vegas Event.

  • June 15-17, CA

Underclassmen Invite Event - 2014UNDERCLASSMEN INVITE EVENT

You will almost think of this Event as a baby TOP 12 & EVENT ELITE Camp. This two day event is a camp that Rubio Long Snapping will be completely gearing towards the athletes and their parents/guardians. This camp is meant to not only get the athletes headed in the right direction in the beginning of their high school careers, but also the parents as well. It will provide information regarding nutrition, social media, recruiting, film, education and, of course, on field instruction. This event is just as much for the parents/guardians as it is the athletes!

College recruiting for Long Snappers is finally getting where it needs to be. Scholarships are being offered earlier and earlier each year. Early exposure is necessary these days. The Rubio Long Snapping Underclassmen “Invite Only” Event is the perfect opportunity to make a name for yourself and solidify your national ranking at the perfect time. The middle of the summer is now the time college coaches build their underclassmen lists. You want to be on that list. This camp will get you there. It is also your first opportunity to prove that you are a “TOP 12” candidate in your class. The camp is set for early July for a reason, college coaches asked us to do this. They want the inside track early. Don’t be surprised to see more and more underclassmen offered during the season in the near future.

There will be formal meetings/classroom sessions on individual topics such as: Training (what level is right for the underclassmen athlete, how often, proper techniques), Nutrition and Lifting (Good habits, bad habits), Social Media (Setting up and using the proper social media outlets – this has become a must), Filming (proper angles, techniques, times, set up), Education (the importance of it, standards, year by year plan)

Invites go out in May.

  • June 19-20, CA



Rubio Long Snapper Owen Gilbert Picks Up Offer

Gilbert, OwenRubio Long Snapper Owen Gilbert (IN, ’15) has picked up a preferred walk-on offer from Indiana St!

He texted me that “…thank you for all the help you’ve given me over the past two years. I’ve been training hard and I’m looking forward to Vegas!” ARE YOU?

Owen did a great job at the Rubio Long Snapping fall camp in IL. Really like his power and how strong he is when he is snapping the ball. Needs to make sure he leans back, a lot, and definitely gets his hands releasing at the same point to get some solid accuracy on each and every snap. Right on the cusp of greatness. Can hit in the .6s when he is snapping the ball to the punter. Consistency will be huge for him at VEGAS XXV.

Congratulations to Owen and his family!



How to be Chosen for the US Army All-American Bowl

CSK_RLS_Army_logo copy 2 (Small)As you know, Rubio Long Snapping chooses the Long Snappers for the US Army All-American Bowl. This bowl, which is the largest high school all-star game in the world, takes place in early January at the Alamodome in San Antonio, TX on NBC and highlights the top high school athletes in the country.

Last year, Rubio Long Snappers Wyatt Pfeifer (Western Michigan) and Tanner Carew (Oregon) played in this game. This year, Rubio Long Snappers Blake Ferguson (LSU commit) and Liam McCullough (Ohio St. commit) are playing in the game on NBC.

So, here is how you get chosen for this prestigious event…

  1. Register for an FBU (use the code CR15) that Rubio Long Snapping will be running in the spring and summer. PLEASE NOTE: Rubio Long Snapping will only be at certain locations and those locations will be announced by the end of the month. Once the dates are posted, you can obtain an invite code to the camp by contacting Rubio Long Snapping or FBU directly.
  2. Do well at the FBU camp you participated in and then you get invited to the TOP GUN camp run by FBU in June.
  3. Dominate the TOP GUN camp in June.
  4. The two top Long Snappers over the two day camp will be chosen as Army Bowl All-Americans!




Rubio Long Snapper Andrew MacLean (Canada) Picks Up Offer

MacLean, Andrew copyLong time Rubio Long Snapper Andrew MacLean (Canada) has been offered full tuition by the University of Regina! This is considered an equivalent to a full ride in Canada!

Andrew has been to Lewiston, ID several times for lessons, IL for camps and the Vegas Events frequently over the past couple of years.

Congratulations to Andrew and his family!


Rubio Long Snapper Bobby Daggett Commits to Southern Miss!

Daggett, BobbyLong time Rubio Long Snapper Bobby Daggett (MS, JC) has committed to Southern Miss as a preferred walk-on!

Daggett did extremely well at the Rubio Long Snapping summer camp in GA. He is a thick, strong Long Snapper that can snap at D1 speeds right now. Love to see him push the ball a bit farther out in front of him to gain a bit more, yes, even more, speed. Moving out a bit will also eliminate the slight pick up he has when he is snapping. I believe that will smooth out the whole snapping motion and make him much more accurate with his punt snaps. Love his attitude. I would be shocked if he is not a 5 Star Rubio Long Snapper by VEGAS XXV

I am very proud of Daggett. He is a great Long Snapper and person that is always improving.

Congratulations to Daggett and his family!


Rubio Long Snapper Nixon Commits on Scholarship!

nixon, StevenRubio Long Snapper Steven Nixon (GA, ’15) has committed to Mercer on scholarship!

Nixon has been with Rubio Long Snapping since 2012 and has never stopped improving. He is a workhorse that is built thick and strong. Great attitude on this wonderful Long Snapper.

Loved getting the text from Nixon, “Thanks for everything Rubio. I wouldn’t be the snapper i am today without you. You have taught me everything from grip to stance to shakin hands and talking to a coach. All in all, the Rubio family has successfully captured the hearts of another family. Thanks for everything. Cant wait to talk you up to every other snapper i meet “

Congratulations to Nixon and his family!


Rubio Long Snappers in Bowl Games

Here you go! Get your DVR ready as here is the full list of games with a Long Snapper that has gone through Rubio Long Snapping. Enjoy….

LA Lafayette – Jake Guidry, Stephen Morella

Utah St. – Salano Galeai, Garrett Frum, Mark Hutchison
UTEP – Nick Dooley

Utah – Chase Dominguez
Colorado State – Nathan Lucas

Western Michigan – Wyatt Pfeifer, Martin Diaz
Air Force – Harrison Elliott, Tom Sullivan, JC Everett

South Alabama – Austin Cole
Bowling Green – Greg Hohenstein

Memphis – Trevor Morgan

Marshall – Matt Cincotta

Navy – Joe Cardona, Josh Antol, Nate Hawkins
San Diego State – Jeff Overbaugh, Hunter Christensen

Central Michigan – Mike Zenk
Western Kentucky – Nolan Dowling

Rice – Ty Carter

LA Tech – Tucker Etheridge

Rutgers – Alan Lucy
North Carolina – Connor Fry, Kyle Murphy

NC STATE – Scotty Thompson, RC Brunstetter
UCF – Scott Teal

Virginia Tech – Colton Taylor

Arizona St – Easton Wahlstrom, Mitchel Fraboni
Duke – Colin Duffy, Bronson Bruneau

South Carolina – Drew Williams, Ryland Culbertson

Boston College – Leonard Skubal
Penn State – Sean Corcoran

Nebraska – Gabriel Miller
USC – Zach Smith, Peter McBride

Texas A&M – Jordan Frese, Alex Feeman
West Virginia – John DePalma

Clemson – David Estes

Arkansas – Alan D’Appollonio
Texas – Kyle Ashby

Notre Dame – Scott Daly
LSU – Reid Ferguson

BELK BOWL (12/30)
Georgia – Trent Frix
Louisville – Grant Donovan

Maryland – Nate Adams
Stanford – Austin Tubbs, CJ Keller, Reed Miller

Ole Miss – Will Denny
TCU – Matt Boggs

Boise St – Kevin Keane, Matt Cota
Arizona – Chase Gorham

Mississippi St – Winston Chapman
Georgia Tech – Casey Wilson

Auburn – Forrest Hill, Zach Wade, Ike Powell

Michigan St – Taybor Pepper
Baylor – BJ Jordan

Missouri – Nick Monaghan

Oregon – Tanner Carew, Devin Melendez, Connor Johnson
FSU – Danny Adams

Alabama – Cole Mazza, MK Taylor
Ohio St – Bryce Haynes

Houston – Nolan Frese
Pittsburgh – David Murphy

Tennessee – Matt Giampapa

Kansas State – Dalton Converse, Clayton Jackson
UCLA – Chris Longo

Washington – Ryan Masel, Luke Hutchison
Oklahoma State – Josh Elias, Kaleb Smith

East Carolina – Colton Oliver, Charlie Coggins
Florida – Drew Ferris

Arkansas State – Ryan Eustace, Mitch Hardy